Road to the Sun Ch. 05: Tap, Tap, Tap


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"What the heck happened to you?"

"I...umm...I fell off the porch."

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, sis. What's in the bag?"


"Sweet! I'm starving!"


The siblings sat on the mattress eating lukewarm burritos and talking about Claire's job. Melody only said, "Thank you for dinner," and afterwards remained silent the entire night. Cindy seemed to forget that she was naked, and kept catching James looking at her. She finally put some clothes on after she dropped some beans on her left breast. After eating, they all laid down for the night. It was way past midnight when James lifted his leg and let loose one of the most hideous farts known to mankind. He couldn't help but laugh when everyone else started to fan the covers and complain about something that had crawled up his ass and died. That's when a little jingle went off in his head. It was something he dad used to sing, so he sang it aloud too: "Beans Beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel. Beans Beans for every meal.'


The next morning James was splitting wood, or at least trying to split wood. Between what he had witnessed last night between the twins and his oldest sister watching him like a vulture eyeing carrion for most of the day, it was a difficult job. He knew that sooner or later Claire would get him in another compromising position. He had come to the understanding that she needed some physical contact from him. Not just a simple hug, but an intimate relationship with a male. It just happened that he was that male. He was not opposed to the idea, he really wanted to be the man Claire needed in her life. But he felt guilty for wanting to have sex with Melody and Cindy as well.

James really didn't understand what had happened almost a month ago. The hand job Claire had given him in the truck, then when she forced him to finger fuck her, not to mention her ambush blow job. He split the last log and then looked at the dozen cords of wood aligned against the wall of the one room log cabin. He picked up the last pieces of firewood and placed them on the stack.

The hair on the back of his neck tingled and stood on end. He had the eerie feeling that someone was watching him. He turned his head slowly towards the closest window just in time to see the curtain fall back into place. It had been one of his sisters, but he couldn't tell which one of them had had him in her sights. He subconsciously rubbed his neck as he walked off to put his tools away in the barn.

He had questions and the only one of his siblings that he felt comfortable enough to ask was the nineteen year old identical twin, Melody. She had already said that Claire would want him to eat her. He had no clue how to go about eating out a woman. He wasn't dumb and knew fairly well how babies were made. That's where what he and Melody had done would have gone if she hadn't been barren. He also knew that women urinate from that area. The idea did not make him too enthusiastic about performing oral sex on a woman. However, He did remember how it felt to have it done to him. If he could pleasure his partner the same way, then he was willing to give it a shot.

He sat down on the couch and looked at the rest of their belongings in the barn.


Claire watched her eighteen year old brother head towards the barn. She had been spying on him all day, waiting for this opportunity; she smiled crookedly and headed for the barn. She was nervous; she tried to control her breathing; she paused for a moment halfway to the barn, caught her breath and continued on.


Cindy wasn't about to let her oldest sister ambush her brother again. She knew something was up from the way Claire kept looking out the window. When Claire went out the door, Cindy quietly followed.


Melody had been pissed off, at Claire and at fate, since last night. The only thing that kept her from jumping on Claire's back and beating the shit out of her was Cindy. Every time she looked towards her oldest sister, she was looking out the window. Melody got madder by the second. When she saw Claire go out the door, she almost ran after her. She could see herself tackling her sister and pounding her face into the gravel road. She managed to stop herself when Cindy followed Claire out the door.


James heard something out behind the barn and decided to investigate. He got up, went out the back door and followed the sound around the corner of the barn. Not finding anything, he went back to the cabin.


Cindy followed Claire into the barn and closed the door quietly behind her. She ducked behind a dresser and watched her sister.

Claire kept calling out: "James? James? Are you in here?" She searched around, continuing to call out.

Cindy tried to remain hidden by moving between stacked boxes. It was too tight a squeeze and all she managed to do was knock over a stack.

"James? Are you trying to hide?"

"I'm not James."

"What are you doing?"

"I came out here to make sure you didn't harass James," Cindy explained, coming out from hiding and restacking the boxes.

Claire placed her hands on her hips. "I wasn't going to jump his bones! I just came out here to talk to him."

"Mmm hmm, right!" Cindy rolled her eyes as she placed the last box on the top of the stack. "You could have just gone out and talked with him instead of waiting till he came down here."

Claire sighed and sat on the couch. "I wanted a bit of privacy. I didn't want every Tom, Dick and Harry to interrupt our conversation. It's not the easiest subject to bring up, you know!"

Cindy sat down next to her sister: "I realize that, but, you could have told him that you needed to talk to him in private. I'm sure James would have agreed."

Claire let out a deep sigh and bowed her head. Being in love with someone who didn't know it was truly heartbreaking. Yes, she was infatuated with him, but since he was her brother it was almost impossible for her to put into words. How could she tell her brother that she loved him as a woman loves a man, not simply as a brother. It was a confession that could destroy her entire world. Separate her from her family and leave her alone in the world. James just wasn't some guy that you took a chance with and hoped for best. He was THE GUY! The one man in the world that she wanted, that she needed, that she desired.

Not only was it her body that wanted him, it was her mind, heart and soul. She was his for the taking. She had no words to speak that could do justice to her feelings. She had always been impulsive and showed others physically how she felt. To show her brother was the only thing that made sense. But it had its risks as well. The whole 'if things were different' statement that he had given her had crushed her. When he had just gone straight to bed after she had shown him her heart by giving him a blow job made her worry.

Not having had the time to just talk to James the way they used to do before she had gotten a job made her feel that they were drifting apart. Now, with her sister jumping all over her case, and with the stress that she was getting from customers at the café, she was at the end of her wits.

"Sis, I don't know what to say to James. I can't take it if he rejects me again. I... I'm in love with him and... God, sis," she was crying now. Trying to wipe her tears away with her shirt tail.

Cindy cradled her oldest sister against her chest and ran her fingers through her hair: "It'll be okay, sweetie. Don't you go fret'n 'bout it anymore."

The perfect imitation of their Mother's favorite saying seemed to come out of nowhere. Cindy's inflections were dead on and her voice seemed to have been channeled from beyond the grave. It also felt that it was her very own mother who now held her in her arms, not her kid sister. The gentle stroking of her back and the fingers combing through her hair, combined with the slight rocking that her sister was now doing, soothed Claire's very soul. She felt at ease like she had when she was still just a little girl.

She closed her eyes when she stopped shedding tears and the gentle rocking motion soon lulled her to sleep.


Cindy's rocking slowed and she finally quit, leaning back into the couch. She took a deep breath, let her head drop back and closed her eyes. Her hands continued to comb through her sister's hair and rub her back. She breathed deeply through her nose and caught the musky scent of her own discharge from the other day. The smell brought her memories of her twin to the forefront of her mind. The time that they had spent here on this very couch. She had been thinking about her brother and got very horny and ended up bringing her twin down here. She had someone to take care of her needs, but Claire didn't. It just was not fair.

She looked down at her sister and had to admit that she was a very sexy looking woman. Any man in his right mind would be lucky to end up with someone as hot as Claire. Cindy had stopped rubbing Claire's back and had started caressing it instead. Slowly her sister's body slid from her chest and soon was resting in her lap. As Cindy continued her gentle soothing touch, Claire rolled onto her back. Unable to continue to reach her oldest sister's back, she started to trace the features of her face.

Her fingers traced over the delicate nose and high cheek bones that all the siblings shared. It was a common feature that they got from their mother. When Cindy's fingers started to travel along her sister's jaw, Claire gently turned her head and lightly moaned. Fingers gently brushed her ear then traveled down her supple neck and on down to her chest. Cindy smiled as she took in the fact that her sister was wearing one of their brother's t-shirts. She also noticed that her sister wasn't wearing a bra, given the way that her nipples were poking up.

The size of her sister's breasts always made her wish that her own were just a bit larger. The slight rise and fall of the larger breasts caused by her sister's breathing drew her own finger's attention. It was the first time that Cindy had ever touched Claire in that fashion. Her fingers lightly circled the protruding nubs, causing her sister to almost purr. Thumb and index finger soon lightly pinched the erect nipple and then rolled it around. Claire again moaned and moved her hips and straightened out her legs just a bit.

The movement caught Cindy's eyes. She peered down her sister's body to her shapely hips. Green checkered flannel pajama bottoms with draw strings nicely tied into a bow gently rocked side to side as her sister tried to get a bit more comfortable. What caught Cindy's attention was the bare strip of well toned flesh that divided shirt from pants. The flesh that was exposed was not much wider than her own hand, but, because the pajama bottoms had slid down her sister's hips, the area that showed was the very lower part of her abdomen. The section where her sister's pubic hair would be if she didn't shave.

Unable to resist the urge, she touched her sister's bare flesh. First it was just the tip of one finger but soon turned into her whole hand. She felt how warm and supple her sister's skin felt under her hand and found that she craved to feel more. She slowly snaked her fingers under the waistband and discovered that her sister was going commando. A soft moan and the movement of her sister's head drew her attention back to her lap. Seeing that Claire was still asleep her hand continued over her mound and down between her sister's lower lips.

Her fingers stroked through soft, warm flesh and she felt the folds slip between her fingers. She worked her fingers up and down and soon found her sister's clit. She applied a bit of pressure on the small nub and worked it in circles. Cindy could feel some wetness on her other fingers and reached down for a bit more lubrication. When she moved her fingers back to the clit, she felt her sister breathing a bit faster. She looked at her face and watched as Claire's head tipped back. Her mouth opened slightly, emitting a soft sigh. When Cindy felt movement beneath her hand she noticed that her sister was now rocking her hips.

Feeling a bit bolder she pressed her hand further down between her sister's lower lips; that caused her legs to part a bit more. When middle and ring fingers found the entrance to her core they slipped in and travelled along the top, seeking out a special spot. Remembering what Melody had done to her, Cindy decided to do the same. Tap, tap, tap her finger went on Claire's g-spot.

", fuck! Oh, goddddd...yes...don'!" Claire panted.

Cindy changed tactics and began rubbing the g-spot in circles. Claire closed her legs tight and seemed not to know what to do with her hands. First she grabbed handfuls of the sheet that covered the couch, then she was grabbing her own breasts and squeezing them, then pinching and pulling on her nipples. When Cindy went back to tapping, Claire's face turned red, her body arched, head tilted back and she opened her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs. She reached up and grabbed Cindy by the back of her head and tried to pull her down. Cindy thought she meant to kiss her, but was surprised when her sister bit her tit hard.

She was about to yell herself when her sister let go. Her hand was now soaked from the sudden gush of liquid from her sister's box. Claire's body shook violently and she tried to scream again, but nothing came out. A few seconds later and her sister's body went limp. She withdrew her hand and looked at the sticky liquid that now coated it. She brought it up to her nose and smelled the musky scent. She smiled and started to lick her fingers.

"You like the taste of my pussy?"

"Mmm hum. Would you like to taste it?" Cindy placed her fingers on Claire's lips.

Claire licked and sucked her own juices off her sister's hand.

"Do you like the way you taste?"

"Yes." Claire went back to cleaning the hand.

"Have you ever tasted yourself before?"

"Well, I have after I masturbated, or someone else masturbates me. I have even cleaned a few cocks after I got fucked."

"Have you ever tasted another woman's pussy?"


"Okay. Did you think about James?"

"Not after I woke up."


Melody heard the door open and turned around. She was glad it was James. She jumped up off the mattress and ran to him. They hugged each other and kissed passionately.


"Yeah, sis?"

"Did you see Claire?"

"Not since I went out to cut wood. Why?"

"No reason. How about you change clothes and we can go to town."

"Sounds good to me. I've not been to town yet."

"Nor have I."

Her heart was racing as she watched her brother undress. When he was totally naked, she recalled the first time that they made love on the creek bank. She wanted to have sex with him again, but was sad that it was a bad time of the month. She sighed as she watched him get dressed, wondering when they would find themselves alone once again.



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These sisters....they are selfish, do not want to share their brother!!?? He is GOOD for all of them, and for the family unit...They should really come to their senses and work together to make this family tighter!!

Now, Melody and James are going into town...will you show us more about their connection to their new home...who will be the one to help, hhhmmm???

Five**5**Stars...'cause it is emotionally drawing me in...

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

Small detail - With all the women living in close proximity for a while, they would probably all experience "that time of the month" at the same time. 5*

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

This girls are trouble, there is going to be a huge upset here soon from three hypocritical sisters.

James better watch out for himself.


Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sabout 5 years ago
Good story but

These are the most hypocritical sisters ever and poor James is getting less sex than the sisters who are fucking each other more than James.

thedayafterthedayafterover 6 years ago
Love the story

Really looking forward to the next chapter. The pace of the story is just right and the emotional conflict that James and his sisters are going through because of their developing relationships is just perfectly described.

The conflict they feel with their attraction to each other is really believable.

IrreverentRevIrreverentRevabout 7 years agoAuthor
Update chapter 06

The long awaited chapter 06 has been sent to the editor. Unlike the other chapters, 06 covers 24hrs. Depending on the edit, it is over 10k words and will most likely fulfill several of your requests.

Chapter 05 is what it is. Yes, it starts out on the dark side, but you can't have light without knowing the dark. Same can be said for happiness. You can't know it without knowing sadness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Keep the story going.

This is e very fine story. I have enjoyed every bit and would love to read more. There is so much more to their lives that I want to learn. Please continue the story.

kuhpa01kuhpa01over 7 years ago
Very Good Story

I think that this is a very good story so far, and I have a couple of observations that may address what some people are calling unbelievable aspects to the story.

First off, the tragedy of the grisly murder of the parents, so vividly recalled in this latest chapter (shotgun blast to the mother's face?), serves to remind the reader that this is indeed, a group of young siblings adrift on a sea of grief, clinging to each other.

Next, consider the dire financial straights which have forced them to live in this run-down cabin in the wilderness. Only one of them has found a job, and they are literally living hand to mouth. Claire gets off work and brings home one 7-11 burrito apiece and that's all they ate all day?

Now consider for a moment, the legally required disclaimer for all Literotica stories that everyone is well beyond the magic age of 18. No child porno here, no sir. But, that also makes it difficult, in some ways, to write believable scenarios with supposedly mature adult protagonists. Imagine the sibling ages as 16, 17 and 18 in place of the required ages of 18, 19 and 20. That could help explain some of the attitudes and reactions we have read so far.

I also agree with an earlier comment, that the author has plainly stated this is a story based on tragedy, leading to a dark ending. I eagerly await the next chapter in this story.

Well written, quite believable with the background provided and, in my opinion, not too slowly paced at all. Please, continue with this tale.

CEB19CEB19over 7 years ago
keep writing!!

Keep writing, your stories are great!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Somebody wanted to know why people are giving it a low score (it's not that bad to me), so I thought I would list the only issues I have with it

>James is kinda becoming a "completely oblivious to what happens around him" character

>the twins, god, could they be any more hypocrital? They basically want to have the cake and eat it, with how they want to have a serious relationship with each other and also fuck him, but can't stand the idea of seeing him with another woman (Claire in this case)

Really great story, waiting for the next chapter.

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