Redheaded Ruthie


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Her demeanour had always killed any sexual thoughts that might have been possible from the other guys at work. The way she dressed, the way she wore her hair and the little to no makeup spelled just one thing--dull. What she had also kept locked away from those who even gave her a second thought, was that she was sexual and had needs and now here I was... finding out just how much passion was bottled up behind that thin shell of boredom. I was enjoying the view before I pressed the head of my dick up to the gaping lips of her cunt. This was going to be it... I was about to fuck Work Ruthie and I was going to fuck her hard! She started this, but I was going to make sure that she walked away from it with a stiff crotch and a cunt full of my cum. For tonight at least, I was going to own her!

Now, some women just want to be made love to, some want to be love to and to be fucked gently too, but some want... no, NEED, to be fucked hard and for those (bless their horny, little hearts), the harder... the better.

I pulled my cock away from her crying labia and stepped to her side. Before I took her, I wanted her to beg. I wanted to hear just how badly she needed to be fucked. Leaning against her I took her by the hair once again and pulled her head up.

"I want to hear what you want before I give you anything more!" I growled close to her ear.

"Whaa... what? Came her weak response.

I tugged her hair once again and repeated what I'd said. She said nothing.

"Who owns that pussy of yours tonight?" I gave her head another tug.

"What?" was all she could manage.

It was obvious just how poor both her imagination had grown and the need for some fun had dried up and blown away in the wind. Perhaps... she'd never known either when it came to sex. I slapped her ass with my other hand, then rubbed the spot as it quickly turned a rosy-red colour.

"I'm not going to fuck you until you tell me who owns your cunt tonight."

I was calm of voice and measured in tone as I said it, then SLAP!! I smacked her ass cheeks again. First on the same cheek, then on the opposite one. She squirmed under my grip.

If it had been a brighter night, I would have been able to see the clear trickle of lust run over her deep pink labia and drip down onto the dirt beneath her feet. The scent of her pussy, however, told me all that I needed to know before I swatted her again.

"Listen closely, Ruthie... you are a slut. My slut! And when I ask you a question, you're duty is to answer me." I smacked her derriere again. "Do you understand the game we're playing here?"

She let out the most incredible moan one could have imagined. It appeared that I had broken through the final barrier in her mind and she had surrendered. If there had been any doubt earlier about how the night was going to go... there was none now.

She was crying as she answered me. Her pussy was literally crying too and those that were deaf or blind, could not have missed the smell of her sex that was in the air now.

"Oh God, YES! YES!" she moaned. "Fuck me. PLEEEEASE! FUCK ME!

I pulled her hair again and she raised up from her prone position on the picnic table. I took her in my arms and held her very close. She sobbed into my shoulder. Taking her face between my two hands, I kissed her with passion and she returned my kiss with the same desire.

"I know what you need, Ruthie and I'm going to make sure you get every ounce of what you have so missed," I whispered softly in her ear. She sobbed again before kissing me once more.

"Now," I began with a gentle tone, "I want you to stretch back out on top of the table like you were and I want you to answer my question when I ask you again."

She lay back down with her arms stretched above her head and her legs apart. Her lovely ass stuck out and I could see the crimson imprint of my hand. I leaned over the table once again and licked her ear before asking her again.

"Are you my slut, Ruth?"

"I am," she responded with confidence in her voice now.

"How would you like to be fucked, my slut?"

"Hard, Sir," was her response with just a little quiver in her voice. "Nice and Hard!"

And so it began. I took my position behind her and pushed the smooth head of my cock just inside of her. She lay there and waited. I pushed in a little deeper and she took her first sharp breathe. I stopped a moment.

"Are you okay?" I inquired.

She pushed her ass back ever so slightly and I took that as a yes.

"Are you ready for a little more?" again I queried.

"Mmmmm..." came her response.

I pushed in a little deeper, then paused. For someone who had had 2 children, she was amazingly tight. Perhaps not having had a real cock in her for at least 3 years, I thought things might have come together in there and I didn't want to hurt her. I started just a slow fuck, withdrawing a few inches and then gently reinserting my cock. She moaned softly with each penetration.

"You let me know when you're ready and I'll give you a little bit more."

I continued a slow seesawing motion. It was very nice for me with her tightness and how warm and lubricated her pussy was. As I pushed in and out slowly, I added a rotation of my hips too and that motion applied a little more pressure to the sides of her vagina now as well.

"Mmmmmmmmm...," she moaned a little louder and more emphatically.

"Feel good?" I asked as I gave her one short, hard thrust.

"OH FUUUUCK!" she gasped.

"Okay, Baby," I said gently, "I'm gonna turn the heat up a few degrees and it's going to get warmer in here--are you ready for that?"

While I coached her, I kept up the same slow pace, but I could feel her loosening up a little and my cock was literally sliding through a warm glove that felt like it was filled with Crisco. She was ready.

"Are you ready for a little bit more, Baby?" I asked her again.

"Mmmmmm hmmmmmm...," was the dreamy response I got back.

I started to ride now. A little deeper. A little faster. A little harder. Her silence now became grunts and as I gave her more cock, the grunts got deeper. She was going to a place in her head and in her pussy where, I was willing to bet, she'd never been before. I cut and sliced her mango's skin into nice little squares and I was about to turn it inside out and feed her cubes of that delicious fruit.

I've fucked a few married ladies in my day and I can tell you almost unanimously, if hubby hasn't been taking care of her garden and someone new comes along... hubby is in a heap of trouble.

Ruthie's pussy felt like royal velvet. I could feel the ridges and the bumps of her nest as my cock slid so easily over each delightful imperfection. In and out. In and out. In and out. Again, I rotated my hips and changed the path of my long, thick bandit that was stealing her away from her husband. At the end of each in stroke I pushed harder and forced the knob of my cock in a little deeper. She grunted with each penetration and I held it in her momentarily, so nice and deep, before sliding it back out and reloading for another stroke.

I spoke softly, as if not speaking to anyone in particular, but I most definitely was. I was speaking to her mind, teasing out and coaxing her subconscious to unlock her treasure trove of needs and let me in... into her imagination.

My cock slid so easily, as if someone were standing over her pouring virgin olive oil on her cunt and my piston. It slid in so easily, but not without that delicious pressure. With each stroke of my cock I was slowly pumping up her balloon. She could feel it and so could I. It was liquid chocolate oozing into each little fold and crevice of her mind. I was filling her with whorish imaginings and whispering to her demons.

Something that I know about ladies such as Ruthie, was that she had never allowed herself the luxury of a sexuality. Her fantasies, her desires and her angry needs, she'd hidden away in an airtight bottle where neither oxygen nor the light of day would ever reach them. Her lackey of a husband had probably encased her inner needs in concrete with talk of how repulsive he thought certain behaviours were and how a lady should, and more emphatically... NOT behave.

Ruth more than likely lived in horror that if any of her needs or desires were ever expressed, she'd be shunned and excommunicated, driven from her home and lose her family. She was not to have her own needs satisfied, but would be forced to accept her husband's as her own. And now he'd even taken that away and denied her any sex whatsoever.

I punched my cock harder into her begging cunt and listened for the echo back. With each hammer, she'd grunt like a whore in heat. She'd become the bitch that spread her legs for every passing cock, begging them to mount her and breed her with no regard for love or tenderness. She needed to be fucked and she needed to be fucker hard! Cock was a drug and the addictive things it did to her was never to be passed upon again.

As I stood over her shapely ass, her body stretched across the rough surface of the table I'd laid her over, I was thrilled with the thoughts of stealing another man's wife. If he could see her now, giving herself so lewdly, grunting like the whore I was turning her into and without any regard for her status as a wife and a mother, he'd have most likely collapsed. He'd driven her here and I was in the process of saving her! The sounds of us fucking, the smell of the fresh sex and the moans and groans of the whore, were so hot and I was near delirious as I turned her out.

As the pressure in both her head and her cunt neared the bursting point, I spit on her asshole and pushed my thumb in right up to the second joint. I twisted it and pressed on the smooth, warm lining, adding more pressure to spots that had never been touched before. I slid it in and back out. I twisted it again and again, then slapped her white cheek with my other hand.

I told Ruthie what a gorgeous woman she was and how I'd never seen anything more beautiful than her laying there being fucked and loving it. She moaned and she groaned and she drooled. It was indeed a sight to see. Big cock was her new drug and spreading those long, shapely legs was her new hobby and Wayne could go fishing whenever the fish were biting... because she had everything she needed now. Ruthie had discovered fucking!

I could tell from the signs, just what was happening to her at that very moment. She couldn't feel the pressure building in her imagination, but it was. She could, however, feel it building in that area that wasn't quite her cunt and not quite her ass. It wasn't even really just below her belly, but it was, in fact, in all of those areas. She just didn't know where, exactly, if she had to point to it. It was like molten something expanding and pressing. It was making her heart pound in her chest and her breathing was even heavier and raspier than it had been before. She was on a ride, spinning in circles and she wasn't even sure anymore where she was exactly! She had an image, a fantasy playing in her head and she wasn't being asked to exert herself, at least not physically, and yet she was sweating and panting and moaning as the scene played out in her head. She could feel that big cock so deep inside of her, touching places her hairbrush had not even found. She could feel the weight of the body leaning over her and the weight of this tool. She felt that forbidden stretching of her most private of holes and she felt the shame and the lust, but she was so far gone she couldn't have stopped any of it, even if she had wanted to.

The desperation in her grunts told me exactly where she was in the seismic tremors that she was now experiencing. She was crying again and she was swearing. The grunts were turning to short, sharp screams as the molten feeling was on the verge of exploding and she was about to be swept away in the river of lust, the contractions that she was incapable of stopping and the shudders and tingles and shocks that reached from the tips of her bare toes up her long legs, to her pussy and her ass. Her eyes were clamped tightly shut and it felt like perhaps her heart might explode! I pumped her hard as she thrashed like a possessed woman on the table top and let out the most mournful cry I had ever heard. Ruthie was having another orgasm and by all of the fuss she was making... it was a good one! I'd lost count... was it 2 or 3? Maybe even number 4.

I was so close to my own release I wouldn't let her up, but kept her prone across the table as I pushed the last few strokes as far up and into her as I could reach. Then, my own exploded in that beautiful wave of uncontainable contractions from the centre of my own asshole, through my groin and out the length of my cock! Each contraction was like a cannon firing another volley of cum, followed by another and another and another. It never lasts quite long enough, but the pleasure it gives, well... it is the very meaning of the word addictive! Who wouldn't enjoy something so primal and nerve snapping as that? When a man cums, he can't think, he can't speak and he can't stop that incredible rush of thrusts and contractions! It's like going over a waterfall, but you're clinging to the outside of the barrel instead of being cocooned on the inside!

Ruthie continued to sob as the first wave of surrender passed. I help her stand up again and took her in my arms. We were both glistening in the moonlight from our shared commission of such a beautiful sin. I didn't see this thing coming, that happened between us, and although she started it, I was more than willing to finish it. I would have to say that I was quite pleased with how I did.

Psychology being what it is, I fully expected her to get a major case of the guilts and say that this could never happen again and she didn't know what got into her, but she is a good wife and then try and make me swear to never tell a single soul about her transgressions and yadda, yadda, yadda...

If that was what was coming, I was at least going to enjoy the end of our superficial mistake. I put my arm around her waist and slowly started to walk back to the van. With the tension having been let off between us, I looked at her a little differently now. I quite liked her height and as she walked a little wobbly beside me, it sunk in that she was actually just as tall as I was. She was naked and her skin felt soft under my touch and I loved how her curves and big titties looked very sexy with the moonlight shining on them.

I guided her around to the rear of the van and opened the door.

"Let's just lay here for a little bit and let the vibes kinda relax," I said as I helped her crawl into the back.

There was some kind of a camping mattress laid out so it was more comfortable than just laying on the hard floor and that rough carpet. I spooned her and let my cock tuck into that warm crease between her cheeks. I kissed her and caressed her while she sighed and made little moaning sounds. I had loved the fuck we'd just had and I thought that this was a nice way for her to be treated after the hard screw I'd just put into her. I was pretty sure that she'd never been fucked that hard before.

We laid there for the best part of an hour, just touching and kissing. Neither of us said a single word. When it was time to go, I helped her get dressed, held the door open for her and we had a quiet drive back to the office to get my car. She found some nice music and we just listened as we drove.

Two weeks past without a word out of Ruth. It was work as usual and I wouldn't have believed that that night had even happened by the way she acted. Not a glance, a smile or naughty wink... nothing.

Then it happened. She returned a manual to me that she'd borrowed. I was not in the office when she slipped it into my mailbox. As soon as I saw it, I could see that she'd put something in the pages as they bulged open slightly. In this day of social media, texts, tweets and emails, it was a real treat to get an actual note in an envelope with her writing on the outside. I didn't open it right away, perhaps fearing that it might be something I didn't really want to read. Of course, that lasted only about an hour, then I took it with me and went for a walk outside. It read...



She was indeed an old fashioned kind of girl, bless her heart, because the single page note was actually scented with her perfume. When was the last time you received something like that?

I could go into great detail about what transpired on that outing and the many more she initiated. I let her take the responsibility for when we got together and I took care of the details. Of course you know that this story is going to end with me telling you that I had awakened a completely amoral slut, and that is the honest to god truth. But, just how immoral did she turn out to be? Ruthie was just so full of surprises...

Today is her birthday and I've arranged a nice little party for her. I've bought her various gifts in the past, but this year she said she wanted something different. When you've found that special friend and you know just how lucky you are... well, you never want to disappoint.

She is laying on the bed right now, as naked as she could be. Her toes are painted deep red and they match both her finger nails and her lipstick. Her red pubes are waxed away and she is showing a perfect camel toe. I have put wrist restraints on her and her arms are stretched wide and secured to the very edges of the headboard. Her knees are raised to her big tits and they too are tied to keep them apart. With a bit of effort, she can still secure her feet around the back of any body that is laying between those long, sexy legs.

Beside her on the pillow lays a black, cloth mask... a balaclava, you know, with the eyes and mouth cutout, but the rest of her face covered when she has it on. I am just finishing this paragraph and will then attend to her and slide it over her head and make sure it is covering her face properly. In about 10 minutes I expect the first knock at the door and the first of her 7 gifts to arrive. It promises to be an excellent birthday and... Ruthie's first gang bang--a train, as the lingo goes. There is just something really special about watching a woman, who has asked you to arrange for her, to have her "brains fucked out!" (Her words...) I'm probably just as excited as she is.

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12bolt12boltalmost 2 years ago

Five star loved story, characters, and the lustfull sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent, excellent, excellent loved it. So descriptive and spot on. The last line about the train was where you lost me. Could have done without that. But excellent

NiceNips71NiceNips71about 2 years ago

Overall good story, I would have like a more descriptive tit play… perhaps Ruthie having his cock between her tits while she pushes them together while rolling her excited nipples in her fingers.

the_Otter_guythe_Otter_guyabout 2 years ago

I do love reading about hardcore fucking from a woman’s point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

THANK YOU for such a fun read!!!! You have a fine eye for sufficient detail without becoming repetitious.

Please do continue as you will.

Be Well and Happy,


JustplainjeffJustplainjeffabout 2 years ago

I had to think long and hard about the 5* I gave this story. Should it have been in the LW category? Well, whatever catagory, it was hot. If this is your first story, I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was headed for a score of 4 until the end. You just had to fuck it up. Instead I'm forced to give your first attempt a 2.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Skank and bitch and cuck story how very boring.

oldhornywriteroldhornywriterabout 2 years ago

I think you are wrong in your bio. You certainly are a writer. Well done, and very hot.

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