Recession Blues Ch. 04: Blue Balls


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"No," she said sourly, "And the nap did not do any good either... I felt like I was asleep on my feet during that last dance." Tom readjusted the rear view mirror. "I know," she shrugged, "I hit it with my bag rushing to get out of the car." Luckily he knew she had done that before, so she dodged a real oops in the club's parking lot that night. She watched him as her husband got her car started and pulled out onto the street. She smiled, reaching out to run a manicured nail from his ear down his neck. "You don't have to go to work tomorrow, do you?" she asked in a pout. He smiled.

"Nope, I'm off all day, so we can," he waggled his eyebrows, "Get reacquainted." Ann giggled and nodded. She looked out the windshield, as Tom deftly turned onto the on ramp.

"Good, I need some real sex," she smiled, relieved her husband was not suspicious. She felt guilty about what she had done... and about lying to him, but she was also sure that she would let either of the men have her the next time either wanted. She shivered at the certainty of that knowledge, and wondered how long she could hide her double life.

"Babe?" Ann, groaned, batting at the hand shaking her shoulder. "C'mon, babe... We're home." Ann blinked awake. She froze for a moment, terrified she had said 'Jacen' or 'Billy' or maybe just 'black cock' with her husband shaking her. Because she had been dreaming about being deliciously screwed by one. She concentrated, trying to remember the dream—which of the men had it been? She was not sure. She nodded at Tom's continued insistence, leaning to her right and letting her husband guide her out of the car, and then into the house. She let her purse and bag fall onto the table as Tom guided her through their kitchen, the living room, and down the hall to their bedroom. She sighed when he guided her onto the cool white cotton sheets

"No touching," she scolded when Tom began to strip off her panties. He snorted, amused at her response, and pleased that if the guys at the club got out of line she must stop them. He went to retrieve one of the over sized T shirts Ann often used as pajamas, pausing as he came back, to drink in her beauty. Ann was amazing. He smiled proudly, not surprised that his wife had made good money even when she was too tired to be dancing her best. He ignored the pressing need of his erection, gently getting his sleeping wife into the shirt and under the covers. She snored quietly, and Tom reluctantly accepted that sex would have to wait until morning.

Or at least sex with his wife. He arranged the pillows on his side of the bed, then fired up his laptop, intent on finding an image or four he could use in taking care of himself.


Tom slept in, and was initially relieved when he did wake to find Ann was still sleeping, as it left him time to police up the used tissues he had left on the nightstand after masturbating. He considered waking his wife then and there, but decided instead to go start breakfast... lunch, really—it was after 1PM—knowing that when he started the coffee she would wake up.

Ann's husband was grumpy by the time that he had finished his English muffin, ham, and egg sandwich. The coffee had failed to bring his wife. He appreciated she had helped a friend, and he knew she had been exhausted at the end of her shift, but 2PM? He could not remember the last time she had slept in so late.

He flopped into his desk chair, considered spanking it again, but held off... His beautiful wife was home with him. He held off... well, mostly. He surfed the usual sites, FreeOnes, Luciano's, and some Tumblr pages he had bookmarked. Finally he heard the shower start. He considered joining Ann; shortly after their marriage they had frequently done so, and she had always seemed especially excited at having sex under the pounding spray, although he had found himself distracted by the concern of slipping, and the confines of their small stall made it awkward, too. More often they had enjoyed after shower sex. Ann seemed more interested in sex during the day, he had long before noticed. And that was fine with him, since it made seeing her easier. He had not been a virgin when they met, to be sure, but no woman had come close to his wife's beauty or sexuality. Smiling at how lucky he was, he adjusted his semi-erect cock, selecting another page of nude photos while he listened for the shower to shut off.

Ann had used the noise of the shower as a distraction at first, carefully checking her body. She was relieved that there were no hickies. Sure, there were some bruises, but she had gotten worse from banging against the pole. Relieved that there was no 'tell' that would betray her, Ann climbed into the shower, thoroughly washing, trying to convince herself she could maintain her new lives. Because trying to pretend she was not going to let Jacen or Billy fuck her again had made her so hot, even as she was screening her body after what they had done in the days before that there was no pretending otherwise. She was so hot, that the initial use of the handheld shower to wash any remaining fluids out of her sex had led to the lithe young housewife masturbating with the massage setting.

The need taken care of, Ann shut the water off, stepped out, and dried off. She left the robe she once would have automatically donned hanging on the back of the door and stepped into the bedroom, meaning to get dressed. Tom was sitting on her side of the bed, eyeing the door... and her, expectantly.

"Good morning, baby," Ann giggled, "Thanks for letting me sleep in."

"My pleasure," Tom paused, his eyes roaming his wife's gorgeous body, "Or should I say, now it can be my pleasure..."

"You're awful," Ann rolled her eyes, but she approached her husband and the bed, relieved that he was not asking any questions, pleased that he was clearly horny because of her, and excited at the knowledge they would soon be having sex.

The first kiss, gentle, and prolonged, became passionate, Ann moaning into her husband's mouth as his experienced fingers teased her neatly trimmed sex, and then slipped inside of her.

"Mmm, wet," Tom murmured, when the kiss stopped.

"Mm-hm," Ann shivered, "You make me that way." She pressed herself against his probing fingers as her own hands fell to Tom's crotch, teasing his erection through his jeans before she began to eagerly open his fly.

"Wait!" Tom gasped when she tried to extract him, "I'll take them off." He chuckled, then, amused at how eager his wife was to have him. Rid of his jeans, Tom quickly moved up between Ann's splayed thighs. Her hands pulled him close, and he wasted no time with unnecessary foreplay, thrusting into his wife's sex.

"Oh!" Ann's moan spurred him on. Tom began to thrust at her hungrily, the delayed need of the last two nights spurring him on. Ann humped against him, panting with arousal, knees flexing wide, hips rising to meet his thrusts. "Wait!" she gasped after another minute, "Roll over. I want to be on top." More often they started with her riding him, transitioning to missionary, but Tom was not about to argue; he could more easily enjoy her perfect breasts when she was on top, and he knew that the momentary respite in changing positions would help to prolong their lovemaking.

Ann caught hold of his erection, guiding him to her heated seam, and sighed loudly as she settled onto him fully. She leaned forward, offering her breasts, which he began to lick and suck, struggling not to lose control as she drove herself against him fiercely. She paused after another few seconds, shimmying her hips.

"Nice," he grunted through clenched teeth, "That's new." Ann's back stiffened, but she did not slow her movements as she shook her head.

"No it isn't," she argued, then stopped abruptly, lifting off of him. "Wait, I want to roll over." Tom shifted to the side as his wife moved onto all fours, wiggling her ass invitingly. He caught her hips, tilting his own to bring the head of his swollen cock to her open, waiting inner labia. He sank into her fully, delighted at the moan it triggered, and moving his hands to her waist, he began to fuck into her again.

"Wait," Ann gasped, "I'm too close... to the... headboard." She pushed against him, but kept the pressure, trying to move back. Smiling, Tom pulled out, shifting backwards as well. Ann was still moving her legs back when he thrust forward again, into her tight pussy. "Oh!" He reversed the stroke, aware that it had felt different. Ann collapsed forward, her body trembling visibly. "That..." she shook her head, "That was my ass." Tom blinked, shocked, even though he could not argue... it certainly explained why it had been different.

"I'm sorry," he answered reflexively, "I didn't mean to..." Ann nodded her head.

"I know... I... You..." Her hands balled in the sheets, "I don't really want you to put it back in my pussy now..." Tom nodded, rolling to lie on his back beside his wife. He was embarrassed that it had happened, even though he knew he had not been trying to fuck her ass, something they had never tried before. She was still rigid beside him after a couple minutes.

"Really, Ann," he paused, "I'm so sorry." She nodded. Frustrated, he tried some humor, "That wasn't as tight as I expected..." he was not sure if he was suggesting they continue with anal sex, certain she was not going to agree to that. He ran a tentative hand over Ann's firm ass, unaware that his wife had been struggling not to urge him to fuck her ass harder,

"If I knew it was coming you can bet it would've been tighter," she lied, still suppressing her body's response. And trying to deny that as he had speared into her ass had been the first time she had felt actually stimulated by him. Hidden by her hair and the pillow, Ann bit her lip, wondering if she had been completely ruined by the weekend's activities.

His frustration palpable, Tom got up and went into the bathroom. The shower went on in a minute, and Ann knew that her husband would take care of himself while he was cleaning up. Still face down, she reached between her legs and began to frig her aroused clit, letting her mind wander through the memories of what Jacen and Billy had done to her in the past days, and enjoying a satisfying orgasm, even if it paled in comparison to the real pleasure they had given her.

The day passed uneventfully. They went out for brunch, did some shopping, and bought groceries for the week. Tom made no attempt at sex when they went to bed, and he was off to work before Ann was up on Monday morning.

The housewife spent the rest of Monday morning aimlessly moving through the house, finishing laundry and dishes before showering, taking care of herself in the same way he husband had a few hours before. It was a nice orgasm, but still she found herself wanting what she had experienced during the weekend, and with a hunger that scared her. While walking through the mall with Tom the day before, she had repeatedly found herself eyeing one black man or another, wondering if they could do what Jacen and Billy had done.

She considered calling the club to volunteer for an extra shift, but did not, sure Jacen would be too busy to do anything. Reluctantly, Ann took the remaining Plan B pill that afternoon, and then went to the local pharmacy and refilled her birth control prescription. She trimmed the foil wheel, hiding it in the same mint tin, and set her phone to beep each day at 10 AM, well after Tom would be at work.

She hoped Tom would initiate sex Monday night, but her husband was obviously tired when he got home from work. Instead of making dinner together, he went into the den and suggested ordering pizza. They ate, and then he went back to do more work, finally announcing that 'he was beat' and going to bed after the 10 o'clock news. Ann lay beside him, fingering her incessantly wet sex, trying not to count the number of times she had stopped to think about sex that day. She spooned against Tom's back, bemusedly wondering if this was how the teenaged boys she had denied in high school had felt after getting shut out on a date.

Tuesday her beeping phone woke Ann, and it was a long minute before she remembered why she had set the alarm. Tom was gone, and the housewife got up, retrieved her purse, and took her first dose, hoping the relative flood of hormones she had ingested in the past week did not cause problems, and trying to remember when she could stop worrying about it having resumed the contraception. She dug out her phone, and found answers ranging from a week to two months. Frustrated, the housewife cleared her history and set about cleaning house.

Though less intrusive and demanding compared to what she had felt in the days after she had first fucked Jacen, there was still an almost constant low level of arousal; the odd mental image of a muscular shoulder, or the friction of a hip moving against her inner thigh would interrupt bill paying or dusting or merely watching television. As she began to eat the sandwich she made for lunch, the memory of the twists and the morning sex in Jacen's living room left her almost panting. And instead of using that arousal to jump on her husband the moment he was home, Ann had to go in to work, so she would not see Tom until the next morning, when he would be sound asleep.

She delayed her shower Tuesday until closer to time to leave, carefully shaving, and then grabbing her dance bag and heading out. Mixed emotions and the baseline arousal distracted her drive to work, and three separate times other drivers honked at her for stupid things; she veered out of her lane, started to intentionally change lanes without checking her blind spot, and sat waiting at a light that had long since turned green.

Though excited at the prospect of seeing the sexy bouncer, Ann remembered she had to wait at least a week to keep from having to take another Plan B. And because she was confident the big cop would not take her in the parking lot or the club, she knew seeing him was only going to be a tease. She laughed at herself, comparing what she was feeling to what the men she danced for must go through, and wondering why anyone would ever go to a strip club at all.

The crowd was average, which for Tuesday meant not busy. The girls used the sets to try new music and dance moves, and enjoyed more down time in the back. Maybe it was in her mind, Ann admitted, but she did not get as much time backstage, several customers asking for her specifically. Her experiences in the private booths had

Left her more than a little gun shy, but the men—and she entertained five separate times—were polite and well behaved. And despite the customers keeping her busy, she had convinced herself there might be time to entice the bouncer into scratching her itch, provided he would wear a condom, of course, but he was nowhere to be found.

Jacen was not around when Ann arrived at work on Wednesday, either. Les mentioned that he had heard she was reconsidering his offer, and she reluctantly agreed, even though she had not yet discussed it with Tom. Smiling, Les asked how she was going to spend her Thursday night, since she would not be working. Ann shrugged, admitting she was not sure, but adding she and Tom would figure something out.

'Something' turned out to be dinner at a bistro Ann loved and an intimate soak in the couple's Jacuzzi tub. Tom took her there in the tub, and with the flickering light of the candles, the steady pulsation of the water jets, and the inner glow of most a bottle of wine, Ann still found herself merely going through the motions. It barely felt like sex. She made the right noises, pushed back at Tom's thrusts, and welcomed his load, telling herself if she did get pregnant at least it would definitely be his. But even that thought caused anxiety, as she wondered if Jacen and Billy would want her when she was a fat, pregnant cow.

She stayed in the frothing water when Tom got out, managing a faint climax that left the increasingly horny wife briefly mostly satisfied. And the frustrations were repeated when next the couple made love, in the wee hours after Ann's late shift—and another busy shift—Saturday night. After missing the big bouncer during her Friday shift, Ann had found him working the door on her arrival, and had paused, smiling and asking where he had been. Eyeing her up and down, Jacen had winked, asking if she had missed him so much, which had made her blush, beating a hasty retreat lest the others see. She had mostly convinced herself Hilary would keep what they had done to herself, unable to imagine the other stripper would want it known she had spent the weekend having sex with not one but two black men.

Her private and table dances had slowed until they were no more frequent than the other dancers, she guessed as the memory of her performance the weekend before faded. But aroused at being so close to the big bouncer, Ann put on a steamy first set, and found herself in demand once again. And the demand only grew when Jacen appeared at the back of the room, watching Ann's second set. She had hoped the suggestive movements and come hither glances would entice him to suggest they do something after her shift, and he was clearly enjoying the show Ann put on. In fact, she was so hot that she nearly got off while dancing, the excitement and arousal definitely greater than what she had experienced in the Jacuzzi with Tom. When she stepped behind the curtain, the lithe wife and stripper paused in the darkened hall, pressing a hand against her buzzing sex, and tried to decide whether it was just Jacen or the way she got total strangers excited that was such a turn on.

The set meant she was in greater demand, and she had to not to subtly remind three consecutive customers not to touch, declining a fourth outright request for oral sex before she managed to finish working the floor and head back to get ready for the next set. She had finished dressing and was sitting turned away from the mirror, watching some of the other girls, when a warm breath touched her neck. She started, turning to find Jacen had silently come into the room behind her. As she turned, he stood, and she found her face was at the level of his crotch. Her body reacted instantly, and it was a struggle not to reach out to touch him.

"Don't tease me like that," she scolded, "The others will see." She did not add that she wondered if she could maintain her self control, the sudden mental image of the big bouncer taking her from behind as she leaned over the dressing table, the other strippers cheering them on leaving her even more aroused and distracted.

"That was the best set of the night so far," he answered, leering at her, "Think you can top it?" Ann licked her lips, letting her eyelids flutter suggestively. She would have sworn his cock was shifting in his pants when she looked at him again. She smiled, glad she could trigger responses like he did in her.

"You'll just have to watch to find out," she challenged, barely managing not to ask him to take her home after work. He raised a skeptical brow, and Ann pushed out of her seat and strutted past him, the heat she felt as she brushed past his muscled arm a physical force. She threw herself into her set, stripping more rapidly than usual, hitting the pole harder, and frigging her dripping sex openly before working the front pole, spinning up higher than her own height, to the delight of the crowd. Jacen had found a place to watch before the first song ended, and she grew even more bold and teasing through the rest of her set, but when she turned back after the end of the third song, she was surprised to find he was not there. Biting her lip, she wondered if he would be waiting in the back, and hurried through the curtain, barely pausing to let the next stripper grope and kiss her to transfer some of the magic she had worked into the next set before she let the curtain hide her.
