Red Daddy: Ceres Station Pandemic


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I stared at it, looking at all her parts, then up her body to her boobs. She was holding a glass of OJ, but instead of taking that, I reached up easily, brushing past her arm, right up to her breast and lifted it, cupping it in my hand and squeezing gently, stroking down the side with my fingers, lightly enough to be appreciative but firmly enough not to tickle.

Getting to the nipple, I squeezed a little, wondering what she would do.

The OJ glass vibrated a little and she inhaled, "Oh!"

I kept holding on to the breast, but looked up to her face. I said what was in my heart. "You are beautiful."

"Thank you, sir."



"Unusual name. What is it?"

"Aleut. Unalaska Native American, First Peoples, whatever, same thing."


"Your parents named you Red, then?" Her wink was almost imperceptible.

"Ri....Rick. You knew that."

"I did."

I reached over with my other hand and took the OJ, but moved the hand that was cupping her breast downwards. I almost had trouble reaching, but she shifted over a little to help me out. It found the flat of the back of her thighs, then up and over her butt and back, and then in between her thighs to her cleft.

Trying to show off a little, I moved that hand at the same time I lifted up the OJ to drink it, but it turned out to be too complicated and I almost spilled.

She laughed and said, "Here, I'll help." She lifted from behind my shoulders to give me a little more height, and I drank down the incredibly sweet OJ, only pausing my motions briefly and then continuing to run my fingers in, then out and circle-clit, in and circle, as best I could from that angle.

Her face started looking a little more 'concerned', which is to say stimulated, exactly what I was going for.

I finished the OJ and she set the glass down and my head, too.

Not wanting to be rude, I turned the girl I'd so recently been making love to, looking around to her face, "I never asked you your name...?"


"Gotcha. Good to meet you, Debbie. Very, very good to meet you."

She was turning around to put her feet up the wall, tilting her hips up to let my semen run into her. I didn't think that with the sheer quantity of semen I pushed in there, there was any way that there wouldn't be enough to fertilize an egg if she'd ovulated recently. But, I'm not getting in the way of anything like that a girl wants to do, egads, no way.

Turning back, I said, "Simata... is that your formal name, or... do people call you that?"

She was busy inhaling and had her eyes closed, responding to my playing with her sex. She said, "Oh, sometimes people... well, no. Everyone just calls me Simata. My mother, she called me... other things. But, I am the Leader now." She said it very matter-of-factly, like she was endowed with a power now, a role she had to play that was not entirely of her choice.

The OJ glass was out of the way, so I said, "Turn around and let me lick you."

She moved, throwing a leg over me to face my feet, planting her sex right near me. I had one arm down and one up, so I pulled her crotch to me as best I could.

Telling someone to do something when you're having sex or playing sexually, is taking a risk. They may decide to do it or not, be offended, or not, and I had no idea if that would be the case. From before, I knew that if I asked either of them to do something that they found distasteful, that might result in some punishment for them. I totally didn't want to do that, but at the same time, I really wanted to taste her.

She moved willingly enough, so I presumed I wasn't doing anything wrong. Her sex descended towards me, and I pulled it with my hands to get it right over my face. I pushed her back down and forwards, to give me better access. One hand was in the right place to pull her lips open, so I did, and my mouth found her lips and lapped. My chin was over her clit, so I pressed up with that and lightly ground it in while I licked, to a good effect, I could tell.

Moving my head down and my mouth open farther, I could get my tongue to clit, and then over it -- lightly, oh-so-lightly, slow, then faster, and faster.

Her face was right near my deflated cock that I knew was very wet from having just been pumping into Debbie. Simata didn't seem to care, she licked me all up and sucked me back to life, slurping away even as I slurped away on her.

Suddenly, she sat up, feeling the time was exactly right to mount me. She stayed reverse-cowgirl, reaching back and getting my cock positioned just right before sitting down on it, all the way in, one smooth motion. I held her hips as she set up her own rhythm, pumping up and down on me, her hand making motions in front and sometimes touching the base of my shaft. She was rubbing her clit, and her moans got louder and more regular.

This was a girl who knew what she wanted and took it. I admired that.

My cock was thrusting into her and she didn't do the hip front-back thing, she was going up and down, bouncing, and my cock was going super-deep in her, I could tell because I was sure I was bumping cervix even as her butt was coming down hard on my upper thighs. It was calm motion, I'd just come, so she went slowly for a while, then started speeding up, more and more, until she threw her head back and started shaking.

She screamed out an orgasm, and I felt her pussy-walls grab-pulse at me, grab, grab, grab, grab... It was super nice to know I could bring that joy, but it also was so sexy I started coming myself. I felt it tighten my balls, then SPURT I was coming SPURT into her even though SPURT I had just come into Debbie SPURT not too long before.

As she relaxed, she fell backwards onto me, face up like I was, her legs bent back but then splayed out to the side so she could move. She let me hug her from behind, my cock up and between her legs and in her, my arms around her medium-build frame, my hands moving up to cup her breasts even as she exhaled and relaxed into me like I was relaxing into her.

Our breathing returned to normal over the next minute or three, and I realized my smile was a mile wide. This was the first sex that I'd initiated in a long time, probably. Her being hot and ready made it a lot easier, but that didn't matter much.

Debbie spoke up from next to me and behind me, her head faced the other direction but pretty close to me. "That was really, really damned sexy, even if it was upside down."

We laughed together, and Simata told her, "You started it, Debbie. You, and your 3 screaming orgasms. I was all the way across the room and I couldn't stop myself from watching. First, he was licking you and I could see you move, but after he mounted you, all I saw was his butt going up and down and up and down, pushing into you. That was damned sexy, too."

I shifted my head over and turned it to be next to Debbie. "Hey, Debbie, Kiss."

She laughed and tried the contortion, her hips still in the air against the wall. Her head rotated and we managed to do an upside-down kiss, though it felt kind of weird. We broke after just a moment, the strain to hold it was too much.

Simata laughed at us and said, "You silly people. Does that even work?"

I was still chuckling. "Almost. My tongue gets awfully involved in her lower teeth."

We talked for a while, just cuddling, Simata still on top of me, though my cock had slipped out of her. Debbie eventually turned around so we both could see her more easily. They told where they were when the General Alarm went off, what they did, where they went, discovering their parents were dead... all of that had some long pauses as we kind of digested the emotions around it.

They wanted to know where I was, but I summarized because I figured most of that was in some kind of write-up they were given already and I didn't want to repeat stuff they knew.

They both had siblings, though only Debbie had lost an older brother.

We must have chatted for over an hour, at least.

My stomach growled loudly and I realized I was starving. "Food?"

Debbie said, "They said in training that we should order through the med app, it'll be delivered fast and be healthy."

Shifting around, I allowed Simata to roll off, and I pushed over to try to get up. I succeeded, then tried to stand, did that, and surprisingly made it to the kitchen to get my pad without too much hassle.

The med app said (and I narrated out loud), "Med appointment strongly requested before next meal. Proceed to Clara Barton Hospital, 74A3F. Click OK to get a wheelchair for the ride (walking prohibited)." I shrugged and clicked OK.

Debbie rolled over, "Better get dressed, I guess."

We all pulled on clothes; only a minute or two after I'd hit okay a knock came on the door, then before I could say anything, it opened and a gal poked her head in, "Chair is here?..." She looked like she was a freshman in high school, maybe younger, and was quite surprised (I believe) to see that her pickup was a man. I wasn't that much older than she was, technically, but I think we'd all aged quite a bit since this thing started, and she was certainly old enough to push a wheelchair around.

As she and her compatriot (also young) swung the door wide open and pushed the chair in, I cringed away from the door since I had just pulled on pants and the whole room was visible to hallway passers-by. Debbie and Simata were decent but not completely dressed, an irrelevant fact for these girls. They were all business, there to pick up a person, deliver them, and move on, and all the rest of the waiting was boring. I could feel the teenage-girl-impatience dripping off them, and I had to laugh (though not out loud).

I finished dressing and sat down in the chair, figuring I'd have a moment to say goodbye, but they wheeled me out quickly. I shouted over my shoulder 'thank you, see you later...' but somehow, after I said it, I realized I probably wouldn't see them later, the way things had gone thus far.

As before, when I had gone for a walk, I was a celebrity just existing. People stopped, turned around, and let us by. Of course, they had further incentive since the chair had a flashing-light-pole and small Emergency-Services 'BEEP-bzzrp' that said, 'please allow passage' but not 'emergency, dive out of the way'; I'd seen those several times and when those attendants ran, they RAN, an pity the moron who didn't get out of the way in time. The smaller 'bzzrp' noise was courtesy, but Everyone Cleared, even for those.

On Ceres, everyone knew everyone, and social chatter was such that if you didn't get your ass out of the way of a chair, no matter the beep-type, it got talked about and debated and raised with you multiple times by multiple people. Such things only happened to you once before you got the clear message, and possibly not even that once if you watched what happened to classmates who transgressed some social convention.

The hospital was on a higher floor, lighter spin-grav to help sick people, and it felt really nice to not have so much pressure on me. Mostly the upper floors were offices and labs, and some old-folks homes. It occurred to me as we went down mostly-empty hallways there that a lot of open rooms were probably available there now.

The hospital had emergency rooms and clinic rooms, and I was shunted into a line for a clinic room. Again, my teen chair-pushers were bored, and talked obsessively (utterly ignoring me) about what they were going to do now that there were far fewer boys. Some of the boys in the lower grades had lived, and they knew them all by name. They were busy wondering if there would be men's water polo anymore, or men's football/soccer.

One of my chair-pushers rode horseback, and wanted to get out to the new game habitat where they kept the horses and sheep. I had only vaguely known there were horses on Ceres at all, but apparently there were, used for some experiments in low-gravity acclimatization medications, she explained to her friend, and the meds might not be available since some of the med staff were reallocated to finding a vaccine now, and wasn't it horrible that those horses might suffer from lowgrav bone loss, and oh-my-God can-you believe they'd do that to those beautiful animals?!?

My odd brain wondered (but I didn't ask) what doing a jump on horseback would be like in half-gravity, like the horse could go WAY farther? Or, would the horse figure it out, that it could jump higher but coming down would take strength, too?

Eventually, my turn in line came and they pushed me into an exam alcove, a fancy autodoc chair with a complete sensor array (big half-rings that closed over you like artificial ribs). They were pulled open and ready for me to lie down, but instead they got me out of the wheelchair and into a chair next to the table.

As soon as I was transferred, they palmed the nearest terminal and left, bored but chattering to kill the time. I was actually happy to have heard some of their talk since I didn't really know what was going on in 'the real world'.

A nurse arrived, a middle-aged woman of maybe 40, which was probably "old" then, given the population loss at upper ages. She distractedly told me to get undressed and put on a gown, then get on the table, quickly if possible. I did, of course, since I'd been through the routine before. The gowns fastened in the back with Velcro, but the slightest movement opened them up and I was quite sure I would show my ass to everyone.

To be fair, I realized I was a lot less shy than I had been before and didn't really mind too much. This was my first full physical since I'd gotten sick (not true, it turned out, but I thought so at the time) so it was a good thing I had the chance to get checked out.

Nurse Ratchet (yes, I'd read Ken Kesey) came back in, but then blew my initial image of her by going all soft-mothering on me and gently getting me situated on the exam table the right way and closing the donuts to start my processing. As I'd had happen more than a few times in my life before, the overstretched arms opened to allow tools inside to get access to me. Those tools started banging my skin with poofs of air and sucking blood out of me from different locations. One capably but gently lifted my penis and washed it with a light water spray that it then sucked into another vacuum hose, all nearly silently.

Several wands, maybe 5 or 6 of them, came down and touched my chest, stomach, abdomen, arms, legs, and just rubbed around a little. It started out being ticklish, but they poked harder at me and it became kind of a light massage. I knew they were taking interior pictures of me, and I wanted to know how I was so it wasn't a bother. I remembered when I was really young having it done, and being seriously irritated at the invasive tickling and pressure. But, of course, over time, everything turns mundane if you do it enough.

My stomach growled and the Nurse heard it and laughed, "Hungry, eh? We'll get you fed soon enough. Gotta check stuff out. Doc will be here in 5 or so."

Minutes, I hoped, and not hours.

The machine finished its processing and retracted the poking sensors, so I had to just wait for the doc.

Medics and doctors on Ceres were differentiated like military ranks. Doctors were like generals, commanding staffs of people around them, while medics were the kind of people that could recommend physical training for types of injuries or apply dressings to wounds (infected blood-blisters, I'd had twice, mostly because I was running a lot and didn't get new shoes fast enough).

The doc that showed up looked about my age, but very, very tired. She couldn't have been out of med school that long. She said Hi to me in passing, but was primarily interested in diving into subsystems via the big video display on one wall. I saw lots of green status lights, which I interpreted as good, but a couple of yellow ones, too. I was too far away to read what she was looking at, but she paused long enough to speak into a pen-mike while touching some items.

It got me worried.

Maybe 5 minutes into the scrolling, she finished, and that's a long time when you're waiting and watching and hoping you're not doomed.

"Well, Mr. Bailey... Red, it says here. How do you feel?"

"Uh, stronger than yesterday, but still tired. Mostly okay. A little achy, muscle soreness from walking yesterday, maybe, it's trivial, but you asked, so..."

"Sure. To be expected." She walked up to me and motioned for the nurse to retract the half-rings and sensors, which she did while we talked. She spoke with what was obviously a practiced speech, giving the same info to many people "You have the body of a 4 year old. I know, you're 19. Your body, however, has regressed. Each of the subsystems -- organs, cartilage, muscles, bones, skin, everything -- is like it's brand new. This is true at the deepest possible levels, biologically, at a cellular level. You're in more perfect health than any human your age anywhere except Ceres. Here, we have a colony of them. The SHAG has given you a new lifespan, though we don't know exactly what it will be. At this point, it seems like it's possible you'll remain this physical age for decades, or you could die next month of old age, we don't know for sure. The other SHAG variants that decimated Phobos 3 years ago had even fewer males survive, but the survivors are in such superb health it's giving medical research something to shoot for in developing therapies for senescent geriatric treatments."

She'd said this before, as I mentioned. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, the bad news, so I asked for it, "Be frank. Please. I saw some yellow warning notes, what's up...?"

She laughed and said, "Oh... Uh, no. You're not in any danger whatsoever. Those yellows were from a toenail fungus, not harmful even if untreated your whole life long, some vitamin deficiencies, and buildup of fluids and hormones that indicate it's been more than 2 hours since you last ejaculated, and you'll be due for that again in another 1-4 hours. But, you knew that. So, nothing to fret about. You're fine. ... There is one thing, though, I'm obliged to tell you in person, by Council Edict."

This sounded ominous... "Yes?"

"You'll get official notification after this visit, but as of today, you are listed as being the father in... 14 pregnancies... So far."

This was ... stunning, a little... but at the same time, I kind of figured at least one or two... "So many?"

"You haven't read all the General Orders, obviously. We collected sperm from every living male as soon as we could. You were sampled many times, and were also given respite while you were asleep at frequent intervals by women who were both fertile and intended to become pregnant. So, you're probably going to be a daddy, sometime in the next 8 and a half months."

"Oh. Okay... Anything else?" I could tell she had more to say.

"Yes. You're officially forbidden to remain with one woman. Our society, medically, demographically, is in a survival mode. It takes about 6 hours of technical time and a lot of resources to do an InVitro Fertilization, IVF. That doesn't scale. It takes you about 10 minutes 4 to 6 times a day, and the results are actually more reliable. Also, IVF needs drugs, and we don't have them in abundance, we have to ship them from planetside or get small amounts from our sequencers. We're a colony, we're not set up for that. So, to keep things fair, you can't be monogamous. You don't have to make love with anyone you don't want to, that would be a rape of you. But, if you do choose to do so, we're going to try to make sure you're not playing favorites. Oh -- and we have a huge population implosion that's going to happen in about 10 years, and we need you to help prevent that...."

"Ok?" I didn't know what to say. This was a lot to spring on a guy at once.

"Good. Glad to hear we understand each other. You're healthy, go work out, get stronger. Any problems, report them immediately, we have to take care of you. See you next week."
