Retirement Interrupted Ch. 05


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As she pulled his head closer, he got the message to lick her harder and faster, but her squeezing thighs made it difficult.

"Not at all. It's a wonderful home environment, and they're the best of friends." Cupping the phone, she groaned. He licked and licked, forcing her to bite her lip and grunt under her breath.

"Oh, that's okay," she said, digging her fingers into his scalp. "Again, I'm sorry, and I will certainly send you a follow up." As her legs quivered, she reached to hang up the phone, fumbled the handset, and then finally cradled it.

"Gee-zus," she cried, squeezing his face almost to bursting as her pussy juices leaked over his nose and mouth. Then, holding the back of his head in her hands, she mashed her pussy against his face and swiped it rapidly up and down roughly on his mouth and nose. With a deep, guttural growl, she shuddered, and then pussy juice gushed into his mouth.

As her body relaxed, she released his head from her thigh vice.

"That was a good start," she said, doing up her jacket and breathing heavily. "Now get a towel from the washroom."

"Yes, ma'am," he said. Finding a two-piece washroom at the back of the office, he returned with a hand towel, and kneeling between her legs, he gently dried her.

"Dean, Nurse Stacks says that she needs to speak with you urgently," the intercom broke in.

Motioning for him to duck into the leg well of the desk, the dean responded, "Send her in."

Crouching between her legs, he tried to dry her lap and groin but had trouble in the confined space. Her pussy stared at him menacingly.

"We have a problem," Nurse Stacks said. "My male assistant has called in sick, and I need him first thing this morning."

Removing his hand from the towel, the dean inserted his middle finger inside her, coaxing him by the wrist to slide it in and out.

"Can you use someone else?" she said to the nurse.

"Well, I would prefer to screen him first," the nurse said, "and I have to start soon."

The dean's pussy wall was swollen, but its wetness allowed him to slide a bit. As he worked on her, she petted his forearm.

"Do you remember Mr. Summers?" the dean said. "He came to see you with Miss Tanaka and Miss Skygghetsen." Hearing his name, he sped up his fingering to indicate his concern.

"Oh, he would be perfect. I have already screened him."

"Oh?" the dean mused. "Well, I can get him at short notice." She prompted him to vibrate his finger harder inside her. "So he will meet ... ohhh ... meet up with you shortly."

"Are you all right, Dean?"

"Just a bit of indigestion," the dean said, biting her lip. His hand became a blur.

"You should be careful with that," the nurse said, leaving. "Thanks, Dean."

As the door closed, the dean groaned, spurting onto his hand as her whole body shook. Rolling her chair back, she let him out.

"I see why Miss Skygghetsen was so exuberant this morning," she said, wiping herself with the towel.

"So, Nurse Stacks has vetted you already?" she said as he took the towel from her to dry his hand. "You do get around. Maybe I should be more concerned about Miss Skygghetsen's moral wellbeing."

Noticing her just standing by her clothes, her hands folded at her waist, he realized that she expected him to dress her. Dropping to his knees, he pulled up her thong, taking in the smell of her expended pussy. Then he shifted her dress up her legs and over her butt, zipping it up.

"Off you go to the clinic," she said, sitting back at her desk. "Nurse Stacks will be waiting for you."

"Yes, ma'am," he said, making a beeline for the door, happy that he seemed to have escaped a major exposure.

"Oh and Mr. Summers," she said. "I will require you to return when she is finished with you. I believe that we should get ahead on your tab over lunch."

Too much, he thought. Bad precedent. Need to escape. "I ... uh ... Well, actually, I have an appointment, Dean. Sorry."

She glared at him for a moment. "That's fine," she said with a tight smile. "Another time, then. We have all year."

As he left, he noticed that the room smelled of consummated sex. Closing the door, he smiled at the receptionist.

"Miss Daniels," Dean Payne's voice came over the intercom. "Would you please book time in my schedule for an inspection visit to Mr. Summer's home?"

"Inspection visit?" he said to Ginger.

"We'll call you." She nibbled at the end of her pencil with a cheeky grin.

"Oh, Mr. Summers," Ginger said before he could leave. "You missed a spot." She indicated to him by wiping the corner of her mouth with her finger. When he wiped a drop of the dean's wetness from the spot, she flashed her eyebrows at him, grinning again.

*** Before the Break ***

What was happening to him, he wondered as he hurried down the stairs to the clinic. Less than a week ago, his retirement had been so quiet. Now he was rushing through a girls' school having had intimate relations with the staff and presumably about to do the same with students.

Waiting for him in the clinic as he entered, Nurse Stacks gave him a big hug, "Thank you so much for coming at such short notice, Mr. Summers." As he hugged her back, he noticed over her shoulder that the waiting room was empty. He was relieved about that.

"I was in the neighbourhood," he said, grinning.

"Well, there's not much time," she said, grabbing his hand and whisking him to the back. "And we have to get you changed." In the treatment room, she pulled off his polo shirt.

"What are we doing?" he asked as she pulled his jeans down to the floor, revealing his bulge pocket.

"My, my, my," she said, gazing at his cloth-covered cock and balls swaying in front of her face. "Did you wear this for me, or do you have a freaky lifestyle I should know about?"

"It's a long story."

"This is going to be a distraction," she said, rolling the cloth protrusion around in her hand, admiring its novelty. "Do you have any other shorts here?"

"No, sorry," he said as she tied a robe around him. "Why exactly is this a distraction?"

"Sorry. No time to explain," she said, fishing a surgical mask out of a drawer. "Maybe we can use it to our advantage."

"What's this for?" he asked before putting the mask on.

"To hide your identity," she said, helping him slide on a pair of flip-flops.

Grabbing a portfolio, she pulled him out of the room. As she dragged him down the hallway, girls stared at him trying to hold his robe closed while he tripped along in his flip-flops to keep up.

"Where are we going?" His flip-flops turned askew on the stairs, threatening to fall off going as they hustled down the final hallway.

"Health class," she said.

Entering the classroom ahead of him, she announced their arrival. "All right, girls," she cried out, clapping her hands. "Let's be seated."

He stood at the doorway, not knowing what to think. Uniformed schoolgirls milling in small groups around the room turned to look at him in unison. As he made his way to the front of the class, the level of whispering went up. He held his robe together even tighter.

At the back of the room, Eva grabbed Miori's arm and pointed, causing Miori to stare at him with her mouth open. Then the two of them talked to each other animatedly, grabbing and hitting each other's arm in excitement as they kept looking his way.

Being half dressed in front of a roomful of young, uniformed schoolgirls began to excite him, and then worrying that he might get hard as they watched him got him even more excited. He tried to avoid direct eye contact with the eager faces staring back at him, and then he saw Eva holding a hand over her mouth. Her eyes looked partly sympathetic and partly mortified.

"Girls, girls, settle down," Nurse Stacks said, dumping her portfolio full of cardboard cut-outs onto the desk at the front of the room. "Welcome to health class for your final year. Today, we are going to review what you took in anatomy last year."

A large murmur went up. "All right girls," she said as she sorted the cut-outs on the desk. "You're all adults now." He suddenly wished he could melt into the whiteboard behind him.

"This is Mr. X. He will be our model today," she said. Without notice, she removed his robe, revealing his tube shorts. A few girls yelped in surprise, and then they all started talking excitedly.

"And hopefully he will be with us for the rest of the year as we study human sexuality." Blushing, he moved his hands to his front.

"Girls, please. Let's be dignified, shall we?" The nurse passed out to the class cardboard cut-outs of what appeared to be major internal organs. Looking to the back of the room, he saw Miori, almost in tears with laughter, and Eva pressing her forehead against Miori's shoulder, avoiding looking at him.

"Let's get started. Girls, please settle down," the nurse said. "All right, who has the heart?"

When a girl at the side of the room put up her hand, the nurse directed him to go over to her. Walking in front of the class, he gripped his crotch to keep it from view, or at least from bobbing around.

The girl had a sweet face. She pushed the adhesive on the back of a cardboard heart against his chest. Then with a grin, her face became devilish. "Wait, it didn't stick," she said, pulling it off and then reseating it. But this time, she tried to slip her free under his grip until he blocked her.

"Let's see," Nurse Stacks said, prompting him to turn toward her. Behind him, he felt the girl's hand caress his butt cheek.

"Very good. Who has the stomach?"

When a girl down the row put up her hand, he joined her.

"Oops," the girl said as she dropped her cut-out. Shielded from the nurse's view, she kneeled down to pick it up, pulling one of his hands aside, and then with a huge grin, she went to grab his bulge, but he covered himself in time. Pouting, she got back up and stuck the cut-out on him.

"Let's see," the nurse said again. Behind him, the girl slid her hand inside the back of his shorts and gave his cheek a squeeze. A nearby girl started giggling, forcing the girl to pull her hand out quickly. He felt his cock beginning to grow.

"Next up is the liver," the nurse said, and a girl on the other side of the room raised her hand. As he crossed the room, the nurse intercepted him.

"I think we can dispense with the cover, Mr. X." She pulled his hands to his sides. "This is an anatomy class, and we're all going to act maturely, aren't we girls?"

"Yes, Nurse Stacks," the class responded together, but he could hear a few giggles. His cock was starting to point at an angle, and it bounced noticeably in front of him as he finished crossing the room.

When he arrived, the girl shared a nod with one of his previous fondlers across the room, who put up her hand. "Nurse Stacks," she said, "I have a question about the heart."

As the nurse turned to answer, the girl beside him wrapped her hand around his shaft and gently pulled along the cock sleeve, while a girl sitting nearby felt his balls. The two of them fondled him until the nurse turned back.

"So how are we doing over here?" the nurse said. Quickly, the girl slapped the cut-out on his chest.

"I have one," Miori called out. Looking over, he saw her holding the brain cut-out in her hand. Beside her, Eva was still avoiding looking at him.

"Ah, Miss Tanaka," the nurse said. "Good. You weren't with us last year. I'm glad that you are participating."

Making his way over, he watched her grin at him as he approached, while Eva stared at the ground. He was embarrassed that his cock was now almost horizontal.

When he arrived, Miori pressed the brain cut-out onto his cockhead. Some of the girls around him started laughing, while others gasped. As girls further away craned to see what the joke was, Miori laughed out loud.

"Very funny," the nurse said, smiling. "You know that's not right."

Between laughs, Miori said, "My uncle told me that guys think with their little heads, so—"

"Please place it properly," the nurse said as Miori dropped to her knees.

"You're really pokey pokey, Mr. X?" she said to him. Grabbing his erection around the base, she pulled the cut-out off. Then she slapped it on his forehead with a laugh as she sneaked a few tugs on his cock. Before leaving, he reached out to Eva, but she pulled her hand away.

As he turned to leave, one of the girls nearby put up her hand. "Nurse Stacks," she said. "Why is he sticking out like that?"

"I think his wiener is too hot," Miori said, pulling down on his shorts. "We should give it some air." He grabbed his waistband before his cock popped out, but his ass flashed in the open.

Behind him, he heard Miori say, "Ow. What?" and presumed that Eva had hit her.

Another girl grabbed his shaft. "I heard that you're supposed to rub it when it gets stiff," she said, pulling along it. A girl nearby squealed, while another one reached out for him as well.

"Okay, girls, that's enough," the nurse said, walking over to escort him to safety. "Take a break. Back in 20 please." As she peeled the cut-outs off him, he watched the girls leaving the class. Then he saw Miori blowing him a kiss at the door as she followed Eva running out of the room.

"Can we take Mr. X down to the common area to help him relax?" one of the girls said to the nurse. He recognized her as one of his fondlers. Standing with a couple of other touchers, she gave him a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, dear," the nurse said, helping him put the robe back on. "I think we'll just give him some time to collect himself." The girls walked away, glancing back at him and whispering among themselves.

*** During the Break ***

"Let's get this taken care of, shall we?" the nurse said, hustling him down the hallway. Not far along, they entered a large, single-person, accessibility washroom.

Closing and locking the door, she yanked his shorts to the floor. The cock sleeve rubbed along his shaft as it pulled off.

"Oh my," she said as his erection rebounded with a waggle. "We certainly have our work cut out for us."

As she turned the water on in the sink, there was a knock at the door. "Nurse Stacks, the dean wants to see you," said a girl's voice. "She says it's urgent."

"Damn," the nurse said, staring at his stiff cock. "It looks like you're going to have to take care of that yourself."

"You want me to—"

"I'm sorry, Peter, but I have to go." Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, she flicked his erection playfully before slipping out.

Looking down at his erection hovering over the sink, he shook his head. Jerking off in a girl's school washroom was not something he ever thought he would be doing. He tapped some liquid soap into his palm when suddenly the door opened and three girls slipped into the room. Two of the girls circled behind him as the third girl locked the door.

"You girls need to leave," he said, covering his groin with his hands. He recognized them as the fondlers who wanted to take him to the common area.

The girl at the door leaned back against it. "Sorry, Mr. X, but I think Nurse Stacks would prefer if we took over."

"Should we see who Mr. X is?" said a girl behind him, teasing with the ear loop of his face mask until he held it in place.

"No, only if he doesn't behave himself," the door girl said, creeping toward him. "Let's get going before the break ends." As the two other girls grabbed his arms, the door girl dispensed some soap into her hand.

"Aw, Mr. X, did we make you hard in class?" She applied the soap to his erection.

"Listen, girls, fun is fun, but you need to leave." He squirmed, trying to free his arms. To his front, water ran out of the faucet into the sink, promising to dispose of his cum, as the girl's slippery hand ran up and down his erection, encouraging him to send his cum down the drain. The jerking was interrupted by the door knob jiggling.

"Mr. Summers ... I mean, Mr. X, are you still in there?" the nurse said from outside. "Are you finishing up? The class starts soon."

"Oh, he's finishing up," the door girl said quietly as she continued to stroke him. "Aren't you, Mr. Summers?" From behind, one of the girls pressed a hand over his face mask to keep him from crying out.

With a jangling sound of keys, the door opened. "Thank you, Ginger," the nurse said as she entered, staring in surprise at his gropers. "What are you girls doing in here?"

"We thought you needed help," one of the girls said, trying to sound innocent.

The nurse marched the girls out, with the door held open by Ginger, her busty profile on display as she leaned against the door. "Can you help him get ready while I take these girls to see the dean," the nurse said as she past. Smiling, Ginger locked the door and then turned to face him.

"Naughty, naughty Mr. Summers," she said strutting toward him, her stiletto heels clicking on the terrazzo floor. "Sneaking in the washroom with young schoolgirls." Wrapping an arm around his neck, she ran a finger along his erection.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. What were you going to do to them?" With her spicy perfume overcoming his senses, he was captivated by her dark red lips chiding him inches from his face.

"They ... uh ... They snuck in and ... um ..."

"Uh-huh, and you decided to offer them something to play with?" Leaning across him, she dispensed some soap into her hand. "May I?" She wrapped her hand around his erection and began to stroke him slowly.

"Oh god."

"Naughty boy," she said, her face almost touching his as she stroked. "You should have come see me if you wanted someone to play with you." Stroke and stroke and stroke.

"You can visit my office anytime." Stroke and stroke and stroke. "We can't have you walking the halls like this." Stroke and stroke and stroke.

Her red lips neared his mouth. He wanted to kiss her. She kept stroking him.

"I'm going to cum," he warned her.

She let go of him. "Oh, not yet. I'm not done playing," she said, biting his earlobe. Then she began stroking him again.

"Oh god."

Stroke and stroke and stroke. "I picked some dates for the dean's inspection visit to your place," she said, her lips almost touching his again. "But I think I should drop by first. Wouldn't that be fun?" She finally kissed him on his lips. Grunting into her mouth, he bucked his hips, prompting her to speed up her stroking.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke. He kept moaning and she kept kissing. Then he came, spurting across the sink and into the mirror. Shot after shot, he splattered his reflection.

"Mmm, that was fun," she said, grabbing some paper towels to clean him up and wipe down the mirror. "Thanks for letting me play."

"No, thank you," he said as she wiped her thumb across his lips to remove her lipstick.

"Don't forget to come see me," she said, smiling. "Maybe you can show me what you were doing when you visited the dean."

As she wiped off the lipstick again, the nurse barged in the door.

"Thanks for that," she said, eyeing his drooping cock and wads of paper towels. "We have to get you back. The dean is coming to speak to the class."

*** After the Break ***

Nurse Stacks got him dressed before hustling him back to the classroom. "She's in no mood to screw around," she said as she sat him at the front of the class and then rushed out.

Scanning the room, he failed to see Miori and Eva. He also didn't see his washroom gropers. But all the other girls were back and still seemed excited by his presence. Certainly, he continued to feel odd sitting in front of them in just a robe and tube shorts.

When the dean entered the classroom, the girls all stopped talking and snapped to attention, or as much as a bunch of teen schoolgirls could. His three fondlers followed in behind as she moved to the front of the class, surveying the students. The class's response prompted him to stand up.