Red Daddy: Ceres Station Pandemic


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With that, she left, and I was left wondering at the abruptness of it all.

I was about to sit up when a woman walked up, typed on a pad, and said, "Right... Housing. New quarters assigned, LF section Daisy, level 58-G3W. We'll have your belongings shipped, but it's furnished, mostly with the previous occupants' things, no next of kin, you get the windfall." She turned and just about then another pair of wheelchair handlers came up.

They stood there, waiting, as did she, as I rose, trying to keep my gown closed, and went to pull on my underwear and pants and otherwise get dressed.

She was toe-tapping, waiting for my dressing process, and then started talking again, and quickly, "Your next psych eval is in 6 days, it's on your calendar, don't be late or we'll send couriers, it's not optional. Gym for physical therapy is near your quarters, or any other gym you want to go to. We have the report of your altercation with a disgruntled person, you handled that well. Sorry to say it won't be the last. Lots of PTSD going on here, we're treating it but identifying it takes time."

I interrupted, "I hope she's okay... I hope... she's not punished..."

"She's on medical watch and confined, but not forever. PTSD is psych, a med condition, not a crime."


"Further contact with any person previously assigned to you is discouraged and will be noted.... Oh, ready finally? Good. This way..."

I'd dressed hurriedly. Two new girls waited with a new wheelchair, sat me down quickly, and got me out of there to open up space for the next person.

Once in the hallway again, they put on the beeper and we sailed through, not having to go up-down much but quite a ways south, probably near the base, deep into Ceres. I felt lighter -- spingrav on level 58 was exactly 58% Earth normal, so it was a lot easier to move around.

These girls didn't talk as we went. I looked at one of them and saw they were older, maybe college-aged, it was hard to tell. We got to the address and the hallway was wider than normal, and the door bigger, too, a double-door, which was pretty unusual. But, then, I'd mostly stayed in my general neighborhood, aside from a little exploration as a kid. It wasn't exactly prohibited, but being outside your area meant your parents got notified of where you were and had to sign-off on you being there or they got in trouble and you got in trouble.

When the door opened I knew I'd suddenly gained some kind of status! These quarters had multiple rooms, obvious from the living room I walked into having space for several couches and easy chairs, and one wall was a pretty realistic 3D projection of a woodland scene; I could almost believe it was a window, except for the blue sky and mountains in the distance.

There was a kitchen and dining area with space for 10 or so, a master bedroom with a king bed and nightstands (!!!) (this was unbelievable luxury), two small alcove-rooms that were fitted as closets (complete with women's and men's clothes), a laundry area, two different 4-cub queen beds so 8 total spaces plus the master king. There was another alcove where there could be another 4 cubs but instead was another small rec-room area with acoustic-control fabrics everywhere.

The place was ginormous, many times bigger than any residence I'd ever been in or really ever seen.

The girls who had pushed in my chair hadn't ever seen anything like it, either, so we walked around together finding the features. The kitchen area was significantly larger than normal, with already-stocked cupboards, though I didn't look through them very far.

After we'd been there a while, the main viewscreen in the living room lit up and asked for a login. I said my name and palmed the wall sensor.

The screen changed to the text, "Welcome to your new living quarters, Red." It obviously retained my previous settings since it called me Red instead of Richard - and I was happy I didn't have to set all that up again! Moving out of my parent's house had been irksome on that front. "Your schedule is as follows. Please pick from the following lunch menu..."

We ordered lunch for all 3 of us, and the schedule listed just tasks for today. The list included 'RCN debriefing', workout 1, workout 2, 'signature acknowledgement of Emergency Action Orders (timeout in 23:59...)', and 'Initial psych profile'.

The girls looked like they were there to stay, and I wondered to them, "Are... you here on your off hours, or is this some kind of official thing? And... it occurs to me, I don't even know your names."

The taller one answered "Lisa." She was a brunette just about medium-sized in every way but still having the high-school-girl thinness that accentuated her nice hips and pretty face. "And no, this isn't our off hours. We're here on purpose, otherwise we would have left right away. There's no rest for med-squads." She shook my hand, almost formally, but looked me in the eye with a smile.

I turned to the other one, a wispy blonde girl with long, flowing almost-curls that may or may not have been natural.

She said, "Stacy," and shook my hand, "and likewise, not off hours. We're RCNs."

I hadn't heard the term before, "R-C-N?"

Stacy smiled, "Respite Care Nurses, RCN. Surprised you haven't heard the term already."

"It didn't come up. I have to know... You both look like you're in high school. That's not bad, I'm just... confused."

Lisa took charge, "Listen, we need to make sure there's no misunderstandings. Obviously you don't know how things work yet. We've had two days of training, half a day just on your personal history, specifically. Yes, each of us is over 18 years old. I'm almost 19, Stacy turned... when, last month?"

"Two months ago." She looked sad all of a sudden, and I realized she was probably remembering a birthday party with people that weren't around anymore.

"So, don't worry about us being old enough. Everyone doing RCN work is required to be over 18, for anyone over 18. The system wouldn't assign someone the wrong age here. And, it would come up beforehand. Like I said, we had training."

"Training on me? Why?"

They both looked at me like I was stupid, "Protocols. Everyone operates by the same rules, very formal in parts. What we do, how we act, what we say, all these have pretty well defined boundaries. What you want to do, that's up to you, but how we react is pretty well set out for us."

"And, you're forced to do this?"

Stacy said, "Initially, sure, everyone was, had to be that way. But, fewer and fewer... It wasn't as vital, and they came up with the protocols to help, and it kind of snowballed. I believe your friend Davida had a hand in creating one of them, don't remember what one, they just mentioned it. Now, we're paid. Or, we will be paid... there's a structure. It's about getting a chance to become pregnant, and to rank-advance, and debt forgiveness, and a whole bunch of other stuff."

I nodded, "Pretty sweet deal, then?"

"We're volunteers. We signed up. There's no coercion."

Lisa came in with a, "Well.... Sort of...." But the back door knocked (an automated sound), and the video screen said, 'Say OPEN or "WAIT" or "DENY". I said, "Open!"

An older lady, maybe in her 50's, came in carrying some food bags. She said, "Lunch is here. Where would you like it?"

We pointed at a coffee table and got our food set out and started eating -- sandwiches with beer, a big fruit salad, and apple pie. I was famished, but after the meal I felt a lot stronger. The lady took the fabric bags away with her and left without saying goodbye. I wondered if I'd ever see her again.

We talked over lunch, and I heard the scuttlebutt.

There had been a surface ship out on survey patrol, two women and three men. They'd been out 6 weeks tracking all over Ceres checking out this or that possible mining site, but when they came back, they couldn't get in. More than that, they didn't want to, but they were running low on supplies. If the men came in, they knew, they'd be dead quickly, and one of the women was older, so she'd be dead, too. They didn't know what to do. Some people went up and gave them supplies enough for another 6 weeks. They bathed it in radiation first, though, like, lots."

"So, where are they?"

Lisa said, "There's another colony on the other side of Ceres, and they already told 'em, don't come here. That place is locked down pretty seriously, and who can blame them!"

Stacy shook her head, "They're going to die. Probably. We can't keep them there forever."

Lisa disagreed, "No, they might..." she got inspired, "... Use them for testing a vaccine!"

It was an idea. I was dubious. Bureaucracies tended to only respond when forced, and those people dying in a patrol ship weren't a forcing function.

I'd finished my food (though I couldn't eat much, I did make sure I had some pie). I was about to put my dishes in the sink, but I paused to consider how long it had been since I'd come... maybe, 3 hours? That meant I'd need to again, pretty soon. Looking at the two, I tried to decide how I wanted to approach the issue. I was almost to suggest a joint nap with someone, but the door chime rang again.

Lisa jumped up and went to get it, but I remembered the video instructions and said, "Open." Nothing happened, so she kept going and opened it by hand. Apparently the command was only for the back door.

In trooped a line of 6 girls, or women, variously, each carrying a small bag that they set by the door. They talked in a small group for a minute and laughed and then came over to the lunch table to see what we were eating. I was done, and some 'Ooo' and 'aah, looks good!' resulted in the remainders of our meals being parceled out and quickly consumed.

One of them took the empty dishes over to the kitchen washer, cleaned and put them away. I flashed back to a memory of my kitchen growing up where I had to be forced under extreme duress to do that by Mom and Dad. That led to an '... Oh. ... Right... They're gone.' moment, but I had to return to the present and a busy kitchen area.

Lisa looked over at me and they all got quiet, until I paid attention to her.

She said, "Rules. Ready?"

"Yeah, sure."

"This is how it's going to work. There's going to be a varying number of women in here, rotating in and out. As soon as someone performs Respite Duty, we call it that -- RD -- they are eligible to leave, though they don't have to until 12 hours later. Or, technically, maybe earlier, there's rules if you've gotten RD from more than half of us, someone has to leave. From our side, we give deference for RD to the person here longest. That doesn't apply to you, you can choose who you want with no worries, we will work around it, but you should know we might have different ideas about these things. If you don't choose a person for 48 hours, they'll rotate out anyway and get another chance with someone else later. Medically, that'd be suicidal anyway, but it's technically a rule. With me so far?"

That was easy. "Sure."

"You do not have to wait for a schedule to RD with someone. You must be VERY blunt with us. We do not know you. We cannot do subtle things if we don't know you. We aren't going to be around long enough to set up subtle patterns. If you want something, you need to just plainly ask. Again, we cannot guess what you want, you have to tell us very clearly, exactly what you want. If you want all of us to get in a circle and suck each other's toes, if that gets your rocks off, fine, we're happy to be a part of it. As long as it's genuine, we're all totally onboard with that. But, if we get the sense that you're treating us badly, or asking us to do unpleasant things just to mess with us, that's when things could go badly with you. I'm going to tell you, there are people of varying attractiveness who have volunteered, and being abusive, mean, callous, or unfeeling -- that can get you to a situation where you're surrounded by people not very attractive to you."

"Uh.... Okay?"

Lisa waved us all over to the couches, so we redeployed and sat down, getting comfortable, but it was still her and I talking, with them listening. "We have orders to follow, rules we have to live with. We will not do anything life threatening, we don't care if you get off on that, you can roll over and die before I risk my life getting choked or some crap like that. Though, you haven't tried it on anyone yet. Are you going to want to get into any bondage scenes?"

I was sure about this part, "NO. At least for the foreseeable future, I'm not... I'm not into that stuff." Considering a moment, though, I considered it, and said, "But, if someone here... or, someone later, really wants to be spanked or have their hair pulled? Or something like that? To help them get off? I'm probably okay with helping with that, I guess, but the whole danger or serious pain thing seems wrong to me."

She nodded, and then looked at one of the girls who seemed to be taking notes on her pad.

"These are people you don't know, right? That means, it might be hard to tell me the truth for this next part. But, I want the truth, as best as you can, okay? Here goes. We know that you like being 'cleaned up' after having sex. All of us know this, now. We're going to presume it. Some one of us will take that responsibility, if that's something you like."

I was a little embarrassed, since it kind of had a power dimension to it, but it just felt so damned good... I said, "I did like it, and I do like it, still... it just feels really good."

"Right! We know. You've said that, and we get that, it's fine. We also know about the lesbian stuff..." She paused and looked around, and most of the girls nodded, "...that you like to watch two girls making love while you're having sex with one of them, or with someone else. Is that right?"

I thought about it, and tried to be honest, "Absolutely. It's really sexy to see that there are options in the ... action? And, it's more than that, it's... that it's more than me having fun. If it's only me having fun, it feels one-sided and... kind of mean."

She nodded, "We figured that, so we're prepared for that. Bear in mind that most of us don't have much experience with that yet, but given the ratios on ceres now, we're probably going to have to get used to it eventually. So, you can know, it's okay to ask for stuff like that, but be prepared for no answers."

"Cool!" This sounded like fun to me.

"Lastly, we have just a few more questions. Are you into, or considering that it might be fun to experiment with, any of the following: Peeing on someone or in someone's mouth, having them pee on you, or watching someone pee on someone else?"

I'd heard of such things, but it was kind of disgusting. My eyebrows probably bunched up to reflect a scoffing answer, "No, thanks."

"Anal sex, either giving or receiving?"

I thought about it for a moment. "My immediate answer is no, but... if someone wants it? I might eventually say yes to doing that, but I'd be a novice so if that's the case they'd better help me out with the ideas, then, I think." I was almost done, but something else occurred to me. "That'd be only for giving? I'm... not into the idea of having anything in MY butt..."

She nodded. "Okay, understood. There may be someone who wants that, but generally, but some percentage of us are trying to take the leader's advice and get pregnant, so that wouldn't be the way to do it." She paused, then asked me if I had any questions.

Nothing occurred to me, but then, I asked, "Uh, for right now? I am going to need... soon..."

"I noticed. We all probably noticed, you're ready for something. I got elected to explain here, so... choice of partner is yours. Who would you like first?"

Looking around, they were all basically really pretty. Seniority probably went to the people who'd been with me the longest, which would be Lisa and Stacy. I looked over at Stacy and said, "Stacy?"

She was already smiling, and she jumped up and came over. I stood, too, and said, "How about we use the bedroom... I don't think I've ever been on a king sized bed before."

She said, "Me, neither!" as we walked there.

Getting in the room, she wasted no time and pulled off her clothes quickly, a bit more so than me. I wasn't in a huge rush, but looking at her gorgeous body, I got more excited at the prospect. Her breasts were very nice, medium-sized, lovely, pert, and she was pretty thin, too. I watched the muscles play a little, not that she had an excess of visible definition like some of the others, but it was enough to make her sexy.

She helped pull my clothes off and we went to the bed, turning down the covers and having me sit on the edge. She took my cock in hand, quite hard already (it had been for a while) and started to suck it, going down but not getting far before she choked. I think the head was kind of big for her mouth. She looked at it a little apprehensively, too, but worked the problem. All the while, her other hand was busy between her legs, so I knew she was getting herself wet and ready.

After a couple of minutes of this slow play, not very stimulative for me, but good for her I presumed, she asked, "How do you want me?"

"Straight up missionary, I guess. You're really pretty, I'd like to look at your face."

She smiled at me and said thank you, and got onto the bed. I moved up between her mostly-straight legs and positioned myself, looking at her smiling face and got encouragement to go ahead. I went slowly, to start, not being in a big hurry and wanting to enjoy myself; I hadn't given her any oral but she seemed to be enjoying herself anyway.

As we went, I could tell my above-average girth was giving her some greater-than-normal enjoyment, her gasps and moans starting small but building steadily. Four or five minutes in, I leaned back and used my thumb on her clit, undulating my cock just slightly as I did and figuring the stimulation would help.

It helped.

Stacy's face screwed up rapidly and her breathing got gaspy, a flush spreading over her chest and her nipples poked out strongly. She came, yelling, yelping really, with some low-pitched guttural grunts thrown in for good measure. Her legs clamped on me and I switched to lay down on top of her and started thrusting rapidly, hoping that would enhance things. It seemed to have the desired effect as well.

I came, spurting into her, my balls clenching and my universe going into tunnel-vision. I had given up a long time ago trying to be quiet, and actually thought that my own grunting or moaning made my enjoyment better because I wasn't spending attention or energy preventing it. On, and on, and ON, I pushed in, pressing and stretching, maybe even grinding her clit with the top of my cock. I knew she was getting great sensations by her eyes rolling up in her head, from what I was able to glance and see.

Settling down in post-coital bliss, I collapsed on her, hoping I wasn't too heavy, but I hadn't had any complaints about being too heavy so far so I figured I was okay. Her breasts, I could feel, were pressed into my chest, and I loved that part, that soft part of holding me up with softness.

A minute passed, so gave her a quick kiss, gently though, and rolled to the side. Staring at a ceiling in an actual bedroom was kind of novel, unique, interesting... I'd read about doing this in books, but hadn't ever really been in one.

It almost made me agoraphobic. There was a lot of open space around me all of a sudden.

Sleeping in a cub your whole life and then sleeping outside? I'd obviously done that on the floor in my former room, but... the walls were a lot closer there.

Our breaths returned to us, and Stacy turned around so her feet were towards, and up, the wall, tilting her hips up to make sure all my cum would stay in her.

As she did, I saw the door open a little, and a girl I hadn't seen much of, poke her head in. She said, "Uh, are you... done?"
