Revelations with Auntie


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The air was turning colder, and a breeze was picking up. I huddled closely to Aunt Freya. I didn't feel confident enough to press my body against hers, but it was comforting to be close to her. She made me feel safe. Being taller than me... it felt like she could protect me from anything, and I trusted her to do just that.

When we arrived, she slid open the door to her single car garage and we climbed into her car. We drove for maybe twenty minutes, passing through the quaint suburban neighborhoods, which spread out and grew more sparse.

When I asked her where we were going, she just smiled at me. "Who knows?"

Eventually we turned into a parking lot. I was pleasantly surprised by our destination.

"The zoo?! I haven't been here in years!"

My aunt laughed and we exited the car. I felt a childlike exuberance coursing through me, the heaviness of the day lifting off me. I tried not to get swept away in excitement, but I did find myself unconsciously gripping my aunt's hand again, swinging it slightly as we walked. It felt nice to touch her.

Through the entrance we went, purchasing tickets, snacks, and drinks. Then we were off, strolling along the path in the crowds. People were bundled up in jackets. Their hands were adorned with gloves, and warm hats atop their heads. I pulled my hood up to block the cold. Still, I felt the chill biting into me, and I found myself wishing I had dressed more appropriately for the weather.

When we came to the elephant exhibit, Aunt Freya wrapped her arm around me, pulling me close as we watched them wander around their pool. I rested my head against her body, enjoying being pressed against her more than I was enjoying the sight of the beautiful creatures.

"They're so big, huh?" Aunt Freya said to me.

I nodded, my head rubbing against her.

"They're the largest mammals in the world." She continued. "When I was a girl, I used to fantasize about riding one some day."

"I haven't seen one in person in so long. Those tusks are so cool."

Some giant pumpkins had been rolled into their enclosure, and the massive mammals had crushed them with their feet. Their trunks carried the insides to their mouths, and they munched away merrily. We observed for a few minutes, before I asked my aunt if we could go to the indoor exhibits.

"I'm getting a little too cold out here." I said.

"I know." She replied. "I can feel you trembling against me, unless that's just your excitement at being held by me."

I pulled my head away and looked up at her. She was smiling that vibrant smile of hers, and it made my heart melt.

"Don't tease, Auntie." I said in half-hearted admonishment.

We walked to the entrance of the aviary, weaving through the crowd. At the door, a blast of hot air rushed to meet me as the door opened. I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Inside, beautiful plants and flowers lined the fence-bordered path, as well as the walls and floor. A subdued stream trickled alongside the path, and birds of all sorts roamed freely. Some flew above our heads and some walked along the floor on their stilt like legs. Chirps and squawks filled the air, both of the pleasant and abrasive sort. It was gorgeous and immersive.

We moved along slowly, savoring the sights and sounds. The path lead to another building along the chain, and we entered a dimly lit hallway. On one side, small tunnels were dug into the wall, running parallel to its surface, where glass allowed sight of the critters within. It was a naked mole rat exhibit. They scurried up and down the slopes of their little tunnel. Assorted fruits were gathered in the larger rooms, and some rats were busying themselves with the delicious feast.

On the other side was a series of aquariums. They housed all sorts of sea life. There was an octopus in one, its tentacles splayed out against the glass. Small hammerhead sharks swam lazily within another. Crabs littered the floor of the next one, roaming through and around the coral like survivors amid post-apocalyptic rubble.

I took it all in with wide eyed excitement, pointing with enthusiasm at the animals I found particularly beautiful. Aunt Freya stayed by my side, more enamored with my joy than anything else. She hadn't removed her arm from my waist, despite there being no need to share her warmth with me any longer. I didn't mind.

In this way, we explored the rest of the building chain. There was a surprising number of exhibits within. I was thrilled to come across caiman alligators basking under heat lamps. I actually pulled away from my aunt this time, my hands on the rail, leaning forward to get a closer look. They were both beautiful and terrifying.

My aunt came to my side. "They're like lazy little dinosaurs."

"Right?!" I looked to her, absolutely beaming.

To my surprise, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was more than just a peck, and she lingered for a while, her tongue flicking my lips, pressing delicately inside. To my even greater surprise, I kissed back, and was disappointed when she pulled away. Then I realized what we had done.

My head whipped around and I pulled away from her at the same time, searching the faces that surrounded us for disapproval.

"Kai." Freya said softly. I turned back to her, stepping forward and grabbing her hand.

"Aunt-" Her finger went to my lips. She pressed her own lips to my ear and whispered.

"It's ok, Kai. No one knows we're family." Then she gently bit my earlobe and blew a hot breath down my neck. I shivered and looked into her eyes, still scared, but now feeling all those things that I shouldn't be feeling. I searched for intention behind those green windows, but only saw passion in then.

I looked around one more time, feeling my face flushing. "I still don't know if we should do that around other people... if at all."

Sure, I didn't want to do it from a moral standpoint, and we had both agreed earlier to stop pushing boundaries, but the conversation that followed seemed to have changed things between us even more. I felt closer to her. She felt more like a parental figure, but I also felt myself growing intimately and emotionally attracted to her as a person.

Before I could protest anymore, she pulled me down a side hallway, toward the restroom. My heart started pounding as she pulled me inside. It was a private restroom, with no stalls, fortunately. The limited space within the building didn't allow for a sprawling facility.

"Auntie!" I protested. "If someone saw u-"

She pressed her lips against mine, fiercely. I quit resisting instantly, submitting myself to her, allowing her tongue into my mouth. My arms were around her, my hands softly rubbing up and down her back. My own back was pushed against the wall, and I melted in her embrace.

When our lips parted, we panted, out of breath.

"Take it out." She said, looking deep into my eyes.

"What?!" I cried.

"Shhhhh..." Her finger again to my lips. "Don't be loud. Take it out."

I looked at her for at least five more seconds. Her gaze never faltered. Were we really going to do this again? It was another day. We could have just left this in the past. It was the right thing to do. But my body was so hot, and I was getting uncomfortably hard.

"If we do this again..." I said softly.

"No one will know. I don't care anymore, kid, consequences be damned."

Fuck it.

My fingers unzipped my pants. She didn't wait for me to do the rest, pulling my hand away and replacing it with hers, reaching within and pulling my cock out, giving my lips a more condensed version of the passionate kiss we had just shared.

I gasped at her touch. "Auntie."

Her free hand caressed my neck. "Shhhh..." She kept shushing me, but I started moaning now as her hand pumped me. We were both breathing heavily, and I couldn't hold the sounds in anymore. She pressed her hand over my mouth to suppress my declarations.

I struggled to stand, my legs shaking. All the sensations had broken my rational mind. I could hardly even spare enough brain power to consider the gravity of our actions. All that mattered was the moment we shared, frozen in time.

Freya pressed her body against mine, pinning me to the wall. Her hand had released me, and now my throbbing shaft was pressed against her thigh. It was so soft, and I ground my hips against it, needy and desperate.

She giggled. "I got my own little horny monkey right here. I hope no one finds out you escaped your cage."

She pushed back against my cock. My head was spinning, and my eyes were rolling back, my vision pointing towards the ceiling. Aunt Freya looked down at what we were doing.

"Fuck." She whispered. "Fuck. This is so fucking hot."

I groaned.

"You like humping your Auntie, little monkey?"

I nodded, not willing to stop pumping against her.

"Yeah you do."

I was getting too excited. It was happening so fast that I was losing control. I think she could tell, because she pulled her body away just enough to reach back down and grip me tight, then she was pressing her own hips against the side of me, grinding. Her body was vibrating from her own pleasure. I felt consumed by our shared lust.

Again, she jerked me, pulling my cock toward her with each tug. My eyes were wide, my hips trembling. I was groaning and panting, coming to the realization that I was going to cum in just a few seconds. I tried to tell her, but the words couldn't get past the barrier of her hand, which she was now pressing even tighter against my lips. She was too consumed with her own movements against me.

I shook my head, indicating that she could take her hand away, and pressed my face against her shoulder, shuddering. She pulled my head tightly against her, and I bit her shoulder. She whimpered, not unpleasantly. A jolt went through her, and a shock then rippled through both of our gyrating bodies simultaneously. She was as close as I was.

"Go ahead Kai. Let it out." She said breathlessly.

So I did. I let my aunt make me cum. Again. Right as it burst forth, I thought back to that moment on the park bench, when I had resolved to keep my distance from Aunt Freya. So much for all that.

My groaning hitched, and I cried out against her. Her hand filled with my sticky seed, its heat dripping down her fist, splattering onto the floor. Her own moans, stifled by the willpower that she possessed, and I did not, met my ears like the sweetest music. She was cumming too, just from grinding against me. I didn't want this to end, but eventually, our orgasms subsided.

Our breathing slowly steadied, but still we clung to each other. No words were said. We were content to just bask in the afterglow.

We had done it again. Maybe tomorrow I would feel the shame and regret I had felt this morning. Maybe not. This felt different than last time. It wasn't just about lust anymore. It was deeper than that, and I was just as afraid of exploring it as I was excited. Did she feel the same? I knew she did, but could she be feeling as conflicted as I was?

When she pulled away, we locked eyes. Words that were left unsaid passed between us, mind to mind. This time, I kissed her myself. It was softer than before, more tender and loving than animalistic and passionate. When our lips withdrew, we didn't pull all the way back, and I rested my forehead against hers.

"Oh, Auntie." I whispered. Wherever this was going, I was along for the ri-

A sharp knock at the door. My body stiffened, and Freya pulled away from me. We were both wide eyed.

"Uh... occupied!" She called.

There was some low grumbling on the other side. I didn't regain my composure as soon as she did. She moved to the sink, rinsing my cum off her hands, then back to me, grabbing both my hands.

"It's alright, Kai. We're fine." Her sincerity reassured me, even though there were still vibrations pulsing through my body.

Freya pulled the door open and pulled me outside behind her. There was a bearded man standing there, looking anxious as hell to get inside. I was red with embarrassment, but my aunt had a champion's poker face. The man raised an eyebrow, but only gave us that one look before dashing inside and closing the door behind him.

I let her lead me into the next building in the chain, and wouldn't you know it, there were all types of primates behind glass, swinging from branch to branch in their spacious enclosures. My skin was still slick with sweat, my body not entirely cooled off, so I didn't quite make the connection.

Freya giggled and nudged me, pointing to a baboon with his back turned to us, hunched over and masturbating ferociously, much the amusement of the children and disapproval of their parents.

"Look, Kai! It's you!" I wanted to be embarrassed at the comparison, but I accidentally let out a quick laugh instead. The tension I was feeling dissipated in an instant, and I leaned against her, letting myself smile and relax.

"Very funny, Auntie." I said. "Come on. I want to go back outside. I need some air."

Letting her pull me along, we gently pushed through the crowd and back into the cool air. Her body warmed mine, and we continued down the path, stopping at a vendor's stand to purchase hot chocolate.

The little road took us up a hill, and we looked down into a wolf enclosure. A pack was circling its borders, and the lead wolf was lifting its leg and marking his territory as he went.

"Oh wow!" I exclaimed. "I thought they were smaller!" I had always thought wolves were only slightly bigger than a husky, but they stood much taller.

"Did you know they could get so big?" I asked.

"I did, actually." She replied, leaning against the railing. "They're fascinating, aren't they?"

I nodded, and we read the educational plaque that stood beside the fence.

It was funny, how fast we had gone from passionate and heated, to amused and engaged with the wildlife. I couldn't help it. I was so glad she had taken me here. Not only had it brightened my mood, it had brought us closer, and I was having more fun than I had in months.

For another half hour, we continued on, witnessing all kinds of bison, stags, and foxes roam their open air enclosures. Eventually, we grew tired, and convened.

"Are you ready to leave?" She asked.

"I think so." I said. I let myself show my contentedness with a wide smile.

"Thank you Aunt Freya." I said it with all the sincerity I could muster. I wanted to communicate through my tone that I wasn't just thanking her for the trip to the zoo. I think she understood.

When the car pulled into the garage, the sun was setting. My aunt turned to look at me. We had been riding in silence, for the most part, our hands intertwined.

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to...?"

I knew what she was asking, and I wasn't fully prepared to go there again. Besides, I had responsibilities.

"Actually, Auntie, I have homework." I said meekly.

She laughed loudly, startled by my humble statement. It was a little too loud in the confined space, but I didn't mind. I loved the sound of it.

"Alright then." She said. "Go do your homework. I'll get some soup brewing. Does that sound nice?"

"After all that time in the cold? Of course!"

She kissed me on the cheek, then got out of the car. I followed after a moment, watching the sway of her hips as she mounted the steps and unlocked the door. At this point, I didn't feel guilty about looking.

As I was saying earlier, before that bearded man rudely interrupted our little chat, wherever this was going, I was along for the ride now.

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SildaniSildaniover 1 year ago

Please continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Exquisite build up. Keep on writing the nect parts. You have a knack for creative visualization.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's nice to get actual development in a sex story, a rare treat. I wouldn't say this is my favorite dynamic, and yet I find it hot — since I can feel the characters. Thank you for your work and I hope you continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was gorgeous. The writing was phenomenal and your characters are so very alive and breathing. I started reading this because I was horny and by the end of this second part, I was just ready to read the rest of the novel! Cannot WAIT for part 3. Again, I absolutely loved your voice and the tone and flow of your work. This is something to be proud of. ( note: just because it has some sex in it does not confine it to erotica. I wholeheartedly believe this could be developed into a wonderful book.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Keep it up. Although not one for sex in a public toilet, this is a good story so far. Reading the other comments, clearly one reader didn't realize that this was a continuation of the another - not actually needed, but you could have provided that hint in the preamble. Waking up in the morning after is not a bad place to start. As far as the other comment that you're trying to add some element of decent story telling to what is otherwise written pornography, go ahead - class this place up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't wait for part three, also anyone who wants to know the back story read part 1.

01Timber6701Timber67over 1 year ago

Sorry,, but there is so much left out in this story,, their background as to why he’s there ,,, I am assuming college ?? How long together,, their ages ,, her attraction for him,, and why is it just mutual masturbation in his memories of the night before and the bathroom

3⭐️ Here to me

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Hmmm - You’re definitely trying to hard on the literary side of writing. Erotica is at its base form raw, animalistic. Trying to write it as if it’s a Charles Dickens novel is a bit of a disservice to the reader. You still write effectively, but let the emotion flow and avoid unnecessary distractions. Intriguing plot lines but you never give us any insight into the MCs situation, how did he come to stay with her if his mom and Freya were distant from each other? What’s her angle/attraction to her nephew? What’s their ages? Too much left unexplained to support the underlying story arc. 3*

Icefox88Icefox88over 1 year ago

Can't wait for part 3.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 1 year ago
So realistic in the beginning of confusing taboo

Those early touchings with my mother seemed to end abruptly and I never really knew what she wanted next.

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