Renaissance Faire Ch. 05


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The men shook hands and bid each other a good night.

Once back in the limo, Kate asked, "Rob, is there anyone important in this town that you don't know?"

He replied, "Probably, but not many. My parents grew up in this small town. When my dad died, the previous university president hired my mom, because he and my dad had been very good friends. He created a position where she became the liaison between the university and all the major charities in town. As part of her duties, he would ask my mom to attend some of the events at this theater in his place. Other times, he just asked us to come with them. She worked with some very influential people in this small town. As a result, I met all of them, and got to know a few. Many of them were close to my mom."

Kate said, "I remember her being a special lady."

"Thank you. She was."

It was an almost magical evening, and they were both sad the night had to end. Rob dreaded the show down with Debbie. Kate was sad that she wouldn't be going home with Rob. He received a short, cryptic text on his phone that said, "I believe the second performance is about to start."

Upon returning to her uncle's home, she invited Rob inside, but he declined.

"Thank you, Kate. I appreciate the offer. I really want to come in and continue our evening, but that text just told me that, as I expected, things are going to get really ugly tonight, and I should probably go and prepare for that inevitability."

"I'm sorry for that, Rob, but I'm not sorry about tonight. I've never had a more enjoyable evening, and I've never spent a night with someone as much as I wanted to spend tonight with you." Double entendre intended.

She pulled him in for a toe curler of a kiss, and he didn't resist. He had enjoyed being next to her all evening and was enjoying being pressed against her right now. When they broke, he told her, "I'm sure you can feel what you do to me. Your effect on me is addictive. Thank you for inviting me to join you and the wonderful night. I hope we get to do it again. In case we don't, remember this though; shine brightly Kate. You are a star and always will be."

He watched her go inside, and thought he saw a tear in her eye as she did.

A few minutes after she entered, her aunt didn't hear any voices, so she appeared. "How did it go?"

Kate replied, "It was wonderful and miserable all at the same time. It was everything I wanted it to be except, I had to let him go just now. He was kind and charming and sweet and attentive. He could actually explain the opera to me, and he introduced me to several influential people in town. I received several compliments from Rob and many others on my dress and appearance. Can you believe that? I even made his deceitful wife jealous.

She continued, "I'm sure you are going to think I'm terrible, but I cannot help but want that stupid wife of his to do something even more stupid. I don't want to wish bad things on Rob, but I would have liked for tonight to continue."

She hugged her niece, wishing there was something she could do. "I'm not surprised by the compliments. I've been telling you that for years. You shouldn't let a couple of bad boyfriends affect you so much. As for Rob, if something bad does happen, just be there for him. He'll need his friends, so you may get a call."

She hoped she would.


It was after midnight when Rob returned home. As soon as he changed clothes, he resumed the packing.

He grabbed a beer but promised himself that it would be his only one. He wanted to be awake when Debbie returned, and he wanted to be sober for the confrontation.

At 1:00am, he received a text saying. "She was served. Expect an email with pictures and video shortly."

Once he received the email, he printed one picture and put it face down on the kitchen table where he planned to hold the funeral for his marriage.

At 1:20am, he received a text from Debbie saying, "I'm on my way home."

At 1:45am Debbie came through the kitchen door carrying her purse and a large manila envelope. She was missing much of her make up. He wondered if she had removed it after crying or if she got cum in her eyes.

In a deadpan voice he asked, "So, how was your date?"

She just stood there, unresponsive, so he continued, "You know, when you fuck someone that isn't your spouse, I think it has to be called either a date, a business proposition or just a slut looking for a fuck. So, what was it?"

She visibly flinched at the name calling, "I suppose I deserved that, but can you please not talk to me like I'm some common..."

He interrupted, "I will talk to you as if you are a lady when you begin to act like a lady. My language fits the audience" Ouch.

She tried to rally, "So if mine was a date. What was yours?"

He laughed, "You know the difference. I didn't fuck Kate, nor did I have the intention to do that. As a matter of fact, had my wife not left me at home, alone, to go fuck another man, I wouldn't have even been there with her."

"Don't be too high and mighty, Rob. She was practically masturbating you through your clothes."

"And that bothers you, why? Even though you hold the title of wife, which would allow YOU to do that, you aren't interested in the position. I don't suspect you were as jealous of her as you were irritated that you and Richard couldn't do the same thing in front of the president and his wife. Oh, by the way, I'm sure you saw that Jane joined us because your asshole boyfriend cannot keep his mouth closed."

Ignoring his dig, she continued, "I don't know what you see in her. We've seen her out and dating a bunch of different guys. There's no telling what all she has picked up."

"Are you implying that she's slutty? That's rich, coming from you. Besides, when we saw her out, she was dating, which is what single people do. Single people are ALLOWED to date more than one person at a time. Married couples are not. Speaking of which, you still haven't told me how was your date? Did you have a good time?"

She replied, "Believe it or not, I did, for a while; despite my husband showing up unexpectedly and embarrassing me with that tramp on his arm. Of course, having a police officer knock on the door to the hotel room and serving me divorce papers kind of ruined the evening, but you already knew that."

He laughed at that, "Nice hotel robe, by-the-way. I can only imagine why you were wearing that instead of your dress." He flipped the picture over and slid it over to her. "Well at least I hope both of you got off before the officer knocked. I would hate for the evening to be a total waste for you."

She glared at him.

"Oh, so you didn't get off? How selfish of him."

She asked, "What made you think that something was going to happen tonight?"

"I don't know why you and he think I'm stupid. Just like the Halloween festival, you were spotted dry humping him on the dance floor after the Christmas party. Can you imagine what it is like to have ANOTHER friend have to tell me he saw my wife being intimate with Richard in public, again! When you chose him over me for the opera, I knew.

Rob said, "There aren't that many nice hotels in town. For an evening at the opera, he was either going to take you to a nice hotel to 'seal the deal' or back to his apartment. I just called the hotels today to see which ones had a reservation in either his name, your name, or your maiden name. Easy.

He continued, "I gave our tickets to Chief Davis in exchange for a favor from one of his officers, whom you met. Also, easy. But I couldn't have done it without the two of you."

They both paused for a moment. The real conversation was about to begin.

She began, "Rob, I don't want a divorce. I want to stay married to you. He told me that to get the teaching position that I needed to go with him on the research trip and also go with him to the opera tonight."

He said, "That excuse doesn't fly with me, because I told you that I would be willing to sell this house and move to prevent an affair from happening. Merely the prospect of that job, which you still haven't gotten, was worth more than your marriage, so you willingly slept with him."

She tried the waterworks, "That's not true. I liked the idea of the job and the research trip, but I didn't want to sleep with him."

"That's bullshit and you know it. When you announced to me weeks ago that you were going on the trip to Italy, there was no hesitation, no room for negotiation. You should have agreed to that trip only if your husband could go with you, which would have let him know you weren't going for just a fuck-trip. But I could see it in your eyes that night, you WANTED to go on that trip! All you needed to do was figure out a way to keep me in the dark. Sorry to disappoint you."

She said, "I can fight the divorce, you know. We can get counseling and work on our marriage. I don't want him. I want you."

He shook his head, "I doubt the judge is going to let you get counseling, because you'll never convince him that you are serious about your marriage while still going on the research trip. We both know that you are going on that trip, because you will do anything to get that job. At this point, that is probably the smarter move for you. At least you'll get something out of letting him sabotage our marriage."

She implored, "Rob, you have to believe me. I didn't plan to sleep with him tonight. He got a few drinks into me, and I was so angry when I saw you with her, that I wanted some revenge."

"Ha. You don't even believe that, because until tonight, you never saw her as a threat. Besides, you planned on sleeping with him tonight. Before you left the house tonight, we both knew you were going to do that."

She was crying again, "That's not true. It wasn't planned."

He just looked at her. She pleaded, "It wasn't."

"What panties do you have on, assuming you are still wearing them? Never mind. I'll tell you. That is how I know. I have removed that dress from you, happily, several times, so I know what you normally wear underneath it. Tonight, you wore the G-string that you said you would never wear out of the house. You don't wear those when you are being forced to have sex with him or if you are planning on not having sex with him. Tonight, you planned to have sex with him."

She asked, "How do you know that I'm wearing those panties?''

"Well, assuming you are still wearing them, I know, because they were the only ones that were missing when I started packing your bags for you after you left. I foolishly let you string me along for months because of him. I warned you time after time what would happen. You said that I didn't trust you. Well, look what my trust in you earned me."

She put her head on the table and cried. He got up and went to retrieve her bags and loaded them in her car. "You aren't welcome here Debbie. You can go stay with a friend or go to a hotel or go back to him. Your side of his bed is probably still warm."

"I don't want to go, Rob."

"Then I'll drive you. I'll take you anywhere you want to go, but I don't want you here when I wake up in the morning. I'll pack the rest of your things this weekend and you can pick them up on Monday while I'm at work."

She stood from the table and picked up her keys. "I really do love you, Rob."

"I believe you, and I love you, too. Unfortunately, you didn't love me enough to keep him away."

She was crying as she pulled the door to the carport closed.

Rob emailed her father a copy of the divorce papers Debbie received. He told Carl that he tried to be fair while staying within the guidelines of the prenup.

Exhausted, Rob went to bed and quickly to sleep.

The next morning Carl emailed him back. He said not to worry, that they would make sure that Debbie was looked after. He apologized for Debbie's behavior and hoped that Rob would stay in touch.

It was unlikely that Rob would.

To be continued...

Next up - Chapter 6 - Revenge of the Nerds.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I little to feeble . Actually discussing with someone elses booty call. I suppose the title technically makes it ok.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Predictable and Realistic.

How many women get told to pull their head in and stop flirting and do it before it goes too far? The answer is most women. Debbie is a cunt and she deserves a cunt like Richie, the cunt pair are made for eachother.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
I like predictable

I am thoroughly enjoying this series. Glad that Rob actually has a spine!!! Do not take her cheating slut ass back!!! Kate will make ALL his dreams come true; and be faithful doing it!!!

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago
LonesomeBoy60, you are delusional.

This is liovng wives.

Either she was going to fail, or make him a cuck.

This is not Romance. If it were, then there might be a chance that they'd pull through together.

I hope you weren't holding your breath, waiting for them to live happily ever after... this being a long story, you'd be lucky to be alive.

...and it's not even finished yet.

Rob's done nothing wrong, but stand by his morals, and not been a fool. Debbie... well, she's failed on both those fronts.

Looking forward to the rest of this story.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 4 years ago
So predictable

You just knew where this "train wreck" was going before it got there, I always pull for the wife or husband to pull their head out. This series is an epic failure.

meucimeuciover 4 years ago

I am so glad that the story took this turn it was time he caught on or should I say "up". Now things should get real interesting. Looking back his MOM knew this is how things would end up. I think even her own father knew to. I also believe her mother helped push her in that direction I will be curious to see if her father don't see it that way to. We might get to see 2 divorces maybe they can use the same lawyer and get a discount. Again I think your writing has been great so far the only complaint I would have is just the length of the chapters just wish they were longer.

Redo1984Redo1984over 4 years ago
Loved the confrontation with the pearls/panties.

I was worried he was going to wait for more shit to happen before he took his stand.

Worried for naught! Will it end like it does in real life. The professor dumps her because it’s a messy situation now and doesn’t want her full time.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

While I guess I might notice if my wife's only g-string was missing, in general I'm not familiar with every piece of underwear she has!

FatStratFatStratover 4 years ago
Opera scenario

I'm not digging the whole opera scenario. How could he really force her to go when she already had tickets to go with her husband? What would the dialogue be like?

"You have to come with me!"

"Rob and I already have tickets"

"Tell your husband that you would rather go with me, at the President's request."

"Rob will use our tickets and he will drive me to and from the opera."

"You will make up some kind of excuse to dump him after the opera finishes."

"Rob will destroy you"

"I have lawyers, he will go to jail"

"It won't do you very much good; all that would be left of you would be a head and a bag of internal organs, he hates you that much.


See, it wouldn't happen.

Also, why didn't any of the opera-goers sush Richard when he was talking all the time during the opera? Why didn't Jane? There must be some couth opera-goers, even in a smaller town.

Also Jane was a little too honest about her relationship with her husband, for no real good reason.

It was also a little too coincidental that Kate had box seats, with one of them being still available.

Anyway, I am hoping that the fun comes during the last two chapters since we probably know how the romance is going to end.

FatStratFatStratover 4 years ago
Mother's pearls.

Why is it that in all these stories where the wife goes on a date or whatever against the husband's wishes, the husband never asks for his wife to remove her rings? He was more concerned about her wearing his mothers pearls than their wedding rings.

He could have removed his ring as well.

It was too obvious that he gave up on his marriage already that he didn't want to shock her back to reality. Note that he could also have lifted his wife's dress himself to do a panty-check before she left.

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