Riley's New Life


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"Touch me forcibly and I'll crush your nuts," Riley snarled.

Bruce and even Mary stepped away two paces.

Riley's assumption was correct. The Bursar approaching them was overweight, with food stains on his light blue tie that rested on a beer belly.

"Here she is Mr Creighton. May we watch you deal with her?"

He was ignored.

Mr Creighton looked at Riley and gasped.

"Omigod, the violinist who I heard playing when I was standing at the back of the hall. The music just flowed from your fingers."

"From the strings actually, Mr Creighton. I arrived with trepidation today, my first morning here as I'm alone, so far away from home and had heard Headmistress was large enough to eat my alive, if she wanted to, if I fucked up in any way."

Mr Creighton gaped and said, "And yet you have the courage to use such a term as 'fucked up' upon this hallowed ground of our school?"

"I don't know what you mean. It's everyday English."

"Oh no, not around here. Only prescribed English is permitted around here."

"Oh, and who is the authority to impose such nit-picking?"

"Generations of headmistresses," he laughed. "But ignore their edicts at your peril."

"Oh, then I best watch my mouth and not park where I'm not wanted."

Mr Creighton said he would show Riley where the parking space allocated to the Head of Music was located.

"That is very kind of you, sir."

"Sir? No way, I'm James to you."

Mary giggled and Bruce complained loudly, "Is that it, with no blood on the floor?"

"Bruce, get back to your jobs of mowing grass and distributing aged, and softened sheep shit to the gardens and orchard trees," Mary said, contemptuously.

Bruce slunk off, knowing even teaching assistants were his superiors at that female-run outfit.

* * *

Riley settled in well and her strenuous days passed quickly and usually without untoward drama.

Surprisingly, from her work with the choirs, it became apparent she had a pitch-perfect singing voice. Under questioning, she revealed her mother had trained as an opera singer but never performed and had trained her daughter. Her late paternal grandfather, who had been a strong influence in her early life, had been a stand-up comic in theatres and was acknowledged as possessing a wonderful untrained singing voice.

"So, perhaps I have inherited genes that assist with my singing."

At fruit-picking time on the school's huge orchard, Riley was a volunteer picker and enjoyed the group activity but didn't find gaining a sore back from the continuous stretching and into foliage to pick the fruit was in any way appealing. Two days later she was selected to join the team to pick the premium-grade Golden Queen peaches, that each year the orchard had always pre-sold before harvesting.

On the second day of picking and extremely careful handling, the national weather office reported hail was possible within the next 48 hours. Picking was only half-way completed.

The farm and orchard management and workers swung into action and the pickers were requested to work through the night, picking up their tempo.

The head orchardist received 100 per cent acceptance of the challenge, as he half-expected he would. The challenge was, "Pick until you drop or until picking is completed.

Everyone knew that heavy hail was capable of ruining the entire crop of an orchard, with pitting of the ripe peaches, making then unsuitable for retail sale although canning could be possible. Pitting would be devastating for crops of premium grade fruit.

Weathered face Barry Issacs, the head orchardist, pointed out to the school's farm manger Muriel Archer, the person that he thought appeared to be 'a natural in rallying the troops'.

"That's one of our near teachers, the gorgeous Riley Ranfurly, who appears great at doing almost anything. She's teaching my youngest the guitar and Di practically worships her."

Barry thought after this was over, he'd invite Riley to dinner on a Wednesday evening when his unmarried son usually dropped in for a bite of mom's superb cooking with the family. He couldn't disclose his intent to invite Riley to his wife because she would be all over him asking who was this female, how did she get the name Riley, was she very personable and did she wear fingernail polish plus ask other rubbish.

He'd already noticed Riley because of err, her cute and tight butt and she had the best smile of anyone working, including males, and she worked as if she were on steroids. Yes, a grand prospect for some guy, hopefully Bruce, providing she wanted to marry anyone. Women these days were going overboard with their independence. Bloody hell, what's wrong with females; they're never satisfied.

"Boss, this picker wishes to dash to the school to get music to play over our speakers."

"What kind of music Jim? If we play rock. they'll want to dance."

"Boss she says American Spiritual songs."

"No way, that will make the pickers slow to those tempos."

"She says bullshit, you don't know what you're talking about," yelled Jim. "She's run off."

Barry cursed and then smiled. Perhaps this hot shot young woman just might know what might work. You have to sometimes give people a chance to think outside the square.

A report was relayed out to the pickers from the main packing shed.

"The latest forecast is the southerly storm with hail has just begun to sweep over Hastings City and will continue to Napier City and beyond. Beyond means us guys. We'll turn on our outdoor floodlights and others bring in from a hire centre within about half an hour to prepare for nightfall working conditions."

"Boss, get these CD's playing non-stop."

"These are all Gospel Music," Barry complained.

The music teacher yelled, "Just do it, don't be a wet."

"Um okay and thanks um, um..."

"It's Riley boss and believe me, you're not taking a chance. It's a certainty."

The easy-paced rolling music began to beat out loudly.

"Lordy, who had the gumption to think of soul fodder," called part-Maori woman with her arms and exposed shoulders covered in tattoos. She would easily qualify as the fastest picker in the team, and never took an unscheduled break.

"Come on everyone, start singing while you work up-tempo, but still take care with your peaches," Riley urged.

Everyone worked with commitment, as if believing in the goal.

Pickings were moving into the packing shed at a faster rate.

"Great work, I believe we'll make it with the premier-grade crop but the hail will damage other fruit," Barry said to the packing shed supervisor

The pickers, job fully completed, were sitting in the packing shed drinking beer, wine or brandy when the hailstorm struck, but without the serve intensity recorded earlier when it was over farmland south of the Heretaunga Plains.

"We made it with 12 minutes to spare," Barry said, looking at his watch. "Great works gals and guys. The emergency was necessary and alas our other fruit not yet picked will suffer some damage. I'm so proud of you lot. I know it wasn't for the money, as you all stepped up when the crises threatened, accepting your responsibility to help saving the remainder of the Golden Queen crop you were picking, whatever it took. You'll each receive a bonus of $40 bucks for this day's picking spectacular. Rarely have I seen so much tonnage of fruit moved from the trees in just one day."

The crew were weary and began to drift off in ones and twos. When the school group assembled to walk off, the orchard boss Barry had a quick confidential word with Riley and anyone watching would have seen her nodding with a smile.

Chapter 3

Barry Isaacs was hovering, something that unnerved his wife Veronica preparing Saturday night dinner as she preferred to be left alone to concentrate on what she was doing.

He stood in her way and she stopped, and said, "What is it Barry?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Hmm, in my experience there's always something when you arc acting strangely."

"Acting strangely?"

"Yes dear, and in this instance, it means hovering."

"Is Ryan coming to dinner this evening?"

"Yes dear, he texted earlier to confirm."

"Will there be sufficient leftovers for, err, tomorrow."

"Yes dear, you know when I do a full family dinner on Saturday, I always do sufficient for two more in case two of our friends drop in. Now fuck off. Grab a beer and watch TV with your daughter who'll be watching this evening's Sports Special."

"Oh yeah."

"Barry, why are you dressed up."

"Err, you dress up on Saturday and, I'm relieved we got all the premium fruit under cover safely and we suffered only minimal damage to crops still on the trees, I thought I'd throw on good trousers and this shirt you gave me for my birthday and open some really good wine to celebrate."

"Omigod, if that also means what I think it does today, don't drink too much because if I think you will be slobbering excessively, there will be no sex for you tonight, baby."

Barry grabbed two beers grinning, and went off to sit with their 21-year-old daughter, sipping her a low-calorie brew.

Ryan arrived with two bottles of red from South Australia and greeted his father and sister, Fleur, came in with three bottles of beer and a Vodka on the rocks for herself.

"The beef is resting and there's only the gravy to make."

"Cheers mum, your beef roasts are the best."

Ryan clinked glasses with Barry and Fleur.

The front door rang and Barry crossed fingers, hoping Ryan would be the quickest to respond but Fleur managed to just beat him up. She halted when he teased, "Let me take it, it could be Jack and Ripper's grandson."

"Mum," Fleur complained.

"Sorry darling, there's nothing I can do. We know you're your brother just a teasing boy in adult clothing."

"Dad, why are your dressed up, it's four months to mum's birthday?"

"I thought I might lure your mother into have sex with me. It's been fifty years since we last were together in a union."

"Don't be so foul and stupid dad. Mum he's also a boy in man's clothing mum."

Veronica smiled and said, "This Vodka tastes so lovely tonight, guys."

Ryan opened the door thinking who on earth could this caller be.

"His mouth fell open. It was a gorgeous blonde in a posh dress that contained almost all of her tits and she had a smile to die for.

"Fuck, am I dreaming?"

She frowned and asked had she got the wrong home and Ryan said he had no idea.

"Is this Frank Roper's house? He invited me to have dinner with him and his family tonight at 7.30."

"Come in," Ryan said, standing aside.

The caller said uncertainly, "Is this Mr Roper's home or are you just attempting to lure me into your clutches."

Ryan yelled, "Dad, your guest has arrived."

Frank arrived at the door and said, "Hi Riley, wow you look stunning. Has my son delayed your entry by attempting to body search you?"

"No," Riley said, kissing Frank on the cheek and handing him a bottle of Spanish red that Australian wine writers were raving about.

She held out her hand and instead of shaking it, Ryan kissed it.

"Oh cute, Ryan. You may possess some appeal after-all.

Frowning, Frank said, "Give him time Riley, he'll grow on you."

"Perhaps," she said, dismissively.

"Escort Riley in son, and introduce her to the family. I'll be right behind her."

"No, you do the honours. I have no idea who she is."

"Okay, come along my No. 1 female acquaintance, whom I'm not permitted to touch."

"Oh, Frank you smoothie. You may touch me anywhere, um, perhaps exercising some restraint."

Ryan boggled at hearing his father being called a smoothie by such a hugely attractive young woman and to top that, hearing the visitor inviting him to touch her but perhaps that was only her being cute.

They walked into the sitting room and Frank said, sounding rather laid-back, "Veronica dear, this is err..."

Riley cut in expertly to help out her floundering host.

"I'm Riley Ranfurly, a recent arrival at Golden Queen School to teach English, but on my first day there I was switched to cover for the Head of Music who was severely injured in that dreadful accident coming off some mountain..."

"It's called Mount Ruapehu. I'm Fleur, Ryan's younger sister. Ruapehu is not so difficult to say for any tourist or immigrant if they break it into three syllables, like Rua-pe-hu. Try it."

"Rua-pe-hu. Oh thanks."

Fleur strode over and said, "May I kiss you? You are gorgeous and I'm a former Head Girl of your school."

They laughed and kissed.

"Ryan won't have kissed you because he's woman-shy at the moment. He's dropped two regular dates in succession because they were unrepentant after he called them out at parties for what he terms their obnoxious behaviour. You'll know, that bad behaviour like kissing guys randomly and licking their faces and even pushing their hands down the front of luckless guys' pants to impart maximum embarrassment because of people watching."

"Omigod, is that behaviour rife here in New Zealand too?" Riley asked, dropping into an English accent.

"It's not rife yet, but it does appear to be catching on a bit. Party popping drugs are behind it," Ryan said, recovering from his shock at having upsets in his love life being revealed to a stranger.

"Ryan, please get our guest a drink," said his father. "I invited Riley here for dinner tonight in appreciation of her power-performance that helped save the day when an imminent hail storm threatened a large portion of our premium peach crop in the process of being harvested. She more or less beat the drum and got the tiring team and herself to step-up, as they say. And lo we unloaded the last of the premium Golden Queen peaches into the packing shed just before the hail storm hit the orchard."

Barry led the toast in appreciation of 'the kind-hearted and inspirational motivator, Riley Ranfurly'.

"Thanks guys, it's only what one does for neighbours."

Veronica said, "We being rural people, agree with that sentiment, Riley. Barry and I were delighted that especially you and the team of singers from the school led by example and motivated the tourists pickers on working holidays and the Kiwis picking for some extra cash or are semi-professional pickers who move about the country picking, pruning and whatever to sustain their nomadic life-style."

"Riley, I want you to understand why we are so appreciative. By raising the bar and urging your team to pick faster and push through the exhaustion barrier, you guys have saved the school from a looming loss on the premium Golden Queen harvest as owners of the orchard and also allowed Barry to keep his allotted bonus for that crop calculated on the degree of a clean harvest."

"Thanks for those comments, Veronica. Much appreciated. Now, putting this as delicately as possible, may I ask is there an ulterior motive for me being asked here this evening, um, namely to assist Ryan to get over his recent losses of two regular dates?"

"Oh no, definitely not," Veronica said. "We could never be so flagrantly underhand and it simply would require a deceptive mind to think up something like that. We tend to do everything, openly."

"Guilty," Barry said, looking embarrassed.

"Oh, for goodness sake, you stupid bugger."

"Sorry everyone, and particularly you Riley, being our guest tonight."

"I failed to think it through, not thinking my scheme might backfire or even appear repugnant to anyone. I just thought that Riley would not have had time yet to find a date and that Ryan would appreciate coming face to face with her."

"And?" Veronica said, icily.

"Um, in often seeing her in recent days I thought you would adore her and she and Fleur would have the opportunity to developed a friendship with Riley."

"Good one dad," Fleur said "You almost pulled it off but it turns out Riley was too clever for you. I suppose Ryan knew nothing about it?"

Ryan shrugged and his father said, "Not until he opened the door tonight and marvelled at the vision he was staring at."

"Guys, enough," Riley said, smiling sweetly. "I think it's hilarious that a father should try to get his son up and dating again to eliminate the bad taste left in his mouth about females around his age. Ryan, I'm available to go on a date with you, Fleur I want to hear lots about you but first, Veronica can we finish our drinks and I'll make the gravy while you serve up with Barry carves the roast."

"How did you know it would be a roast? Barry asked.

"Barry, in due course, you'll learn about my happy days and tragic day of my life in New Zealand before I arrived here. That earlier time was also spent in rural New Zealand, where I learned it was traditional to have a Saturday roast, with cold roast meat leftovers consumed for Sunday lunch. I took in the aroma of resting roast meat when standing at the opened front door."

Riley was placed beside Fleur at the table, facing Ryan, and a lovely time was had by all.

When the main course had been cleared away and the apple and peach pie was placed before Barry to cut and serve, he said, "You mentioned tragedy earlier, Riley."

"Omigod dad, you're putting your foot into it again."

Riley said softly, "Leave it Fleur, I will explain soon, but not this evening. We're having such a great time. You lovely folk have no idea how much I've missed family life since coming to New Zealand."

Chapter 4

Riley arrived back late Saturday evening from taking three senior music students at Golden Peach School, to visit the school's music teacher.

Miss Josephs suffered multiple injuries including serious head inquires, along with another teacher in a road accident when their vehicles skidded and overturned on a patch of black ice.

The day visit to Wellington Hospital involved return travel of 480 miles.

Headmistress Miss Allen approved the visit because although Miss Josephs had been released from a special unit to a general ward, she was suffering depression.

"Watch out for black ice Riley," she said grimly.

"Omigod, you do have ironic humour, Miss Allen. I bet you have other talents hidden up your sleeve."

Headmistress eyed Riley, and for the first time as far as Riley could remember, she was called, by her first name.

"Riley, you appear to possess a never-ending array of talents. I've been to visit Miss Josephs three times since she was hospitalized. It never occurred to me in all those hours with her almost helpless in bed with those fractures in half-splints and her head in bandages that she might be delighted to meet her temporary replacement and three of her top students."

"I have my mother to thank for inspiring that thought of a hospital visit with the students, Miss Allen. I recall my mother once telling me that after the birth of my older brother she fell into depression and that was a terrible period for her, saying in looking back it was worse than birthing two children even if those two experiences were combined."

"To ease your thoughts, there will be no black ice on the highway from here to Wellington and back at this time of year. Those two teachers only struck it several weeks ago coming down high up on the so-called darker side of the mountain up from Oakune after very late season snowfalls and lower than usual temperatures."

"Just drive carefully dear."

As Riley walked from the education section in the admin building, she thought, "Omigod, I may have become the closes to teacher's pet that the formidable Miss Allen has ever had."

Back at School, weary from long hours of driving, sitting at the hospital, and being guided around the city sight-seeing by her front-seat passenger who'd lived most of her early life in that city, Riley was ready to dive between the sheets of her bed. But first she checked her emails.

There was only one; she'd been drafted as the teaching staff representative on the committee to plan and put into effect the school's fund-raising event to be held by the end of the following month, with all proceeds going towards fitting out the new police/firemen's/emergency services crew fitness centre in the local village, err the country town, to replace to former centre burnt to the ground as a result of suspected arson.