Republic of Morokovia

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Ivan serves naked in a female led army.
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*Author's note: this will be one of my few one off stories. I had conceived of this idea as a backstory for a character I will introduce soon. I figured the premise would be fun and hope the readers enjoy it. I won't write anymore in this setting, but I am fine with anyone taking the setting or characters and writing their own stories. Please just don't use the characters of the private, commander, lieutenant, or the other named private as their stories are complete. Have fun!*

In the short-lived Balkan Republic of Morokovia shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, women on average out-performed men in every part of society. From athletics to academics to even the military. Men still constituted the bulk of the military force while women held almost every command position. This is the story of one recruit's stay at boot camp under such an administration. While Morokovia is no more, having been absorbed to the surrounding nations, its tales still go on in history and amongst its former citizens.

Ivan was out running with his training battalion, at the head of the group was Corporal Straponeska. She was known as the coldest hardest bitch in the training camp. Men dreaded being assigned to her as they knew she would run them harder than they could handle, trying to make the unusually weak men of Morokovia into a fighting force that may actually be able to defend itself. They also dreaded the corporal as the lesbian woman found men disgusting and would routinely beat them for insolence. She was far too strong for them to fight against and so the men obediently obeyed their orders hoping to be spared from her wrath.

Ivan was unlike most men in Morokovia quite tall and relatively athletic. When he was younger he was the only boy in his class that could compete against the strong Morokovian women. The women often were annoyed that he was on their level, but they afforded him a grudging respect. As one of the few adequate men in their country they needed him to sire sons so that their pathetic male population wouldn't remain the laughing stock of the world. He knew he was more masculine and stronger than the other men, but what surprised him was that his dick was much bigger than average for a Morokovian.

By global standards it was only slightly above average at six and a half inches hard, but in Morokovia he was hung. He did not know this until camp though in the showers he realized how diminutive every one was. He also did not realize that their showers were Corporal Staponeska. She would sneer in disgust at the men as they passed considering them worms, and she would say as much, often mocking their small packages. She never mocked Ivan though, knowing he was one of the men they needed, she still found his male form repellant, but never voiced her concerns only betraying her disgust through expressions.

As the run went on more and more men fell behind, Ivan kept pace and by the end he was the only one who could stay with the corporal. As punishment for their poor performance they continued PT for another hour. After the rough PT they were allowed to shower under the supervision of the cruel corporal.

Ivan exhausted, undressed while the corporal watched the group, as each of the men passed she would tease them mercilessly about how small their dicks were. He overheard her as she rebuked a particularly small man.

"How does it feel to know that I will satisfy women better than you ever could with that pathetic worm!?" He just looked down in shame and walked into the shower room. Ivan then saw the platoon loser, he had the bright idea once to masturbate in defiance in front of the corporal. This was a protest against the rule disallowing male soldiers to get erections in front of female soldier without express permission. He managed to cum before she stopped him, but he found that the momentary satisfaction was nothing compared to the hell he paid after. She beat the pulp out of the skinny lad and then locked his tiny dick into a chastity cage. He still wore the tight cage to this day.

As the loser passed corporal nude, she looked at his cage and smirked, a rare expression on the stone-cold bitch. "Is that little thing too tight?" She asked stopping the loser.

"Y-yes corporal!" He answered with gusto as he played at being a soldier. She laughed cruelly at the admission.

"Well too bad! You'll be lucky if I let that little pathetic worm out ever again!" She threatened.

"I-I understand corporal!" He said apparently choking back tears.

"You're fucking crying! You really are pathetic! Get out of my sight!" She yelled ferociously.

Ivan walked by her now undressed. She nodded at him as he passed not saying a word, he was grateful for the lack of attention she gave him. He got under the warm water and lost himself in the relaxing sensation. He found himself thinking about the time the group had to undergo a punishment where they had to train nude in front of the new female recruits. He remembered how they laughed at the young men's plight, at how most of them had tiny penises. Then he thought how they looked at him, it wasn't in pity, but curiosity, most of them had not seen a penis as big as his in the flesh. Something stirred at the thought and Ivan panicked.

Try as he might to fight it though his dick defied him and soon he was fully hard. He tried to hide it from the corporal by keeping his back turned. He did what he could to calm himself down, but nothing worked. He had never been so scared in his life.

"Time to wrap it up worms!" The corporal announced. The others shuffled out keeping their eyes down. She took time to mock the platoon loser about his caged penis. Ivan wanted to keep his back turned, but he knew if he waited it would look worse so he turned around and prepared to face the music.

When her eyes locked on him they bulged in anger and her expression twisted to fury. "What is that!?" She shouted at his cock.

"I'm sorry corporal I couldn't control it!" He announced forcefully trying to appear like a strong soldier though he was scared out of his wits.

"So, you think that because your penis isn't pathetic you can show it off to your superiors!? Are you trying to threaten me with that hard on!? Do you think that a large penis appeals at all to me!?"

"No corporal! I couldn't control it!" He repeated.

"A likely story! I know how to handle you! You're going to commander Braun for a special punishment!" Her expression twisted to a maniacal one.

"Please corporal! I beg you believe me this was unintentional!" He pleaded trying to keep the appearance of strength.

"And yet your dick is still hard!" She pointed out. "Now come with me! Or watch as I break your balls literally!" She threatened. The discussion ended there and he followed her. She did not let him get dressed. She burst through the barracks door to the open field with Ivan right behind. A female training group was running by as he passed and they gawked openly as they passed, many of them smirking or fighting giggles. Some though stared hungrily at his throbbing cock. He kept his eyes forward as he followed the corporal to the command barracks.

They made it there shortly as the camp was rather small. She opened the doors and Ivan followed. There was a small desk with a petite blonde secretary sitting behind it. She didn't look up at first and continued her work.

"I am here for the commander!" Corporal demanded.

"What is this regarding?" The secretary said without looking up.

"I need her for a punishment! This deviant got an erection in the shower!" She yelled angrily referring to Ivan. The secretary then looked up and her eyes bulged as she zeroed in on Ivan.

"Wow! That is certainly an erection!" She said as she smirked. She picked up the phone and whispered some things over the line. Then out burst the commander from her office, a stone-cold expression, she wore often, was across her face. Her scowl turned and saw corporal Staponeska and then to Ivan behind her, once her eyes locked on the offending member they narrowed like in what appeared to be anger.

"What is the meaning of this?" She yelled first turning towards the corporal.

"Ma'am this deviant decided to show me his erection. It is clearly an attempt to intimidate me with its size! He deserves punishment, Ma'am!" The corporal said standing at attention.

The commander turned to Ivan then and walked up to him staring at his erection the entire time. Instead of shrinking away it seemed that his erection pointed up further almost defiantly.

"You, private, what is your name!" She commanded.

"Commander! My name is Ivan!" He sounded off standing at attention, and so was his dick.

"Private Ivan I would ask you if what the corporal said was true, but I see the evidence plain as day! You clearly are violating the prohibition against unauthorized erections! I could have you flogged at once!" She said glowering into Ivan's eyes, Ivan could see Straponeska's face light up at the proposition. He refused to look away despite her intimidating aura, he knew weakness would be punished harder than strength, and so he tried to appear strong. "Did you touch yourself to become this way!?" She asked still shouting.

"No commander, I could not control it!" He replied. Her eyes shot down to his dick then and he could swear he saw the slight turn at the edge of her mouth of amusement, but just as quickly as it appeared it dissipated.

"Corporal, return to the unit. They need your guidance, I will decide the appropriate punishment."

"Commander?" She questioned her expression shifted to surprise. "I thought I would deliver the pu-"

"Well, you thought wrong corporal! Now go back to your unit at once!" She barked.

"Yes commander!" Straponeska replied, saluted, glared one last time at Ivan, and left.

Commander Braun then turned her attention back to the offending Ivan, his erection as persistent as ever. "So private! You seem to have a problem keeping yourself under control!"

"Yes commander!" He agreed nervously.

"This infraction cannot go unpunished! I know that men of your...endowment are important to the future of our nation, but special treatment cannot be afforded!"

"Yes commander!"

"That means I need an appropriate punishment. If I let Straponeska loose she'd cut off your balls!"

"Yes commander!" His voice for the first time felt shaky as he considered the prospect.

"I won't allow that! Your balls are too valuable to the propagation of stronger men in the future!" He felt some relief with what she was saying, at least his member would remain intact. "I think sending you back to her would be a waste as well, so I think your punishment should be a little unconventional..." Ivan gulped silently. "I think you will be reassigned to my my secretary's assistant."

Ivan looked to the secretary whose eyes had been locked on his rock-hard cock, her eyes shot up at hearing the punishment and they sparkled as she realized.

"You will do whatever she says, she is your direct superior, you listen to her first. If her superiors want you then they will have to command her to order you, is that clear?"

"Yes commander!" His dick pulsed involuntarily upon imagining being under the secretary's control. The secretary's eyes danced from the motion.

"This punishment is a good start, but it's not enough. I think the next part of your punishment will be your uniform...I think what you're wearing now will make a great new uniform for a man of your...caliber." She said as she smirked glancing ever so briefly at his cock.

"Commander! I am to report to her...naked?" He asked.

"Aren't you listening private! Yes, you will report to my secretary nude. Every. Single. Day." She said as she looked directly into his eyes with no hint of joke.

"Commander! I understand!"

"Good! Now address your superior! Her rank is lieutenant! You will call her lieutenant Kokov or Ma'am, is that clear?"

"Yes commander!"

"Now, I am very busy and will not be disturbed!" She said abruptly and went to her office and slammed the door shut.

Ivan then turned to his newly assigned officer, she was still staring at his erect manhood slack jawed, when he faced her it seemed to snap her out of her daze as her eyes darted up to his own. She cleared her throat and stood. "Well private, it looks like your mine to order now. So, I will outline how your days will go. I expect you to report to this office every morning at 0'500. That is when I must be up to report to my post. You will stand at attention until I come get you. When I say at attention, I mean exactly as you are now." She said as she lowered her eyes and gestured towards his boner. "Now sound off that you understand!" She ordered with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am!" He confirmed.

"Then you will assist me throughout my day. If I have an errand to run, you run it for or with me depending. If there are things to do around the office I will order you to do them. No matter how small if I order it you will do it! Is that clear, private!"

"Yes ma'am!" He said still standing at attention.

"Good!" She said softly as she approached him standing merely inches from him, then she looked down at his manhood and bit her lip slightly. Her gaze lingered for a moment arousing Ivan, he longed for this woman to touch him now. "Now I have some things that need rearranging, and I think your just the soldier to do it!"

"Yes Ma'am!" He sounded off.

"See those boxes on the filing cabinets! Move them to the other side of the room!" She barked smiling the whole time. Ivan sounded off once again confirming the command and began moving the boxes, the entire time Lieutenant Kokov's deep blue eyes were locked on his movement. Her smile never leaving and remaining ever wicked. He bent over to pick up a box and Kokov watched his ass as she bit her lip. He stood up and turned and now her eyes locked on his cock. The attention was making my Ivan's cock remain completely erect. The relentless assault of her eyes made him feel completely exposed and vulnerable.

After around 15 minutes he finished moving the boxes and turned to face the lascivious lieutenant. She just sat there and stared her legs spread, showing a glimpse of her nylon stocking running up her legs to her military issued skirt. As she sat she protruded her breasts in a deliberate fashion, showing off her c cup breasts as they tried to poke through her cleanly pressed uniform top. Ivan's cock started bobbing as he stared back at the lieutenant. She giggled as she watched the motion, Ivan gulped as he could barely stand the tension in the room.

"Very good private!" She finally said. "Now I need you to stand attention while I work!" She barked again still grinning. Ivan confirmed the command and stood next to his new commander. He stood as still as a statue trying to demonstrate discipline. She turned back to her work glancing up at Ivan's cock every few minutes. Her expression was more serious now, as she focused on work.

Ivan's muscles ached after a short while, but he did not want to budge. His dick finally started relaxing and the relief from the tension was welcomed. He could almost sigh from the relief. After a couple minutes he hoped that the lieutenant would give him an order to do something that would allow him to move. His wishes would be granted when she looked up at him and saw something that displeased her.

"Private! I ordered you to stand at attention!"

"Yes ma'am! I have not moved I assure you!" He responded.

"Your legs, shoulder, and head have all stayed standing, but your most important part has fallen out of attention! I order you to get it back to attention immediately!" She barked and turned to him locking her eyes onto his Johnson. Ivan gulped as he found his brief respite from tension was short lived. Not wanting to displease the Lieutenant he complied and grabbed himself and got to work. Her relentless stare made it quite easy to get back to full attention. Once there he didn't want to stop as it felt so good and he had been dying to cum. Before he could though she spoke once again. "That's enough private! Drop your hand immediately!" He complied at once his dick still throbbing once separated from his hand.

She grinned, apparently enjoying the level control she exercised over her subordinate. She resumed her work once again. The next several hours consisted of him standing before her at attention, every time he went soft she ordered him to get himself back to a "presentable state". Her persistence that he remain hard but not cum was killing Ivan, he could barely stand the feeling anymore as he ached for release.

For the rest of the day he stood there and she would look to him anytime it pleased her. Finally, the end of the day came although Ivan didn't. Lieutenant Kokov stood and faced Ivan and approached him standing just beyond the reach of his dick. He felt tense as he wanted nothing more than for her to touch him. She stared directly in his eyes in teasing way. "So private! The day is done! And I am off to retire for the night. You are to head back to your barracks and get some rest. Be back here at first light standing at complete attention! Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" He sounded off puffing out his chest causing his dick to jump. Her eyes shifted downward because of the motion and she smirked.

"Good! Now off to bed!" She ordered. He turned and marched looking back once to see Kokov's eyes glued to his ass as she sported a lustful expression. She winked at him as he left and he once again gulped.

He made his way back to the barracks entering it nude. The other soldiers looked at him strangely as he entered. Now no longer around his commanders he explained the situation and they all seemed to find his arrangement amusing. Some even said they would trade him positions as they felt standing erect around a hot blonde secretary beat following Straponeska's commands. He quickly got into bed allowing his stiff muscles and rod to relax as he drifted off to sleep.

Ivan was stirred awake at first light by the base's trumpet sounding off. He quickly hopped out of bed and showered with the rest of his former platoon. Straponeska glowered at him as he passed and chills went up his spine as he knew her contemptuous expression indicated how much she wanted to throttle the poor private. Once showered he immediately made his way to the commander's office to report to Lieutenant Kokov.

As he walked he felt himself already growing aroused. A platoon of women passed by on their morning run, appraising his erection, giggling and smirking as they passed. Their eyes drinking him in and pushing his erection to its maximum. He was as hard as he'd ever been by the time he entered the office. Just behind him was Kokov and she wore the same grin she had the day before.

"Private! I'm glad you followed your orders properly!" She said as she stared at his rock-hard cock. Ivan wanted nothing more than to throw her on her desk and rip her skirt to find some relief from the effect her relentless attention had on him.

"Yes ma'am!" He sounded off, struggling to contain his lust. She seemed to relish in the fact that he wanted her but could do nothing about it. She sat down at her desk and got to work smirking at the uncomfortable private's privates.

After about an hour of standing Ivan's dick started drooping, Kokov noticed immediately and ordered him to get back to attention. He wanted to groan, but contained himself and got his dick back up easily. Just as he finished and resumed his erect stance commander Braun came in. Her eyes locked on to the erect private.

"How is your new subordinate suiting you Lieutenant?" She asked stone faced but staring at Ivan's cock.

"He is doing a good job at following my orders ma'am!" She sounded off and looked to Ivan grinning.