All Comments on 'Revenge by Misadventure'

by qhml1

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  • 220 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A sad part about Banty, hate the death part, but a good story overall. 4 stars

GardenshedGardenshed4 months ago

Always enjoy your stories and this one is right up there. This is an over the top story, with humor. Hoser was great, I mean Bubba. Enjoyed. The bit where Mom was out walking Bubba LOL….. He sure went through the women and it took him a long time to fall for Addie.

Made my day, it was something that took me out of this shitty world for a short time. Will read again

Thanks for writing.

PowersworderPowersworder4 months ago

This one was a real rollercoaster.

It started great, with hosing down Bubba and giving him pneumonia. The move south was all good too.

But I wasn't impressed with all the women slapping him. If that ever happened to me, my relationship with that woman would end permanently... including the mother.


It was refreshing to see him stand up for himself when Banty and the mothers were railroading him into marriage. Then he turned into a doormat again when he let the mother slap him with no consequences, and at the end when Adele expected him to blindly agree to all her demands.


Also, drowning Banty basically ruined the ending. The final relationship with Adele was rushed out in a couple of paragraphs, which made it just seem like he was settling for her. Ultimately, that meant the story ended on a low note, especially as we were all still reeling from Banty's random death. The protagonist took two years to get over her dying, but you only gave us two paragraphs.

rutherford366rutherford3664 months ago

Not bad. 4-stars.

swedishreader1swedishreader14 months ago

That was all over the place.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very enjoyable read. Another masterpiece.

RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago

Wow, what a beautiful story! I'm a big sap for stories like yours, thank you. briefly I thought that he'd get back together with his second love Juliette, would have seemed right but no! Excellent story and might I say (Constructive Criticism) You need a Proofreader or you need Text Aloud to write your stories. It's an Authors best friend After Teaching and Editing for over 22 years, I wished it would have been available back then. You write a chapter and listen to it, it highlights your mistakes and gives you the opportunity to correct, add or delete. Use a sexy voice like Jennifer's and it the perfect tool for an Author. I loved your story and even had tears a few times. That doesn't happen often. You are a talented Author, yes Author and you have a lot of potential. Why I follow you! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! Highest Honor I can give. Thank you again!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This one fell a little short of your previous stories. Sorry, you are one of the very best on this site!

enderlocke77enderlocke774 months ago

loved it but those future scenes then back to the present where the story continues was weird. i was waiting for that future scene with banty sex to come up in the present version but didnt see it. what came first the chicken or the egg. man this would have been perfect if i edited for free lol "disjointed" is a good word for it. but hey thank you for the free read lol

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This medium length tale looks more like a Romance than a LW. Somehow flat, with lots of boring fillers and useless details. So, just an opinion: sometimes, less is better. No bad and no good, just flat.

Hiram325Hiram3254 months ago

Absolutely marvelous. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Perhaps when I have a little more time, and not on my phone, I’ll list all the things wrong with this story. The short list is there’s no way every man on the boat was fine with their wives showing off their tits. More importantly, I counted AT LEAST 3 times a woman assaulted a man, and no, I’m not counting self defense. This is an ongoing theme with this author. He sees nothing wrong with women slapping men, hitting them, kicking them, twisting their balls, and other abuses. Apparently in qhml1’s world, women are entitled to hurt men, and men should think nothing of it. Women are also allowed to manipulate and run men’s lives, unless they go too far, in which case he will scold them as if they’re little girls, but there’s no actual consequences.

I’m not sure what culture qhml1 comes from, but it’s alien to me! The people I know don’t enable women’s unaccountable childish, selfish behavior. No one initiates violence against another, male or female. There’s a LOT of weird attitudes in this story. It’s well written, but feels like it’s been translated from an alien language. The Americans I know, from any region, don’t think, talk, or act like this!


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Assuming this is current time, took away a star for naming his daughter Carole. Pretty certain there is not a woman under 70 named Carole.

Well written but just seemed more like a Hallmark movie but with some sex and a couple of deaths. No idea why he and Adele didnt get together earlier. She practically moved in and shared his bed to cuddle. Not realistic.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


Offer him some pepper and tweezers.

Sprinkle the pepper and grab it when it sneezes.


Calico75Calico754 months ago

Good story but the females were too pushy all the way through it. He warned his mother over and over, but she never let up. That slap would have made a major impact in my relationship with her. The women almost broke up his relationship with Banty and yet they did the same thing in planning his wedding to Addie. And the "yes, dear" thing is sickening, not cute. I like the story, but the women are coming on too strong and the MC too laidback.

muskyboymuskyboy4 months ago

More of a romance than a LW story. In both cheating relationships the cheater left unscathed, which just sits wrong with me. It also felt like Adele got overlooked with the appearance of Banty. It ended OK for a romance but it was just so-so as a LW story.

tralan69ertralan69er4 months ago

Great story as usual.

I don't recall any of your stories that I didn't like. Thank you and keep writing.


"I wanna meet your sister." - Sister? - Addie, at the time was like a sister to him and a daughter to his mom.


I don't like that he wasn't the first to hear about the pregnancy. The husband is never the first to know.


"When it comes to us, let me do the thinking." - Isn't that what caused trouble for Banty? - No not entirely.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I would hate to even know a person like angelrover

xMulexMule4 months ago


Well written, as usual, but I just couldn't get attached to MC and I can't put my finger on why.

Waldteufel61Waldteufel614 months ago

Pretty much my favorite kind of story and very well done. Thanks! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Frank66Frank664 months ago

Masterful story telling, but I'm shocked at the sudden explosion by the MC; who after going along to get along, saying 'yes dear' to everything, leaving all the arrangements up to the womenfolks, all of a sudden with no warning whatsoever...... BAM! He's ready to ditch his fiance, his mom, all his work friends and his job- because why? No hint of him feeling pushed.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I liked it except is still sad about "banty". I'm still a little sad about that.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This was a 7-8 thousand word story buried under almost 18 thousand! Very tedious read.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut4 months ago

Five stars, though the story did meander a bit. Thought I'd missed a page or something, wondering where Addie had gone to.

ON A SERIOUS NOTE. Ibuprofen is administered in the morning, on an empty stomach. DO NOT DO THIS! It should be taken with food, it can seriously mess your stomach up. I'm missing a large chunk of my digestive system, not through ibuprofen I hasten to add, so I'm pretty careful with things. Ibuprofen and antibiotics can both mess your stomach up big style.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just too contrived and predictable to get any traction. The excuses to delay the MC hooking up with the sister in law were weak and So Scripted, but obviously where this story was headed, from the beginning. And people who "don't like guns" need to explain why they like medical insurance, or fire extinguishers, or playing victim roulette with police response times. The fishing poles was supposed to be funny, I get it. Would you even care to know if someday someone gets their fishing pole shoved up their ass by a criminal because they actually believed that incident in your story was credible. So how does he now like guns since he's married to one? Weak.

lujon2019lujon20194 months ago

your title said revenge, i saw no evidence of revenge

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Loved Banty. Though, her death was as predictable as clockwork if you didn't give Addy kids by someone else.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Seemed like a better fit in Romance, but a good story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

QHML1, you are by far one of the best authors on this site and while this story would be great for most of the authors on this site, this was MEH for one of yours. There were a couple of parts where the story just got blocky and what I mean by that is you start with an idea in a section and then write a few lines and then jump to something entirely different. Because the story was great, I'm giving it a 5 but if we could give out half points, this story would only be a 4.5.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was tough to follow. No one has that kind of bad luck. Typically a story that bounces all over the place I lose interest in but I read the whole thing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Adventure AND Misadventure

Very good. A bit more emotion and eroticism, and it would be perfect.

Well worth the 5

ImpossiblefutureImpossiblefuture4 months ago

Omg where have you been, this site needs you, we need you, professional stories, well written, names where they are supposed to be and a story that makes sense that has heartbreak, love, resolve and so much more.

Your an influencer in stories written with so many following your reads while so many attempt to learn from yourself.

Welcome Back qhml1.

5 from me, wish there was a section that allowed a gold star granted only to the long term good writers as you would qualify for one yet again

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Kind of long winded, ended up skimming a couple times. The mc seemed kind of whiney, and would run away if anyone said anything he didn't like. Like quitting his job, or disappearing for 4 days. 3*

JensensloverJensenslover4 months ago

"Quite, accomodating, until something goes against your beliefs."

Did you mean QUIET?! FFS, you all need to stop praising randi for her editing, that was just one of many mistakes neither one of you saw.

Long winded, skimmed page 4 & 5.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress664 months ago

I feel like the mc was swapped out with like 5 different dudes

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well Done! You covered all the bases. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Solid story overall, but the MCs emotions and responses were all over the place and not well explained. Also, I’ve noticed on other occasions that your stories have strong men who are, nevertheless, open to being insulted by the women in their lives. Now, in the course of a heated argument, words get said that you may wish you hadn’t, but I know no one who would accept anyone calling them “slow” or “dumb.” That’s just plainly disrespectful. In good family relationships, people don’t casually denigrate one another. Occasional male ball-busting aside, your loved ones don’t say that kind of stuff to you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a roller coaster. I think that he was quite arrogant.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

major boring, well below your best.....

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I really didn't get a lot of emotion from this story at all. Everything narrated from the main characters perspective seems so factual and terse and spartan. I would almost think he was autistic.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Q does have a tendency to treat his characters like expendable commodities in that they are introduced, become integral to the story until suddenly they're not and they vanish like a politician's electoral pledges. Maybe he could consider having less tangents and therefore less characters in his works. Sometimes less is more.


Catcher78Catcher784 months ago

You are without a doubt my favorite writer. You consistently bring tears to my eyes...Great to see you active here.

technofrog2002technofrog20024 months ago

The death of Banty ruined the story for me and don’t see how that enhance the plot. It left me with a real bummed out feeling.

AmberSolisAmberSolis4 months ago

Great story! My only complaint is, dammit! I liked Banty! No fair! But then, like the rest of the story, that's life.

nestorb30nestorb304 months ago

LW is brutal, the wife always dies

GhostdogginGhostdoggin4 months ago

@Jensenslover No they meant quite. He's quite accommodating until something goes against his beliefs. Now I really didn't look for any other editing mistakes but if you're going to criticize someone and denigrate them you probably should make sure your example is correct.

CurrentParameterCurrentParameter4 months ago

Great story. Well done

EastCoaster1EastCoaster14 months ago

Nicely done.

* * * * *

paulsubpaulsub4 months ago

I can't get enough of your Romantic stories.

I am thrilled when I see that you have posted a new one.

I haven't been disappointed yet!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I loved the story and gave it 5 stars. I hated that Banty had to die for him to hook up with Adele. I loved the Banty character, even after she pushed too far, but she quickly learned her lesson on that.

I really enjoyed the story itself. Thank You for sharing it with us.

patilliepatillie4 months ago

A little sad, some humor, and that Qstyle of writing in highest form. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Solid. Lol. The comments are almost just as good though. All the little man babies queefing about the MC getting slapped. Wahhhh!!!! That lady was mean to the poor man! Wahhh! The dude went on a 4 day pouting spree over nothing. If anything, his mother went too easy on him. She should have sent him off into the woods to pick out a good switch.

BSreaderBSreader4 months ago
3 stars

Because you killed off his second wife, he should have had more happiness.

janus48janus484 months ago

You are just such a good writer! Thank you for another good story. I am very grateful that you share!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

As good as it gets for these types of stories. Heartbreak, sadness, assholes, love, love lost and regained. Great writing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not One of your better efforts. Seemed forced and rushed. Three marriages yikes

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a whiney cuck. No matter the posturing, he has that written on his forehead. A dude who thinks there is nothing wrong with a commited woman having a close male friend. A dude who thinks a husband objecting to his wife flashing her tits to strangers, is a "jealous asshole". And a dude who acts like a passive aggressive drama queen. Sadly Banty died early and didn't have enough time to cuck him. Hopefully Addy, who has already shown an affinity for assertive assholes and even picked one over him for a time, will do him like he deserves. The dude is addicted to women with red flags after all.

SeaChangerSeaChanger4 months ago

I thought he would end up with Addie through the whole story ... he did.

lAnatomistelAnatomiste4 months ago

Normally, a new qhml1 story would be worth celebrating, but this one?? 3-star/average.

As other commenters have noted, this jumps all over the place, as though there were several MC's not just one.

The bit about "Juliette and the twin boys" was used before - a story about a gambler, IIRC, except that woman had a _husband,_ not a boyfriend.

I was wondering where Adele had disappeared to, after the meeting with Banty; then Banty ~>dies<~!

Too many coincidences.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not your best work...and I usually enjoy your stories. 3*

Ravey19Ravey194 months ago

A bit of a rollercoster for me emotionally. I was never sure about Al, sometimes feeling ympathy for him and other times thinking he was stupid. A lot happening in a shortish time frame and 3 marriages, oh boy. Overall still a 5 but IMO not your best.

NicealloverNiceallover4 months ago

I thought it was just too much for me. Al seemed to flippant and there were always women lining up for him. It just didn’t seem real. I thought it would have been better if Al evolved into a more empathetic man.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

You write such great uplifting, believable stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a shochk, apparently one can’t write a single story without raising the little wennies of the “cicknaccusing criw.,” who manage to find a cocky in every story they read. Most are ridiculous, but anon below takes the cake. He seems to think that a man who thinks it’s okay to have a married or committed female fiend is inevitably a cuck. What twisted paranoid, insecure illogical rubbish. From a loser, no doubt, with a little, itty bitty, weeny, who’s paranoid about loser his woman to any man who talks to her, regardless of how healthy and harmless it would be viewed by any “normal” man. Loser.

And this is an another well told tale, Q. Ignore the cuck clucker.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It was so nice to read a story from you again. Thanks so much.

By the midpoint I had money on hi. Marrying Addie, but thought I’d lost until that sudden turn at the end. Thanks for not being too predictable.

inka2222inka22224 months ago

4 stars. It was a good story, but as others complained, the author soured it for me by unequivocally stating that apparently anyone objecting to their significant other flashing random people is a "jealous asshole". Would have been 3 stars but the way MC put all the hens in their place when they decided his opinion (and by extension him) didn't matter made me smile extra.


Also, I didn't take off stars for this, but honestly I'm not a big fan of offing good people just so their spouses can conveniently have Happily Ever After. Yes it adds drama and depth and all, but so did Romeo and Juliet's deaths, and I'm not a fan of that particular plot/story either.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Should have gotten together with Addie before Banty. Made more sense when I was reading this story.

Hoplite122Hoplite1224 months ago

I enjoyed the story greatly. This being fiction, I tend not to critique stories by projecting actions that various characters take , or do not take. Rather, my critical comments focus almost entirely on flow or technical writing errors. There were quite a few technical errors where the wrong words were used, or even typo errors and grammatical errors. These are distracting for a reader like me (not everyone IS a reader like me, thank God). Despite my stating that I don't critique the storyline, I would offer that the protagonist's timeline of falling into relationships seemed rushed. By that I mean, he is uncommitted for an extended period, then all of a sudden the "next" woman has won his heart and soul. I found that "stretched the fabric of the story" a bit too much, but didn't break it. A little longer timeline would have smoothed that out.

One last comment, and it is a minor one used a quote from the Brits but you misquoted it. The genesis of the quote derived from the motto of the British SAS, Special Air Service. These guys are the top of the food chain in the UK military for special operations, like US Navy SEALs. The actual quote is "Who dares, wins"...the "he" is not included and that is intentional.

I gave your story a 5, because there is no 4.5, so I rounded-up. Good luck. Please keep writing. I enjoy your work.

oldsage_1oldsage_14 months ago

172 comments in 4 days! You are doing something right my friend. I liked it. Yes killing Banty off was a gut wrencher and so close to the end. Sometimes it's a hard world we live in.

I give it 5 stars.



XluckyleeXluckylee4 months ago

What a wonderful story. I was smiling most of the time reading this story. 5 stars from Xluckylee

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

OK read.Did you ever post more on Mike Hogue after Dr. Parker?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not your best, sorry.

Juliette flashing her tits? NGL, kind of a red flag.

Are you saying that Banty and Adele were messing around in the shower that first morning after they met??? (He heard moans?)

Then I was completely confused about the 23-24-25-26-27 thing, and I had no idea who was who during that conversation, or who he wound up with at the end of that scenario. I think it was Banty/Alicia, but not sure, and even more confused because I thought he was already dating her. Then it seemed that she and Adele were dating. Maybe not, but that's what I thought.

He forgave Banty and Gladys but not Reggie? Why?

I did expect him to wind up with Adele, but not in such a bizarre way. “I’ve always admired you, but first, I had to marry this other woman, and then she had to die in a weird way, and then I had to wait two years, and then…”

AFoolRushesInAFoolRushesIn4 months ago

Another very good story. The most jarring part was when he waited too long to check Banty, et al and then took off. It seemed out of character. Banty's death was unexpected, but I knew a couple where the wife died in almost that same manner; diving off their boat, slipped and broke her neck, and drowned before they could get her out. Sad memory.

Juliette; some women never learn. But her example was why I thought Al waited too long to call out the women over the wedding planning.

Other than that, a prime example of why qmhl1 is on the favorite list.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great to see you writing for us again. I’d been a tad worried you’d had a health scare. Hope all is well in your life, and thanks once again for sharing your efforts with us!

danbo56danbo564 months ago

Great story, Qhm I always love reading your stories it's been a while but it's nice to see you're back. I'm hoping and looking forward to your next story of course this is a 5-star rated story.

mattenwmattenw4 months ago

A really entertaining story very well told. Thanks for your work!

114FSO114FSO4 months ago

Great story. Fantastic flow of the story, with a couple twists mixed in.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

rated a 3. The author's writing is as good as ever, but the storyline feels like a retread, no new ground covered, the ending was predicted early. To be fair, I've written everything he's published, so my ability to predict the ending may be based upon that.

One trope common to the author is the MC getting slapped by various females, and physical abuse is treated as situation normal. Nope. That trope is tiresome.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Loved the story but I feel so bad for him when it came to women.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

To me the ending is conttived.He promised John he would look after Adele,so in the spirit of things ,he would have married her before Banty.The rushed togetherness at the end confirms this.

AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

I really enjoyed the story and the writing was on point. I didn't much like the MC. Seemed like an entitled, childish prick at times. I mean,

"My house. Now. If you want to save this relationship, that is."

After HE ran out in a huff for what... Days? Weeks? Banty should have left him then and there. Maybe she'd have lived longer and found a guy who wouldn't explode out of nowhere and demand to get his way without discussion because he didn't ask for what he wanted when and discuss it early on. Of course, a guy who lets a woman make decisions he doesn't care about has the right to dictate without discussion anything he DOES care about, right? (Eye roll)

If it was irritating him, talk about it. Don't degrade your girlfriend ( since he made a point of noting he never asked her to marry him, I won't call her his fiance) and then run off in a huff.

I also find it hard to believe that a woman would be so broken that after years she runs off crying after seeing a guy she wanted to date as a second option with someone else, or that she'd just stop dating, but I do know it's satisfying to the btb crowd here so understand why that was put in. To me it just broke the feel of the story that was otherwise much more realistic than most stories on LW.

Despite the comments above I really did enjoy this read. Other than the scene with the ex girlfriend I mention, the other dislikes I had were around the character not the story. Those character flaws didn't seem too over the top from potential reality.... Just made me not like the MC all that much.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Enjoyed another well told tale.

Though still a little mad and sad the author killed off Banty even though she's made up fictional character that never really existed xD

GladstonGlieseGladstonGliese3 months ago

Man, I have such a love/hate relationship with qhml stories. They're so well written (I gave up on Rocky Raccoon ever getting finished), but it often comes across as literary masturbation to me. I feel like he likes to use the loving wives genre as nothing more than a launchpad for a different story and that frequently makes for a 10% problem and development, 90% happy ending imbalance. He also likes to write overly perfect and amazing protagonists. But then he goes and finally takes on the nosey and manipulative secretary/personal assistant trope and I love him for it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Just super happy to see a new story from one of my favorite authors. Thank you, Mike

34dein34dein3 months ago

It reads like a first time story. It’s all over the place, too difficult to keep track

Teacher44Teacher443 months ago

Man, that dude had it rough.

Calico75Calico753 months ago

Second reading. I wasn't crazy about it the first time and like it less this time. I'm getting tired of stories in which women freely slap men. Why is that okay, but if a man slapped a woman, it would be domestic violence?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4 Stars on a solid story . I wish this had taken place on the west coast . We have Trout and Salmon here and Dungeness Crab and Razor backed Clams . We also have Black Tailed deer .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

How sick is the cunt mother to buy a place overlooking which she monitors through her binoculars. Fucking sick.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Bunch of fucked up cunts in this story led by his interfering bitch mother and the prostitutes from work. MC ended up pussywhipped by mama and banty. He should have moved away.

Asshole writer with another wimp story and the bitches

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Great story! Very entertaining and so well written that our favorite Bernie Bro could only find a few nits to pick. That’s seriously good writing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hmmm, was wondering how you would get back to Addei. Still nice.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Another good story from an excellent author. The ending was telegraphed in as much as it felt obvious he would end up with Adele. It was just a case of how. Very sad what happened to Banty. This did feel a little rushed at the end to me. It could have gone on a bit longer but that may be because I enjoy your stories so much. I've read a few of the other comments and have to say I feel sad for some people on here whose lives are so rubbish they just have to say something mean and invariably not even meaningful in context to the story. Looking forward to your next tale. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Please do not use 'Gestapo interrogation' as a pun line in erotic tale. People died during the ordeal, survivors had life-long traumas. Please learn a bit about it before you compare it to a mummy's questioning. Highly improper.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I just hate stories wherein one mate is killed off to facilitate another, so shit!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My timing sucked, I'd reread all the stories beginning Christmas hoping to catch the first Q tale of the year - I gave up too soon! Thanks for another great tale (the best is still I'm 51 and Summer at the Lake). With soooo many good tales its hard to rank them. I only wish you could write faster than I read! Thanks again, 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I like some of your observations about southern drivers in winter, I grew up in the midwest but later lived in Alabama for 7 years. The folks were great but snow and ice mystified them.

somewhere east of Omaha

ttjbjr54ttjbjr542 months ago

Excellent. Well done. Look forward towards your next story.

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