Ride on the Wild Side


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"You all right, lady?" the old man said as he helped Emily to her feet.

"I think so," she replied hesitantly. She knew she would have a nasty bruise under her eye, but otherwise she was all right

"Need a ride home?" he asked. Emily pulled her cell phone out of her purse, but frowned when the no signal light came on.

"No, I just need to get to a phone. I came down here with him and don't have a ride back to Syracuse."

"Got someone you can call?"


The old man reached into his pocket and brought out a handful of quarters. He put them in Emily's hand and pointed toward the back.

"Payphone's by the ladies' room."

"Thank you," Emily said, impulsively hugging the man. He smiled awkwardly and patted her hand. After she let go of him, he turned back to Keith.

"You so much as look crossways at her, boy, and you'll wish your Yankee ass was back in Noo-Yark," the old fellow said as he and his friends sat back down.

Emily made her way back to the bathrooms and found a dilapidated payphone. She put three quarters in and dialed the number on the back of the card Dee had given her. It rang three times before someone picked up.

"Yeah?" an unfamiliar voice said.


"Spit it out," the voice replied impatiently when Emily hesitated.

"I'm looking for Dee," she managed.

"No shit? I thought you were looking for the President of the United States. 'Course you're looking for Dee, this is her cell, but who the fuck are you and why do you want to talk to her?"

"I'm Emily... and she told me to call if..."

"Hang on," the voice interrupted. The woman must have held the phone away from her mouth, but Emily distinctly heard her when she called out. "Hey, Dee, some bitch named Emily, should I hang up on her?"

After a few seconds, Dee's voice came over the line.

"Hey, kiddo, what's up?"

"Who was that?"

"Oh, Hetty?" Dee said with a chuckle. "She's one of the girls, hates phones. She can be a real bitch sometimes, but she's got a heart of gold. So, what's up? Why ya callin?"

"Keith hit me, tonight. He's drunk and abusive. I don't have anywhere to stay and no ride home. I didn't have anyone else to call."

"Hit you? Like slapped you?" Dee said, her voice taking on a hard edge.

"No, he punched me."

"Where are you?" the biker replied, her voice like ice.

"Johnny K's, in the quarter," Emily said.

"Do you know your way around?"

"No, I can't even get back to the motel, we took a cab," she replied.

"Listen, I'm on my way. You just stay put and I'll meet you," Dee said.

"I can't stay here, Dee. Some nice man stopped him from hurting me, but Keith and them are still here and I don't feel safe."

"All right girl, you got a pen and paper handy?"

A few seconds later, once Emily had found them in her small bag, Dee gave her directions to Jackson Square.

"It's late and kinda dangerous to be out walking alone, you be careful," was the last thing Dee said before she hung up.

Emily made her way across the bar and out the front door. She noticed Keith and her friends were gone, but couldn't waste time. She just had to get out of that place. As she walked away from the crowds on Bourbon, the streets became emptier and quieter. A couple of times she thought she heard footsteps behind her, but when she turned there was nothing.

She was actually within sight of the tall steeple of the old cathedral when she heard a rush of feet and was slammed hard to the pavement. A hand over her mouth muffled her scream and she only got a glimpse of Keith's rage-contorted face, before she was dragged through an alley and into a deserted parking lot. Rachel and Donna were there, terrified and helpless, and Burt and the Goat were both leering at her.

"Gimme a hand with the bitch," Keith hissed as Emily cleared the cobwebs from her head and began to struggle. Emily got part of Keith's hand in her mouth and bit down until she tasted blood. He cursed and jerked his hand away. Emily only got a partial call for help out before Burt delivered a brutal backhanded slap that made her see stars. She was only vaguely aware of Goat ripping her halter off and could do little to stop him from starting on her jeans, because Keith still held her arms pinioned behind her back.

"Think you're gonna embarrass me and then just walk away scot free, bitch? Do ya? Think you can tell people I'm no good in bed? I'm gonna fuck you like the slut you are," He screamed. "Then I'm gonna let the guys have a turn, and then you can suck your way back to school, you cunt. There's gonna be some changes with us. No fucking bitch walks out on me!" His voice was so shrill it covered the noise of the nearly idling motor that was approaching from the direction of Jackson Square.

Suddenly a single harsh light came on and illuminated them all. A soft, feminine chuckle echoed, as the darkened figure put the kickstand down and dismounted from the motorcycle.

"What's so funny, bitch?" Keith shouted. Emily could see his face now, could read in his wild eyes that he had been hitting the amphetamines.

"You three limp-dicked white boys thinking you got a prayer of pleasing a woman like that," the figure replied. Emily groaned when she recognized Dee's voice.

"Get on your fucking bike and scram, unless you want to join her," Keith snarled.

"Oh, I'm going to join her all right, in my bed. I'm only going to say it once, you little piece of shit, get your hands off my bitch," Dee said, her voice going from amused too deadly serious in the space of that one sentence.

"Your bitch?" Keith said quizzically, and then turned his face back to his captive. "So that's it? You been eating pussy on the way down here? Hell, fucking you will be doing you a favor," he laughed, joined by Goat and Burt. "Why don't you two go take care of her friend," he continued. "There'll be plenty left here when I'm done."

Burt and Goat started towards Dee, and Emily struggled to get free. More than anything, she didn't want the tall woman hurt.

"Always wanted to try some dark meat," Burt said as he cracked his knuckles. Goat giggled hysterically and moved in on Dee.

The tall black woman was still laughing quietly to herself, but stopped when the two men got close. Burt and Goat were almost on her when she exploded into action. One second she was standing there, calm and quiet. The next she was a whirling dervish, lashing out with a two-foot long section of bike chain she had been concealing under her jacket. Burt screamed the most horrible scream Emily had ever heard when the whirling chain caught him across the face and laid his cheek open to the bone. A well-placed kick to Goat's privates tore a high-pitched screech out of him. The lashing chain caught him across the nose, and a fountain of blood went up in the stark illumination of the headlight. Just like that, the Goat was out of it.

Dee turned her fury on Burt, then, and the chain landed again and again. Emily heard ribs crack and bones break and, in a few short seconds, the big man was a bleeding ball on the ground, curled up in a fetal position, and whimpering pitifully. Emily realized that Dee must have seen him slap her, and if she hadn't been so worried about herself, she might have felt pity for him when Dee began to kick him viciously with her heavy boots. There was a terrible sound, as one of her kicks broke more ribs, and then Dee stopped.

She turned to Keith and chuckled again. It was a strange laugh, outwardly almost amused, but Emily could sense the rage it was hiding.

"Amateurs. My first bitch could have taken all three of you and she was a pure-dee bit of fluff."

Keith was still holding Emily's arms behind her, but his breathing was ragged and she realized he was actually scared. She could smell the alcohol and sweat, but mostly, she could smell his fear, and it sickened her.

"I believe I already told you once, boy-bitch, get your hands off my woman."

Keith released her arms and Emily ran to Dee. The tall woman's arm went around her waist and held her close. Keith took the opportunity to turn and run the other way. Dee made no move to stop him, now she had her girl, and dropped the bloody chain.

"You all right, baby?" Dee asked, her voice suddenly soft and concerned. Emily just started to sob. She was embarrassed by her tears, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't tell if the sobs were relief, gratitude, or fear, and it didn't really matter. With Dee's strong arm around her, she felt safe; she knew that nothing could hurt her now.

Dee whispered endearments to her ear as she guided the smaller girl over to her bike. She picked Emily up and sat her on the seat, and then she opened her saddlebag to retrieve a small military-style first-aid kit. The big woman removed her heavy jacket and helped Emily into it, partially zipping the front to cover her bare chest. She then cleaned up the cuts with a tenderness that was touching. Emily was racked by sobs and shaking. Dee pulled out a syringe and deftly injected something into her arm. When she was done, she put the first-aid kit away, pulled out the pink helmet, and helped Emily put it on, before mounting up and driving away, the last thing Emily saw was Rachel and Donna, kneeling over their boyfriends.

Dee said little during that ride, and Emily was grateful for the silence. Her heartbeat finally slowed, and the last of her tears fell. By the time Dee pulled up in front of a big building with graffiti all over, Emily was feeling very drowsy. Dee picked her up in her arms and carried her through the front door.

She saw a lot of women, some in leathers, and others in little bits of nothing. Some were playing pool and others were sitting around a bong surrounded by a wreath of smoke. A radio was blasting, but she didn't hear what it was playing. All the images were disjointed; her vision seemed fuzzy, soft around the edges, like a love scene on TV. Dee didn't slow down to let her take stock of the place, but carried her upstairs and to a small room, where she gently placed Emily on a king-sized bed.

"What did you give me?" Emily mumbled as she slumped over on her side.

"Just relax, baby, it's nothing bad. Just a strong sedative to let you rest," Dee said as she pulled Emily back up and helped her out of the jacket. The big woman removed Emily's jeans and shoes next. She pulled the covers back and then tucked Emily in with almost motherly care.

"Don't leave me," Emily murmured when the tall biker turned towards the door. Dee nodded and quickly stripped before lying down beside Emily. The small girl noticed in her haze that Dee also removed the harness. It was the first time she had ever seen the lean biker without it.

"It's all right, baby, just got to sleep. Momma's right here," Dee whispered, her arm protectively wrapped over Emily's waist.


Emily woke to find herself staring at Dee's breast.

It took her a while to piece together how she had gotten here; her memories of the previous night were all very hazy. She was pretty sure that was due to the drug Dee had given her, and considering how awful what she did remember made her feel, she was grateful to not remember. Dee was breathing regularly, and Emily found herself watching the black woman's nipple in fascination. It was small, very dark, and surrounded by an aureole about the size of a quarter. Moved by something she didn't quite understand, she gently licked it once.

The action produced no response that she could discern. Feeling very much like a naughty child playing with something she wasn't supposed to, Emily flicked her tongue out again and ran it over the soft nipple. Still no reaction from Dee, but the nipple began to stiffen before her eyes. Emily, very slowly and very gently, licked the entire nipple and aureole, then, feeling the soft skin pucker and the nipple harden. When this produced no reaction from Dee, Emily bit her lower lip and cocked her head.

Making a decision, she moved her head slightly forward and up, and enveloped the nipple. She just held it in her mouth, waiting tensely for any reaction from Dee. When none was forthcoming, she gently sucked.

Dee moaned softly in her sleep. Emily stopped sucking immediately, but still held the biker's nipple in her mouth. When she was sure Dee hadn't woken up, she began to gently suckle, occasionally rolling her tongue over the rubbery nipple, and thrilling to its texture and taste. Dee moaned again, and then whimpered softly. The sounds were like music to Emily's ears, and she tongued the now stiff nipple ardently. Dee inhaled deeply and a shudder ran through her lithe frame. She rolled over onto her back, pulling her nipple from Emily's mouth with an audible pop. Emily held her breath, but slowly, Dee's breathing became regular, and she seemed to return to deep sleep.

Emily carefully raised herself up on her elbow and bent her head to take Dee's stiff nipple back into her mouth. She sucked gently, letting her free hand very gently cup Dee's pussy. With extremely slow and restrained motions, she began to massage the black woman's mound as she suckled on her nipple. Dee moaned again and spread her legs, involuntarily allowing Emily better access to her now damp pussy. Emily was surprised when her fingers slipped between Dee's lips. She could feel the silky skin, and slick dampness, and she quickened her motions. Dee moaned loudly, her hips began to jog.

"What the fuck?" she suddenly exclaimed. Emily redoubled her efforts now that Dee was awake, sliding her fingers into and out of the lithe woman's pussy, fast and hard, as she lashed the nipple with her tongue.

"Oh fuck! Shit! Goddamn... Don't stop baby," Dee groaned. With one arm locked around Emily's shoulders, she pulled the small girl tightly to her thrashing body, groaning. Her body went rigid suddenly, and then exploded into frenetic writing, as orgasm washed over her.

When she finally relaxed, Emily allowed herself to be pulled back into the crook of Dee's arm. The black woman sighed and then kissed her nose.

"What was that all about?" Dee asked finally.

"I wanted to thank you, for last night, for everything. You never seem to let your guard down and just enjoy sex, so I decided to try to get you when you weren't prepared. I hope you aren't mad?"

"No baby, I'm far from mad. Pleasantly surprised, touched, a little worn out, but definitely not mad."

Emily smiled and snuggled up closer to Dee. They had both almost drifted back to sleep when a shrill beep startled them both.

"What the hell?" Dee shouted.

"It's my cell," Emily said as she jumped out of bed and pulled the now wildly beeping phone from her purse.

When she hung up, her brow was knit in concentration. Dee looked at her and smiled at the cute way she chewed on her lower lip when thinking.

"What is it?"

"It's Donna. Keith took the car and left them both stranded at the hotel. Didn't even pay the bill. Burt is still in the hospital, but Goat beat Rach up pretty bad, and Keith slapped Donna around when she tried to stop him.

"So? What's it to you? Those two would have just stood there and let you get raped," Dee said. She was already stepping into her pants, with her back turned to the small brunette.

"I know," she said slowly, "And I should probably be mad at them both, but I can't. They're my friends and if I hadn't met you I would still be there with them. Taking my beatings and being too unsure of myself to leave. They called me because I'm the only one they have to turn to. I don't see how I can help them, though."

Dee shrugged into her jacket and then picked Emily up and tossed her onto the bed. She jumped on the smaller woman and settled on top of her as their lips met and they kissed deeply. When the kiss broke, Dee smiled down on her and ruffled her hair.

"I suppose I can get Hetty and Jenna to take a drive over to Kenner with us and get your girls." Dee said smiling. Emily didn't know what to say, she was so touched by Dee's generosity and compassion. She didn't know what to say, but she suddenly understood what she felt, what her heart had been trying to tell her since Birmingham.

"I love you," she whispered.

Dee seemed genuinely taken aback for a second, and then blushed.

"I love you too, Emily," she said. She seemed embarrassed, but smiled playfully.

"I hope those two are as good in bed as you are."

"Why? Am I not enough for you?" Emily asked with a petulant frown. Dee burst out laughing and kissed her nose before replying.

"Oh, I'm fine with just you, but if they stay here and want to sleep in a bed, they'll be sharing it with someone," Dee said, still chuckling.

"They can fend for themselves, as long as they keep their eyes off mine," Emily said with a serene smile on her pretty face.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

Men, ok not in general, but enough out beating women, drinking, taking drugs, killing, fighting , just name it ….. Sickness and those are no news, happens since the humans learned to move on two legs and still happen and will be happen and the most sickening outcome of all, WAR

And i thought we human are able to learn from our past, our failures ….. bullshit

✨✨✨✨✨🌸☘️ I know you will receive the message CT Namaste

RocketMan12RocketMan12over 1 year ago

What is with the dildos. There should be more mutual fucking.

MarshallaMarshallaabout 5 years ago
Tendering an apology ...

... for my comment on "Lez Bikers".

I realized that it could seem offensive to some people, and I assure you, that was not my intent. Just a way of saying it, and I should've known better, having actually known some, a long time ago.

MarshallaMarshallaalmost 7 years ago
Yeah, just do not mess with prior(and current) military ...

... or a pissed off lez biker. They will seriously fuck you up! 'Specially when you deserve it as much as those three pukes did.

But it ain't even for Keith, yet. Karma's a real bitch, too.

Wait'll he does his first prison stint.

Loved the story, btw. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
To Anon Who Wants A Part 2

Darling Colleen passed a way a few years back. <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Another Part

Freakin love this story. You should write another part for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More, please!

Keep up the great work! I hope there will be a Chapter 2 soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

and I am happily married to a man but the way you spin a tale is amazing even more than the sex!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
That was... probably the best I've read in years.

Def going to bookmark this one... I hope you publish your work 'cause I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

another great story by you. I wish they didn't end most of the time. Your stories all make me do the same thing though; bring my fists up and then down and say YES! Really dorky, i know.

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