Rock and Roll Angel Pt. 04


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"What's Mon like?" Jenna asked.

"Never been there," Temp said. "Remember, I was born here just like you."

"Right ... you started life as a cell phone mixed with bio stuff from Yella."

"Bio clay," Temp said. "Looks like Yella might be a while and I'm hungry. I could use more of that beluga caviar."

"Too rich," Yella said from where she sat. "You know that rich food interferes with your mental focus. Give him some canned tuba fish. Better for him."

"It's TUNA fish," Temp said. "Aren't you in shalla?"

"I can multitask," Yella said.

"I'll have the smoked salmon," Temp said.

"Tuba," Yella said.

"Tuna," Temp corrected.

"I would like some cheese if there is some, please," Yella said.

"Um ... sure," Jenna said and rose from the sofa. This had all happened so fast Jenna never found a moment to dress and was still in her no nonsense white cotton bra and panties. She was starting to relax about that since Yella was topless and wore only jeans and really exotic boots. "Are her boots from Mon?" Jenna asked the cat.

"No. Marshals I think," Temp said.

As she cruised the fridge for cheese, Temp brushed against her legs.

"Do a chap a biggie, give me the salmon," the black cat whispered.

"Don't get me in trouble with Yella," Jenna said, "eat the fucking tuba fish."

Temp made a disgruntle cat sound. "Is it in oil or water?"

Jenna went to the pantry to check. "Water."

"Bugger. Whoa, wait a minute, Is that a stack of Iams grain free saucy ocean fish and tuna platter cat food I spy?"

"Yeah," Jenna said. "On the day you disappeared, Kieth got a case on sale. Back when we all thought you were a normal cat. Temp licked his chops again. "You'd eat CAT FOOD over real tuna?" Jenna asked

"If its Iams saucy ocean fish? You bet." Temp said.

Jenna sighed, popped a can of Iams and dumped it in a saucer. At first she bent to put the saucer on the floor then quickly changed her mind and put it on the dining room table at the center of a place mat. Temp hopped up on the table and went at it making classic growling cat eating sounds. Jenna went back on the cheese hunt. Fortunately, the Haverdink's were cheese nuts and she found cheddar, Swiss, smoked Gouda, Colby jack and Philadelphia cream cheese. In the pantry she found a box of roasted tomato and olive oil flavor Triscuits and an unopened bag of round dipping tortilla corn chips. She spied a can of Cheese Whiz and added it in. Back at the fridge she pulled out the the large jar of medium Taco Bell salsa, deli ham and sliced roast beef.

She sliced up the cheeses and arrange them with the Triscuits, put the picante and cream cheese in dipping bowls and found a big wooden bowl for the corn chips. The ham and roast beef she put on a separate platter and arranged everything on the living room table. She debate eliminating the Cheese Whiz, it just didn't have a diplomatic air. She looked at Temp eating Iams and decided that the Cheese Whiz would be fine.

Temp, done with his meal, patted at his mouth with a napkin using his strangely prehensile tail. Jenna wanted to laugh but held it in not wanting to be rude ... she was an ambassador after all. "What does she like to drink?" Jenna asked.

"Sweet wine," Temp said. "But she won't drink if she is doing shalla. Drinking and wing singing is frowned upon. Normally, she's a total lush."

"I heard that," Yella said.

"Soda will do," Temp said. "Um ... you might want to remove the meats."

"I'm sorry," Jenna said feeling foolish. "She's vegetarian, how stupid that I didn't ask, " She picked up the platter of meat and quickly walked it to the fridge.

"Yella is no vegetarian," Temp said. "On Mon she eats meat. But the meat on Mon and all the sister worlds have the no kill stamp of approval. Meats are produced in a laboratories. No whole animal is created so nothing is killed. Earth's way of processing animals for meat goes against Yella's Mon sensibilities. I'm cool with it though."

Yella stood and stretched her arms and wings high over her head like she was doing yoga mountain pose. "Interesting," Temp said. "That is coven pose. She is leaving herself wide open for contact. Coven pose is only used in special ceremonies or emergencies. It is considered rude to openly broadcast in this fashion. She must be having a hard time hooking up with Ethan."

"Is Ethan okay?" Jenna asked worried.

"I thinks so. Remember he is human and not Mon."

"You said sister worlds a little while ago?" Jenna asked curious.

"There are sixty six planets in the Mon council. Counting Mon, twelve are natural blues. That means the planet didn't need engineering or terriforming to make them habitable."

"They terraform planets?" Jenna asked astonished. "Wow."

"When your species is around for a couple of million years you learn a few hat tricks," Temp said.

Jenna watched Yella in her mountain pose for a few seconds. Aside from the wings, she could pass for human ... a beautiful no doubt, but human none the less. Jenna was half black and half Lebanese and her skin very dark but Yella had her beat. The winged woman would blend in well with central and West Africans. "How is it possible that she looks so human?" Jenna asked.

"Mystery of the universe," Temp said.

Jenna laughed. "There is this old TV series called Star Trek. Aside for a few facial features and odd skin color, all the aliens are human like. Seemed kind of unrealistic to me."

"I've seen the series and all the movies up to the the new one," Temp said. "The writers may not have been so off the mark. Aside from Earth, Mon has encountered two other intelligent species. Unfortunately, the other two were long dead and extinct, neither got far beyond their own solar systems. But in both cases they looked like Mons."

"Isn't that weird though?" Jenna said. "Us, Mon, those other two groups, even though we're from different worlds we look the same?"

Temp said. "A star is a star anywhere you go in the galaxy probably in the whole universe. Same goes for galaxies, black holes, nebula and the like. Perhaps intelligent life has a universal stamp too. So far you all cling to rocky blue planets with lost of water, not too close to the local star. All evolved from mammalian apes."

"Seems so ... unlikely," Jenna said.

"Then it must be some divine force that is chugging you out."

"God? Really?"

"I'm artificial intelligence, AI for short. We look our creators in the face everyday so no big leap for us to believe in God. Anyway, it's the Goddess on Mon. The other two dead worlds worshiped the Goddesses too. You humans went with dudes and that's kind of new."

"Yeah ... look at the shit we're in," Jenna said. She looked at the cat for a couple of seconds. "You spent a lot of time outside my shower door and popping in rooms when I was making out with Ethan. You into human chicks?"

"Hardly," he said. "just studying human Nonseeth sexually."

"Remind me what this Nonseeth thing is again?"

"A Nonseeths like you, Kat and Joy, are naturally drawn to a Hodjbon like Ethan. A Nonseeth plays an important roll for the Hodjbon. Without them she ... in Ethan's case HE ... cannot access the kiskit, or wormholes as we call it here. The kiskit allowed Yella's people to spread out into the galaxy. The other species obviously never produced Hodjbons or Nonseeths. If they did they never figured out how to use them. Those two races died along with their suns. Anyway, on Mon the relationship between Hodjbon and Nonseeth is rarely sexual. Not unheard of but rare. You humans are hyper sexual in general and your one known Hodjbon is off the charts. You Nonseeths are flocking to him. You Joy and Kat are the ones we know of. No telling how many have had contact with him. Every time you or the others had sex with Ethan a small Kiskit event occurred. So to answer a question high on your mind, I slipped into rooms while people made love to gather important information."

Jenna frowned. "Okay, the love making thing I see," she said. "But I can't see how hanging outside my shower door is pertinent information."

"He is human, I cannot touch him," Yella said. She was standing at the table checking out the cheese selection. She picked up the can of Cheese Whiz and like a pro, filled her mouth with pressurized cheese.

With her mouth full, Yella said, "This is the most remarkable human invention."

"Get crazy with the Cheese whiz," Temp said.

Yella put down the Whiz and daintily picked up a square of smoked Gouda and a Triscuit. "This is good, thank you," she said to Jenna.

Jenna could hear the longing in her tone ... she clearly wanted more than cheese and crackers. "Something to drink?" Jenna asked.

"A koko kula would be nice," Yella said.

"A Coke," Temp said.

Jenna fetched a can of Coke from the fridge.

"Can you try calling him?" Yella asked Jenna.

"I don't know how to do the shalla thing you do," Jenna said.

"I think she meant on the phone," Temp said.

"Oh," Jenna said feeling stupid. She dialed Ethan on her cell but he didn't pick up. He went to San Francisco with Ashley and Sarah so she tried them next but neither answered. "No go," Jenna said. There could be a thousand reasons why the three weren't answering and all of them normal and innocent. But a feeling of foreboding grew in her heart and mind. That probably had more to do with the current company she was keeping, namely, one cyborg talking black cat and a beautiful topless winged alien. She watched Yella Attack the cheese platter.

"What did Temp mean when he said you were screwed?" Jenna asked.

"That I can't go home," Yella said as she sampled the chips and salsa.

"Yella thought that she was tracking down a misbehaving Nonseeth from Mon," Temp said. "The plan was, to set the individual on a proper path, then use said Nonseeth to get home."

"You can't go home because the Nonseeth turned out to be human?" Jenna asked.

"Yes," Temp said. "The human frequency is beyond her and to put it simply, human Nonseeths are undisciplined armatures and too dangerous to use in kiskit. The sex angle only complicates things."

"It takes at least two highly trained Nonseeths and two Hodjbon to effectively achieve kiskit," Yella said.

"So this was a suicide mission from the beginning?" Jenna said. "You had no way of knowing that there would be a Hodjbon person on the other end of the wormhole."

"But they DID know," Temp said. "Conventional wisdom said that for Mon to detect a Nonseeth from across the galaxy a powerful Hodjbon was involved."

"We were convinced that it was the lost ones from the great migration finally found," Yella said.

"But it was just us," Jenna said.

"Ay," Yella said.

"How long did it take you to get here?" Jenna asked.

"One year."

"I'm no scientist," Jenna said, "but I've watched enough Science Channel to know that one single year is super quick to cross the galaxy."

"With kiskit distance means nothing," Yella said.

"Won't Mon send a rescue squad when you don't show up?"

"Without a reliable Nonseeth I can't send back a message," Yella said. "I have been here for seven Earth years with no word back home. Mon will assume the worst. They will not risk another Hodjbon anytime soon."

"See," Temp said, "told you she was fucked."

"Crude Batu," Yella said sounding more sad than mad. She took in a deep breath that expanded her bare chest in an impressive way. Jenna noticed that the edges of her light gray wings had developed glowing sky blue vanes. A sudden wave of sexual interest in Yella washed over her. It felt like when a very powerful marijuana high kicked in.

"Um ... Yella," Temp said. "Your emoting and showing blue. By the look on Jenna's face she is having a inter sexual reaction."

"Really?" Yella asked. "She is responding to me in a sexual way?"

"Ask her," Temp said sounding amused.

"What are you feeling Jenna?" Yella asked.


"Um ... a little tense," Jenna said.

"It's the lack of protein," Yella said. "My system is off balance. I must look passed my misgivings of the local meats and consume some."

CONSUME ME! Jenna yelled in her head and impulsively removed her bra. In for a pound she figured and dropped her panties too.

"Yella, Jenna is getting naked," Temp said.

Yella looked away from the cheese and gave Jenna a long look. "On Mon you would be a priestess and they rarely wear clothing," Yella said. "I will honor your request." Yella sat in a living room chair, stretched her legs out and worked off her boots. Then she stood and pealed off her jeans. Surprisingly, she wore florescent pink silk panties. The panties went next. Like a human woman she had hair between her legs but it looked downy and soft like jet black corn silk. She gathered her jeans and panties and turned her back on Jenna to fold and draped them on a nearby chair. Her wings kept her backside from view but when she bent to pick up her boots, her dark brown flawless ass came into view.

"Um ... Yella," Temp said. "Generally, nudity with modern humans has powerful sexual significances."

Yella straightened with her boots in her hands. She looked at naked Jenna. "Am I causing you discomfort?"


"A little," Jenna said.

"I'll go into tumpa to calm my emotions," Yella said. She dropped her boots, stretched her wings high enough to touch the ceiling, spread her arms to her side, parted her legs slightly and rolled her shoulders back causing her full breasts to thrust out dramatically.

"Don't think that's helping," Temp said. "Jenna, go get the plate of meats."

On shaky legs, Jenna staggered naked into the kitchen. She spied the fifth of tequila on the counter, picked it up and sucked back a big gulp. Temp followed her into the kitchen.

"I dread to think what will happen when Yella and Ethan meet face to face," Temporary the cat said hopping on the kitchen pass through counter.

Bracing herself against the fridge, Jenna said, "I can't go back out there. I'm gonna throw myself at her and cause an interplanetary incident!"

"That would be something to see," Temp said with a chuckle. "I though you didn't like girls?"

"Like! What she's doing to my brain has nothing to do with LIKE! What's coming up is ... is ... primal!" Jenna got out the plate of deli meats. "I am serving a plate of meat to an alien woman I wanna fuck against my will ... can this day get any weirder."

Jenna frowned. Kat House singing her big hit 'Famine of the Heart,' filled the kitchen. She looked around for the source of the music. "You doing that?" she asked Temp.

"Not I," said the cat.

Out of nowhere, a woman ... a black woman ... a TOPLESS black woman with tears in her eyes clutching a paper bag to her chest stood in the Haverdink kitchen.

"Things just got weirder," Temp said.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
To Rock and Roll Angel junkie

Part 5 will be out in less then a week ... promise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It would be great if you coud get the next chapter out quiker I'm geting addicted to it.

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