Rock and Roll Angel Pt. 06


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"Add entertaining a winged alien from another planet and her cyborg talking cat and we got us a Syfy mini series," Jenna said.

Billy and Jenna looked at Yella through the pool deck sliding doors. The winged alien sat on a deckchair in a lotus position. She had volunteered to go outside to give the women relief from her powerful sex vibe. The few yards and the thin class doors wasn't helping much Jenna thought.

"What is she doing?" Billy asked.

"Shalla," Jenna said. "She's trying to communicate with Ethan wing to wing. Ain't working though. Ethan's human and they don't connect."

"But he's got wings just like her?" Billy said.

Jenna shrugged. "I don't understand any of this."

"Damn!" Billy said. "Even with her way over there I'm still itching to drop my pants and go naked like you."

"Don't fight it," Jenna said.

Billy dropped her sweats and stepped out of them.

"No panties in the past?" Jenna joked.

"I was in kind of a hurry," Billy said. She eyed naked Jenna for a few seconds. "This is something else new for me. I've never been into girls but you are totally kickin' me into overdrive. Your body is just ... wow."

"Yella again," Jenna said. "It's the blue in her wings. Like the red in Ethan's."

"It's because we're women do you think?" Billy asked.

"Didn't you say there was a dude involved with the little orgy that sent you here?"

"Yeah, right, Fredrick," Billy said. "Ethan's wings were doing a number on him too."

"You and I are Nonseeth so we get it big time." Jenna said.

"Ethan did say there was something special about me. He claimed that it was the reason he had appeared to me in Chicago." She studied Yella in shalla for a few seconds then said, "So I'm Nonseeth?"

Jenna looked at Billy and nodded.

Billy looked back and they locked eyes.

"We're going to kiss aren't we," Billy said flatly.

"We have free will. We don't have to—" Jenna started to say but was interrupted by Billy's eager, desperate, delicious kiss. Jenna's one and only other girl-girl kiss had been with the now famous Katrina House. It had been hot and sweet. The kiss happened because of Ethan and his wings, although, at the time she hadn't been aware of that. Billy's aggressive tongue invaded her mouth effectively short circuiting her next series of thoughts. Jenna pressed in close and hard, the feel of Billy's breasts against her own full pair was so new and ... and ... and ... ALL of the above!

As the kiss gain traction, Jenna somehow managed to keep part of her brain on a practical track. Billy's a newbie, she thought. She's only known Ethan for a couple of days. Jenna though has been around Ethan for over a year. Joy had said things would level off in time. They certainly had for now Jenna could spend long stretches of time with Ethan with out losing her mind. But this Yella vibe was off the charts. And man o man was nurse Willamette Ingram a fantastic kisser!

Jenna roughly pulled away from the kiss and stepped back. She held her hands out in a fending off gesture and said, "Billy, this is gonna be real hard but we HAVE to stay focused on anything but sex."

"Okay," Billy said, looking everything but okay. She primly sat on one end of the sofa like a proper church lady at tea, albeit a naked one. Jenna did the same at the other end, the inert form of Temp the talking cyborg cat acted as a divider between them. "What you wanna talk about?"Billy asked.

"Ethan," Jenna said.

"I thought we were gonna stay away from sex? You mention that boy and all I see is beautiful body with alabaster skin and matching angel's wings?"

"I like the way his pale white boy hands looks against my dark skin," Jenna said with a faraway look.

"Bet they look good on my chocolatey ass too," Billy said with the same look. "I love his cock all pale and curving up like a sweet white banana."

"Alright, STOP with the sex talk!" Jenna said firmly. Let's talk about his non-humanness."

Billy frowned. "The cat just told us that he wasn't from Mon?"

"That may be true," Jenna said. "But six months ago I had a conversation with Ashley Grant, Ethan's cousin. She's a research geneticist at Honolulu University. She told me that Ethan may not be fully human."

"Is he a little bit Mon after all?" Billy asked.

"No ... Temp and Yella seem sure that he is not Mon," Jenna said. "I've been thinking ... it's possible that he could be something else. Part human for sure but something else too." She gave Billy a long look. "That may go for us Nonseeths too."

" We are interbreeding with an alien race?" Billy asked wide eyed.

"Perhaps there is some truth to all the alien abduction crap after all?" Jenna said.

Billy and Jenna gave a little yelp when the inert cat between them suddenly started talking.

"You humans are WAY too obsessed with anal probing." he did a classic cat stretch as he continued. "You know, I feel kind of stupid. Once Yella and I determined that Ethan wasn't Mon we just assumed that he was human. Time for me to take off the kitty blinders and look at you all a little closer. And as interesting as this all is, we have a more pressing matter before us. Call Yella in please for we all need to talk."

Just as Jenna got up to get Yella, Temp exclaimed, "Not again!" and bolted off the sofa to the kitchen. "Jenna," Temp called, "there is a bottomless Joy Maeda in the kitchen."

Jenna ran into the kitchen. "Joy?" Jenna asked bewildered.

"Did that cat just talk!" Joy asked.

"You get used to it," Billy said as she too entered the kitchen. "You're Ethan's Asian girlfriend. We meet in Chicago."

"I am in Ohio ..." Joy said looking at the floor clearly trying to mentally ground herself, "with two naked black chicks I don't know but seem to know me."

"Kiskit," Temp said.

"Can't forget the talking cat," Joy said.

"She has come from a time where she hasn't met the two of you yet," the cat said. "You humans and your excessively long Kiskit jumps are going to make things very messy."

"I'm Jenna," Jenna said. "This is Billy and the cat's name is Temporary.

"Hi, please to meet you all," Joy said in mocking good cheer. "This is fucking nuts!"

"Shalla is a waste of time," Yella said as she entered the kitchen. She was shaking a can of cheezewhize that she held high then jetted the bright orange stuff into her mouth.

"Add a naked winged black chick getting crazy with the cheezewhize to my hallucination," Joy said wide eyed.

Temp laughed. "I made that same joke just a little while ago."

"This is Yella," Jenna said. "The one Ethan is looking for."

"No shit," Joy said as she stared unblinking at the winged woman.

Yella swallowed her mouth full of cheese, put the can down on the counter near the microwave, daintily whipped the corners of her mouth then bowed deeply with her gray wings folded back tight. ""Oroom Fa Nonseeth," Yella said. "I bow to thee Joy Maeda High Priestess of Earth."

"Um ... what?" Joy asked.

"Perhaps we should all hold back on the introductions," Temp said, "on account of the unusually long human Kiskit jump?"

"What the cat talking about?" Joy asked.

"Kiskit," Jenna said. "Some sort of warping of the fabric of time created by Ethan's wings."

"This Kiskit thing brought me here from six months ago," Billy said.

"Um, people," Temp said. "Joy will be popping back to her starting time soon. Best not to fill her up on future events?"

"Will that happen to me too?" Billy asked sounding hopeful.

"No," Yella said. "Yours was a full Kiskit, Priestess Joy is in the fade, a semi Kiskit if you like."

"How can you tell?" Jenna asked.

"I sense it," Yella said.

"I'll be dipped in dog slobber," Temp said clearly amused. "Joy is certainly coloring your wings."

"By the Goddess, how unusual," Yella said looking at the fresh veins of bright ultramarine in her wings as she casually waved them about.

"This is so fucking—" Joy started to say then winked out of existence.

"I wonder how badly we screwed the time continuum?" Temp wondered aloud.

"What me to call Joy and ask her?" Jenna asked.

"No, that can wait," Temp said. "Yella, I have never seen your wings so blue."

"Not since tolla," Yella said sounding amused. "Tolla is a coming of age ritual for Hodjbons on Mon. it is highly sexual." The main body of her wings were now a tropical parrot blue with the edges going deep magenta.

"Wow ..." Jenna said and trailed off.

"Yeah. I feel it too," Billy said.

"I am actually craving a man," Yella said.

"Want me to hit Craigslist and see what I can find?" Temp asked.

"Dirty BATU, don't be crude," Yella said although she didn't sound TOO put off by the suggestion.

"Is it possible that the human Nonseeths are drawn to you, Yella?" Temp asked

"Something is creating this Kiskit cluster but I am sure it's not me," Yella said.

"Well, something is certainly drawing them here," Temp said.

Temp rolled his eyes. "I'm getting another communication from Mon," he said. "We get nothing for six years and now they are like an annoying over sharer on Face Book."

"How are they doing it" Yella asked. "As of yesterday it was impossible to send a message across the galaxy?"

"No idea," Temp said. "Sorry I gotta take this."

"What was the first message from Mon?" Yella asked.

"Oh something silly about the arrival of a starship in thirteen days to demand the surrender of Earth," Temp said. He went to the sofa and curled up in a ball.

"He's kidding right?" Billy asked.

"I have no idea," Yella said perplexed.

"Um ... can someone lone me a phone so I can call friends in Chicago to see what's happen to my life since I checked out six months ago?" Billy asked.

Jenna got her cell and handed it to Billy. Before she took it, Billy pulled Jenna in for another long hot kiss. Yella watched with great interest. When the kiss ended, Billy took the phone upstairs for some privacy. Jenna and Yella watched the beautiful, naked, mature black woman walk up the stairs.

"Interesting," Yella said. She looked at Jenna. "May I ask a favor?"

"Ah ... sure," Jenna said.

"May I kiss you? I have never experienced the the sensation and you humans seem to do it all the time."

"YOU have NEVER kissed?" Jenna asked dumfounded. It seemed so unlikely that a being that exude such raw sexuality had never kissed.

"There are a few cultures on Mon that engage in mouth to mouth contact but it is usually part of some ritual. You humans do it every other second and to tell the truth it looks like fun. Sex on Mon is not a casual thing," Yella went on. "There is pleasure certainly but even that is part of the ritual. Especially with the Hodjbon." Yella took a step toward Jenna. "You humans are pure sexual beings even when you deny yourselves of the act. For the sake of discovery I am willing to put aside my strict customs regarding sexual practice. If we were on Mon I'd be heavily fined for touching you without permission ... so may I touch you?"

TOUCH ME ALL YOU WANT YOU HOT BEAUTIFUL BITCH! Jenna's crude lizard brain screamed. "Yes ... please," Jenna whispered.

Yella brushed her fingers through Jenna's long black hair. Next she touched Jenna's shoulder then ran her fingers down her arm to her wrists. "This is the equivalent to a kiss on Mon." She took both of Jenna's hands into hers and gripped firmly. From a distance, Yella could pass for a very dark skin girl off the streets of Cleveland. Up close though her face showed her outer worldliness, a bit too smooth, too symmetrical, her almond shaped eyes a deep blackish purple surrounded by whites.

"Oh my ..." Jenna whispered.

"I like your brown skin," Yella said.

"Um ... is skin color a factor in your society?" Jenna asked using all her will power to stay calm ... to stay still.

"Not at all," Yella said. "I think it's silly the way you humans use skin color as a division."

"So ... on Mon there is no racism?"

"We have issues ... height is one." Yella said. She held Jenna's hands firmly. If this was kissing on Mon, the chick was Frenching her hard and long.

"Tall people in power on Mon?" Jenna asked. Jenna was five ten but Yella had at least two inches on her. Add the wings and she seemed seven feet tall.

"Hardly," Yella said. "Those of small stature hold most key governmental offices. Little Joy Maeda would do well back on Mon." She let out a deep soft laugh that made the hairs in Jenna's neck stand up. "Perhaps there is some over compensation playing out there. All Hodjbon are tall like me and we all look down our shoulders at government bureaucrats. That may explain why governments go out of there way to complicate the lives of the Hodjbon."

IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP AND KISS ME I'M GONNA FUCKING TEAR MY HAIR OUT! Jenna's lizard brain screamed. She whispered, "Want that kiss?"

"I want," Yella whispered back. Jenna closed her eyes. "Is it customary to close the eyes?


Their mouths met. Yella kissed like a shy college girl, a bit hesitant, unsure what to do. Jenna took charge, shifted her head, her tongue slipped into action. Yella adapted quickly and put her tongue into play too. Jenna pulled her hands free and felt Yella's full firm breasts. Out of instinct and deep curiosity, she dropped a hand to Yella's midsection and brushed over a very human bellybutton. Her hand dropped lower to explore oddly downy pubic hair. She kept going to find a womanly moist opening and the familiar swelling of a clitoris.

Yella broke the kiss. "This is most ... interesting," the winged woman said in a deep, breathy bedroom voice. "Your fingering and kiss are a stimulating coupling although madding."

"What about this?" Jenna asked as she lowered her head and encircled a nipple with her lips. Yella's nipples were the same as any earthly nipple, stiff when excited with tiny bumps along the surface of the half dollar size areolas, the color a little odd leaning toward the purplish side of brown.

"Nipple stimulation ... THAT I have experienced many times," Yella said. "Nipple stimulation is one of the few sexual acts not governed by the Hodjbon Vashtum. In fact there are men and women that specialize in the act." She gave a husky giggle. "Maybe the cat can find me an oral expert on Craigslist?" Yella stiffened. "This is ... this is ... oh my!" she said several things in what had to be Mon.

Jenna's sexual interest peaked. Doubled! Tripled! Fucking quadrupled! The world flashed bright white ... then it all went black.

Jenna blinked her eyes in confusion. The blackness was total, profoundly deep. It was calming ... soothing like a warm quilt on a cool night. Then little holes appeared in her darkness. Just a few at first then more quickly followed. It finally occurred to her she was looking at the night sky. Then she noticed that a section of the sky had no stars. Something loomed over her obscuring them.

"You okay?" came a familiar voice.

"Kat?" Jenna asked.

"I'm glad you're okay," Kat said as she helped Jenna to sit. Jenna looked around and realized she was out on the Haverdink pool deck.

"When did you show up?" Jenna asked.

"Right after the battle of the bands," Kat said.

That made no sense. The battle of the bands was almost a year ago. "You're naked," Jenna said.

"So are you," Kat returned.

"Yella? Billy? Temp? Where are they?"

"The cat is in the house but I don't know who Yella or Billy are," Kat said. "They members of he band I ain't meet yet?"

"What are you talking about?" Jenna asked. Kat can be such a ditz sometimes. Then it dawned on her like a rude slap in the face. The time jump thing that had happened to nurse Ingram and Joy had just happened to her. "Fucking Kiskit!"


Joy Maeda, uninitiated Nonseeth and high priestess of planet Earth

Honolulu, Hawaii

Three months ago.

" ... weird," Joy said.

She was back on the Honolulu campus.

As her head cleared, she watched Alyson Reese swept tiny Sorrow off her feet and walk her to a nearby empty lab table. She placed Sorrow flat on her back then went at the girl's opening with her mouth.

Not Sorrow ... ME from the future. Is all this really happening she wondered somewhere between fascination and bewilderment. Maybe I'm just insane. I bet it happened that night in Ohio before Ethan grew his wings. That thought seemed oddly soothing. It made sense. Ethan never grew wings ... no time traveling shit ... no mystery labyrinth under the university mall. She approached the lab table and beheld her slim future self laying flat on her back, her tiny tits practically non existent in that position ... and no future me.

"What is a Nonseeth high priestess suppose to be?" she literally asked herself.

"Is this the best time to have this conversation?" her future self asked with gasps and hisses of pleasure.

Joy thought that this was the perfect time for this conversation. Then like a drug kicking in, thoughts of sex clouded her mind and she slipped around to see what Alyson's naked ass looked like bent over working on her future self. It was interesting to say the least. Joy couldn't help but do to Alyson what Sorrow ... it was easier to thing of the chick as Sorrow—Joy smiled for she finally got the ironic joke of the name—had done for her. Alyson moaned her interest as Joy's tongue explored the bud of her ass. Guess I am willing to put my tongue up some chicks ass after all she mused.

Sorrow's orgasm arrived on the nonstop express and she screamed her pleasure to the lab ceiling filling her fists with Alyson's tangled blond hair.

A hand firmly gripped current Joy's left shoulder and she found herself facing Ethan and his deep crimson wings. He was naked and he quickly guided her hands to his steely erection. She gripped him with both her small hands and he instantly erupted a jet of jizz that smacked the underside of her chin. Copious eruptions followed totally soaking the front of her shirt.

"You all have to clear out now," Ethan said in breathy urgency.

"What's happening?" Alyson asked.

"Kiskit, that thing that happened to Kat," Sorrow said.

That put the fear into Joy "What's happening?" Joy asked Ethan.

"I'm going somewhere," he said.

"Take me with you!" Joy demanded.

"The other me back at the hotel is gong to need you ... go to him," Ethan said.

"Tell me where you're going," she said.

"To see Jenna," he said.

Jenna? That was the black girl at the Haverdinks!

RUN the part of her brain in charge of primal survival screamed. She frantically looked around for her clothing then simply scoop up all she saw then hauled it out of the science building. Alyson was no where in sight. The chick had clearly left the building way ahead of her. In the dark on the grassy mall Joy headed in the direction of the art building. Jumbled thoughts raced through her head as she ran. How far did she have to run to avoid the kiskit whatever? What if campus security saw me? How would I explain being half naked and covered with spunk? And where had Alyson gone?

"Over here," came a voice from a tall hedge near the art building. It was Alyson. Joy ducked behind the hedge. She held out the clothes. Alyson found what was hers and put it on.

"We have a LOT to talk about," Alyson said.

"No shit," Joy said, pulling at her cum soaked shirt that was now cold and clammy against her skin.

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MarshallaMarshallaabout 6 years ago
Lost? Hey, Lost! Where are you?

Maybe, instead of Science Fiction/Fantasy, this should have been in Novels/Novellets, considering it's length. No matter.

For a story line that began as just hot, and it was, it has become something so much more. Interesting, intriguing, even mind blowing in sections.

My third read through, and it still has me wanting more. Much more!

And I really hope to see more, SOON.

Can't vote again but, if I could, I'd stick with the same 5 Stars.

lostindavoidlostindavoidover 7 years agoAuthor
Vonnegut? ... wow.

Thanks for the cool comment and I am deeply sorry for the distracting errors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
An erotic Vonnegut

Love the random weirdness and otherworldly compulsive sex. Please, either slow your typing down, re-read what you've written or get an editor. The many small errors are distracting.

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