Rey's No Good Really Bad Awful Week


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But despite the lack of that edge, her sex clenched and she felt her own arousal boil over. Baktet laughed. "Speeder's soaked my fucking balls! She's loving this shit." He laughed, then groaned. His hips started to jackhammer into her, and Rey accepted the fucking with every bit of skill she had. Baktet roared. It was not a restrained roar. It was not a timid roar. It was not the quiet hiss that Thrash let out, or the snarling bark that Xoan made when he spurted his cum into her womb. It was a true roar, one that shook Rey to her bones as she felt his cum started to fill her. Cum burst around his cock, soaking her ass even more.

That set off Kells, who let out a little groan. His own thick cum started to pump into her mouth. Rey tried to keep up, swallowing and swallowing as fast as she could. But there was too much -- cum frothed around her lips, dripped along her chin. The two aliens set her down and then slid out of her, leaving Rey splattered with cum, with oil, and with her own sweat. Cum dripped off her chin onto her neck, leaving her feeling even more soiled.

So, why was she smiling?


Rey grinned as she spread her legs for Thrash as he entered into his room. "Speeder's ready," she whispered. It the fifth day and she had learned that she loved to finish off a day of random fucks with Thrash. He was always so...brutal. His teeth flashed and his tail cracked. He grabbed her throat, then pinned her onto the bed. His voice was a quiet growl.

"You're in my bed, Speeder," he murmured. "I didn't ask you to be here."

"But you're still hard..." Rey whispered. His cock was bumping against her sex.

"Hmm..." Thrash murmured. "You're getting too good at this, Speeder." He grinned at her, then shifted. He moved so that his knees were tucked under her armpits, making Rey blink -- but then his clawed, scaled hands had cupped her breasts. They were smallish, as breasts went. But they were plump enough for him to squish them together and slide his ridged, red cock between her breasts. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't quite the brutal fucking that Rey had hoped for. She bit her lip, then saw that every time Thrash thrust between her breasts, his cock almost bumped her lips. She craned her head forward, darting her tongue out to lick, lick, lick each time his cock came close.

"Mmm!" Thrash sighed. "So, Speeder, I do have a fucking question. I was going to ask you tomorrow, but it looks like you're too fucking eager to get your slutty human ass fucked by some proper Tradoshan dick."

Rey 'mmmed' softly. Her cheeks flushed. Part of her wanted to say yes. Part of her wanted to shove him off her. The two parts had once been a bit more evenly matched. Instead, she was more focused on the tingly taste of his greenish pre-cum. Her eyes half closed as Thrash thrust faster and faster, his balls rasping along her chest. His voice was still casual. "Do you know who fixed the recycler on the engine? I've been, rr, working out my frustration over that fucking piece of fucking you all week."

Rey grinned, then wriggled. "You're looking at her, Thrash." Her tongue darted out, licking his cock again -- and then she blinked. Because Thrash had paused in his thrusting, meaning that her tongue could swirl around and around the tip of his cock.

"You fixed it?" he asked.

Rey shrugged. "It's just like parts I've been taking off Star Destroyers my whole life," she said. "I know how they work."

Thrash rubbed his neck, slowly, letting his body rest slightly on Rey's belly. If Rey didn't have the muscles she had,, she was pretty sure she'd have instantly been squished. As it was, she was just glad that Thrash wasn't the bukliest member of the crew. In fact, other than Xoan, he was the lightest. Even so, she preferred when he kept his weight on his knees. But Thrash was more focused on looking at her.

"Well...fuck me, Speeder," he said.

"I thought that was the plan," Rey said.

Thrash grinned. He slid off her, then grabbed her. Sitting down on the bed, he set her on her lap, so that her back pressed to his chest. His hands grabbed her wrists and he held her in place as he started to fuck up into her. By now, Rey was an expert at guiding cocks into her body with just a twist and wriggle of her hips. And so, she was able to take his member, and feel every inch of his red, ridged cock as he started to slam into her. He bounced her on his lap, and Rey caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror of the bathroom in the small room. Well. The parts of the bathroom mirror that weren't covered with printouts of naked human porn stars.

Thrash was an uncomplicated man, and his decorations reflected it.

But Rey could see no difference between her bouncing, slick breasts -- smeared with faint tracks of his Tradoshan pre-cum -- and the smiling starlets. Her eyes closed and she reflected on the fact her belly was full, her pussy was loving this, and Thrash was nuzzling her neck, grunting low in his throat as he fucked her faster and faster and faster. Rey shuddered as she felt yet another orgasm rip through her. How many had she felt this week? She wasn't sure.

Thrash thrust into her, cumming hard. His balls clenched and then he wrapped his arms around her belly, holding her tight as he pumped his cum into her pussy, filling her to the brim. His hips kept driving into her, and Rey heard him hiss something in his native language. Then, in Basic, he growled: "Fuck, Speeder..." He slowly laid back -- but his arms kept wrapped around her. Rey blinked.

In the entire week, her interactions with Thrash had been brutally simple. He had walked up to her. Fucked her. Then left. Every time. But this time, rather than pushing her away and curling up to sleep on the bed, he held her. His hand caressed her belly, and Rey closed her eyes. She didn't feel quite brave enough to ask what this meant.


She slept.


Rey was on her hands, but her knees, her legs, and her entire lower half was off the ground. She was being held up with the brutal strength of a Yuzzem as Baktet fucked her. He fucked her hard. Her whole body rocked and her arms burned with the exertion of keeping herself from simply planting against the table. Furred balls slapped her clit and pleasure sparked behind her eyes. Her mouth opened as she let out a torrent of moaning. "Fuck me! Fuck me, Bak! Fuck me up! Fill me with your hot alien cum! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She gasped.

Baktet laughed. "You're so fucking thirsty, Speeder," he said, grinning as Rey ducked her head forward, letting her hair spill over her face. Something roiled in her belly. A sensation that had been building over the past seven days. It wasn't concrete. It was an instinct, she didn't want to give it words. But the words wanted to come out, just as intensely as she wanted thirty centimeters of rock hard Yuzzem dick. The words escaped between a gasp and a moan.

"I want you to knock me up!"

Rey's face flushed. How...she had...what?!

"What?" Baktet asked, his head cocking. Rey's heart almost exploded with a mixture of relief and mortified horror. She had said that, but she had no idea if she'd ever have the courage to say it ever again. But before she could say anything, Xoan stepped into the room.

"Captain, that Unkar Plott is here," he said. "He's-"

"I said I'd talk to him myself," a familiar voice said and Rey's entire body froze. Her eyes widened and she kept her head ducked forward as she heard the wet slap slap slap of Unkar Plott's footfalls coming into the room. She heard a quite grunt from him -- and then he asked: "Who is that?"

"Speeder," Baktet said, sounding amused. "She's our little fucktoy and mechanic. Been fixing half the ship, you know?" He grinned, and didn't even stop fucking her. Rey came from that alone. She tried to keep herself quiet, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood, but the feeling of her sex clenching on Baktet's cock was more than enough to bring a happy purr from the burly Yuzzem. Baktet signaled this by shifting his grip and smacking her ass playfully.

"Hurm," Plott said, sounding disgruntled. "Listen, I need to move your ship out of here. So, how about we go for eight thousand credits?"

"Nine," Baktet said casually. Then, grinning. "You look uncomfortable, Plott. Am I making you uncomfortable?"

There was a longish pause. Rey tried to...even understand the mixtures of feelings roaring through her. But the biggest, the most intense, the one that nearly made her lift her head and ruin her makeshift disguise? Pure. Fucking. Delight. Baktet was making Unkar Plott squirm.

"Eight thousand five hundred," Plott snarled.

"Deal," Baktet said, then grunted low in his throat. He thrust deep and Rey felt a torrential wave of cum. It spurted into her well fucked, well loved pussy, and her belly almost felt as if it was expanding as her womb was stuffed with so much hot, hot cum. Her eyes closed and she managed to not scream only through sheerest force of will. Cum dripped around his cock, pattering onto the floor, and she heard a quiet snarl, then a padding footfall. She risked a peek up and saw Unkar Plott hurrying out of the room, his fat, waddling body moving as quickly as his ugly feet could carry him. His fists were clenched.

"Fucker," Baktet snarled, quietly.

"Mm..." Rey sighed, then felt him sliding slowly out of her. He set her down on the table and Rey sprawled back, her breasts rising and falling as she panted. She watched as Baktet grinned down at her. She blinked as a whistle rang out -- Batktet was pursing his lips and letting out a piercing howling sound. She managed to slowly sit up before the rest of the crew arrived. Baktet crossed his arms over his chest, frowning slightly as he saw all of them looking at her curiously.

"Good news," Baktet said, casually. "That fat fuck has finally decided to actually pay us." He grinned. "Which means we can get off this little dirt-balls. And better news?" He cocked his head. "We got ourselves an actual mechanic here. And the fact she's hot as fuck, tough as nails, and enough spine to kick any scummer pirate or First Order goon we meet in the nuts...well, it makes for one damn tempting acquisition." Baktet looked around -- and Rey saw everyone was nodding. Her brow furrowed and she looked at Baktet as he held out a paw to her.

"I, Captain Baktet of the Wutor, would like to offer you, Rey of Jakku, a place here," he said. "They pay's based off what we make on missions -- so, we do well, you do well." He shrugged. "Your job'd be to keep the ship running, not to grease our poles. But...heh..." He grinned. "I don't think you'd say no to rumbling any of us, huh?"

Rey felt as if she had been smacked. "Y-You want join your crew?" she asked.

The aliens all nodded. Thrash grinned. "You fixed that recycler I've been beating my head against for ages," he said.

"You eat less than most of these gluttons," Kells said.

"I like knotting you," Xoan said, cheerfully. "And, I mean, I guess the other stuff is nice too, but mostly, I just wanna keep fucking you silly."

Rey slowly drew her legs up onto the table, then rested her face against her knees. She pulled her legs tighter, using her arms. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly in, tasting only her own sweat. She could only see, for that moment...the ship, soaring overhead. Flying away. The hideous pain of being left behind. The sound of coins trading hands. Of being left. She took those feelings and balled them up. She felt her spine stiffen and she lifted her head. Her chin rose and she clenched her jaw. "I'm flattered, really," she said, her voice soft. "But...I'm waiting here. I...I have to stay on Jakku."

Baktet slowly nodded. "I understand," he said.

But Rey wasn't entirely sure if he did.

Thrash, to her shock, threw his arms around her. He hugged her tight in a single, fierce embrace, then stepped back. Xoan licked her cheek and Kells gave her some rations, while Baktet...Baktet brought her out some clothes. They were nearly the same sort she had had earlier in this week, before she had learned how comfortable she could be in only her own skin. She started to wriggle into her clothes, and then blinked as Baktet swept her into a hug. He murmured, quietly. "If I hugged you before you got dressed, I'd fuck you again..." his voice was soft as he growled in her ear. "And, uh...I have a confession, Rey..."

Rey drew back, smiling at him. Her voice was shy. "You can still call me Speeder, you know?"

Baktet grinned. "So, uh, confession..." he paused. "We're blowing most of the money we made here on trade goods, so we can maybe make some extra bank, and we need to buy some fuel, and...well, the long story short is, uh, we kinda spent our entire shore leave budget for the next two planets" He grinned, then held out a small cred stick.

Rey flushed, taking it. "I'm not sure if I should be complimented," she said, quietly.

"Well," Baktet said. "I can say this. It was worth it."

Rey smiled. Then she leaned up on her tippy toes. Even so, Baktet had to lean forward to allow her to kiss him on his wet, warm snout.


Rey of Jakku sat atop her home, eating some bread rations. The stars overhead were shimmering and the shades of dusk were coming on in purples and blacks. She leaned back on the AT-AT, feeling as if she was settling slowly back into her place. She had a family to wait for, after all. And she had enough credits to survive in a bit more comfort. She could get some spare parts for her speeder. She could maybe upgrade her staff a bit.

So why did she feel like crying?

It was then that Rey of Jakku realized.

While every week on Jakku was bad...the next would be the worst.

It'd be another week where she was alone again.

And it was the again that made twisted the knife.

She laid back and watched the skies and imagined she saw a starship in flight.

But it was hard to see through the tears.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, he's not wrong. Rey does have a very nice ass. To bad there were no sexy force shenanigans, involving a time traveling Padme or a Leia from the OT.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 5 years agoAuthor

Thank you!

Also, uh, for the first paragraph, I only caught it when you two pointed it out, but I can't figure out how to edit these dang stories now that they're up. Sorry X_X

ecrevelleecrevelleover 5 years ago
Oh, Rey...

Should have gone with the aliens! All that Jedi and First Order stuff is pretty overrated.

But for serious, great job buddy, very hot, I liked how you smoothly combined a bunch of different kinks together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
First paragraph

I mean I can kinda see what he was going for but yeah, edit that or people will bail fast.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago
Para 1

What the heck did you nean in first paragraph. Did not understand any of it.

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