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She smiled at my blush, and said, "Smart boy. Knows he's got to make big moves to lock down the pretty girl."

I laughed at the compliment, then spent the rest of the fitting imagining various pornographic scenarios that might play out with me and this girl. None of them did, unfortunately; all I got was a perfectly-fitting bra size.

* * * * * * *

After picking out a couple of sports bras, two everyday bras, and some more underwear, I grabbed some tank tops and a warm flannel. I got another pair of short shorts, then something else in the racks caught my eye. I was a little leery at first, but as I walked around I kept finding myself drawn back to it, and decided to just try it on.

It was a sundress, or I guess maybe technically it was labeled a skater dress (whatever that means), red and sleeveless with a flared skirt. As soon as I put it on, I loved the way it flared out when I twirled, loved the light feel on me, loved the way it looked elegant while still casual. I got the red one and a similar one in blue, and then got a more casual strappy yellow sundress and, with only a little trepidation, a pink polka dotted one.

I got some workout clothes too, some yoga shorts and a bunch of socks and stuff. I found some running shoes that fit pretty well, and went for the ones with the bright pink accents because whatever, they looked cool. I picked out some strappy sandals that were a little more formal looking than the flip-flops or running shoes and I thought would go well with the dresses, and then I was definitely at the point where I couldn't spend any more money on my parents' credit card without them wondering what the hell was up.

Actually, I was past that point. I put back the shorts, all but one of the tops, and the blue dress. Then I went ahead and bought everything before I could back out of it, and went to the bathroom to change into my favorite new red dress and the nicer sandals.

Max had gone to return the stuff that hadn't fit me yesterday, and stock up a bit on his own wardrobe. My old clothes fit him, sort of, but not that well. I found him in the video game store, digging through a small pile of used GameCube games for something to play at the cabin.

I came up behind him and asked, "Anything good?" He turned to look at me, starting to say something but then stopped short when he saw me. I grinned and did a little twirl, showing off the flare of the dress.

"Wow," was all he could manage.

I grinned, planted a peck on his lips, and then started rummaging through the bin of games next to him.

* * * * * * *

When we got back, I convinced Max to go for a run with me. He had never been much of a runner, but I convinced him by putting on my tight shorts and sports bra, and promising to run in front the whole time.

It was exhilarating. We just looped around the lake, a few miles, but that was so much farther than I'd run in a year, and longer than Max had ever run before. With our magically fit bodies, it wasn't too bad at all. When we got back, all hot and sweaty, we took another shower together. This one didn't compare to the morning's ridiculously hot sex, but it was cozy and intimate and we spent a long time washing each other.

For dinner, I changed into the pink dress, wearing it without a bra or panties. I just loved the way it felt on me.

We had picked up an old copy of the second Paper Mario game, which never of us had ever played before, and after dinner we took turns playing it. Max was sitting up on the couch, and I sprawled out with my head in his lap.

Eventually, we both started yawning, and he shut down the system. "Bedtime," he declared, motioning for me to get up off of him. I yawned and stretched lazily, making no move to get up: I was perfectly comfortable just where I was.

"Okay," he said, "tired little Chloe doesn't have to get up." Then he just scooped me up in his arms and started carrying me into the bedroom. I giggled, but didn't complain. I liked it.

He laid me down gently on the bed, started to tuck me in, but I stopped him. "Wait, I don't want to sleep in this. Give me one of your old tee shirts."

He smiled and went to the drawer. "Uh, they're all dirty."


He grabbed a shirt from the hamper, a Game of Thrones themed one that probably didn't fit him anymore, and tossed it to me. I took a sniff: smelled like Max. I wriggled out of my dress and pulled the shirt on; it was almost as long. Max got into bed beside me, still wearing a tee shirt and gym shorts. I made him take the shirt off, then snuggled into his shoulder and threw a leg over him again, drifting off with him gently stroking my hair.

* * * * * * *

We spent the next few days in a blissful haze of sex, exercise, and cuddling. It was amazing, but I'm not going to bore you with lots of stories of us having sex over and over again.

What's that? Oh, I couldn't possibly.

Oh, fine, maybe just one.

We were outside, lying on beach towels after a long swim. We had rubbed sunscreen all over each other - including our swimsuit parts, since I certainly didn't own a swimsuit that fit and Max was refraining in solidarity - and miraculously managed to refrain from jumping each other in that process, instead taking a nap in the warm afternoon sun.

I woke up from said nap and watched Max snoring adorably next to me for a while. Then I was bored, so I started licking his nipples.

He woke up, was even more adorably confused for a moment, then came roaring into action. And by that I mean he grabbed me, picked me up, and stood up. I squeaked in delight as he carried me to the nearby picnic table and set me down on it, on my back.

Already hard, Max brought his cock up and slapped it against my pussy lips. I spread my legs and brought my knees up towards my head, eagerly anticipating being entered.

Max lined himself up, but then stopped. "Condom," he grunted, and glanced up towards the house where the box was. We'd been using them, mostly, trying to avoid getting me pregnant.

"Fuck it," I said, then corrected myself: "Fuck me. Just pull out."

He nodded, spread my lips, and thrust all the way in with one smooth motion.

I gasped as he immediately started plowing me, no buildup.

Max had his hands on the backs of my knees, a spot we had recently discovered really worked for me, pressing my legs up and apart for better access. My ass was hanging just barely off the edge of the table, his balls slapping into it

with each thrust. I put one hand on the table to steady myself as I bounced back and forth with his motion, my tits whipping around with just a smidgen of pleasurable discomfort to it.

After what might have been thirty seconds or ten minutes, I was too caught up in it to tell, I was nearing my peak, but stubbornly not quite there. I reached down towards my clit - but Max saw me, took a hand off one of my legs, and intercepted my wrist, pinning it to the table.

Fuck, that show of dominance turned me on. Two pumps after he pressed my wrist against the table, I was coming, moaning like a maniac and flopping around. Once I came back down to earth, I laid my head down on the table and just enjoyed the sensation for a moment as Max sped up, racing towards his own climax. I casually opened my eyes, looking off to the side, and looked right into my mom's horrified face.

My parents, and Max's mom, were standing in the driveway, watching us slack-jawed. It looked like they had just gotten out of the car.

I gasped, and after a second turned towards Max to tell him to stop. But he had just pulled out and was furiously jacking off above me, and as I turned towards him I got hit with a spurt of cum to the face.

* * * * * * *

After Max hit me with the facial in front of our horrified parents, there were some supremely awkward moments as we frantically grabbed the beach towels to wrap around ourselves, and went inside to put some clothes on (and for me to wipe the cum off myself). We had to awkwardly shuffle past our parents, who after the initial shock assiduously looked away from us, to get in the door.

Once we were in the room with the door shut, I turned to Max and whispered, "Oh my God, what the fuck do we tell them?"

I had tears welling up in my eyes. We hadn't really talked about what I was going to tell my family. I'd been trying to put off thinking about it, because I couldn't imagine what a good solution would be.

"Hey, hey," he said soothingly, and wrapped his arms around me. "It'll be okay."

"How the fuck will it be okay?" I demanded. "What do we tell them? That I'm some random floozy you've been shacked up with, and Casey went off into the woods, oh wow guess I haven't seen him in a while, I've been busy fucking the brains out of this random girl?"

Max squeezed me tighter. "We'll tell them the truth."

"They'll think we're crazy!"

"Yeah, it sounds crazy, but we have some pretty good evidence that it works..."

I nodded. "Wait, do we actually? It's not like we can demonstrate it, unless you're trying to suck my dad's dick."

He giggled. "Yeah, I think we can try to work around that. You can just tell them all kinds of stuff about yourself, right?"

"I guess so." I sighed. "I guess we had to do this eventually..."

"Yeah," he said, and kissed my forehead. "It'll be fine."

Max helped me towel the by-now dry cum off of my face and tits, then we got dressed. I put the necklace back on first. I'd taken it off to go swimming, because I was paranoid about it falling off in the lake, but I mostly wore it the rest of the time. It just felt right. Then I put on my one tank top and shorts, thinking it would somehow be easier on my parents if I weren't wearing a dress when I "came out" to them. I don't know why I thought it mattered, them having just seen their new daughter being pounded on the picnic table and jizz spurted in her face, but whatever.

I ran a brush through my hair quickly. Max walked up behind me and just stood there, supportively, as I finished. I nuzzled up against him and looked up at his face in the mirror, so strong above mine.

I took a deep breath. "Okay. Time to go meet the parents."

* * * * * * *

Our parents were sitting awkwardly in the living room when we walked out. Max walked out first, and I kind of half-hid behind him, feeling awkward. He went and sat down on the couch. I sheepishly went to set next to him, staring at my feet.

"Is that it?" my mom asked after a moment. Confused, I looked up, to see all three adults seemingly staring at my chest.

"It is," Max's mom said, a reverent look on her face.

"Wait, what?" Max asked, clearly as confused as I was.

"The necklace," she said, and I put a hand over it defensively. "I haven't seen it in years."

" know about it?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, sweetie," she said, standing up and walking over to me. "Could I...could I see it?"

I nodded, still confused, and lifted the necklace over my head to hand it to her. She cradled it in her hands, staring at the gemstone.

My mom stood up then, and came over to put a hand on Max's mom's shoulder. She looked at the necklace for a moment, then looked down at me. I was staring up at her, wondering what the hell was going on.

She smiled at me, took a step forward, and put a hand on my shoulder. "You're very beautiful now, Casey."

I collapsed into tears, and she held me comfortingly.

* * * * * * *

"I thought it might have gone the other way, honestly," Max's mom said, gesturing towards us. "You know, Max turning into a girl."

We both blushed, and Max kind of mumbled, "I thought about it."

"Really?" I asked, kind of shocked.

He shrugged. "I just...I was totally undecided which way I was going to offer, when I offered."

I laughed, imagining that. It was hard to think of how that would have turned out. Would it have fixed my leg? Maybe, maybe not... "Even if that would have fixed my leg," I said quietly as I leaned my head onto Max's shoulder, "I'm happy it turned out like this."

Nobody quite knew what to say to that, until my dad said the first thing he'd said since we got here: "So your leg is all better now? You can run and everything now, Casey?"

I nodded at him, smiling happily. "Yeah.'s Chloe now."

"Chloe," my mom said, trying it out. "You know, Casey is a perfectly good name for a girl too."

"I know," I said, "but I think it makes sense to kind of...mark the change. I barely feel like the same person anymore."

"I know what you mean," Max's mom said dreamily.

"Wait, Mom," Max said. "How do you know about the necklace? And you too, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall?"

"They were my friends," Max's mom said after a moment, "back when I was named Richard instead of Sasha."

We stared at her wide-eyed for a moment.

I could see it, actually. Max's mom was a striking woman in her late thirties, who'd had Max young, and when puberty first hit I'd had a fantasy or two involving her. She didn't look so different from me now, actually: blond, petite, huge blue eyes, big red lips. She had much bigger breasts than I did, though. She could definitely have been someone's fantasy girl twenty years ago.

"Does that mean..." Max trailed off, looking at his mom.

"Yes, honey," she said. "Uncle Gerald...Uncle Gerald was your father."

* * * * * * *

She told us the whole story. How she - well, he at the time, though it was hard to think of her that way - had been a PR guy, fed up with city life in his late twenties. How he'd taken a job at a hotel on a small Caribbean island. How his hotel had hosted the World's Strongest Man competition one year. How he'd instantly gotten a huge crush on the world's strongest woman, Ivanka Germann, and how she'd noticed and offered him an unusual deal: she'd sleep with him in exchange for a service for her husband, Gerald, the world's strongest man. She sort of skimmed over the details at that point, seeing Max's clear discomfort at hearing his mom talk about sex.

Anyway, after getting her new body and spending a few weeks with Gerald and Ivanka, the two of them needed to move on. Sasha wanted to stay with them, and indeed they let her move in with them in Belarus for a time, pulling some strings to get her identity papers. But she just couldn't learn Belorussian well enough to get a PR job there, and wasn't satisfied doing nothing around the house all day, so with regrets she eventually "immigrated" to America.

When she got back, she looked up her old best friends the Marshalls. It took some convincing, but they finally believed that she was really their old college buddy Richard. She ended up getting a job near them, and they helped her settle into her new single life as a young woman.

Then, a few weeks back into the States, Sasha realized she was pregnant, and Gerald was the father.

She didn't tell Gerald about Max until after he was born. Belarus was fine, but she wanted her kid to grow up in America, and she knew Gerald and Ivanka would never want to live here.

When she did tell him, he came to visit, but with his marriage to another woman and traveling all around the world for competitions, he just couldn't be there that often. They decided it was easier to just not tell Max who he really was.

"Oh," Max said suddenly. "That's what those noises were sometimes when Uncle Gerald visited."

Everyone blushed.

When Gerald and Ivanka died in a car crash, their will had divided their estate up among several other women who had once been men. Max was Gerald's only child, though, as far as Sasha knew, and he had been left the necklace.

* * * * * * *

Our parents had come up because they wanted to have a good time at the lake, and they wanted to make sure we weren't just eating junk food all day long. They were pleasantly surprised at the variety of reasonably-healthy food we'd stocked the kitchen with. (Luckily, we'd recycled all the beer cans on a previous trip to town, and hadn't gotten any more.)

We spent the next few days hanging out with our parents, with them getting used to the new me and my new relationship with Max. It was...nice. It felt very wholesome to hang out at the lake with our families, especially in contrast to the near-perpetual nudity and outdoor sex of the previous few days, and even the drunkenness of the week before that.

My mom took me into town to buy a bathing suit so we could swim again now that just nudity was less acceptable, and somewhat reluctantly approved a fairly skimpy bikini that, if I do say so myself, looked amazing on me. She also bought me some more clothes. Mostly dresses: I loved the light summer dresses, the way they felt great against my body, the way they flared out as I moved around, the way they made me look. I bought some girly jeans and tops too. She also helped me figure out how the hell makeup and nail polish and stuff like that worked, which I found pretty fun too. Ridiculously, she was taller than me now, for the first time since I was maybe twelve.

My dad helped me start the process of getting the sex on my birth certificate updated. It required going to a doctor, and we were worried we'd find one who would wonder just how I got to be so anatomically correct, and maybe even do a little too much of an exam. With some careful asking around and maybe some slightly shady behind-the-table dealings, we eventually found someone who wouldn't ask too many questions.

While we were still figuring that out, I got my first period. It was a relief, both because Max and I really hadn't been careful enough about using condoms and to explain why I had been irritable the day or so beforehand. It was a pain, but it also really cemented in my mind my new reality.

Once we got my birth certificate and driver's license updated, and my name legally changed, we went to a different doctor who didn't know that I ever hadn't been a woman to get me a prescription for the pill.

Oh, yeah. Through this time Max and I hadn't been having so much public sex, what with our parents usually being around. And that meant that we had sex in a bed for the first time, on that very first night once we had told everything to our parents, and he had learned who his father was. It was an emotional night, and our quiet coupling at the end of it, mildly worried about my parents just across the hall hearing us but also feeling closer than we ever had before, was deeply romantic.

Afterwards, Max told me that he loved me, and I reciprocated.

When I had said that to girlfriends in the past, I had more or less meant it (well, except for one time). But this time was totally incomparable to those. I really, truly felt it, with all my heart.

The next morning, and most mornings, Max and I went for a run, and he fucked my brains out on the other side of the lake.

* * * * * * *

Once I'd had all my legal documentation stuff worked out, we called up the college I was going to in the fall. They were...not accommodating. Harsh words were exchanged, tempers flared, and after a bunch of back and forth I ended up withdrawing rather than go to a place that would treat me so awfully.

It was too late to be accepted to a college that I would actually want to go to. So we decided that I would take a gap year. I didn't want to do it in the town I had grown up in - I went back there briefly, and just couldn't deal with pretending not to know people I knew, generally just being in the same environment while I was so different. I needed a clean break.

Max, using some money that Gerald had left him on top of what his mom had saved up over the years, was going to a small, fancy private school a few states away. They didn't even have a football team. It was far too late to be accepted for this year - we tried - but I ended up working out with my parents that I would move to the city near his school, do some volunteering, try to find an internship, work at a movie theater or something, make friends, stuff like that. Max had to live in the dorms his first year, but we'd visit each other a lot, and my parents would come visit regularly too.