Return to the Land


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After they had the seeds and plants in the ground Roger and Cassandra talked about the Marina. He decided to purchase some used canoes from a firm that was going out of business. They also had one nice fishing boat and two Jon boats. He decided since it was a package deal he couldn't refuse the fishing boat. He and Cassandra got busy and built a nice building for the office and small store. He put in a large cooler for the drinks and cold food items as well as produce he hoped to harvest later in the year.

During the time they worked together they developed an easy camaraderie. They always smiled and joked around. From time to time Roger would catch Cassandra watching him with a serious expression on her face. Once or twice he asked her what the problem was but she would only blush and say, "Nothing".

Many times during the hottest part of the afternoon they would stop working and just laze around. Of course since he lived on the riverbank and there was a nice gravel bar beside the deep hole they swam in they spent a lot of time in the river or lying on the gravel bar. The river water was warm and they would take an air mattress out into the deep water and either lay on it or push it between their legs and sit floating and talking, enjoying each other's company. They spent many happy hours talking with each other and the canoes full of people who would come past.

Finally Roger decided they had enough of the infrastructure completed that they could begin trying to rent their boats. He put an advertisement in the paper and had several signs made to place strategically trying to drum up business. He even bought a few radio spots. Business began to pick up and Cassie had to devote almost her entire day to the canoe business. Since the cooler for their produce was in the same building she collected money for the produce sold also.

As the summer progressed they found out the fishing and ski boat rented better than the Jon boats but the canoes were always busy. Roger stayed busy caring for the vegetables, harvesting and even preserving what he thought he would need for the winter. In late July they became so busy they decided to hire an assistant. Cassie called one of her friends that was unhappy with the canoe rental firm she had worked for. They talked her into going to work for them.

The new helper gave them a chance to relax a little, even to get away from the place together from time to time. Until they had hired the help they had been working seven days a week twelve to fourteen hours a day. One day while they were in town Jared accosted them. He was drunk and cursing Cassandra for leaving. He blamed her for taking all his business.

On the way back to the farm Roger and Cassandra talked about Jared's statements. She admitted she had noticed they were renting canoes to many people she remembered from years past. They now had to turn business away occasionally because they did not have enough canoes. She looked at Roger and asked, "Roger do you think we, uh, you could maybe see if Jared wants to sell his canoes? Most of them are old but they are in pretty good shape and we could use them and the equipment..."

"I don't know. I'm not sure I really want to do this type of business. It's getting to where we work ten or twelve hours a day now seven days a week even with Jody to help out. I don't want to work that hard. I admit the money's good but I don't want to work sixty hour weeks like I did in New York, especially for this small an amount of money."

Cassie looked at Roger in shock then said, "WHAT! I thought we were making a lot of money in the business. We are making over $2000.00 a week gross now and that's great. I can't believe you think that isn't much money. How much did you make in New York anyway?"

"I'd really rather not talk about that too much Cassie but I will say I made more in a month than we will make all season if things go like they are right now."

"Wow! I always heard about those rich Wall Street Bankers but I had no idea they made that kind of money. Now I know how you managed to fix your house up so nice."

Roger thought about the question Cassie had posed on purchasing Jared's business until he fell asleep that night. He woke up thinking about her suggestion during the night also. Finally, early the next morning he got up and told her he was going to town for supplies and some coffee. While he was in the café Jared came in. When he saw Roger he began to complain about him taking his customers once more.

Roger felt his temper flare. He leaned back in his chair and said, "Damn it Jared if you treated people better your customers wouldn't try to find somewhere else to rent a canoe. Tell ya what. If you're so upset with how poor your business is why don't you just sell out to me?"

"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't ya asshole? Steal my customers then steal my canoes too. Is that your plan?"

"No, tell ya what, why don't we let Dale and Chuck over there look over your equipment and decide what it's worth. They're in the business and should know what it's worth. We'll average the two estimates and I'll pay you that amount for everything, lock, stock, and barrel."

Jared sat at his table with his coffee. When Jared thought the café owner wasn't looking he took a bottle from his pocket and put whiskey into his coffee cup. As he sat drinking his spiked coffee he stared out the window. He stared at the river and his little shack and the equipment scattered around it. Finally he turned to Roger and slurred, "Hell, I guess I'll just sell out. Ever' since that little bitch ran off it's been more than me and Vicky can do. I been tryin' to get more help but no one around here wants to work no more."

Jared got up and almost staggered out of the café and across the street to his business. Roger looked over at the two other rental owners and said, "Guys I'd really appreciate it if you would do this for me. I know I'm competing with you but I am mostly taking the customers from the little place I bought out earlier and a few of Jared's. I suppose I get a few customers that you turn away but that's not really costing you anything. Besides, maybe we can improve our image if we don't have to apologize for some of his hijinks."

Dale and Chuck looked at each other for a moment then Chuck said, "Hell I'm game if you are." He drank the last of his coffee and stood. He continued, "Come on. Let's get R Done. They walked straight to Jared's little house and business. He was nowhere to be seen. The three surveyed his equipment and they had to knock on the door because Jared was still not there. When he finally managed to get the door open Jared was barely able to stand. The two men gave Jared and Roger their estimates and left. Jared was upset at the amount and complained he had three canoes on the river so it should be more because of that. After much negotiation Jared agreed to sell his entire business stock to Roger for about thirty cents on the dollar of value for new equipment. Before he left Roger took Jared back to the café and wrote up a sales agreement. They both signed and Roger had two people in the café sign as witnesses. Before he returned home Roger hired a couple of local boys to load and bring the canoes and equipment to his farm as soon as possible.

One day in mid July Cassie came out of the house smiling. She ran up to Roger and shook a letter at him. She said, "Oh, Roger, Allen is finally getting to come home. He says he will be released from Active Duty before the end of the month and will be home in early August at the latest. I can't wait to see him again."

Cassandra looked upset then and said, "OH, I forgot he doesn't have anywhere to stay. I know he won't want to go back to that Skank. Crap."

Roger didn't even think before he spoke. He said, "Hell Cassie. He can stay in the other upstairs bedroom for a while if he wants. I'm not using it so it's no big deal."

Roger stood a minute then he began to look sad. Cassie looked at him with some concern then asked, "Roger, what's wrong? Hey, if you don't want Allen to stay here it's no big deal. I'm sure he can find somewhere else to stay."

"No, it's not that Cassie. I was just thinking that after he finds a place to stay...well I guess you'll be leaving me soon and I really don't want to do all this alone. I'll really miss you too."

Cassie looked shocked and stood with her mouth open a moment then she said, "Oh. I never thought about that. I'm sorry Roger. I know you want me out of your house. We'll get busy and find a place as soon as we can. Uh, can I still...I mean do you still want me to help with the work or do I need to start looking for a job?"

"NO! That's not it Cassie. I meant, well, I. NO, I would like it if you kept on helping with everything. I need the help now and...Oh, hell, I"

Roger turned and walked away leaving Cassandra standing alone. He felt like his heart had been torn out when he thought of having to live alone again. He and Cassie were almost like strangers again the next two days. They talked very little and when they did talk they did not have the easy way with each other they had in the past. Late one evening Roger looked up and saw a beat up old pick up coming down his drive in front of a trail of dust. He hoped they did not want to rent a canoe. It was really too late to make it back safely before dark.

The truck came to a stop near the store and a well-built dark haired young man got out. He walked up to Roger and before he could greet him the man said, "I'm Allen Sprightly. I was told in town that my sister Cassandra was out here."

Roger heard Cassie yell out, "Allen!" then the door to the store slammed closed and shortly afterward Cassie flew past him and launched herself into her brother's arms. She hugged him and held him tightly for a moment then backed away from him. She took his hand and turned toward Roger. She said, "Allen, this is Roger Dyer. After I got fed up with Jared and your Skank I moved out here with him. He's been letting me live with him and help around here for my room and board. Oh, I'm so glad you got back. I have so much to tell you I don't know where to start!"

Roger saw Allen's eyes tighten and he began to speak. Roger broke in on him and said, "Allen I think you have the wrong idea about Cassie and me. I let her use the upstairs bedroom in my house when Jared made it impossible for her to stay with him. We are partners in this little business now and she gets part of the profits for her work. I told her you could use the other upstairs bedroom until you find a place to live. I'm sure going to miss her when you take her from me."

Roger couldn't go on and turned away. As he was walking off he continued, "I'll leave you two alone now. I'm sure you have a lot to say to each other and I don't want to be in the way."

Cassie started off after Roger then turned to look at Allen when he held onto her hand. Finally she pointed to the chairs beside the river and said, "Let's go over there and get caught up. I have a few minutes before I have to fix supper."

Cassie and Allen talked for almost two hours then heard Roger calling from the house. He said, "Hey you two. Supper is ready. We can eat whenever you want."

Cassie's eyes got big and she looked almost frightened. She put her hand to her mouth and said, "Oh, I forgot the time and now Roger's had to do some of my work. Come on Allen."

When they entered the house Cassie looked at Roger and said, "Roger, I'm sorry I let the time get away from me. I won't let it happen again. I"

Roger looked at her and Allen. He saw a flit of anger flash in Allen's eyes and thought he knew what he was thinking. Roger smiled and said, "Hey girl. I don't own you. It's no big deal. I was getting my own meals before you came and I guess I will after you leave. I know you had a lot of catching up to do. Forget about it and come eat before it gets cold."

Over the next few days Allen's attitude began to change. He began to see that the rumors he heard in town and the information he got from some letters from his wife had not given him the true picture of Cassie's and Roger's relationship. One day he was outside sort of helping Cassie in the store when he saw Roger walk past. It was not too busy so he followed Roger out to the garden. "Hey Roger," he said. "Can we talk for a minute?"

Roger looked up at Allen and said, "Yeah, sure. Let's go over to the chairs. Want a beer?"

When they got seated and comfortable Allen looked at Roger and began talking. "Roger I'm afraid I haven't been a very good guest and I want to apologize. After watching you and Cassie and talking to her I know I had the wrong idea about you. I thought you were a damn city slicker taking advantage and I'm afraid I let my attitude get the better of me. I didn't have a bed to sleep in and even after the way I treated you, you let me stay in your home. All I can say is I'm sorry and I hope you'll let me make it up to you."

Roger said, "Hey, no problem. I'm sure some of what you were told was done on purpose. In case you haven't noticed I'm not liked much better by your wife and her brother than you are."

Over the course of the next few days Allen helped Cassie and Roger when he was not out looking for a job. By the end of August he had about given up finding work. The night before he looked at his sister and Roger over the supper table and told them he thought he was going to have to go to Centerton or Springville and seek employment.

The day after Allen had said he might leave Roger sat beside Allen when he took a break beside the river. He looked over at him and said, "Allen I'm beginning to think you aren't going to find a job here and maybe not very soon if you try somewhere else. I've been thinking. It's sure been easier here since you began helping. Next year should be a snap if you would stay. I was wondering if you would like to stay on. If you would like to stay I'll make you the same deal I made Cassie. You can live upstairs with her and you can have one fourth of the profits from the business. There's not much profit in the winter but I can use some help around here. Maybe you can find part time work or cut and sell some wood. If you know how to fix things you might pick up some handyman type income..."

Allen looked at Roger then he let his gaze roam over the land. He turned to Roger and said, "Well, I really like it here and it doesn't take much for me to live. I had been trying to decide know we let some of the folks camp down by the river near the swimming hole. I was thinking maybe you would want to put utilities down there and make a real campground. We could charge them more for the spaces then. I think if we did that and expanded your produce crops we could really have a great little"

Allen blushed and continued, "I'm sorry. I mean YOU could have a great little business. I would be happy working here for you. I really enjoy working with the people we have come in the summer and I'm happier here with you and Cassie than I have been in several years. Besides Cassie's cut is enough to live on with the room and board she gets. I'm sure I can get by fine if I can still stay with you two and get a fourth of the profits. Yeah, I would really like to stay on if you don't mind."

Roger kept busy the rest of the day cultivating his crops. When he parked the tractor in the new machine shed he walked toward the river. It had become his custom to take a nice leisurely swim after work. If there was no one around he would just pull his clothes off and dive in wearing his under shorts. If he had a large group of customers still there or campers he would detour into the store and put on a pair of swim trunks. This day, even though it was dusk he had to change into trunks.

When Roger walked into the store Cassie looked up at him and smiled. Roger waved and went into the restroom to change. Cassie continued talking to their young clerk. When Roger came out of the restroom carrying his clothes Cassie was not in sight but she caught up to him before he got to the river. Roger looked down and saw she was in her swimsuit also. He raised his eyebrows at her but said nothing. Cassie smiled and moved closer to Roger wrapping her arm around his waist. For a short moment she laid her head against him then looked up at his eyes.

Cassie moved away slightly then and said, "Allen told me he talked to you about our idea today. He said you didn't answer him Roger. Have you thought about it? I really think it would be a good idea too and if we do most of the work it wouldn't cost too much more. Heck, we could even build shelters maybe for people who don't have tents or RV's. I have had several people phone and ask if we have utilities and improved campsites. I have even had a few call wanting to know if we rent cabins." Cassie licked her lips and gave Roger a worried look then continued; "I just know we could make a lot more if we did that. Please?"

Roger looked at her and said, "I have been thinking about it ever since Allen mentioned it. Cassie, I'm not sure I want to work that much harder. We already put in 14-hour days during the summer. I know we are making good money. I have even been thinking about enlarging the store. I have noticed some of the neighbors are buying some things here. You know just last month you talked me into putting in a small snack bar and now we are kept hopping cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner. The girls you hired for that are almost overworked. There again I notice some of the neighboring farmers are dropping by for lunch since their wives work. You're killing me girl!"

By that time they had reached the riverbank and Cassie grinned. She said, "OH Poo! You're having fun flirting with all the women and talking to all the men and you know it. Besides, the money just keeps rolling in and that's making you even richer. I think you just like to complain." Then with a devilish grin she pushed Roger over the bank and into the river.

Roger gave out a large yell then she heard a splash. Cassie looked over the bank and her face turned white. Roger was floating face down in the river and not moving. Cassie yelled, "ROGER! ROGER ARE YOU OK?" He didn't move or answer. He just kept floating downstream. She screamed and jumped into the river beside Roger. He had floated downstream from where she had pushed him and by the time she got to him Cassie could stand on the bottom of the river. She stood and pulled Roger's head from the water. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she cradled Roger against her. Through her tears Cassie said, "Oh GOD, what have I done? I've killed him."

She pulled Roger to her breasts and held him as she started walking rapidly toward the shallow water, pulling him along with her. All at once Roger exploded into action. He stood, picked Cassie up and threw her back as far as he could into the deeper water. He said, "I TOLD you that you were killing me. What did you expect? I almost died there!"

When Cassie came spluttering to the surface her face was red with anger and she made a beeline toward Roger once more. He was laughing as she moved up to him. They were in waist deep water and still having trouble moving. Cassie launched herself at Roger and began beating him with her fists as she cried and said, "You asshole! I thought I had really hurt you! That wasn't funny. Don't you EVER do something like that to me again Honey. I just couldn't live any longer if something happened to you!"

Roger gasped and took a step back as he tried to block her blows. All at once Cassie quit hitting Roger and pulled her hand over her mouth. "OH," she said. She looked at Roger with horror and splashed from the river and ran up the bank. Roger stood a moment longer then slowly walked out of the stream after her. He watched as Cassie ran past the store and office complex heading toward the house.
