Rock and Roll Angel Pt. 06


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"The painting is about a missing friend," the girl said. She sounded like a local that had spent some time in the mainland. She kept her eyes on the painting as she spoke. Joy assessed her, she was slim, pale with long black hair held in check by the baseball cap. Probably Asian but hard to tell with the sunglasses, definitely local.

"You know the artist?" Joy asked.

"Yeah, Neffie. Nice chick," the girl said. "You're Joy Maeda."

Joy frowned. "Sorry ... I don't know you."

"My name is Sorrow."

"Okay ... please to meet you Sorrow," Joy said. She still had no idea who this chick was. "You said the painting was about a missing friend?" Joy asked.

"Kat ... she disappears."

"Cat? Like in Cathy?" Joy asked.

"No Kat with a 'K' like in Katrina'," Sorrow said.

"Katrina?" Joy asked. Ethan's girlfriend from the future? This is too weird!

"I think I found a clue to what happened to her."

"Um ... is the clue in this painting?"

"Not this one," Sorrow said. "I'll show you." She stepped away from the painting and headed out the door of the fish tank gallery. Bewildered, Joy followed. Just outside the gallery doors, the chick stepped off the cement path and walked into the thicket of bamboo surrounding the main gallery.

"Is this gonna take long?" Joy asked. "I'm kind of expected back somewhere real soon?" Her voice echoed in the empty halls giving her the creeps.

"It's not that far," Sorrow called from the bamboo thicket.

"Like following a fucking white rabbit," Joy mumbled as she too stepped off the concrete path and into the shadowy stalks of bamboo. A tinkling metallic sound cut through the air as she pushed bamboo leaves aside. When her hand brushed something cold and metallic, she stopped and quickly pulled her hand back. Whatever it was gave way when she pushed at it again. In fact it parted with a musical tinkling. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light she realized that she stood before a curtain made entirely of standard old hotel keys strung together with key rings. The long strands of linked keys hung on a copper pipe frame about six feet high and three feet wide.

"Weird," she whispered and push through the curtain. There must have been hundreds maybe thousands of keys. On the other side of the curtain of keys she saw Sorrow dodging bamboo stalks that stretched high above her head. Joy sped up slapping bamboo leaves away from her face. Abruptly, she smacked into back of Sorrow who had stopped just up ahead. Starkly lit by a halogen lights mounted to the back wall of the gallery was a concrete protrusion three feet off the ground capped by a manhole cover. Welded to the manhole was a handle. Sorrow gripped the handle and lifted the manhole cover with eerie ease. The chick must have super human strength!

Sorrow said, "One of the guys in metal sculpture rigged it to open easily."

Joy looked down the hole and a ladder disappeared into inky darkness. "I'm not going down there," Joy said adamantly.

"Suit yourself," the girl said as she sat on the concrete protrusion then swung her legs into the hole. "There is something about your winged boyfriend down here." Sorrow said as she disappeared down the ladder into darkness.

"Okay! Who the fuck are you!" Joy asked leaning into the hole. The chick was gone swallowed by darkness. Joy could hear her footfalls on the metal rungs. After a couple of seconds, Joy climbed down the ladder too. After twelve rungs she complained, "I can't see a fucking thing." On the thirteenth step her foot hit solid ground with a jolt making her teeth click.

"Feel around and you'll find the light switch on the right side of the ladder," Sorrow said from somewhere in the darkness.

Joy found the switch and hit it. The place lit up and she found herself in a space about ten feet high and twenty square. The walls and ceiling were covered with Egyptian symbols in blue, turquoise red and gold. "Did that Nefertiti chick paint this too?" Joy asked.

"This was painted in 1973," Sorrow said. "Turn off the light."

Not sure she wanted to plunge herself back into darkness, Joy reluctantly hit the switch. "Wow," she said again. The place glowed in the dark but there was nothing Egyptian about the glowing shapes that flowed and ebbed in odd swirls.

"Inspired by Van Gogh, Starry Night," Sorrow said. "This room is part of a warren of underground utility tunnels made back during the WWII. Most of them were destroyed over the years with new construction but not all. See that big clump of glowing stars?"

"Yeah?" Joy said.

"Keep your eyes on it."

The lights came back on. The stars disappeared replaced by an Egyptian symbol. "That is the symbol the for Bastet the Egyptian cat goddess," Sorrow said. She tiptoed and pressed the Bastet symbol. Joy gave a small yelp of surprise as a portion of the wall slid away. "It leads to another chamber." She stepped into the opening.

"Are you the other artist chick that did a painting of Ethan a couple of years back?" Joy asked as she followed Sorrow deeper into the heart of darkness.

"That was someone else," Sorrow said.

"Then who are you? And how do you know Ethan?"

If you think hard enough you'll figure it all out."

Joy rolled her eyes at the bullshit non answer.

Several yards later the tunnel let out into an open space. A loud clack echoed and the place filled with sudden light. Sorrow must have thrown a switch somewhere. Joy stood in a circular chamber maybe twelve feet across and ten feet high. The walls were a continuous painted panoramic jungle. The only object in the space was a cement hollow tile block smack dab at the center.

"It looks just like the paintings in the gallery," Joy said.

Sorrow walked to the hollow tile and sat on it. "There's the missing friend Kat," she said pointing at a shadowy patch of vegetation.

Joy frowned for all she saw were variations of green leaves. Then almost like magic, she saw the figure hidden in the shadows. It was a life size nude female with a curvy figure, her eyes slightly luminous. "Did Nefertiti paint this?" Joy asked.

"An anthropology teacher says the mural was painted between 1960 to 1968."

A chill ran up Joy's spine. "Why do you think she is the missing girl named Kat?"

"Her hands are at her side, her left is turn forward," Sorrow said.

Joy looked and saw a symbol painted on the palm of the figure it was a black circle with a blood red open hand at the center. "Kat had that symbol tattooed on the palm of her hand. That is the symbol of the Church of Clara."

"Church of Clara?" Joy asked. "Who is Clara?"

"She is Clara," Sorrow said pointing at a spot in the jungle directly across from Kat.

Joy saw the shadowy figure instantly. It was another female nude, full and curvy with queerly textured skin. "Why does her skin look so weird?"

"She's carved from wood," Sorrow said. "She used to live in the Iao Valley rain forest on Maui. but she's here now."

"She's here? In theses ... bunkers?" Joy asked looking around. Her skin crawled with goosebumps ... in Hawaii they called it chicken skin.

"Not down here," Sorrow said. "She's up in the sculpture yard. The Church of Clara is expanding beyond Maui and they had commissioned the sculpture department to make bronze copies. plan to make bronze copies of her. New churches are popping up everywhere. The bronzes are in high demand."

"What makes you think ... Clara has something to do with your friend's disappearance?"

"YOU tell me," Sorrow said.

"Okay ..." Joy said. "Time to go."

"You don't Wanna see Ethan?" Sorrow asked.

"I should go back," Joy said seriously worried about being trapped in this underground bunker with this lolo chick.

"Press hard on the symbol on Gwen's hand."

Joy did. Like with the symbol of Bastet, a section of wall slid aside opening onto a narrow hallway. When did my life turn into a fucking haunted house movie? Joy wondered.

"The light switch is just inside the door," Sorrow said. She stood and picked up the hollow tile she was sitting on and hefted it to the newly open door. "The door slid shut on me the first time I came here. You can open it from the other side but it still freaked me out. It sounded too much like a tomb closing. The tile was left here by someone else. I've been using it since."

The word TOMB only added to Joy's anxiety. But curiosity had a serious hold on her as she hit the light switch. A long cement hall stretched into the distance lit by old fashion incandescent light bulbs strung overhead. Several of the bulbs had burnt out creating patches of silky black.

"It runs under the grassy mall," Sorrow said.

Part of Joy's brain pleaded for her not to go down that Clive Barker hall and to get far away from crazy Sorrow. Unfortunately, it was the same part of her brain that warned her off at opening a business in Hawaii so she had grown accustomed to ignoring it. She went down the hall, Sorrow trailed behind her. Whenever they passed through one of the patches of darkness, she expected creepy Sorrow to transform into some kind of demon vampire and attack her from behind. Needless to say, her nerves were racked by the time the reached the end.

They stood in another circular room. Sorrow hit a light switch to reveal a life size detailed painting of Ethan Grant, in profile, naked, his wings bright red, the edges black, his erection proud and stiff with an elegant banana curve.

"No fucking way!" Joy said. Her body broke out with a fresh wave of chicken skin. "He's standing in the Haverdink kitchen back in Ohio! Okay SORROW! What is this all about!"

Sorrow walked up to the painted refrigerator and pointed at the calendar. Back in Ohio, the real calender was magnetized to the Haverdink refrigerator. Joy had looked at it countless times on her visits to the place. The calender month was October, the year indistinct and a little hard to read. Sorrow pointed at an area on the counter. Partially blocked by Ethan's wings was a black cat with weird purple eyes."

That's Temporary," Joy said in wonder. "Kieth and Dorothy had taken him in on my last visit."

"Look at the microwave," Sorrow said. "What do you see?"

Joy said the obvious, "The time of day ... 11:09."

"What else?" Sorrow asked.

Just tell me you crazy bitch, Joy wanted to say but didn't. She studied the microwave, then she saw it. Reflected in the glass of the door was a shadowy female figure with wings! "The other," Joy whispered.

"This was painted between 1938 and 1949," Sorrow said.

"Bullshit! They didn't have microwaves back then," Joy said.

"I know," Sorrow said. She gave Joy a curious look. "I have this wild urge to kiss you?"

"Whoa back off," Joy said. Then oddly, she wanted to do the same to petite Sorrow too. To regain some focus away from kissing, she asked the first thing that came to her head. "Are you Japanese?"

"Just like you," Sorrow said like she was telling a joke.

Up close the chick looked familiar. Wish she'd take the stupid sunglasses off, Joy thought. Then next she knew they were kissing. Sorrow was her exact height, petite everywhere. It was interesting kissing someone that was a near mirror image of herself. It had been a while, over five years since she had kissed her best friend Ashley. Hell they did more then just kiss. Anyway, she had forgotten how different girl kisses were from guys.

Sorrow pulled back and asked, "Wanna get naked?"

Seemed like the best idea in the world to Joy.

Both quickly started to undress. When they were down to just panties and bras, Joy put on the breaks. "This is irrational," she said. Getting naked and kissing a total stranger could only mean one thing. Ethan! She looked at Ethan's portrait on the wall. How the hell was a painting of him—

Sorrow slammed into her for another kiss disrupting her thoughts. The chick was a good kisser! Joy pulled away. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Did you say we are under the grassy mall?"

"Even further," Sorrow said.

"Then we could be under the science wing?" Joy asked. Sorrow pressed in for another kiss but Joy straight armed her. "Ethan is up there, he's causing this thing between you and me." She lost her train of thought as a fresh hot wave of lust enveloped her. Sorrow, with her pale luminous skin and almost comical light pink flowered panties and matching bra looked so ... so ... touchable! Joy gave in and groped the girl's tiny tits through her bra. The chick returned the favor. A sudden thought spiked through the lust, ETHAN IS IN TROUBLE!

"I have to get back to the science building," Joy said. Sorrow pressed back in and trailed kisses along the spot on Joy's neck that tingled from the Ethan effect.

Joy pulled free and headed for the exit.

"There is a quicker way than going back," Sorrow said.

"Show me," Joy said.

Sorrow tripped ahead. The girl's tiny little ass was fun to behold in her panties as she walked ahead. Wish my ass looked that good, Joy thought. Sorrow stopped at a dark patch between the stringed lights and pointed at a ladder going up to an opening in the ceiling. The feeling of lust intensified which meant that Ethan was close by.

"It opens up in a storage room between two lab classrooms," Sorrow said as she traced the edges of Joy's light blue sports bra with a finger before turning toward the ladder and starting up.

Joy debated if she should go back and get her clothes but prickly urgency made her join Sorrow up the ladder. She couldn't help taking advantage of the unique view of the girl's awesome tight ass climbing above her. After a clack and a clunk, Sorrow disappeared into a hole in the ceiling. Joy followed and found herself in a near dark air conditioned room. The trapdoor slammed shut making Joy jump. Sorrow grabbed her hand and lead her through the dim space lined with industrial metal shelves like they have at Costco. Then a door opened onto a lit short hall with doors at each end. Voices came from one of the doors and they headed in that direction. Joy opened the door and found herself in the lab where she had left Ethan and Alyson Reese.

"Holy shit! " Joy said said. Ethan's wings were a deep red and almost black at the edges.

"This has come about in the last couple of minutes," Alyson said. "The sexual vibe seems to be intensifying." She was holding her phone out recording as she spoke.

"Hey Sorrow," Ethan said.

"Wait a minute! You know this chick!" Joy asked.

"As well as I know You," Ethan said.

"It's clear that Joy is a Liner," Alyson said flatly into her phone.

"Told you," Ethan said to Alyson.

"What did you just call me?," Joy asked.

"What you ARE according to the Church of Clara," Sorrow said. "A new term has come into vogue lately. They call us Nonseeth now." She edged down the right edge of her flowered panties to reveal a small tattoo of an open hand in a circle to the right of her pubic patch. Then she took off her sunglasses and ball cap in a dramatic flurry.

Joy stared at the woman for several seconds. "I still ain't got a clue who you are," Joy said.

"Why did you bother?" Ethan asked Sorrow.

Sorrow rolled her eyes. "I'm you from the future you fucking dork!" Sorrow said to Joy.

"You look NOTHING like me," Joy insisted. "And I wouldn't be caught DEAD in pink and Yellow flowered panties and bra!"

Sorrow looked at Ethan. "Do you need a boost?" she asked him.

"Do I NEED one?" Ethan asked sounding amused.

"What's going on?" Joy asked as confused as could be.

"Ethan is a Tachyon," Alyson said.

"And that means?" Joy asked stating to get seriously annoyed with everyone around her. It wasn't helping that Ethan was putting out his crazy sex vibe in triple dose making it super hard to focus. All she wanted to do was strip down the last of her clothing and get to fucking right here and now. Her eyes drifted all over tall blond, Asian Alyson. I'm certainly in the mood for girls tonight, Joy thought.

Poor Alyson looked confused and a little panicked but that didn't stop her from documenting with her phone.

Future Joy slid her panties to the floor and stepped out of them. "The new term for Ethan is Hodjbon," she said. She looked at current joy. "Why are you fighting this? Get naked!"

Etching to do so, Joy rolled her eyes then dropped her panties too.

"This is crazy," Alyson said even as she too pealed down her slacks and panties. Her pubes were a light reddish blond.

"You a real blond?" current Joy asked astounded and excited by that intimate fact.

"He's making this happen," Alyson said.

"Like we fucking don't know that," future Joy said as she stepped up to Alyson and felt at the wetness between the woman's legs. Alyson gasped.

Nearly against her will, current Joy stepped forward and felt at Alyson's amazing breasts. "Wish I had a set like this," she said.

"Oh my god," Alyson said still working her phone.

Future Joy stopped fingering Alyson and pressed up behind current Joy and kissed and bit at the sweet spot on her neck.

"No wonder you know about that spot," current Joy said, Future Joy giggled. Do I really laughed like that? current Joy wondered. Future Joy dropped to her knees to kiss and nip at current Joy's naked bottom. Alyson gripped current Joy's hand guided it to her wet opening and held it in place. "This is so fucking weird," current Joy said. Alyson bent her tall form to kiss her. Wow could the chick kiss! Current Joy gasped mid kiss when future Joy's tongue slid along the crack of her ass. Then with no hesitation, the girl's tongue pushed at the bud of her hole just as her right hand snaked around to seek out current Joy's eagerness. Current Joy pulled away from the kiss and said, "You CAN'T be me! I'd never stick my tongue up some chicks ass."

"Technically it's your own ass," Ethan said. Both Joys laughed at his idiotic comment.

Alyson gasped and seized current Joy's hand in a steely grip to hold her in place as a richter seven orgasm hit the tall exotic blond.

Future Joy studiously kept her wet tongue busy outback. "No way!" current Joy said as her breathing hitched from her orgasm. Her world started spinning and she clung to tall Alyson to keep from falling. When her head cleared she found herself standing in the familiar Haverdink kitchen back in Ohio. "I stepped into the mural," Joy said in wonder.

"Not again!" a voice came at her from the living room. Seconds later, the Haverdink's new cat skidded into view from the livingroom. "Jenna, there is a bottomless Joy Maeda in the kitchen," the cat said.

A beautiful naked dark skin woman with long raven hair stepped into the kitchen right behind the cat. "Joy?" the woman asked.

"Did that cat just talk?" Joy asked.


Jenna Goldsmith, uninitiated Nonseeth, de facto ambassador to Planet Mon.

Present time.

"Is he dead?" Jenna asked looking down at the very still form of Temporary the cat curled up in a ball in the middle of the Haverdink living room sofa.

"I can see him breathing," nurse Willamette (Billy) Ingram said. She still clutched the paper bag to her naked chest.

"What's in the bag?" Jenna asked.

"Money," Billy said.

"You emptied out your bank account before coming here?" Jenna asked.

"No," Billy said. "Ethan helped a friend bet on some baseball games. This was my share he brought to the house before all of this happened."

"You can put it down. I promise it will be safe," Jenna said.

Billy put the bag on the coffee table revealing her full high end C-cups.

"I'll get you something to wear," Jenna offered.

"No need," Billy said. "It might sound crazy but I feel compelled to show skin."

"Because of Yella," Jenna said. "Look at me, I'm totally naked with no desire to cover up. Before tonight I always saw myself as a modest girl."

Billy snorted a laugh. "Before tonight I always saw myself as a rational woman, level headed, even boring. Now I'm a naked time traveling nymphomaniac hording several thousand dollars in ill gotten cash."