All Comments on 'Respect Ch. 02'

by StoneyWebb

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  • 244 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Literotica, these stories need to be read. Lately there is more and more political bullshit passed off as fact. "He went to California. A good place for him since it was filled with liars and cheats." Really? If this writer is Texan, which I suspect as so many seem to be, there are more despicable people in Texas politics in Austin and Houston then there are in the whole state of California. One of the most oppressive governors in the US, and liars like Ted Cruz. Beside the bullshit, the story was bland and unimaginative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Now that I have seen some comments, I know what I wrote was accurate. This site is becoming another venue for lying traitors looking to break up the country. There are more liars and cheats in Texas donut shops than the entire north East. Hung more minorities or immigrants lately? Those people being ridiculed would be happy to take your guns and shove the barrels up your ignorant redneck asses.

jazzharpjazzharpalmost 3 years ago

I've already said what I think about the story.

But California? It's larger than most countries, and very diverse. You have parts of the state that are as right-wing militant as anywhere in the US of A. You have the state of Jefferson that wants to break away from the rest of California. You have San Francisco where gay people can't afford to live there any longer. I could go on and on, but I won't. I do think the readers painting California with one color are just showing their ignorance.

BSreaderBSreaderalmost 3 years ago
Very nice story

Very nice story well written and well executed the storyline was good and it had all the right elements for a great story . Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Read the comments. This is a Loving Wives story where the premise is supposedly a disrespectful wife and her disrespected husband. There is plenty of criticism on this sequel that didn't match the buildup in first chapter, of course. But when the comments (mostly from U.S readers) starts primarily and passionately responding to a throwaway line, you know that no one cares about the story by the point they read that line. That should show you how uninteresting this chapter is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

dark2donut2 wrote: "Dude, you are one of the LW authors with the biggest amount of banalities and commonplace stereotypes available.

Maybe I should read everything here but this type of drivel is just making me throw up so I had glide faster over trivial paragraphs of BS."

The cuck stories are not similar to each other?????????? How many % of the cuck stories show the future of the cuck couples????? Do the cuck stories show true originality???????? Do you think every husband should be FAITHFULL but the wives can be many extramarital affairs and this will be the new family model from the cuck story authors????????

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 3 years ago

If you wnat put politics in this story, you should mention, that most weapons of the mexican cartells come from the US. There are they bought freely because of the lax weapons laws and shipped to Mexico.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 3 years ago

Jazzharp, sorry old buddy, but the negative view of the people of California is well deserved. Of course there are many great folks in CA, but they are so outnumbered by the assholes, it’s hard to remember them.

It’s a lot like the black folks—most of them are great people, but look at the leaders they follow. And when the few loud mouths directly raise hell in a confrontation between a black thug and a cop, whose only trying to protect the law abiding people it’s hard to remember the good ones.

Before raising hell about this comment, give some thought to my words. When good people do their part our nation will work like it was designed, and admit it or not, those “Old White Men” who gave us this nation was a hell of a lot smarter than anything walking our streets today.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

StoneyWebb... Perhaps you can answer a question for me? I've always wondered. Why do we call ourselves the United States, when we all seem to hate each other so much?

Some readers are calling you a traitor based on what you wrote in this story. How are you a traitor, when you were never loyal to begin with?

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22almost 3 years ago

California pisses on you, punk motherfucker.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 3 years ago

@TheCarolinaDreamer. You say, “ It’s a lot like the black folks—most of them are great people, but look at the leaders they follow.”

Dude, do you have any self awareness at all? In the past you have written your support of Trump. The most despicable “leader” we have ever had.

He is an insurrectionist, pathological liar who is trying to destroy this country. Our intelligence agencies have told us for well over 10 years that the Russians, Chinese, and the Iranians have been trying to sew discontent in this country, and make it look like our democracy is sham and rigged to justify their authoritarian rule to their countrymen. What does Trump do? He feed right into that by lying that he lost because our elections are rigged, because he can’t take that he is a big time loser.

That’s the ‘leader’ you follow. One who takes credit for shot he had nothing to do with, and blames others for his mistakes. One who is ready to burn down this country to try to make ir look like he is a big loser that lost his party the House, the Senate and the presidency. How stupid are the majority of the Republicans that they follow a ‘leader’ like that.

Dude, have a small amount of self awareness, before you mouth if shit. There are some black “leaders’ that say things I find cringeworthy. But none are anywhere near as destructive, as unpatriotic, as divisive as trump.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 3 years ago

@johnadp, you’re a good writer, too bad you drank the coolade. Those, who like you , that believe the bullshit broadcast daily by MSNBC, NBC, CBS, The NYT, and the other liberal, progressive outlets deserve what they will get—problem is, the rest of us must suffer with them.

Have you been shopping lately? Bought any Gasoline? Any lumber, even purchased any fast food? If so, how can you not be having buyer’s remorse? Tried to buy a new car and saw the selection available since you voted for Biden?


My Grand-daughter buys into the same line of shit you do. When I asked her what she had against Trump she replied he’s crude—she doesn’t like his Tweets. She doesn’t remember the presidency of Jimmy Carter, one of the nicest men to ever sit in the Oval Office—also , until Obama squeezed him out, the biggest disaster ever to hold office, but I think Biden will give both a run for the money.

My Grand-daughter is young enough to use youth as an excuse for being stupid, as is apparently far too many other voters.

John, I respect you as a writer and I really enjoy your work; unfortunately you give no indication of your age. Except for your political views, which make me wonder which planet you were on during the last election, I wish you nothing but the best. Thecarolinadreamer.

PS: Do you really think there was no fraud in the election?

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 3 years ago

I posted my reply to johnadp before reading all comments. The comments prove one thing—Lit is popular in California.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I read part 2 first a few days ago without knowing there was a part 1. I found part 1 today, and read it along with part 2 again. I thought the end of part 1 was going to be a BTB story, as it was headed that way. And part 2 ended up being a RAAC story. I really liked the pace of the story, and it was different from the usual cuckold crap that's normally found in this section. Thanks for sharing it with us.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 3 years ago

@thcarikinadreamer, a little background of mine. My degrees are in Economics, with both my undergrad and masters in what were at the time top 5 rated economics dept’s in the country. Then I got into the investment world eventually opening my own very successful investment brokerage. My whole career revolved around understanding the economy. I literally consumed hours of evoking data every day. Im one if those that not only watched the Fed rate announcements, but actually read the minutes each time they put them out.

First, the reason we are having what is perceived to be a short term inflation, is because demand came back like gamgbusters because everything opened up at the same time, while the supply chain has been distrusted all over the world last year because you know we had the pandemic and many areas were shut down or running at lower capacity. Disrupted supply, at the same time there is high surge in pent up demand equals inflation. For example, OPEC dramatically cut production last year because of the drop in demand all over the world and they haven’t increased output while demand has skyrocketed.

Let me give you non-economic accomplishment of Trump. The problem is you listen ti talking heads while I look at the economic data. I will only take economic data from 2016-2919 and leave out 2020:

1. Economic growth under trump those years was 2.3% a year, same as the average under Obama.

2. Employment the last three years under Obama averaged 40,000 more per month than the first three years under Trump.

3. Obama lowered the budget deficit he inherited from Bush from $1.3 trillion a year ti under $600 billion a year. Trump took that and doubled up that budget deficit to over $1 trillion a year.

4. You know how trump kept on complaining that we were giving away our wealth to every other country? The rare deficit every year under Trump set a new record. Higher than any prior year.

Trump didn’t do shot for the economy except then cause the huge mishandlement of it in 2020 that we are still paying for and will pay for it for years to come.

Bill Barr, who was up Trump’s ass the whole time he headed the DOJ said there was no fraud. The courts over and over said there was no fraud. In fact, Trump’s lawyers kept on getting admonished in court because they kept saying one thing on TV, but in court they were not presenting any evidence if fraud. It was all show for Trump’s team.

The state republican senators said there was no fraud and certified the results. In fact last week the Republican Michigan senators, after investigating for months, put out a report completely rebuking Trump’s allegations. Everyplace credible that has looked into it has said there was no fraud. The only one saying there was fraud is the pathological liar, and his minions, who have already started losing their law licenses, and who hopefully will lose all their money to Dominion for their slander.

Even though I’m retired I still consume volume of political news, as well as economic (although less so since retirement) every day. From left to even the nut cases like Breitbart. The thing is too though I look at the raw data, and that’s what I focus on. I’m on my late 40s.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 3 years ago

@thecarokinadreamer, go read my comment reply to 26thNC, in my story story February Sucks Next Chapter, prior to the election. I predicted that trump will do exactly what he is doing if he lost. If you know this man, and I’ve been aware of what a charlatan he is for years before he ran for President then it was very predictable he would do exactly what he is doing.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

5 stars.

It is mostly due to your efforts to flesh out the 2 main characters (MC). However, I feel you put an excessive amount of your story into the actual shooting incident at the hotel. Enough that it detracted from the MC part of the story. Other than that, it was a good read. My last thought about some of the comments below - Trump is a senile moron and should never have been selected, let alone elected. I hope you people don't make another similar mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Forget the preposterous story; read the comments. I don't think there is anything more laughable than childish political arguments on an erotic story site. SMH.

premshankerpremshankeralmost 3 years ago

Good effort,well written sequence of events

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Leave out irrelevant political views!

I liked this story. I found it compelling and exciting. And I hope you continue writing stories like this. However, your inclusion of a nasty throw-away (and completely irrelevant) line about the state of California severely degrades this otherwise excellent story. You clearly have little or no personal experience with the state and have instead formed your opinion from nasty propaganda created by equally ignorant people during these terribly turbulent political times in the United States. A little direct exposure to the many delights of this wonderful state would change your opinion dramatically. Come and visit us sometime and see for yourself!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Commenters, johnadp especially.

This is LITEROTICA! Get a thread somewhere else if you want to discuss politics!

Not every reader here are from USA.


kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago

Author need to close this comment section. The comments are getting way off-topic.

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 3 years ago

You asked for it. Now you got it.

Totally unnecessary political comments have the fanatics trading inane insults on a website that is supposed to be for "erotic literature". How stupid is this? I can't decide who is dumber the author or the crazed commenters.

Personally, the best way to lose me as a reader or a fan is to wave red political flags at your readers.

Please shut down the comments. They certainly have nothing to do with the quality of your Post and everything to do with your inflammatory content.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Great finish to your story, I really enjoyed both parts. Too bad your story has been hijacked for a boring political battle. JohnAnotherDamnPsaki has all the statistics and talking points of Uncle Squint's propaganda machine, while ignoring the real world around him. For some reason, John also has an unreasonable hatred for the South that would embarrass another John. John Brown. Don't worry John, we return it ten fold. It is sad that a , self proclaimed, great man like yourself could be so petty. I can thank you Californians for one thing though. The plague of Cali immigrants to Arizona has allowed me to sell my vacation condo for nearly three times what I bought it for. We're building a place in Montana, with hopes of never seeing another Californian except for my wife's sister. Even she has had enough, and is moving her FNP practice to Utah. My wife and I will be in NC for a while longer , as the virus won't go away and we're still fighting it. Good to see that my friend ,JohnAnotherDamnPelosi, is busy protecting his state or what's left of it and still living his best life in

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I hope ole John will remember... A Southern man don't need him around, anyhow. (Skynard)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good writing, nice arc. But the repeated real-world references to rightist media were disappointing. And the last toxic diss demeaning the great state of California was insidious!

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 3 years ago

Great story.

MY only question is... how many levels of promotion are there available in an accounting firm?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love it when couple's can work through a problem. My wife confessed years later about having an affair. I was upset as always I buried myself in work trying to tell myself it didn't happen to me. People were asking me what was going on with me. I would say nothing why? I was getting good at faking the happy family. I was miserable and must have showed it at home. My wife asked what could she do to help? UNFU____ that homewreacking SOB. She cried i can't or I would. Well then I guess you can't help. I asked if she wanted a divorce? No! I guess I will have sex with his wife or one of his daughters. Please don't she said. Why not you didn't give a shit about me or our children. I asked are you in love with him or just wanted to degrade me. I got to thinking to much and said you know what remember at that party when afterwards all you talked about was how good of a dancer Jim was? That party that you went on about how nice it was to talk with Larry the meeting that you didn't get home till like 1:30 and met you down the road and that SOB was with you. I thought you came home and took our daughter and left our son . She was crying and couldn't talk. I said our daughter had gotten out of her bed and was under ours and I had left her while I was hunting for you. The crying continued. Things weren't very good. At a party later It was next door to the homewreacker as we pulled up I said I hoped your lover is not here hard to tell what might happen would you bail me out or comfort him. Please don't do anything stupid. I seen another friend there and asked him if he could watch for me. I went to homewreackers house I put mirical mirical whip in his bedand carved a notch in the bed post. I got in our car and tucked the steel plate in my shirt I had made because I knew he was good at hitting a guys in the stomach with an upward shot. It would put a guy down most of the time. LOL. I bumped into him on purpose I said watch where you are going lard ass. F___ he said I already had your wife. I whispered in his ear turnabout is fair play your wife said she wished I wasn't married she would boot you out. He left. Later I seen him walking toward me with a pissed look.. I was ready my buddy was talking to me and said he didn't want involved in this but if I really needed him he would help that SOB is really tough. Thanks I said. Homewreacker said you SOB you are going to be sorry and hit me. Yes I lost balance and fell but he was doubled over in pain. My buddy helped me up asking are you ok? Yes. My wife came to me she said I asked you to please not do anything. My buddy said he didn't do anything that weasel did pointing to the homewreacker. Homewreackers wife came over asking what's going on? My buddy told again that homewreacker attached me. Homewreacker broke several bones. Later while dancing with my wife she asked what was that under my shirt? I said just some protection from bullies it worked good tonight. I asked are you ready to go and start rebuilding our marriage. She had a tear saying yes I'm sorry and I love you Thank you for giving me another chance.

oldguy1oldguy1almost 3 years ago

good realism such a rare thing on this site

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

MC was somewhat thankful for the cartel attack because "I was able to get back the love and respect of my wife." Horse manure! He had that the moment his wife came out of Ted's room.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a well written story. However, I don’t think the man and his wife, would have stayed together. Beyond the platonic encounter in the hotel room with her boss( where he fingered her to a orgasm) , there was just too much disrespect, from her, towards him.

Also, the cartel would have been well informed of any group of law officers attending a conference at the hotel. I also believe, they had informants in place everywhere, and could have taken out the president at their leisure.

I don’t believe the cartel attack was credible. I don’t believe the husband, could have gotten over wife’s disrespect for the last two years, and betrayal. And I think the wife was already developing into a first class Narcissist, and would not have changed her stripes. One star. Not for effort, but for reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was great until you bashed California and all Californians. You must be a right wing republican.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Meh, would have been better if the wife had left the hotel room before being finger fucked to an orgasm. She was an asshole to the MC up until he went all John McClain, then she suddenly decided that he was man enough for her. She wasn't worth it, too bad he couldn't recognize that fact.

phill1cphill1cover 2 years ago

Wow, all this time you're a Fox News whacko?!

Well good for you. you got a lot of good company, "jewish lazers from space" "the election was stolen" "global warming doesn't exist" "Trump is going to be reinstated in..." "Tucker Carlson is NOT a journalist" oh and "i'm going to release my tax returns..."

Talk about your "...filled with liars, cheats, and losers."

phill1cphill1cover 2 years ago

btw, she keeps saying "nothing happened". Um, a sh!tload happened:

1. you were seen coming out of another man's hotel room.

2. your lipstick is disheveled. you look like SOMETHING happened.

3. you were seen coming out of another man's hotel room.

So, that matters, no?

At the first sign of "you don't make enough..." or "you need to be more like Ted" I'd be like, "don't let the door hit your where the good lord split you..."

What's this waiting for months nonsense? THIS is the problem with putting kids first, among others. Kids need to be grounded in reality. Not some materially comfortable one, where parents act like robots and children's needs are the only thing that matters.

My parents taught me that I was important, but I wasn't THE most important person always. There were times when children had to be not seen OR heard. Parents time. And it taught us that our lives weren't always going to work out in the way that we wanted. Disappointment. It happened. I'm better for it.

They would never have stayed together for my or my brothers' sake. Who would want that? It wouldn't be pretty like in these stories. I just think there's a big difference in expectations: I would never expect my parents to stay in a toxic relationship for my "well being". Of course, they weren't right wing republicans. They stood on the opposite side of the civil rights movement. So, they would never do that anyway.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago
Ch. 1 = five stars, Ch. 2 = four stars

First installment was a fun, well written action/suspense story with a background of marital strife. Second installment turned cartoonish with OTT author-turns-macho-hero, and then the suave, sleazy and detestable rival turns into a chickenshit, detestable wimp. Unfaithful wife has an epiphany with a strong 180 in her hubby worship. Still well written, but the plot went off the rails.


"nothing happened between Ted and me" - (just to add to the political controversy) yeah, just like an ex-President "did not have sexual relations with that woman." Sorry, Cassie, kissing, groping, hands and fingers in panties and vagina, and orgasms are activities reserved for husband/wife in a faithful relationship.


Comment to Mr. S. Webb: when using the dual narrative technique, please try to have less repetition. When the second narrative is given, stick to the unique perspective and use only enough common facts to maintain the timeline.


Please google "lie versus lay". One means to "recline" and the other "place". They are not interchangeable and have a past tense unique to each root verb. It is correct to say, "I laid the book on the nightstand, then lay down to sleep." This error is disruptive and confusing, thereby interrupting the readers' smooth flow.


Quite enjoyable despite these weaknesses.

Keep 'em comin'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Cali kept Newsom, nuff said about the majority of the residents of that state

HRC's lawyer indicted over Russia, Russia, Russia

50 some thousand questionable votes in one Az county, round about 4-5 times the statewide margin of "victory"

FBI implicated in the Whitmer "kidnapping"

FBI informant(s) in the Jan. 6 crowd

CNN paid known Antifa member to take part in and video Jan. 6

Jan. 6 guard shoots and kills unarmed woman at close range with no warning, meanwhile, widely reported as "murdered" LEO found to have died of natural causes with not even a bruise

Records show Fauci headed department funded CCP Covid research, which he lied about to Congress

Last year Regeneron was bad, this year WHO approved, what changed?

Aus. cops beating and killing people in the streets

C'mon BlueAnon, do go on about Fox news

Cracker270Cracker270over 2 years ago

Second time reading this story. Enjoyed it just as much. And it’s a story, entertainment. Nitpicking technical details is the effort of a small mind

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Re politics

All the comments complaining about politics miss that they were the main character's, Andy's. His and Ted's politics were telegraphed early in chapter 1. Of course Andy would feel that way about California, anything else would have been badly out of character.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

I love the story. It is well written and is a very good read. AAAAAA+++++

bobareenobobareenoover 2 years ago

California is full of what? FU Webb.

des67des67over 2 years ago

What an incredible storyline... Fantastic writing... Loved both chapters... 5 Stars... Added to favs...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty good thriller-romance. It's sad that of course, Mexico has gotten nowhere with the cartels, and recent news (the 43 students who were murdered) makes it clear how much Mexico's politicians and police are in connivance with the drug people. A little too much sentimental good news poured in at the end.

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

Excellent story well worth 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a fun, well executed action piece. 5 And, as a former California resident, the author's description of California is kind. It's a fucking sewer filled with far more than it's share of sociopaths, psychopaths, moochers, druggies, criminals of all kinds, woketard lefties, and low skill illegals. Offended? Go open anything retail in the SF or LA areas you delusional twits. I know you won't.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

good tale thanks for writing it does sort of fit loving or cheating wives, also an unknown category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great over of love, romance, intrigue, mystery, and pretty much the 5W’s.

Thank you for saving the two souls and their family. A heartfelt moment and a really full and complete ending.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A lot of things helped. He was able to be heroic and risk his life in front of his wife which forcefully inserted respect into her. The one she was going to end up with made his play too early and happened to be a coward she was lucky enough to see in a way she could not deny.

So all became well that semi ended well other than the epilogue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good tale... Altho your right wing politics scream out on practically every paragraph...


SunnyU2SunnyU2over 2 years ago

Entertaining. Didn't rate it because of the politics

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story except the California bullshit. Im a former infantry paratrooper, soccer coach for thirty years, and have two black belts. I'm always amazed that people think they can ump on all Californians as such worthless people. I'm 60 years old now and would love to kick your ass for disrespecting me with you ignorance. Two of my former martial arts students were wounded in our recent wars. They are Californians. Haven't they done more for our country than you have. Maybe you were just pandering to the ignorant.

Like I said in the beginning, its a great story. Please don't disrespect men better than you for a few more stars on your reviews.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

LOL all you have to do is realize in California actors were an essential service or look under any bridge or overpass. Of course there are ome good people there but most contributed to the rot and decay.

Why the author didn't have Cassie tell Andy nothing happened ,"he just felt me up when we were making out and stroked me to an orgasm". I was totally faithful.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

Excellent story proving that sex in the story is not necessary even though LIT is a porn site. WE have some really talented authors writing here. 5 stars of course. To the guy who's pissed about people dump all over Californian's I know not all Californian's are worthless. I was born in San Francisco and moved to Seattle in '59. I toured my old neighborhood of 24th street in the Mission district and was disgusted what had become. We drove thru there showing my wife where I lived with her taken pictures. The neighborhood had become almost totally Hispanic or Mexican. We received many obscene jesters and remarks and could not get out of there quick enough. All the street names I used to know had been changed to Hispanic or Mexican names. It seems California has become Mexifornia and the actions we observed deserved no respect. I’m not a racist and I grew up in the projects and public housing but at time at least there was respect. Not any more San Francisco has become as bad a place as Seattle has and That’s pretty bad.

calibamma707calibamma707over 2 years ago

Liars cheats and losers got you a 1 ⭐️ and liar’s cheats losers are never Weak tho…this skank you just wrote about would have never been written back into my good graces with here blatant disrespect. Maybe you should become a resident of California so we can teach you to have a set…

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 2 years ago

The story was really good.

The California comment seems to have upset a lot of left wind dross.

I can imagine that a fair number of them were frothing at the mouth while typing their comments.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not into pants?!

He fingered and she had climax.

Didn't cheat?!

In what alternative dimension?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the best stories I've read on Literotica.

ChopinesqueChopinesqueover 2 years ago

Five stars. You do action very well, and have the background information to discuss the accounting profession and firearms believably. I saw no clinkers!

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 2 years ago

Gratuitous Slur On California

There are almost 40 million Americans in California. To slur the whole state as losers and creeps shows what an ugly little person the author is. Also stupid, as such a pointless insult offends to no purpose.

The story is not too bad, it is the personality of the author that is a problem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Truly enjoyed your work and your talent shows clearly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Apparently some of the people from California are also whiners.

pickles7847pickles7847over 2 years ago

Snide remarks about politics and liberals don’t add to the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The writing was good and the story too. I liked it. But …

Isn’t it sad when americans are trashing their own nation ?!

The Divided States of America ruled by the President disgusting pied piper of hamelin and his greedy and ruthless clan.

So traurig und doch so bekannt, wir Deutschen haben es erlebt.

Wake up America, do it for your children’s future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

California is #13 in the infidelity ranking (Alabama is #1). There change from one POV to another without any warning really rested a lot to the story. Also de writer who turn into a Mexican Die Hard movie.

You loose track of what matters in the story: disrespect and infidelity. I have no idea why he took her back. Maybe bc he turn into a hero and the make his wife respect him again. But that shouldnt be the point of the story. You respect someone you love. Not because he turns into Bruce Willis or Chuck Norris but bc you love that person no matter how much money he makes or how famous he is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fox, really Fox. I hated this story for lots of reasons, mostly because the writing stinks. Secondly because of the shit comment about Californians. But, Fox doing a worthy news story is pure bullshit They are a propaganda outlet for conservative reactionaries.

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 2 years ago

A good story, but the wife was not punished any. Would have rather seen divorce and the husband getting with Maria.

To Anonymous who commented about Fox being a propaganda outlet for conservative reactionaries.

Get real. obviously you blindly follow CNN(Communist News Network), MSNBC, WapOff and Huffpost.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Great read

I’ve read this story twice. Eventually I’ll read it again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think this story is great, except for the line about California being filled with liars, cheats and losers. I'm a former army paratrooper who has done more for this country than you have and I'm from California. I was born there and lived almost all my life there. So fuck you and your ignorant opinions about people from a state that you get all of your information about from fox news. I would really like to beat some sense into your stupid fucking head. Until then please keep writing asshole

Btrying2Btrying2about 2 years ago

3.7.22. Part 2 was very good - not quite as good as part 1 but still much better than many good stories posted here. The interplay between the two MCs was done well. Again I liked the change in POV between the two. In my opinion this dual POV improved the story and added to the interest and intrigue. Based on the author’s intro I understand why the story seemed rushed at the end. While I would have welcomed several more pages in this authors easy reading style to wind up this portion of the story, the ending is not incomplete or hanging. I enjoyed this story. Maybe one day there will be more to flesh out the ending and give us a peak at how they have evolved and their life together. Thanks for sharing this great story John

To the anonymous commenter 8 days ago who took such ugly offense at the CA dig. I too thought the comment was a little too broad and harsh. That said, the commenter’s verbal assault in the last three sentences as she slipped into belligerent bully mode drained all the possible credibility that might have existed in the first sentences. The argument was lost with the vulgarity and extremeness of the speech.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok. The thing that struck me about this story, is how the wife's blatant disrespect towards her husband and his career, suddenly changed during the vacation. Her whoremonger boss Ted, was enthralled with Maria Shriver. And wifey was surprised that her husband had the respect, of such a person. And I am sure Ted fawning over her, had a big impact as well. Then he defends his family in a gunfight, while Ted cowers in a corner. All of a sudden, wifey sees the light, especially after Ted tries to put the move on her. I call bs, on a number of things.

First, there is no way wifey did not know, Ted wanted to sleep with her. She was going along with it, because of his promise of a partnership. That’s a fact.

Second, if her level of disrespect for a man she lived with all these years was so high, no way she morphs back to the loving wife he married, so fast. Once you lose your respect for someone and fall out of love with them, there is no turning back. At the end of the day she was just another slut, willing to destroy her marriage and sell herself, for fame and glory. Fish ain’t biting on this one- 2 stars.

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955about 2 years ago

And then Joe Biden becomes president and the cartels have an open boarder. Go Brand FJB

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story for what is was...a good well told story without all of the usual cuck crap. Even the cartel trying to kill/capture the President of Mexico was well told. I liked that Maria spent time with his kids and everyone else at the table explaining why being a celebrity has both it's ups and downs. It made the story more human doing that.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, it was a pleasure to read, and I gave it 5/5 on both parts.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianabout 2 years ago

I’ve read several of your stories and this is the 2nd time I’ve read this one. I enjoy your work but I think it doesn’t flow as smoothly as it could. You also have a few spelling errors and what I assume are typos rather than spelling errors. If you are looking for someone to edit your work, I’m on the editors list. Back to the story. You write well but seemed a little rushed to me. You have a nice writing style and it is easy to follow you to your conclusion. Oh, you have a lot fewer errors than many of the writers out there. Keep up the good work.

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I've been reading the comments and see that a lot of presumably California readers don't like being called liars, cheats, and losers. Knowing that a blanket claim like that can't reasonably be applied to an entire state, I commiserate.


Yet, consider this. Here in the U.S., we have a representative form of government. So, why do Californians elect/re-elect proven liars and cheats as their Mayors, Councilmen, Judges, DA's, Representatives, Senators/Vice President? Californians are the constituents of those elected, so truly democratic elections would tend to argue that they "must" represent the views of "most" of you, at least. Surely you hold some trust of these people, unless you elect them to "do whatever the hell THEY want"!

Or, maybe, with the help of the media, they're making sure you stay "ignorant" of what they're doing in your name!

(Incidentally, beware of those who will not enter into a good-faith debate, instead resorting to name-calling and/or emotional accusations without actual evidence -- this signals an INABILITY to defend their chosen positions factually!)


For anyone holding tight to preconceived opinions (left or right, alike), in spite of evidence to the contrary, it might also be enlightening to research and educate yourselves about the following terms (they explain a LOT, and show up in self+others+officeholders EVERYWHERE):

-- Cognitive Dissonance,

-- Confirmation Bias,

-- Pathological Narcissism,

-- Dunning-Kruger Effect,

-- Groupthink,

-- Pride and Ego,

-- Ignorance,

-- Simple Stupidity [self-explanatory, really],

-- Self-aware[ness], and

-- Gaslighting [use the context of Psychology]


Incidentally, also check out the quoted words to follow. (self-appointed fact-checkers often use "misinformation" to classify an "undesirable" "fact" as "disinformation") --- (WTF!)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why does every story here devolve in a mix between Rambo and The Last Action Hero? Doesn't anyone write a "real" character anymore? This category is becoming more and more childish. On one side, you've got writers that hate men to the Nth degree, writing cuck shit that amounts to a hate crime. And on the other side, you've got writers writing childish "supermen" that single handedly save the world from gun toting armies. Doesn't anyone do normal anymore?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The reconciliation is right out of the "Die Hard" script... Husband and wife growing apart, ready to divorce and move on, then due to the heroism of the husband the marriage is saved and they stay together. Would be great to see a sequel where Cassie eventually does leave him, kind of like how Holly ends up leaving John by the third Die Hard movie. LOL 3*

ForensicFossilForensicFossilalmost 2 years ago

@ Annony who says California elects, according to whom, cheats and liars.

Interestingly enough, for a person trying to appear as the mature, evidence weighing philosopher-king, they cite no name so no-one can evaluate their credibility. This was sheer drivel from a right-wing nut case who tries to hide it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Tarantino: Note that down! Note that down!!!

jsch1947jsch1947almost 2 years ago

While this is an exciting yarn, if you're going to impersonate a writer, you need to acquaint yourself with research. Maria Shriver never, at any time, worked for Rupert Murdoch or any of his stations. She was an honest journalist. She worked exclusively for NBC.

Your love of FOX undermines your credibility. They are Tabloid News. Honesty is Not in their lexicon.

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

RAAC when the wife genuinely doesn't deserve it and in reality fuck the unfaithfulness because sex is the final step. What about the years and years of disrespect in the end this is nothing but a Cuckold story except the nemesis is actually the Wife!

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

RAAC is code for fucking pitiful cuckold and ultimately that's all this is a king-size cuckold story. And for any Guy out there who still has his balls in tact he would say this story is nothing but a god damned nightmare!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story, maybe a little too far on the wife's side, but still very good. It would be interesting to hear a story of a romance between Maria and her BF, especially if he comes across as a nice regular guy.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Not bad but where is the sex,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Should have gotten rid of the shrew. Plenty of gorgeous Mexican ladies who would respect the hero! ZK

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like this author but I had a hard time getting invested in this tale. Accountants??? I would rather pick up trash along the road than be an accountant.

You couldn't fire an RPG in a stairwell. The slight time delay before the warhead is armed would render it useless in close quarters.

It would have been better to mimic some other reporters name. Maria SCHRIVER (ex-Shwarzenegger) wouldn't be caught dead working for Fox news.

The U.S needs to employ force like used in the sandbox against the cartels. Gunships and MOABS would be a good start.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

As per usual the husband despite every piece of evidence to the contrary takes the cheating whore wife back because of course according to this author all Males are useless cucks in need of female domination.

Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

I liked the story. It was riveting. 5/5

I wish the antagonist and the wife were thrown down the stairs as baracade, but can't win them all


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you, a really good story and well presented. You wrote a pretty long story with creativity and for a change, no sex, what a relief. We don't all read here for the sex. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too exiting by half and too full of American conservative bluster but fun to read for the most part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An exciting action packed LW story. I enjoy fantasies of the mind. I believe as long as criminals and Governments have access to guns so should the citizens to protect themselves from both. Being ambitious is what brings out the greatness in man. Most people are passive to a dangerous degree, some are vainly ambitious but those that try to excel are the ones who move us ahead. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One important point to the author. About California, that ''perfect state for liars, cheats, and losers". Pretty damned prosperous, and BTW, produced many of those heroes who fought the Japanese to a standstill in the Pacific. You can write, but try being less shallow than the tripe you offered up here.

FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

So she never told him the truth, that something did happen in that room with Ted?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He said she wasn't good enough for partner.

He caught Ted's mistakes and did not report how bad an accountant he was??!!

She did cheat. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. All before she stopped him counts.

He totally convinced marriage over and??!!

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

She has an orgasm and nothing happened? Why do so many lit authors set such an unbelievably low standard?

Pickles7287Pickles7287over 1 year ago

interesting story until he spewed that crap about California. Obviously a Trump supporter. 1 star for that.

GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreenerover 1 year ago

I can't figure out why so many commenters love to nitpick. It was a very entertaining story. Not very believable but fiction is fiction. Cassie was naïve and lost herself, when she finally realized who Ted really was, she got out. She did disrespect her husband but she was not an adulterous. She was self consumed but not a cheater and what Ted did was close to rape. Andy a very likeable character, of course not very realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No 5 foryou brother.

You get this💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯💯💥💥💥💯💯💯💯💯💯💥💥💥💫💫💥💥💥💥👌😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey Pickles,

He RIGHT about Calif. It's a cesspool and people like you helped make it so.

I grew up in Cal from the 50's on and was once proud of it. Now I won't set foot in it.

Calif has the highest poverty rate in the US.

There is no free press because it is now coopted by the Left and gives one side stories. The Press should protect us with ALL the facts. Now it's no better than Pravda. Calif is, especially Hollywood is the Champion of racist in it's ceasely drive against white people. [Notice thatvvitually ALL commercials show ONLY black people; that's just as racist when it was the other way around.THAT would apall MLK! IN YOUR state free speach..means you have a right to only say what left approve of.

By the way, I never approve of Trump but I became a Republican when I realized the Left promote racist, misandry, WOKE radical, so called, Feminism, etc.

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