Regaining My Life Ch. 04

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Zoë, Chris and Quinn settle in with their new arrangements.
8.6k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/19/2023
Created 07/19/2021
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Regaining My Life

Chapter 4 -- A Week in August

Thank you to s0reth0at and SunsetDevil for help with plot and character development. Thank you to EditingAlix, s0reth0at, SissyKaty, and SunsetDevil for their review and editing work. All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imagination. Any similarity to actual people and situations is purely a coincidence. All constructive criticism is welcome.

_ _ _ _ _

My clock radio came on to Weekend Edition Saturday. The morning light was pouring in through the open windows. A light breeze ruffled the curtain. My mind worked to situate itself. It was 7:30. Time to get up. I smelled coffee. Coffee? I didn't make coffee. Zoë. Zoë shared my bed last night. She must be in the kitchen. I put on my slippers and robe, but left the front open, hoping to tease my new friend with benefits. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth to get rid of any morning breath. As I approached the kitchen Zoë was talking. Then I heard Christina's voice.

I stood in the doorway, robe open. Zoë was leaning on the kitchen counter. She wore my dress shirt from the previous evening. It was unbuttoned and open down the middle. She had it draped over her breasts, with her blonde pussy in clear sight. She held a mug of coffee with both hands. Across the room, Chris was sitting at the table. She wore a plain white t-shirt and khaki shorts that came to mid-thigh.

Chris smiled, "There's our lover boy. I like that outfit."

Zoë set her mug down and came over to me. She placed one hand on my shoulder, and then kissed me, standing on her tip-toes.

Chris exclaimed, "Oh. I like that technique."

She came over and placed both hands on my shoulders. She went on tiptoe to gently kiss me as well.

I said, "Good morning ladies." I filled my oversized coffee mug and sat at the table next to Chris. She eyed my flaccid cock as I passed.

I patted Chris' arm, "So if you don't mind me asking, what brings your lovely self to my kitchen on this sunny Saturday morning?"

Chris pointed to Zoë.

Zoë said, "I woke up around six, made the coffee. Then I realized that I didn't have any regular clothes so, I called Chris and asked her to bring some over for me." Almost as an afterthought Zoe added, "I washed your china by the way. It's on the dining room table ready to be put away."

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that."

"It's OK. It's my way of thanking you for a wonderful evening. By the way, we're going to go hiking. Want to come with us?"

"Let me think about it."

Chris observed, "I am feeling like the odd man out here."

I asked, "What?"

"I'm the only one fully clothed."

"Give me a minute and I'll go get dressed."

Chris laughed, "I'll just join you two."

She stripped off her shirt, her beautiful breasts on display. "Much better."

Her relaxed nipples hardened in the cool morning air coming through the window. Zoë came over and removed the dress shirt. She sat down, her nipples contending to be the most erect in the room.

I suddenly got the feeling that these two friends were competing with one another for my attention. Hmm.

I asked, "Have either of you eaten yet?"

Both shook their heads.

"What can I make you? I have some eggs, some pancakes."

Chris said, "I'll have an egg over medium with toast, but only if you leave the robe here."

Zoë added, "Just an egg for me, but I second no robe."

I took another drink of coffee. As I stood my cock was nearly at face level for Chris.

Chris spoke softly, "Zoë told me that you were beautiful with your red pubes and pink skin. I didn't get to see you up close."

"Here I am."

Chris started to reach for me, but I teasingly admonished, "Now, now. We're not lovers remember?"

I walked over to the stove and started making breakfast. I also put on an apron.

Chris said, "Hey!"

"Can you imagine how painful it would be if I had something hot splatter on the family jewels?"

Zoë exclaimed, "At least we can still see your cute butt."

I pointed my ass at them, bent over slightly, and gave it a little wiggle. They both hooted.

While waiting for the eggs to cook, I decided to play waiter. I grabbed the coffee pot, "A warm-up ladies?"

Zoë said, "Yes, please."

Chris moved her cup next to Zoë's and I topped off both. As I was walking away I used the apron to blot some pre-cum dripping from my cock. Two pairs of nearly perfect naked breasts were quite a sight at this hour. When the meal was ready, I removed the apron and brought our breakfast to the table.

Zoë asked, "Were you a short-order cook at some point in your life? That was quick."

"No. Eggs are just easy to cook." I sat down and we started eating.

Chris remarked, "These eggs are good. What did you do to them?"

"Nothing. I get them from my neighbor up the road. They're from free-range hens. I think they're much better than the ones from the store."

Zoë agreed, "Oh, they are."

Chris asked, "So will you go hiking with us?"

"I don't want to disappoint either of you, but I think I'm going to pass."

Zoë looked sad.

Chris patted my hand, "It's OK. You'll probably miss out on us practicing our craft as wood nymphs."

"I will miss that, although I am seeing some good practice right now." I had both of them smiling. 'Good. Smiling is good.' I thought. "One thing I can do is send you off with a nice lunch. How about leftovers from last night?"

Zoë exclaimed, "Oh! That would be great." Turning to Chris, "Quinn's chicken was fabulous."

I told them, "You won't be able to heat it, but it should be good cold. There's still some zucchini and green beans. I've also got the berries and whipped cream. I'll pack it with some cold packs."

Chris agreed, "I think that's a good plan."

I'm not much of a morning person so I normally don't talk much, but I was surprised that my companions were quiet. We ate in silence and there was a bit of tension in the air. They both finished their breakfast. Chris got more coffee.

Zoë announced, "I'm going to run up and get dressed. Be right back."

When Zoë had gone Chris placed her hand on my arm, and looked into my eyes, "That woman is absolutely radiant. What did you do to her?"

I melted into those brown eyes, "Remember, I don't kiss and tell. You'll have to get it from her."

"At least you are consistent."

"Here let me take your plate."

As I stood, Chris looked longingly at my cock, "Can I just look at you for a moment?"

I stopped and faced her.

She reached out and cupped my balls, "I know. We're not lovers." She gently petted the head.


"I know."

She kissed the head of my cock, and then took me into her mouth for a little suck. "You taste and smell like sex." She gave me one last suck, then stood and gave me the tiptoe kiss while holding my stiffening penis. "OK. I need to get ready."

Chris disappeared and came back with a knapsack. As she stood there topless, my cock reached about half-mast. I packed their lunch.

I handed Chris a house key, "Just in case you need access to this place."

She smiled and kissed me.

Zoë came down, nipped out in a yellow shirt and short, dark blue shorts. "OK, all set."

I handed Zoe the thermal bag, "Here's your lunch."

Chris said, "My car's in your barn. Is it OK if I leave it there?"

I nodded, "Sure."

Chris put on her shirt in front of me. She unzipped her shorts to tuck it in and her lovely dark delta came into view. She looked up at me and smiled. She finished dressing, "OK. I'm ready too. Let's go."

I escorted them to the door, still naked with my penis approaching full hardness.

Zoë said, "I'll pick up my dress on Sunday."

I nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

Zoë gave me her tiptoe kiss. She took my cock in her hand and smiled at me. She headed for the door. Chris placed her hands behind my neck and pressed her stomach against my cock. She gave me an open-mouthed kiss and touched tongues.

She placed her hand on the side of my face, "Gotta go." She reached down, gave my shaft a little squeeze, and was gone.

_ _ _ _ _

I tidied up the house, took a shower, and headed to my study. I spent the morning prepping for the coming semester. I now had two of three courses ready. I also typed up and printed the Friends with Benefits rules that Zoë and I had come up with.

After lunch I went for a long walk up the country road that runs by my house. I needed to think. I was pretty sure that Chris was jealous of Zoë. The tension at breakfast was palpable. It would probably be best to not be together with both of them. I replayed the sight of two naked women in my mind and I began to stiffen.

I needed to think about Zoë. I don't think I had ever seen anyone as happy as she was this morning. I tried to imagine spending my life with her -- now I could see that as a possibility. She wanted to experiment. It would probably be best to let her come up with what she wanted to experiment with. The last thing I wanted to do was anything that would destroy her trust in me.

Chris thought I should date. How do I go about dating? There were always those dating sites, but I really didn't want to go that route. Certainly not something like Tinder. Random sex with strangers could be exciting, but it could also introduce an STD, the last thing I wanted. How would I explain to Zoë if I caught something from some one-night stand? How does one go about dating in this day and age? I suppose I needed to find out.

Whom should I date? Chris had mentioned several faculty colleagues. Of the Wood Nymphs, I knew that Wendy was married, Asha was a lesbian, and Vicky had a life partner with two kids. There were still some possibilities. Julianne was a curvy brunette, originally from Florida. She worshipped the sun and was always tanned. Astrid was a tall blonde in her forties from the mid-West. I knew she had been divorced for several years. Roz and I used to see her at parties a lot. Colleen was a redhead, almost strawberry blonde. She was also about five feet tall and a fellow veteran. We were the only two vets on the faculty. It seemed like I knew a lot of five-foot-tall women. Trish was taller and older, probably past fifty. She had a stunning figure with a couple of extra pounds. She reminded me of a girl I dated in high school.

I also thought of Francesca. She had been the lead singer in a four piece band I was a part of. We didn't have a formal name, but we laughingly referred to ourselves as Francesca and Her Boys. In addition to singing, Francesca played keyboard. Completing the band was Sam on guitar, Dave on drums, and I played bass. Long ago we used to play Saturday evenings at the Brew Pub. When Roz died we stopped playing and rehearsing, partly out of respect for me, but mostly because I had a hard time concentrating. I finally got my act together and we rehearsed twice before the pandemic struck, but we never played a gig. I know Francesca had just gone through a nasty divorce and I doubted she wanted anything to do with men right now.

So how to go about getting a date? I guess I could go to the next party and chat someone up. I could also try to figure out a way to 'accidentally' run into someone. All things I would need to figure out.

_ _ _ _ _

There were several academic articles that I had been meaning to read, so I spent the first part of the afternoon immersed in theoretical pondering. One article prompted a research idea. I made a note to visit the college library on Monday.

I spent the rest of the afternoon following Frodo, Samwise, Pippin, and Merry through the Shire. By the time the four hobbits had reached Bree, the late afternoon sun was creeping up the porch floor and the temperature was beginning to rise. It would still be several hours before it dipped behind the maples and put the porch in shade again. I placed my bookmarker as I moved to a cooler spot.

I walked down the porch stairs intending to sit at the picnic table under the trees when Zoë's yellow Subaru pulled into the drive. She tooted her horn and I started walking in that direction. Chris jumped out and grabbed her knapsack from the trunk. Zoë waved and drove off.

Chris was left standing in the middle of the gravel.

As I approached she greeted me, "Hey, how was your afternoon?"

"Very nice." I showed her the book, "Been reading. I'm down to one course left to prep."

"I still have two. Walk with me. I need to put this in my car."

We went through the side door of the barn. She placed her knapsack on the back seat, "Oh here's your cooler-insulated-thingee."

I took it. Chris grabbed a quilt from the trunk, "I thought we could go out in your meadow and talk."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

I set the insulated bag and my book on the barn's workbench and followed her out the door. She took my hand as we leisurely strolled across the meadow.

Chris pointed to a spot, "That looks nice under those maples."

We spread the quilt in the shade and Chris came over to me.

She placed her hands on my chest and smiled, "I really like these shirts on you. This material is like bikini material. It fits you nicely. I can see your man nips and your chest hair -- you can see the outline of the hairs. It reminds me of college days and we'd wear those ultra-thin fabric bikinis so you could tell that we had a bush."

"I remember those suits. They were an instant hard-on."

"I remember sitting in my girlfriend's room trimming our pubes just so. We wanted our bikinis perfect. At the beach, we would regularly take a quick dip so we could walk back across the beach with our nipples poking out and looking closely you could detect our pubes. We were such cock teases. Nowadays, everyone shaves their pussy bald and goes for a camel toe. I kind of like my pubes."

"I love a woman with a nice bush. Would you wear a bikini like that for me?"

"I think that could be arranged. It's good to know you like pubes." She put her arms around my neck. My hands went to her hips. She kissed me softly, then opened her eyes.

I asked, "Shall we sit?"

She kicked off her sneakers and sat down cross-legged. She pulled off her socks.

Since my legs aren't that flexible, I sat with my legs out on either side of her body, "Foot."

She extended her leg to me. I held her foot with both thumbs on her sole and massaged from toe to heel.

Chris groaned, "Ooh. That feels so good. I didn't realize my feet were aching."

I took the other foot and repeated the massage.

She said, "Don't tell me you have a foot fetish."

"No. I don't think so. But when I did this to Zoë last night, she loved it."

"I love it too. I was thinking of pulling my top off, but maybe that's not a good idea."

"Christina, your breasts are so beautiful and very distracting. As it is I will have a hard time focusing with you nipped out like you are."

"Sorry. I can't help that."

"So let's talk." I said, continuing to massage her feet.

Chris explained, "I tried to do a lot of thinking on our hike, but it was difficult. Zoë talked non-stop."

Our eyes met and our souls became one. "You changed her life last night, you know. She told me that the only orgasms she had ever had before last night were from masturbation. She thought you had her cumming for at least an hour."

"I don't think it was more than a couple of minutes. Which leads to our first topic." I looked down momentarily, "This may be just me, but I think you are jealous of Zoë."

She smiled and took my hand, "When I came to your house this morning, Zoë met me wearing that shirt of yours unbuttoned with her pussy exposed. She was glowing, her hair slightly disheveled, and she smelled like sex. I was insanely jealous. I so wanted to be her."

I said, "At the table, it felt like you were both competing for my attention. First, Zoë standing there with her blonde pussy, then you pulled off your shirt, and then Zoë lost the shirt. If I was a younger man, I would have had a raging hard-on by then. The two of you were so hot."

"Actually, that's nice to know. When you stood up and your penis was just hanging there, I thought we weren't getting you excited."

"Chris, I'm not a young man. I can have one good erection and one good ejaculation per day."

She smiled.

I continued, "You two were very exciting. I was still recovering from the previous night. I leaked a little pre-cum and wiped it off in the apron while I was cooking. When you took me in your mouth you started getting me hard. By the time you kissed me goodbye I was in steel pipe mode."

Chris smiled and nodded, our eyes sending unintentional flirtation messages, "I noticed."

"This may be too much information, but sitting here looking into your eyes, your nipples struggling to be free from your shirt, and those shorts stretched taut across your pussy has caused a substantial amount of pre-cum to leak out."

"Prove it."

I unbuckled my jeans and put my finger to the head of my cock. I pulled out a nice drop.

Chris took my hand and sucked my finger. She closed her eyes, savoring my taste, "That's nice. That made me wet. No, I'm not going to let you taste me. Yet."

"Which leads me to the next idea. I think that we should make some rules for being friends with shower benefits. Zoë and I came up with our own rules last night and I think it would be a good idea if we did the same thing."

Chris agreed, "Good idea. What's our first rule?"

"How do we handle Zoë? I'm thinking the less she knows about you and me, the better."

"We are besties you know. That may be hard, but I will do my best."

"She and I have a rule that we can't tell each other about dates or sex with others, including anything I do with you. But she vetoed the idea of not talking to you."

"OK, that makes sense."

"How do we want to handle touching?"

"Well, we have to get each other clean, so we have to be able to touch each other. Maybe only with our hands though. I could see you wanting to take your tongue and touch me everywhere."

"Or like when you gave me a little suck this morning."

"I know. I couldn't help myself."

I admitted, "That thought just made me leak a little more." She smiled impishly. "How about penetration of any sort?"

"I'm thinking that may not be such a good idea. A girl needs to keep soap out of her vagina anyway. Although..." I could see the wheels turning. "What if one of our assholes is exceptionally dirty? It might need to be cleaned thoroughly."

"Like last week?" I inquired.

"Exactly. Your anus needed a good cleaning."

"OK. But you can't clean all the way to my prostate. You'd make me cum very quickly."

"Fair enough."

I continued, "Which leads me to the next topic -- orgasms."

"I think we can't induce them on each other. They can be self-induced though."

"In one another's presence?"

"Sure. We could say that masturbation parties are OK."

"OK, so how about bodily fluids? You just ingested a tiny bit."

"So, how about this idea? If the fluids are out of our bodies, then that would be OK."

I pondered, "So, for example, when ejaculate leaves my body, then that would be fair game?"


"So if I were to ejaculate in the general direction of your mouth, that would be within the rules."

"Yes. Plus any pussy juice on my fingers or say a dildo, would be fair game."

"A dildo?"

"Please don't think I'm a slut, but I just ordered one."

"No, that's cool. So, who can manipulate the dildo? Just you?"

"No. I think that as long as you don't penetrate me with any of your body parts, you could use the dildo on me."

"In the shower?"

Chris said, "Well, in the shower and perhaps before or after. It would have to be part of the showering event."

"Showering event? You are sounding like a lawyer."

"How many times did I see my lawyer this week? So I'm thinking the showering event would be from the time we intended to take a shower until we were toweled dry, to include blow drying my hair, or fully dressed even."