Rick 19, Kevin 18 Take My Ass

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20 year old Logan let's his employees take control.
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Preview: I put myself through college by working full-time as a manager at a large chain restaurant. I was working on a Bachelor's in Business with a minor in psychology. I was told that it was going to be the perfect degree to excel in business for the next few years. I don't know that I learned that much from the lectures and the textbooks, but it did provide me the time to get to know myself and ultimately come out. While I wasn't fully out in college, it was more of a need-to-know basis. This evening happened about 13 years ago when I was 20, and the names and locations have been changed to protect the not so innocent. Everything in this story really happened and is accurate to the best of my recollection. Enjoy!


It was payroll Friday, so I saw almost all of the staff as folks rolled by to pick up their paychecks at the restaurant. As an assistant manager I typically got assigned to hand out the checks; not exactly sure why that was, but they allowed staff to come into our chain restaurant anytime after 1 pm to pick up their checks, allowing us to get through the lunch rush first. I was working a mid-shift today from 10 to 7. This allowed the most hands on deck for the Lunch and Dinner rush.

As a part-time assistant manager at the restaurant as well as a full-time college student, I was so stressed out this week. We had just finished our midterms and were getting ready to go on break for a week. This allowed me to take off Saturday and Sunday, but in return, I had to work a full mid-shift today. I couldn't wait for the weekend, as I planned on kicking back and MAYBE finally getting fucked as it had been three weeks since I was able to get any.

Three o'clock finally rolled around and in came Rick and Kevin, High School Seniors and two of the hottest guys working here. The girls, and many of the guys here, always threw themselves at Rick, while Kevin just seemed to watch and smile. They were best friends and always together. Rick always seemed to realize that I was attracted to him; he always had this knowing smile on his face when he spoke with me and would frequently make leading comments to me that would totally fluster me. He took to saying something really flirty then coming in for a hug and kissing me on the cheek. His hugs were full body hugs too, not the typical straight guy hug that keeps the hips a mile apart; no, Rick did the dick to dick hugs which made the kiss all that much more stimulating. This guy knew he could get away with anything. Now he did this with almost everyone in authority, so I didn't think too much of it, except for making deposits into my spank bank.

"Hey there, boss man! Do you have our checks for services rendered?" Rick said as Kevin giggled.

"Oh, I've got something for both of you, that is for sure!" finally returning his flirtatious comments right back at him.

"Oh do you? So when can I get that.. something?" he said as I handed him his check. His left hand was down by his side as I reached past him to hand Kevin his check; he took his left hand and lightly cradled my cock. "Seems like more than a little something here!" with his most sexy smile I have ever seen. Fuck, this was the first time he was that bold. Could this straight guy really be interested in fooling around? Really?

"Well Rick, we'll just have to find time really soon for us to compare what we have to offer and finally take this head on over a couple of beers!" I said, trying to throw my sexiest smile back at him, hoping like hell it didn't appear as if I was having an aneurysm.

"What do you say, Kevin? You free tonight? Logan's getting some beer for us and we could hang out and see what comes up!" Holy shit, was this really happening? Could these studs really be thinking of coming over to my place tonight? "Fuck," I thought. "I gotta pick up some beer on the way home!"

"Sure, you guys get off at 8pm, here is my address... come on by. I'll have plenty of cold beer and we can order a pizza and do whatever you guys wanna do." Again with the innuendo (I always called that 'in your end o', but I digress.) Fuck, these boys were hot.

"Sounds good, Kevin and I will be there by 8:20 or so just as soon as we get out of here. We may wanna take a shower at yours, since we will be all sweaty from here, I hope that is OK."

"Sure, I am sure I will need a shower too! See you guys then!" I said as they turned to walk away. Rick's ass just perfectly filled out his jeans in the best way possible and Kevin had this really hot, knowing smile on his face. Had these boys been planning this for a while? Could they really be down to fool around? Damn, I would have given my left nut for a threesome with these boys.

Rick was 19 years old and Kevin was 18, both soon to graduate high school. Never found out why Rick was a year older, and didn't want to embarrass him by asking. Rick was a smoking hot 6'1 and no more than 150 lbs. He looked to be of Latin descent and always had this perfectly golden brown skin with jet black hair. We wore these terrible skinny flat front pants that felt terrible against our skin, however the main benefit was wow, did it make our bulges stand out! And Rick's bulge was impressive.

I had seen him in his underwear before. One day as he came into work, I followed him back into the staff room and he changed right in front of his locker, stripping down to his extremely thin red jockey briefs. I could clearly tell he was cut, and he had a nice dick and set of balls on him. From that point on it was clear I was attracted to him, and he knew it, too. My eyes never left his package the entire time it was exposed. He even gave it a few tugs for me, bringing the briefs down low enough to expose a good portion of his shaft and his well trimmed pubes. Fuck, this guy was just pure sex. Tall, skinny and hung. Fuck me, please.

Kevin, on the other hand, was super shy. Rick was hot, smoking hot in fact, but Kevin was adorably cute. While you may have wanted Rick to take you to pound down, you wanted Kevin to spoon you for hours and then slide it in as he thinks you are falling asleep. Kevin was 5'10" and I would guess about 135 lbs., super skinny. He had dark brown hair but the most adorable face of freckles you have ever seen, which really stood out with his dark brown hair. He certainly had his own impressive bulge, and for a while I thought maybe I needed to separate him from Rick to get him in the sack... but fuck if I might not get both of them tonight for the price of a 12 pack and a pizza!

I guess that leaves me. I was a real twinkie. Bushy blond hair, deep blue eyes, 5'11 and I weighed about 145-150 lbs. I would guess. I really fell into the "preppy" look. I guess I appeared non-threatening and everyone always told me I was cute. I still ran a lot, taking to the neighborhood late at night to run a few miles to keep fit and to work off some steam. I led a rather adventurous sex life since my first time, but I suppose that is another story.

The next 4 hours seemed to drag, meanwhile I was working myself into a frenzy thinking about everything that could possibly be happening. Were the boys just playing with me, only to blow me off? What would happen once we started drinking? Shit, was my apartment clean?

As we get closer to 7 pm, the head manager gave me a deposit to take to the bank and told me I could get out of there a bit early. I grabbed my stuff and walked past Rick and said I'd see him in a little bit, to which he smiled, winked and added, "You will see a lot of me tonight!" Holy hell!

I left the restaurant and went directly to the bank for the night drop and then I headed to get some more beer. I had a fake ID just for such occasions, but I went to the same place all the time, so they knew me and never carded me. I got a 24 pack of Miller Lite...So what? I didn't know any better, I was 20! Give me a break! I also had them throw in some pretzels and some Doritos just in case.

I arrived at my apartment, which was really nice for a college student. I had a two bedroom apartment in a quadplex building on a street with 6 other similar buildings. It was nice; I was on the top floor and we had plenty of parking out back. Steps led up to a big upper level deck that I shared with the other apartment on the top floor. This allowed for easy entry and exit and also much more privacy than a dorm could ever offer.

I popped on some lights, turned on some music and cleaned things up a little bit. Since Rick mentioned he wanted to shower I jumped into the single bathroom and made sure things were clean and that I had plenty of towels.

I placed the beer in the fridge and just left the snacks on the counter. Then I decided I was a bit rank after having worked for the last 9 hours, so I picked out a pair of boxer briefs, one of my favorites, a brand new and solid white pair that left little to the imagination. I put a note on the door to just come on in, that I was in the shower and they should make themselves at home. Things seemed slow at the restaurant so I wouldn't be surprised if they let the guys go early.

Nothing beats a nice hot shower after a long day at work. Fuck this felt good. It also calmed my nerves a great deal. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. I wasn't gonna freak out about it, just enjoy it. I was really enjoying the shower and I decided I had better get all cleaned out - everywhere - and so I did. Just as I was lathering up my entire body I heard a voice.

"Hey Logan, it's just us boys! We are here!" Rick hollered from the living room as he followed the sound of the shower back to the bathroom. "Hey stud, we are here. They let us out a bit early." Surprising the shit out of me he slid the shower curtain open a little bit and peaked in at me, my body covered everywhere with suds.

"Hey stud, looking good! Bet that shower feels good! I'm next, but I'm going to get us all a beer, is that OK?" Rick saidas he winked at me and slid the shower curtain back... but still leaving it open a good bit as well.

"Sure, you can have whatever you want, Rick!" Just saying this shot an electric bolr right into my cock. "Fuck, this is happening," I thought. "Fuck, I am getting laid tonight!" My cock started to respond to these thoughts and began to fill. Soon it would be up to its full 7 thick inches.

"Kevin, grab three beers and come back here, we need to shower, we stink! Besides we can't let our bossman have all the fun or hot water!" Rick said as I heard the distinct sound of his belt being opened and the zipper of his skinny work pants coming down.

I left the shower running and grabbed my towel right as Rick stripped down to his super tight Jockey briefs, this time see-thru light blue, as Rick handed me a beer. Dripping wet and half boned, I dropped my towel, more worried about the beer. I took a swig of beer, set it down on the counter, and bent down to pick up my towel. Rick half slapped, half rubbed my ass as I dried myself off. This got the full attention of my cock as it started to rise even more.

"Fuck, cold beer and a hot shower... I really do need a shower!" Kevin said as he popped his beer open. Kevin started by taking off his shirt as Rick peeled off his underwear with his near perfect cock that clearly was not completely soft. He was cut and really thick, but I could tell it still had a lot more to grow though.

"Come on Kevin, we need to hurry up so we don't run out of hot water here bud! Fuck bossman, you got a nice cock, you must really like what you see, huh?" Rick said as he pushed past me, but rubbed right up against me, pushing his crotch into mine. My hard cock dragged across his nuts as he came past, almost hugging me. He had this dirty smile across his face knowing he was pressing all of my buttons... and apparently some of his own, as his cock had clearly grown since I last clocked it.

Kevin stripped down to his underwear, and unlike Rick, he was taking every piece of his clothing and perfectly folding them up and placing them on the toilet. His body was fine as hell. I never imagined this guy would have a solid six-pack set of abs on him. He was completely smooth too, whereas Rick had a nice happy trail pointing you right to his cock. Kevin looked to have a nice peice of meet in his underwear as well... fuck this was fun.

Rick scrubbed his body, and I was just standing there with my towel over my shoulder; I mean, hell, who cares about modesty when they have already seen everything I have to offer? I just watched as Kevin stared right in my eyes and pulled off his underwear slowly, a smile on his face. There, standing in all his beautiful glory was Kevin. Perfectly trimmed pubes and hairless balls. I was pleasantly surprised. This boy clearly spent time on himself and it sure showed.

"Kev, I think the bossman is enjoying the show you are giving him. Logan, doesn't he have a great body?! Fuck, I wish I could have those abs of his, but I just like beer and sleeping a bit too much to get a set of those for myself. Kev, shower is yours when you are ready buddy," Rick said as he rinsed himself off. He made sure to fully rinse out his nicely trimmed bush, balls and even his ass. I was standing here jealous of the water as it trickled down off him. I can still picture the perfect stream falling right off his cock and splashing on the floor of the shower.

Kevin pushed past me, much like Rick did, but he locked eyes with me in this hot, smoldering look that foreshadowed where this night was going. Kevin hopped into the shower with Rick and the boys weren't shy with each other. Kevin helped make sure Rick had fully rinsed the soap off and moved under the water himself. I handed Rick a fresh towel as he hopped out of the shower.

Kevin lathered up and washed himself as Rick dried himself off and both of us grabbed our beers again and sucked down about half of them as we both watched Kevin shower himself as we nursed our beers. Kevin started to bone up a bit too, but not completely... just enough to show he had his own impressive tool. I was really looking forward to getting to play with it in a few minutes!

Rick tied his towel around his waist and pointed out that they didn't have any clean clothes to put on, and asked if I had a washer and dryer that I could throw their stuff into.

"Sure, right outside that door is a washer and dryer. I can put this all in for a load right now," I said as I tied my towel around my waist and grabbed both of their clothes. Rick's were in a pile on the floor and Kevin's were perfectly folded. All of this seemed like it could go in a wash all together. So I ducked out into the hallway and popped their stuff in the washer and started it up. By the time I did that, Kevin had finished his shower and the boys were whispering to each other as Kevin dried off.

I went back to the bathroom to grab my beer and we all headed to the living room and turned on the TV. We were all just in our towels; frankly I wasn't even thinking about changing, just following the boys' lead. I sat down on the big couch and across from me the boys sat down on the loveseat together.

Some action movie was on TNT or something and I just let it play. Kevin got up and grabbed us all another beer and we all popped them open. "So, what do you boys want to get into tonight?" I said, hating the silence and dying to know what they were just whispering about in the bathroom.

"So, bossman, Kevin and I can tell you really are turned on by us, and well, we were thinking why not have some fun together to see what it's like? But, this has to stay between us. Nobody can ever know what happens here. Fight Club rules, OK? Can you deal with that?" Rick was saying with this smirk that could melt steel.

"I can agree to that, sure. I don't run my mouth about such things. But what exactly do you boys have in mind?" I said, wondering exactly where this was going.

"Well, I was thinking we could see what all we are comfortable with by telling you what to do and we'll see where it goes. Truth is neither Kevin nor I have gotten any in two weeks, so we are extremely horny and needing some release," Rick said as Kevin just looked on with a grin.

"So get over here Logan, and introduce yourself to Kevin's cock," Rick said as he pulled open Kevin's towel. We both watched as Kevin's cock sprung to life. Kevin was noticeably surprised by this; apparently Rick was going off script, so this was going to be an exceptionally fun ride for all of us!

I crawled up between Kevin's legs, which had a perfect light dusting of hair on them. The perfect amount of hair that says "I am a man" but also "I am not an animal." He was so fucking hot and I rubbed my hands up over his abs and pecs. "Fuck, this boy works out," I thought. He was just stacked in the perfect swimmer/runner sense. His cock came to full attention as I made my way and held it out from his abdomen to closely inspect this beautiful piece of meat just ready for action. I gave it a few strokes and I looked over at Rick.

"Lick his cock, bossman. You have my permission." Fuck this was so hot, I had never been in this switched up power dynamic before, but fuck if it wasn't a huge turn on for me. I looked up into Kevin's eyes as he winked at me. I licked his cock on the underside from his balls up to the tip. This generated a gasp from Kevin that I didn't expect, surely he had felt this sort of thing before? Was it possible he is a virgin? Fuck, this was so damn exciting. I kept licking his cock and kissed the tip a few times... finally I went in to suck it, but Rick jumped in.

"Wait a second, bossman. I didn't give you permission to suck him just yet. I don't want my boy here to bust too soon. So why don't you come over here and kiss the tip of my cock?" Holy hell, these guys were getting intense and I was loving this. I quickly made my way over to Rick's lap and his cock was fully hard now. He was at least 8" long with the most beautiful head on a cock that I had ever seen. The mushroom head was only slightly bigger than the base of his cock and several shades darker. While he was cut, he wasn't robbed of all of his skin, so it made for a decent compromise allowing for a bit of breathing room rather than a strangled cock. I brought my lips down, holding his cock firmly in my right hand as my left hand stroked his thigh, and my lips made first contact with the tip of his cock as my eyes locked with his.

"You can treat my cock as a lollipop now, bossman. Give it a few licks and let me know how it tastes." He said this in a musky, sultry voice that I knew he reserved for just these sorts of situations. Fuck, was I the first and only guy to be treated to this perfect specimen of a man? I laid his cock down against his stomach and placed the tip of my tongue squarely between his oversized nuts that lay perfectly below his solid rod. My tongue started its long journey from the base to his tip, all the while I made damn sure that I tasted every single millimeter of this man.

As I made it to the top of his cock, I was treated to one single drop of precum that forced me to look up to him as if to ask for permission to taste his essence. "GO ahead, bossman, you have earned this drop of precum, it is yours."

Fuck, he tasted so very good. The sweetness was almost like honey with a slightly salty hint to it. But what I noticed the most was the manly scent coming from the first of what I was hoping would be many drops of precum from his amazing cock.

"OK, now get back over there to Kevin. I want you to take his cock into your mouth and don't stop until you have the entire thing in your throat. Kevin is new to all this, so don't you dare let him shoot. I have a special place I want our loads going tonight and it is too soon for that. Now get up on that cock." Rick was clearly getting off on choreographing all of this, and fuck, I never thought I would be so turned on by this sort of a scenario, but I was leaking so much I could feel the drips on the carpet beneath my knees as I made it back over to Kevin's cock.