Revenge Gone Bad Ch. 02

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They felt her wrath.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 07/27/2011
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"That brings me to the favors I mentioned last night."

The first was for him to call Chad and Jerry and tell them what a great time he'd had and tell them that I was looking forward to seeing them over the weekend.

Frank came home Thursday night and I did my level best to fuck his brains out. Actually I did it for me because after Sunday Frank was going to be too disgusted with me to ever look at me again and I wanted to get as much out of the man I loved as I could before he ended things with me. Friday was a repeat of Thursday night and I may have overdone it a bit because I was afraid that I didn't leave him enough to go again Saturday night.

Saturday when Chad knocked on the motel room door I opened it and greeted him in nothing but high heels. I stepped aside and told him to hurry up and get naked and on the bed. Once he was on his back I sucked his cock until it was as hard as an iron bar. When I had him pointing straight up at the ceiling I reached under the bed and brought out my little surprise.

He screamed in agony when the pepper spray hit his eyes and he clawed at his eyes as I stuffed my panties in his mouth to deaden his screams some. I reached under the bed for the half inch drive ratchet handle that I'd gotten out of Frank's tool box in the garage and proceeded to beat the shit out of Chad's cock and balls.

I don't know if he heard a word I said through the pain, but as I beat him I called him every thing I could think of except a friend of Jesus. He lay there crying and clutching his groin as I dressed and before I left I said:

"You wanted a taste so I hope you enjoyed it you fucking sack of shit!"

I left and drove home. I'd paid cash for the room and had registered under a false name and address so if the police got involved they wouldn't know who did it to Chad until he recovered enough to tell them. Hopefully I would have one more night with Frank before the shit hit the fan. If I was really lucky I would get Sunday morning too, but after that the chickens would be coming home to roost.


Frank left for golf and I waited to see if Jerry was going to show up. I'd called and set him up for Sunday after leaving Chad a quivering wreck in the motel room. I was hoping that Jerry wouldn't have heard about Chad and would show up for a hot time. Luck was with me and he showed up at nine-fifteen.

I met him the same way I'd met Chad and things moved to the bedroom where I gave Jerry the best sexual day of his life. I sucked him and I fucked him and I just kept repeating it until it was time for him to leave and then I did the pepper spray and ratchet number on him.

I left him a bloody mess on the bed and then I got in my car which I'd already loaded with what I would need for the next couple of weeks and drove around the block and parked on the corner where I could watch the house.

I saw Frank arrive and four minutes later my cell phone went off and I saw that it was Frank. I turned the phone off and waited. Six minutes later the ambulance with the EMTs arrived and maybe five minutes later Jerry was carried out of the house on a gurney, loaded into the ambulance and then they drove off. I started up the car and went looking for a motel for the night.


Having killed my marriage I didn't sleep all that well. In fact I doubted that I got as much as an hour as I relived in my mind what I had done. For the first time I saw how stupid I'd been. Ever since I was twelve and attracting boys I'd seen that a good many men were led by what their dicks thought and wanted and Frank was a man. A man yes, but an idiot no! If he was cheating the first pair of panties might have been a slip up, but something every trip? No way! If he were cheating he would have been a lot more careful. I should have known that. I really should have known that.

Frank was smart enough to be more careful than that. It was a set up and I'd been too stupid to realize it and what did that say about me? Maybe I didn't want to believe it so that I'd have an excuse to play? God knows that I didn't waste anytime in giving it up to Chad and the rest of them. No, it couldn't have been that. I wasn't that way or at least I didn't think of myself that way. I did know that I was the type to get even. I thought that I needed to and it seems I was willing to do it blindly. What made it even worse was that I truly loved Frank and my marriage and I knew Frank well enough that I should have trusted him. But I didn't so there I was in a cheap motel room.

When I finally did drag myself out of bed and turn on my phone I saw that I had nine messages from Frank. I cleared the phone, took a shower and headed for the IHOP on Federal. As I was working on my bacon and eggs the phone rang and I saw that it was Frank. I was going to have to talk with him sometime so I decided to get it over with.


"Where the hell are you?"

"Hiding from you."

"What the hell is going on? Why was Jerry lying on our bed all bloody and crying?"

"The fact that he was in our bedroom naked should tell you something."

"Damn it Shirl...."

"Go to work Frank. I'll call you at four and if you still want to talk to me we will set a time and place" and I disconnected and turned off the phone.

Before the end of the day the word should be out about what happened to Chad and Jerry. The second favor that I had asked of Jack was that as soon as he heard about what had happened to Chad and Jerry he should tell Gloria, Mike and Stan that they were next.

"Hear what?"

"You will know when you hear it. Don't worry about it. You are out of it as far as I'm concerned. Just please do me the favor."

"Okay; you got it."

By four that afternoon Frank should have a pretty good idea of what had gone on and if he wasn't too disgusted with me and still wanted to talk I'd meet him. I owed him that much.

After breakfast I hit the gym and worked out for an hour. After my work out I got the morning paper and started looking for both a job and a place to live. At four I called Frank.

"Where are you?"

"In a motel."

"Why? What the hell is going on Shirley?"

"You haven't figured it out yet?"

"Will you stop beating around the bush and tell me what this is all about?"

"I guess I'll have to. Meet me at Bud's Bar when you get off work."

"Why not just talk at home?"

"I need a public place Frank. I need people around to pull you off me if you come across the table after me and go for my throat."

"My God Shirl; I'd never do something like that and you know it."

"You haven't heard what I have to say Frank. It could change you drastically. See you at Bud's."

I was in a booth when Frank got there. He stopped at the bar and got a drink and then came over to the booth and sat down opposite me.

"What the hell is going on Shirl? Why was Jerry in our bedroom and what happened to him?"

"Oh come on Frank. You know damned well why a naked Jerry was in our bedroom. As for what happened to him and why I guess that's the story. Please don't interrupt me until I'm done. This is going to be hard enough as it is and I'm not sure I can get through it if I have to keep stopping and restarting."

I told him the entire story from start to finish only leaving out Jack. If Frank learned about Jack's participation it wouldn't be from me. Yes Jack did take advantage just as the others had, but he had come clean and apologized. He had also given me the full story about what had happened and I'd have never known otherwise.

"In my defense I did confront you and you denied it, but when Chad told me that you had cheated on every trip and Jerry backed him up I believed that your denial was a lie. Why wouldn't I? Physical evidence and two eye witnesses? Why wouldn't I believe that you were lying when you denied it? Anyway it is water under the bridge. I did what I did to Jerry and left him there for you to find because I had to confess and I didn't have the nerve to do it face to face. A naked Jerry in the bedroom should have told you enough. Enough to set the mood so I'd be able to face you and tell you about what had gone on."

Frank was silent for several seconds and then he said, "Your story does clear up some of the things that happened today. Chad wasn't at work and no one seemed to know why. Jerry wasn't there either, but I'm sure that I'm the only one who knew where he was. Mike asked for a transfer to Atlanta and stayed clear of me all day and Stan just up and quit without giving notice. Gloria quit too, but she gave two weeks notice. Half an hour before quitting time she came up to me and said she was sorry, but took off before she could tell me why. Now I know why, but I don't understand how they could have found out."

"Maybe Chad recovered enough from what I did to him to call them and warn them."

"The only thing you haven't told me is how you found out."

"I can't tell you that. I promised them I would keep them out of it."


"Let it go Frank. I'm not saying. I will say that I'm sorry for what I've done to you and to us. I love you and I had planned to spend my life with you. You will never know how sorry I am that I screwed it up for us."

I got up to leave and Frank asked where I was going.

"I've got a lot to do. I need to find an apartment and a job."

"I've got more I want to talk about. Meet me at home in half an hour. I'll stop and get some take out. You okay with Chinese?"

"Not tonight Frank. I'm emotionally exhausted. We can do it tomorrow night."

"Chinese good for tomorrow?"

"Chinese will be fine."


It was another bad night for sleeping and in the morning after an IHOP breakfast and an hour at the gym I got back to the morning paper. I made some calls and set up two job interviews for the next day and then I went looking at apartments. I found a couple that I thought I could afford, but couldn't make up my mind which one to take. I decided to sleep on it and make a decision the next day.

As I drove to the house I wondered what Frank could want to talk about. I thought I'd covered all except for the details of what I'd done with the guys and as up front as I was with Frank I wasn't going to go there.

When I got to the house I opened a bottle of wine to go with whatever Frank brought home with him, poured myself a glass and sat down at the kitchen table to wait for Frank. When I heard the garage door opener start to run I poured a glass for Frank and refilled mine. When he walked into the kitchen he wasn't alone. With him was a very attractive redhead.

"Shirley, this is Alice. Alice, this is my wife Shirley."

He pulled out a chair for Alice and when she sat down he pushed the glass of wine I'd poured for him over to Alice, got another glass out of the cupboard and filled it. He took a sip and then sat down. He took a deep breath and then said:

"There are probably a hundred ways I could have used to slide into this a little easier, but after last nights talk at Bud's I thought it best to jump in feet first. I don't know if you can understand or even believe it, but it is possible that a man can love more than one woman and I'm sure that there are women who can love more than one man. I have been in that position for over a year now. I love Alice, but I also love you and as you said at Bud's that you intended to spend your whole life with me I intended to spend my whole life with you.

"I've never told you much about my life before I met you, but Alice was my girlfriend all through high school and my first year of college. She was two years behind me and she was still in the eleventh grade when I went off to State. We planned to marry when I got my degree, but just before the end of my freshman year at State her parents up and moved and I never heard from Alice again until a year ago. I did an equipment installation at Monson Industries and Alice was working there. We had a tearful reunion and I found out that I had gotten Alice pregnant and her parents had moved so they wouldn't be shamed in front of their friends and neighbors.

"Her parents pretty much controlled her and prevented her getting in touch with me. She had a baby boy and against her parents wishes she named him after me. When she finally was able to break away from her parents I'd moved and changed schools and with my parents dead she couldn't find anyone who could point her in the right direction to find me. It turns out that she had never forgotten me and was still in love with me. I discovered that I was still in love with her. I loved her, but I also loved you and I wasn't going to leave you. Alice knew that and all we were going to be was very good friends, but that didn't last long and for the last six months Alice and I have been having an affair.

It got started because I spent a lot of time visiting her to see my son and one thing led to another and we ended up in bed. What it boils down to is that even though Chad and Jerry lied to you I have been cheating on you so I can't hold it against you that you decided to get even with me. I don't know that anything would have changed if you hadn't gone on the warpath against Chad and Jerry. So where we are now is at a place where I guess that it is all up to you.

"My affair with Alice was never going to split us up. I love you and Alice both, but I had no intention of leaving you for Alice and she understands that. Because of what I've done I can't hold what you have done against you. I'm still your husband for as long as you will have me. The question now is what are your feelings on it?"

I was silent for a while as I thought about what I'd just learned and then I said:

"Obviously you are going to continue seeing Alice because of your son, but are you going to keep sleeping with her?"

"I want to, but if I do I'm going to want to be fair about it. How would you feel about having a 'friend with benefits relationship' with someone? If I see Alice a couple of times a week you could see your FWB a couple of times a week. Could you live with that? After all, you did hook up with Chad, Jerry and the others to get and stay even. Can we keep things going that way?"

"I suppose we could." I turned to Alice and asked, "What are your feelings on it?"

"To be perfectly honest I wish you weren't in the picture so I could have Frank all to myself from now on, but I'm smart enough to accept the reality that it isn't going to happen. That said I still want as much of him as I can get so I'm willing to go along with anything that will give me that."

I looked at Frank and I could see that he was really hoping that I'd go along with his proposal and I thought that it would be as good a time as any to drop the bomb on him.

"I don't know if this will complicate things, but I'm pregnant. If you don't mind your pregnant wife having sex with another man I guess I can go along with it."

A whole flood of emotions flashed across Frank's face and I was praying that one of them wasn't the question "Is it mine?" He jumped up from his chair, came over and pulled me out of mine and hugged me.

"Oh God, I can't believe it. I'm going to be a daddy. I mean I already am a daddy, but now I'm going to be a daddy and be able to watch the child grow up. Oh God, I don't know what to say."

I glanced over at Alice and saw the sadness on her face as she realized that any chance to get Frank all to herself was gone. Believe it or not I sympathized with her and I said:

"Even if you decide that you don't want your pregnant wife screwing other men I won't cut you off from Alice."

She beamed and she got up and came over and hugged me. The three of us stood there in a group hug until Frank pulled back and took out his cell phone. He punched in a number and when the call was answered he simply said, "We're good to go" and he disconnected and put his phone away. Two minutes later the front door bell rang and Frank said, "That's for you. I went to the front door, opened it to find Jack standing there. Frank and Alice walked up behind me and Frank said:

"I'm going to run Alice home and it might take me awhile so why don't you two spend the time talking or whatever. I'll see you later" and then he and Alice walked out of the house. I stood there staring at Jack and he said:

"May I come in?"

That broke the spell and I stepped aside to let him enter.

"" I sputtered and Jack laughed and said, "Later. Right now I have this overwhelming urge to get naked and bounce on a bed."

"Follow me" I said as I headed for the bedroom shedding clothes on the way. I was naked by the time I reached the bed and so was Jack. He ate my pussy until I pushed him away and spun around so we could go sixty-nine for a while and then he fucked the hell out of me. After we had both cum and were lying there recharging our batteries for another go around I said:

"Okay give. What is going on here? Obviously Frank knows about you – us – so what's the deal?"

"Well, just like guilt made me confess to you it also made me confess to Frank. I hadn't intended to, but after leaving you last week I thought and thought about it and it ate at me. First thing Monday I passed your messages to Mike, Stan and Gloria and then on Tuesday guilt finally drove me to go see Frank. I went into his office and locked the door behind me. I told him the whole story and then I waited for him to come over his desk at me and stomp my ass. He surprised me. He just sat there silently and then told me that you had confessed everything to him the night before, but that you had left my name out of it. Then he did something strange. He smiled at me and said:

"So you are the 'them' she wouldn't tell me about."

He told me to go on back to work and then at two he called me into his office and told me about his old girlfriend and his son. He told me that because of the boy he couldn't walk away from the girlfriend and that he was finally going to have to tell you about them. Then he asked me if I would be willing to help if you still wanted to follow your policy of getting even and staying even. I'm not a fool so I said yes and here we are."

"Yes we are" I said as I was stroking him back to hardness, "And it looks like you are ready to help me again."


Over the next six months Frank saw Alice a couple of times a week and I spent an equal amount of time with Jack. We even double dated a half dozen times with Frank going off with Alice and me going off with Jack when the evening ended.

Frank brought his son home with him to meet me and I seemed to connect with the boy. He was a well adjusted kid. When he was old enough to understand Alice had explained his parenthood to him and made sure that he understood that his fatherless condition wasn't the fault of his father so that when Frank did come on the scene there was no bitterness. Frank junior started spending time with us and soon it was like he was my adopted son.

Then one weekend after I had my baby (a boy and thank God he looked nothing at all like Chad) Frank had a barbecue. Both Alice and Jack were there and they spent some time talking with each other. Not long after that Alice stopped seeing Frank and Jack stopped visiting me.

Too soon to tell what is going to happen where Alice and Jack are concerned, but Frank and I have survived and are going strong. Something that I wouldn't have believed possible when I left a beaten and bloody Jerry on our bed for Frank to find.

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mfbridgesmfbridges8 days ago

Royally sucks, I knew it was too long to be any good. Husband always wins, remember that. lol

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

They all richly deserve each other. Their futures will no doubt be happy and bright.

Cito22Cito225 months ago

ummmmm. this one was not so good sorry.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm not usually one for a tit for tat story, but this one wasn't half bad. Nothing over the top and it wasn't shit in the grammar department.

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Wow,just more crap.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Pretty good story as long as I remember it is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This submission notwithstanding, there's no escaping the axiom that two wrongs don't make a right. These are two vile characters who definitely deserve each other but whose now awakened jealousies and insecurities would make settling back into monogamy impossible given the husband's travel schedule. Once a cheater...

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 1 year ago

I was right. STUPID.1 star, because the sex was all over the place. The Bear wasted an afternoon.


AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

I generally like your work but this one is to convoluted.

Jlyn1Jlyn1about 1 year ago

Who fathered Shirley's baby????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very good tale, lots of plot twists, well done.

Don't bother about the negative comments, some of the people reading the STORIES on literotica don't seem to realise they are FICTION, they are not real, they don't get the concept of artistic licence , so carry on regardless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolutely STUPID!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Chinese writer...produces lots of low quality shit!

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

Author has talent even if I don't care for many of story lines

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Liked it until you brought Alice into the story. Thanks KS

JH4FunJH4Funalmost 2 years ago
Excellent Story (4 Stars)

I enjoyed both the first and second stories. They were both ⭐⭐⭐⭐. I did read all the comments in the first one. It looks as if you have the same amount of the haters as usual.

But I did notice that more of them are willing to publish their comments under their userid. I give them credit for that. To many haters and complainers want to just add comments on stories and will not take time to sign-in. I mostly ignore those that are bad or I take them with 2 grains of salt. I have a feeling that this story will have about the same amount of haters who don't bother to sign-in. I will enjoy reading them as well. Currently there are 83 mine will make 84.

Enough on my bitching about comments. I really have enjoyed reading your stories even if I do not always like the endings. Your stories are just that your stories, always telling them your way.

Keep Writing


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

OK so the kid didn't look like Chad. Who is the father?

MarkT63MarkT63about 2 years ago

Alice the slut, Frank the CUCK!!! Story ends...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A sordid and despicable tale about spouses without a conscience. Happy to see the characters made it, but would have to wonder about their "friends" who stayed associated. Yikes. A classic Bob story, but the conclusion did not keep up to the first chapter.

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