Remi and Anna


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"Did you like what we did Remi?"

Remi blushed again, her sense of awkwardness compounded by her naked state and once again hardening nipples. Anna noticed the change in them.

"I take it from your body's reaction that you did."

Remi said nothing, but nodded. Anna spoke again,

"Remi, i've known for months that you've had a thing for me, it's been obvious and it's been hard for me to resist it. Fuck it Remi, how do I say it, it's not a crush I have for you it's far more than that. I've wanted you for ages. I think about you all the time. It's not just sex Remi. Remi I want you."

She inhaled sharply and as if acknowledging her self more than talking to Remi, said,

"There, i've said it now."

She continued,

"Remi, I want you, i've wanted you since the first day I saw you at your mum' house. but you were too young and I was not sure."

Remi listened. her heart raced, she felt sick to her core and almost subconsciously she started to shake her head in confusion. She'd just done the most unimaginable thing possible and now, post endorphin rush, felt disgusted with her actions. What the fuck. She stood up, looking for her pants, trying to hide her body from Anna.

Anna did not move, but her eyes followed her around the room. She waited until Remi had pulled her pants on and had covered her body with her crumpled dress before she spoke again,

"Remi, look at me please."

Remi could not.

"Please Remi,"

Remi stood in the corner of the kitchen, about as far away from Anna as she could be. She felt so many mixed emotions, but the thought that was nagging away at her the most, found a voice,

"Why did you want me to do that to you?"


"Fuck off, you know what."

Anna said nothing. Remi felt a sense of impatience rising within her.

"I think because I knew you wanted it to. I can't give you a real answer Remi, but all I know is that when I fed from you, I felt the most wonderful sense of completeness i've ever felt in my life."

Remi looked down at her. Her sense of irritation was mixed with a deep nagging curiosity.

"Have you done it to anyone else before? Actually, don't answer that, I know you have."

Anna looked straight at her.

"I'm not going to lie to you Remi. yes I have. I've been a lesbian pretty much all my life and yes, with several girlfriends I have done this. But it was different with you."

Remi took a step closer to her. Her teenage ego questioned,

"How so?"

Anna sighed. She paused for a few moment and then continued,

"The first time I was twenty and I was with a partner into domination. She was a bit older and liked to dominate me and I liked to be a sub, you know, submissive. We did it a few times, but our relationship ended when she found someone else and that was that."

"And the other time?"

"Once, with a younger woman. I fed her. I realised then that I want to be the one to be fed. So I did and she realised afterwards that it was not her thing at all. So that was that really. I've not had many girlfriends Anna and this thing I like to do... well it's hardly your typical activity is it."

Remi stood still. Her sense of uncertainty had diminished somewhat. Something in way Anna had answered had piqued her curiosity,

"You knew I did kinky things didn't you?"

The words came out almost as an accusation. She leaned closer to Anna, almost perching on the front of the chair. Her dress was pushed down into her lap, exposing once again her small pink nipples. Anna stared at them, but this time not in lust, but as a way of avoiding eye contact with Anna.

"My mum told you didn't she. She told you."

Anna said nothing and fixed her stare at Remi's chest. The direction this conversation was now going in wasn't one she had expected, but she felt powerless to wrestle control away from Remi. Remi's voice took on a harder edge, one that Anna had not heard before,

"What did she tell you?"

Anna remained silent, nervous, almost scared to answer. Remi stared at her. The silence between them was palpable.

"You at least owe me that much Anna, what did she tell you?"

Anna lifted her gaze slowly and looked up at Remi questioning and angry,

"Remi, can I at least clean myself up before we talk some more?"

"No, I want to know. What did she tell you?"

Remi was furious. She felt betrayed and violated.

"No Anna, I want to know what my mum said to you."

A long pause followed. The rain fell against the window as the summer squall sent sheets of rain against the kitchen window.

"Ok Remi, i'll tell you. She told me quite a few months ago that she had found sex toys in your room and that some of them were clearly for anal play. She was worried that you would hurt yourself as some the items were very big. She showed them to me and I said to her that they would be fine. She was worried about you Remi and needed to share her concerns with someone else."

Remi's feet slid off the chair and she slumped down in to it. The back of the chair was uncomfortable and dug into her spine and added to her discomfort. She was angry, betrayed, yet... yet her mother had acted only out of concerned for her. Remi wasn't such a bitch as to hate her mum for caring.

"Why did she tell you?"

"Because we are close and because we go way back."

There was something in the way that Anna answered that made Remi's mind question deeper and then her heart skipped a beat. Her sharp brain had put two and two together. She felt a head rush of dizziness. Her heart pounded and her hands clenched hard shut. She steadied her self, took a deep inward breath through her mouth and then spoke with a slow deliberate voice,

"You slept with my mum.'"

It was a statement, not a question.

Silence followed. Anna said nothing. Her eyes flickered and dropped to Anna's chest.

"You don't need to say anything. Your face says it all."

"All my face says right now is that I am a messy eater Remi. Nothing more than that."

"Don't make fun of me Anna, it's not fucking funny at all."

"I wasn't trying to. Look Remi, you've known me for two years now and you know who I am and what i'm like."

"I don't know you at all Anna and now I realise I know my mum even less than that."

"Don't be hard on her Remi, she was only looking out for you."

Remi snorted, sarcastically she replied,


Anna stared at her. With eyes locked to each other, with Remi looking down at her with hands clenched shoulders straining and so very clearly angry, Anna knew she needed to be direct in her response.

"Yes really. Think about it for a moment Remi, she's your mum and she loves you. She told me once that she fully expects you to tell her one day she's a lesbian. She's known for years that you might well be."

Remi's sarcastic tone of voice continued,

"Oh really and how do you know all of this?"

"Because we talk, because we've been friends for years, before you were even born. I've known your mum longer than you have Remi."

"Or maybe it's because the older woman you mentioned before was my mum.'"

Anna flinched.

It had been a wild stab, an angry guess made by Remi. With wide eyes, almost not believing the response Anna gave, she leaned back slightly in her chain and then, with her head shaking slightly from side to side she continued,

"I don't believe it. My mum was your lover?'"

Anna nodded. There was no point in pretending. All her hopes for her and Remi and any thoughts of a relationship had been shot to pieces. She's never going to want to have anything to do with me ever again after knowing this. Anna didn't give her a moment to think before she continued,

"How long for?"

"A few months. It was wonderful whilst it lasted, but she wanted different things to me and she wanted a child and I was too young for that kind of commitment."

"And you did with her what you did to me?"


"You said you would never lie to me Anna."

"Yes Remi, yes we did."

Anna looked at her almost defiantly.

"She fed me regularly and both she and me loved it. Some times she would feed me every day for weeks. Some days ever twice a day. We had a wonderful, intense relationship and we satisfied each other's needs. Then it ended and now we are good friends and all that is history. A wonderful history, but history never the less."

Remi sat back fully in the chair. Her arms dropped to her sides, her hands unclenched and then moved to rest in her lap. Her thoughts raced. This changes everything. Thoughts about her mum ranged from anger and betrayal to... to something else. Remi, though only nineteen had a mature way of seeing the world. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, gathering her thoughts. Her mind both raced with the present and searched her memories for any clues, any insights of hints that her mother might have once given her about her past and her sexuality.

Anna shifted position and moved her legs to get up. Remi barely noticed her move as she was so deep in her thoughts.

"I'm going to have a shower Remi. I need to clean up. Why don't you make a coffee and we can talk when I come down."

Remi barely heard her. Her mind was going over all that had happened. She thought more about her mum and her needs. There had never been anyone around when she was growing up. No man, no woman, nobody. She'd asked her once when she was younger but her mum had said that she was happier alone. Remi's dad had died when she was small. he had been an only child and hence there was no family his side to stay in contact with.

The more Remi thought, the more she realised just how much her mum did look out for her. She wasn't sure about the whole lesbian thing though. Anna was different. it just happened that Anna was a woman and that she loved her. Her thoughts stopped. At that moment part of her hated the idea, but she knew, deep down, that she did love her. It wasn't just about sex and fucking, no, in her fantasies about Anna, they were sometimes married...and fucking... or on holiday romance...and fucking. Yes, the fucking was as big part of it, but what had made her orgasms so intense were the details she added to the scenes, like the wedding night or the beach.

Remi heard the electric shower start. She stood up and her now wet and cold pants clung to her. She smelt of sex, hit pee and sweat. She wanted a shower and to change her clothes. Her underwear made her feel uncomfortable so she slipped them off. She unraveled her dress and then slipping it one, tried her best, but to no avail to hand-iron out the worst of the creases. She looked a mess. She looked around for some kitchen towel and then locating it, she bent down and wiped the two small puddles of urine from the floor and small splatters of her shit were cleaned off. She filled the kettle and then, with a sense of tiredness, moved the chair back around to face the table and sat down waiting for Anna to return.

She pondered everything. No, she did not hate her mum. In many ways she could understand her actions and the thoughts that laid behind them. What she found so hard was the thought that her mother had enjoyed Anna is such a wanton way. But she thought, was she, Remi, really that different to her? She felt the footsteps of Anna moving to the bedroom and then a few moments later the sound of a hair drier.

The kettle boiled and Remi got up and made them both coffee. She stood by the window looking out at the rain. The storm was slowly passing and in the distance she could see just the slightest hint of sunshine. The hairdryer stopped.

Remi sighed. She had made a decision. She knew what she wanted to do next. Turning around she took a sip of coffee and then walked to the front door. She paused a moment and then standing by the front door called up to Anna,

"Do you have something I can wear. I need to change."

Anna stuck her head around the bedroom door and called down to her,

"I'm sure I can find something for you Remi."

Remi started to walk up the stairs. Slowly, with her sense of new found confidence she called out again,

"I'm going to take a shower Anna,"

"OK, there are towels in the cupboard, help yourself."

She opened the door to the bathroom. Thought the extractor fan was still on, the room was still steamy. She reached in, turned the shower on and then called out to Anna,

"Can you give ma a hand for a second Anna."

'"Coming, two minutes, just finding something that might fit you.."

Remi snorted. yep, everything Anna's has is going to swim on her. Remi unzipped and then pulled her crumpled and now stained dress over her head and threw it in the corner by the door. She stepped in to the shower. Putting her head under the hot water she felt the stink and smell of se and sweat start to wash off her. She reached for one of Anna's shampoo bottles and lathered her hair twice. Anna knocked on the door.

"Can I come in Remi?"

"Yeah, the door's open."

Tentatively Anna stepped into the room.

"I've found you something nice Remi. It should fit, well it'll be baggy, but it will do for now. Listen Remi i'm sorry you had to find out this way. It was never what I had intended. I'm so sorry... for everything."

Through the sounds of the power shower Anna thought she heard Remi say thanks. She waited by the door, not quite sure what to say or do next. She needed to use the toilet. Behind the shower curtain, Remi continued rinsing the soap from her body. Anna felt a sense of fear. She knew that she'd lost Remi, that what they had done had broken utterly their relationship. All she could do now was try and pick up the pieces and make sure that Remi did not leave her house for the last time angry with her. She hoped to make her understand her deep needs and her how she thought that Remi was the same, felt the same, needed the same. She spoke again,

"I'm sorry you found out this way Remi. I really am. Your mum is going to kill me when she finds out."

Silence for a moment and then Remi pulled back the shower curtain and stood naked in front of her.

"No she won't Anna. She won't when she realises what I feel for you and what you feel for me. I know my mum, she'll be happy for me once I tell her."

Anna stared at her. She could barely take in what Remi had said.

"What do you feel for me Remi?"

Remi looked at her. For a moment she felt sorry. Anna looked close to tears and Remi hated the thought of the woman she knew she loved being so upset. With a soft voice she spoke,

"What do you think? Do you think I would want a shower in your place or to be stood naked in front of you if I didn't care about you?'"

Anna moved towards her. She held out her arms but Remi pushed her away.

"You'll get all wet Anna, just give me a kiss that shows me you love me."

Anna didn't need to be asked twice.

"Of course I love you Remi, i'm in love with you. I have been for ages."

They kissed. It was different to all the others. It was a kiss this time as confessing secret lovers and one that signaled the start of something new. Their lips parted.

"Where are your razors Anna?"

"What do you want a razor for Remi?"

"Really? I don't expect you to eat from my hairy bush. Anyway, I promised myself once that if ever you did go down on me, i'd want to be able to watch your tongue do it's business properly.'"

Anna stared at her. She was taken aback at the candour with which Remi spoke. She felt the heat of her blushing overcome her. Remi looked at her,


"Yes what Remi?"

'The razors, where are they?"

"In the cupboard under the sink. I'll get them."

Remi watched as Anna bent down to retrieve them. She had replaced her shit stained white dress with a simple peach top and elasticated pale pattern skirt and much to Remi's pleasure no bra. As she moved here heavy breasts swayed under the lose material and Remi felt the familiar sense of arousal start to grow within her. As she bent down to the cupboard Remi could see straight down her top to her heavy slightly sagging bosom. She took a sharp intake of breath. Anna's nipples were pink and tiny, perfect with the smallest areola. She felt herself shiver. They were hers now. She wanted to have them. Right now. Anna stood up with the packet in her hands.

'Well, are you going to help me or not?' I've not done this before i'm sure as hell sure you have."

Anna stared at her. There was something very different in the way Remi was talking and behaving. There was an assertiveness about her that she rather liked. Remi gave her a small sideways smile and then in a slightly cheeky way spoke slowly."

'"Well, the way I see it, this is best done in the shower with me with one leg on the bath. Then you can shave me. I think you'd like to do that. I think you'd like to see my pussy all smooth and hairless."

Anna said nothing, but bit her lower lip slightly and nodded. Remi lowered her hands to run it through her sopping thatch. She continued with the same tone of voice,

"I will need a thorough lathering before and delicate strokes with the razor and you will need to take your time."

Again Anna nodded, staring at Remi's hand as her other hand joined the first and she slowly started to masturbate in front of Anna. The real Remi was about as far from the exterior images as it was possible to imaging. Anna loved the idea of Remi being such a wanton lover.

"I also think that it would be best done if you were naked Anna."

Anna froze. The moment she had dreamt about then she had masturbated thinking of Remi had come. Her heart beat faster, her mouth was dry. It never played out in her fantasies like this where it had always been her in control, seducing Remi with Remi almost begging her to strip. Remi looked at her, arched her eyebrows and continued with a more authoritative voice,

"And you're waiting for what exactly?"

Anna needed no further cues. She lifted the top over her head and let it drop to the floor. She lowered her arms slowly and her heavy E cup breasts sagged slightly and her tiny nipples hardened before Remi's intense stare. She slid her arms into the sides of her skirt, stretching the elastic, letting it slide to the floor and gather around her feet. All that remained between her and nakedness was a translucent thong. Anna's arousal was intense. Remi just stared at her and Anna felt the wetness of her vagina seep through the front. Anna had prominent inner labia that hung down about half an inch outside her vagina and she knew that Remi must be able to see them as she kept her pussy completely smooth. Anna reached down and stepped out of her pants. Her wetness was complete and left a sticky film in the front of her thong. Remi saw. Anna's heart raced at the thought that Remi knew how wet she made her.

Remi had seen, but Remi was more interested in Anna standing naked before her. She was more beautiful, more sexy than ever she had fantasised about her. She started at her and slowly Anna took a single almost nervous step closer. Remi could hold her new dominant role no longer.

"God Anna, you're beautiful."

Anna stepped towards her and with Remi inside and her ouride the bath they shared a kiss as intense as the lust filled ones downstairs. Anna wrapped her arms around Remi's slender waist and stepped in to the shower with her. They kissed with the intensity of new lovers and Remi, for the first time touched Anna's breasts. They separated, with Remi standing under the water and she reached out and lifted Anna's heavy breast to her mouth and took the tiny hard nipple closed her lips around it. Anna groaned. Remi released it and then moving closer to her lifted the other breast and sucked that one too.

It was better than any fantasy she'd had. her arms reached down from her back and moved lower towards Anna's full and slightly dimpled bottom. They kissed again with Remi hard nipples pressing into the soft flesh of Anna's hard pale bosom. They parted for a moment and then Anna reached behind her back and took Remi's right hand and gently placed it on top of her slit. She Smiled and Remi and then adjusting her hand so she was holding only the base of Remi's middle finger, she pushed it into her wetting vagina. Anna spoke,