Restrained Passion

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Meeting a stranger for sex, she gives herself over to him.
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What the fuck was she thinking?

A couple of hours ago she had been texting with some guy on Tinder and now she was here, naked, tied to his bed.

The sexting had been fun and she had always enjoyed being dominated, but now she was here, vulnerable, she began to wonder if she was out of her mind.

She hadn't exactly sneaked out of the house, but she hadn't told anyone where she was going, not her friends and certainly not her parents. Of course, she was eighteen and they knew she had had boyfriends, but she was never going to tell them she was meeting strangers online for casual sex. And she definitely wasn't going to tell them this usually involved her being bound and gagged in some way.

Still, that was part of the thrill. The secrecy, the submitting to the will of another, putting herself in a position where he could do whatever he wanted to her. Not that she didn't trust him. If she hadn't, she would never have come. But now, here, her wrists and ankles tied to the corners of his bed, her pale skin exposed to the slight draught, she questioned her decision-making.

Perhaps I'll ask him to let me go and I can just go home, she thought. Maybe I need to rethink my dating plan.

Just then, the door opened and in he walked. All thoughts of leaving immediately vanished from her mind.

He was twenty years old and fit as fuck. He was tall and slim with short blonde hair. His lack of fat showed off his tight, but not overly large, muscles. She felt herself melt inside as he offered her a slight smile, his piercing blue eyes sparkling.

How she had ever matched with him she didn't know.

True, most guys swipe right for anything, but this guy could have been fucking some beautiful model, and yet here she was. She thought of her naked body and winced. She was short and whilst she wasn't fat by any standards, she wasn't supermodel thin either. Not that she would want to be, for she had always prided herself on her big tits and grabbable ass, perfect for spanking.

She thought of her features in the mirror, soft and round, her eyes brown, her short red hair and pale, freckled skin. She knew some guys were into redheads and most guys were into big tits, so she knew she was fuckable, she just didn't realise she was this fuckable.

Or maybe she wasn't, maybe this guy was just playing with her.

"Glad to see you decided to stay," he said, mischievously.

"I did pop out to the shops," she said, "I just got back."

His slight smile broadened into a near whole smile and he approached the bed. Whilst she was fully naked, he was wearing a tight-fitting pair of black boxers. She saw the outline of his dick and wondered if he was soft or already had a semi.

There was a rather considerable bulge, and whilst she had nothing against big dicks, she much rather preferred something on the average size, as long as they knew what to do with it. She had been with a couple of guys with big dicks and their whole fucking technique seemed to be "I have a big dick," which did nothing for her, except prevent her from walking properly for two days. For not only did big dicked guys not know what they were doing most of the time, her pussy was particularly tight, so wasn't naturally accommodating to oversized phalluses.

"Are you ok?" He asked, standing at the foot of the bed, looking up over her prone body. She looked down and saw he was making direct eye contact, as if she hadn't noticed she was naked, as if her pussy, hair trimmed and waxed especially for this meeting, wasn't fully exposed for him to use as he pleased.

She was comforted by his calm demeanour, his interest in her as a person, rather than a quick hole to fuck. This is why she liked dating older guys, they had a maturity, a level of self-restraint that boys her own age didn't.

His profile had said he was twenty-three, which is usually younger than she preferred, but there was something about this guy that really drew her to him. But now she was here, she wondered whether he might be a little older. Not that he looked it, but he had the manners and confidence of someone older. She wondered whether he might be twenty-five or six and had lied on her profile. Not that she could complain too much about that, as she had put she was twenty-one. Whilst there wasn't that much difference as far as she was concerned, she found there were a lot of weirdos, often much older, who messaged her when she had her age set as eighteen, many obsessed with being "her first" or taking her virginity, as if that ship hadn't sailed a long time ago.

"Before we begin, some ground rules," he said, as if he were a teacher. That was it! That's why she trusted him. He reminded her of a substitute teacher she had in her last days of high school, just before she graduated. He was young and smart, and in his nicely pressed shirt looked utterly fuckable.

She had even made a move to seduce him, but even though she had already turned eighteen, he turned her down, saying it wasn't appropriate for him to get involved with students, even if he was just there temporarily.

That made her want to fuck him even more.

He had become her go-to masturbation fodder for several weeks. She thought of seducing him in his office, dropping to her knees and sucking his dick under the desk as other teachers came into bitch about how awful their students were. And he would have to sit there, pretending nothing was happening even as she sucked the cum right out of him.

And now here she was, with a real-life replica. Sure, he wasn't the same guy, but close enough that she felt herself getting wet at the thought of it.

"Rule one: Consent is everything. If you don't like something, just let me know."

"Rule two: safewords. The safeword is avocado." She giggled at this, as it struck her as particularly absurd. "Now," he continued, "I've done some pretty experimental stuff in the past, but nothing involving avocados, at least, not yet."

"But what if we want some avocado play tonight?" She asked, teasingly.

"Well, unless you picked some up when you went to the shop, I'm afraid we'll have to do without."

"Rule three: You are mine. I own you. Anything I want to do, I do. I am going to touch, kiss, caress, tease, toy, rub, and edge you until you can't take any more. Then, finally, I am going to fuck the ever-living shit out of you, cumming inside your tight, wet pussy until my jizz is oozing out of you, like the end of an ice cream nozzle. Understand?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl."

"Now," he continued walking around the bed, "are there any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Very good. Now, what is the safe word again?"

"Avocado," she giggled again.

"Excellent. So, before we begin, do you have anything you would like to say?"

"No, sir."

"So, let's begin."

He stood to the side of the bed and slipped off his boxers, his dick bouncing free.

Thank god, she thought, identifying it as semi-erect. I can work with that.

Indeed, she was looking forward to it. It was, from what she had seen, a nice-looking penis. It was smooth and mostly straight, with the pubes neatly trimmed back to the bottom of the shaft, perfect for dick-sucking. His balls were also not too large or too small, she could hold them comfortably in one hand, were she not restrained, and seemed a nice size for sucking. They too were neatly shaved.

He got onto the bed on his hands and knees by her side and just looked at her. He examined her face and she suddenly got very self-conscious. She was desperate to look away, but that was against the rules. She was his and had to submit.

He moved down slowly, looking at her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. She felt his hot breath on her chest and arched slightly, eager for him to take a nipple in his mouth, but he moved away slightly, maintaining the same distance as before.

He continued his visual exploration, his eyes moving over her belly, her pubis, down her right leg, down to her well-manicured foot. He got up and walked around to the other side of the bed, and began the process on her other side. Face, neck, shoulder, breasts, belly, pubis, leg, foot, all without touching her.

Then he got up and walked to the foot of the bed. He kneeled in front of her, her prone legs giving him a perfect view of her pussy.

Please, she thought, eat my pussy.

But he didn't. He knelt there and looked at it, tilting his head as if inspecting a particularly rare diamond.

"Beautiful," he said.

Here we go, she thought. He wants to smash that pussy. She could feel herself getting wet with anticipation.

Then he got up and left the room.

"Oh, what the fuck?" She said to herself. Why won't he just fuck me?

A few moments later he returned, his hands behind his back.

"What's that?" She asked. He said nothing.

He kneeled on the bed next to her and from behind his back, produced a feather. She laughed a little, for she was terribly ticklish and knew this would end in disaster.

"I'm ticklish," she said.

"This isn't for tickling," he replied, brushing the soft tip across her cheek.

He was right. For although her first instinct was to laugh, she didn't find it tickled at all. Far from it in fact. She felt the gentle caress on her skin and was surprised by the tenderness. He swept it across her other cheek, his arm leaning over her. She could smell him, his cologne mixing with his manliness.

He ran the feather down the side of her neck and across her right breast, down the side and underneath, far away from the nipple, and up between them, where she took in a deep breath, barely managing with the teasing sensation, as he repeated the move around her left breast.

He ran the feather down over her flat belly, circling her navel, causing her to arc her back upwards, at which he removed the feather.

She looked at him, but he said nothing. When she lowered her back to the bed, he waited a moment, then continued. He circled her navel again, then ran it down her right side, gently across her body, bristling the top of her trimmed pubis, and up and down her left side.

He lifted the feather and using the long side, ran it down her left thigh. She moaned, desperate for something more substantial, more solid. Here she was, all her holes exposed and he wasn't taking her in any of them. She felt a tickling in her taint, as a drop of her warm wetness ran from her slit down towards her asshole. Christ, she was desperate to be fucked.

He continued and ran the feather down her leg, slowly, using the feather tip to explore her ankle. She was worried that even with his expert touch, she would burst out laughing if it touched her feet. Thankfully, he skipped that and moved onto her right leg, exploring it in much the same way.

She was fascinated with his seeming need for symmetry. She wondered if this was something all guys had regarding sex. She realised that of all the guys she had fucked or messed around with, all of them seemed determined to give each of her tits the same amount of attention as if it was unfair to do so otherwise.

"Did you like that?" He asked, lying beside her.


"Are you ready for the next step?"

Her eyes widened, she bit her bottom lip and nodded slightly.


He left the room, taking the feather with him.

Oh fuck, she thought, unsure how much of this she was going to be able to stand. She had come here for some light bondage fucking and now there were steps. Not that she wasn't enjoying it, but she was definitely ready for some dick.

He returned shortly with a bucket of champagne. The bottle and bucket were dripping wet like her pussy. He put the bucket on the nightstand and she stared at it. Whilst she was desperate to have something inside of her, she was damn sure she couldn't fit a bottleneck in herself.

"It's part of the theatrics," he said, trying to reassure her. "Maybe we can have a glass later."

She looked at him, confused, wondering where this was going.

He reached into the bucket and pulled out a single ice cube.

The melting water dripped down his fingers, down his wrist, his arm as he held up the cube, turning it around as if allowing her to inspect it.

"Now," he said, "where to begin?" He considered her entire body and she shivered with anticipation. "Oh, of course."

He took the cube and moved slowly to her face. She could feel the cold before it even touched her, the steam rising off the surface.

He moved it in front of her as if considering where to place it, before gently running it across her lips. She gasped at the intense sensation, her lips parting, he tongue flicking out, ready to receive what he was offering, but again, he pulled away.

Saying nothing, she closed her mouth and he ran the cube over her again, raising it up and running it gently down under her chin to the top of her neck. He removed the cube from her skin, but she could still feel the icy cold water as it dribbled down her neck, stopping at the base.

He smiled and moved down and she knew what was coming next. He ran the cube down her side boob and she shivered as he moved up to the top of her breast, circling her areola, which was small, and faint but still clearly visible for anyone looking. She shifted under the sensation, desperate for him to run the cube over her nipple, but as it got close and she could feel the cold object in direct proximity he lifted it up and moved to her other breast.

He repeated the process, again stopping just before contact was made with the nipple.

"Please," she moaned. "I can't take it."

"I decide what you can and can't take," he said, running the cube down her belly, circling her navel, allowing the melted water to pool in her belly button.

She squirmed at the sensation, unable to decide whether she loved or hated it. All she knew was that she didn't want it to stop.

He continued down, leaving a wet trail through her pubis, again letting the water pool, this time just above her pussy. He got up and moved between her legs, the cube still between his fingers. He held it just above the warm skin and let her body heat melt the cube. With each drip, the pool got larger and larger and though she knew what was coming, there was nothing she could do to stop it, even if she wanted. He belonged to her and could do whatever he wanted.

The water continued to drip and drip until finally the pool overflowed and a small, steady stream of icy water ran down towards her hot pussy.

She moaned and bucked her hips, helpless as the water made its way down dribbling over her clit, down her swollen lips and into her opening. It was cold and she shivered and couldn't take it anymore. It was a new, exciting feeling but it was all too intense. She had to make it stop.

"Avahh--fuck!" She exclaimed as his warm flat tongue lapped up the mixture of ice water and juices from her sopping wet pussy.

She heard the clink of the ice cube as it hit the wooden floor and then lost herself in pleasure.

His tongue, warm, gentle, lapped up everything her pussy had to offer and she thought was going to lose her goddamn mind. He licked and kissed and sucked, grabbing her thighs with his icy cold hands, sending shivers through her body.

Finally, she thought, this is what I came here for. Fuck, he knows how to eat pussy.

As he ran his tongue in small circles over her engorged clit, she felt herself on the edge of cumming. It was deep, intense, the release of hours of sexual desire. She moaned and bucked her hips against his face, as she readied herself for the intense waves of pleasure she was about to experience.

"Oh, oh fuck. Fuck yes, please, more, fuck, yes oh, fuck... What the fuck?"

She, on the precipice of a mind-blowing orgasm, looked down and saw he was no longer between her legs.

Instead, he was standing over her, mouth and chin glistening with her juices.

"What are you doing? I was about to cum."

"You cum when I say you can cum," he said, leaning over her, kissing her deeply. She could taste her own juices on his lips and craved more. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and met his. She thought of what that tongue had been doing to her pussy, her clit, just mere seconds ago and it was almost enough to bring her to climax.

He pulled away and, eyes closed, she leant forward, desperate for more of his touch.

"Ok," he said, "time for step three."

"I don't think I can take any more steps," she gasped, breathless.

"Oh, I think you can," he said and leaned in to kiss her, pushing his body into hers.

Finally, she thought, her body aching for his touch.

His hands ran up and down her body, exploring every inch, her warm flesh desperate for every single caress. She writhed and moaned, pulling helplessly against the restraints as she felt him getting hard, his dick pressing into her side.

What a waste, she thought, thinking of at least five, oh, six, different places where it could be put to better use.

He kissed down her neck, across her clavicle and down between her breasts.

She gasped as he kissed down underneath her left breast then moved up taking, finally, her nipple in his mouth. It was warm and his tongue flicked gently across the sensitive mound.

His other hand ran up her side, cupped her right breast and taking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, gently caressed it in time with his tongue.

"Ohhh.... Fuck," she moaned, the release of his touch only compounding her desire to get dicked the fuck down.

Almost as if he could read her mind, he positioned himself on top of her, his body lying between her helpless legs. He kissed and worked her breasts as his rock-hard dick rubbed against her pussy lips. She moaned again, desperate for him to slip it into her, to fuck her, to cum deep inside of her.

She knew he could sense it too, as she somehow got even wetter and he rubbed his dick against her even faster, the head rubbing against her clit.

Then he pulled away and kissed down her belly. There were no complaints this time as she knew where he was going.

His face disappeared and all she could see was his full blonde hair between her legs, a sharp contrast to her well-trimmed red mound, for she was all natural.

She watched and could feel his soft kisses working their way across her inner thighs, fingers and lips swapping sides, exploring, teasing, promising pleasures to come.

Then, without warning, he slowly ran his tongue up her cunt and her head rolled back, eyes closed, giving into the pleasure of it.

He ran his tongue up and down and slipped it into her opening. She gasped at the warmth of his tongue inside her, but it was short-lived, as he ran it back up and started licking her clit, sending shivers of pleasure through her.

As his tongue worked her clit, one of his fingers moved down to her entrance, circling the opening but not penetrating her, as if it were a forbidden cave he was not allowed to enter.

Please, she thought, please. It's all for you. My pussy is all for you, take it, take it all, please.

He licked faster and faster and she bucked harder and harder, until they found an equilibrium and continued at the same pace. Tongue, fingers, hips, all working to bring her to orgasm.

This time was the one, she could feel it. This time there was no stopping it. She came closer and closer and closer until she was right on the edge.

Then he stopped it.

"No, please," she begged, "I can't take it."

"You're going to take all of it," he said, standing, his rock-hard cock glistening with her juices from rubbing along her pussy earlier, and with that, he slipped his throbbing dick into her desperate cunt.