Roderick and Gorlana Pt. 06


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The black cloak of darkness around them turned sparkling brilliant white in his mind's eye as Roderick felt the incomparable overwhelming ecstasy take over his mind yet again. He had no idea how many times he had released himself inside her. He could not have kept count even if he had tried. Such an unimportant thing as numbers could not be worth the slightest sliver of his attention, if he could even still grasp their meaning, lost in their shared universe of love. Every type of love imaginable seemed boiled down into one indescribable feeling. As if there were no separateness between them, they clung in a confident all-knowing certainty of who and what they were together, as one.

Without words, they knew the other's soul, and they moaned together through their locked mouths as if in confirmation that even trying to speak their feelings would be a useless diminishing of them. The hot humid air billowed from their lungs on their faces as they tasted and smelled each other's feelings with what felt like perfect clarity, cherished and held as intimately as their own. The hot boiling sloshes of their wildly toiling loins surged between them. His cock, driven again and again with its innate purpose into her, throbbed and swelled, seemingly moulded perfectly and tightly into her clasping pussy. She squeezed and worked every inch of him with the strong relentless manipulations of her folds, her prehensile flesh inducing his manhood to create and release ever more of his ripe virile seed.

Their bodies twisted and writhed with the force of their clasping limbs. Every surface of their skin was as slick as the saturated sweltering air around them. They slid over top and underneath the heavy blankets and the soft leather hides that the humans and orcs had both procured for them. A cocoon, a den within a den, a random pile of fabric leather and fur, whatever it might be called, it was now the only realm they knew. The bed and mattress were long since discarded with. The firmer cushioning between them and the stone floor was as nothing, except all the more leverage and foundation upon which to plow himself relentlessly into his resilient green lover.

Roderick had recalled hearing the muffled voices when their honour guard of friends last entered the room. Commenting on the steam billowing out like a chimney from the folds between the blankets surrounding them. Concern in their voices, related to some occurrences or possible-outcomes in the world outside, wanting to ask them questions, but resignation from the orcs that the pair were at their highest and most intense place in their Rutt, and that it would be useless to try to talk. Roderick had only registered it in a corner of his mind, as if listening in on a dream in another world. One that didn't matter; could not matter. He did not know what he or Gorlana would have done, had their dark, warm private heaven been disrupted, but he was glad when their voices dwindled again, though grateful for their concern and protection all the same. These thoughts again though, only came as slivers of feelings through the beautiful clouded realm of their Rutt.

He felt his balls give a more aching squeeze as his incessant floods of cum finally halted for this round. He groaned at the feeling of both satisfaction at the release, and disappointment at its need to be finite. Gorlana seemed even more lost than he, and groaned louder, first in elation as she had with each new taste of his precious semen, but then in irritation, not accepting that it had stopped. She suddenly bit his neck muscles and moaned in a husky demanding tone, whipping her curvaceous green body in an erotic wave against him and working her pussy's flesh around and along his cock in a heavier deliberate massage.

Roderick's eyes rolled back at the helpless trap of his orcish love and the intense pleasure of her body's ravishings, yelling out in almost disturbed wonder as his balls somehow squeezed another eruption from their depths. Gorlana echoed him with a huffing grunt of achievement into his neck within her teeth, her body recoiling in an exalting reaction to his thick hot gift. Three more slow heavy surges of cum were somehow ripped out of him as if by the magical power of a green voluptuous goddess. He knew he held as much power over her though, each helpless to the otherworldly pleasure and gratification that only they could give to one another. She shook and cried out on a long exhalation, finally accepting that it was done, relaxing her clamping legs and releasing her fangs to kiss him. Over every surface of his skin she could reach with her dark lips, she worshipped every precious part of him peppering kisses from his mouth to his neck and chest, over his shoulder, moaning loudly in euphoric disbelief at what he continued to give her, over and over again, through days that were now seeming like an eternity. He massaged her ass in return and seethed a breath as her mouth reached his ear again and played with his point, working to unfold it outward again each time.

Roderick did not know how much time had passed. He didn't care. He refused to think of how this might eventually have to end. It did not bear thinking about. They each simply basked in each other. Exalted each other, used, attacked, adored, ravished and cared for each other. Loved each other, more deeply than each had imagined possible. On and on. Unable to conceive or care about what the world outside them might be doing.

In the end, they put their trust in their friends. Those whose honour they had earned. As with any Rutting pair, vulnerable in their mating den, but for the vigilance of their kith and kin. Their safety and their fate was in their hands.


Yendell looked at the faces of his three companions, standing politely unsure in the hallway. He considered knocking a fourth time on the Sage's office then finally twisted his mouth sourly and simply opened the door and walked in.

Faringoll, Korboq and Dabirra followed him. They found the professor with his attention fully immersed in writing on a long parchment. Other freshly written papers were strewn about the expansive desk in roughly organized piles. The four of them stood in a line facing him, until Yendell cleared his throat loudly.

Professor Beleros looked up and startled slightly then frowned, "You're supposed to knock.

"We did, kind professor," Dabirra said graciously.

"And then wait after you knock."

"Rules and ways change all around us, wise-one," Faringoll said. "We need to speak with you urgently."

Beleros sighed, "Very well. I apologize, but when I find myself amongst the most significant historical event of my lifetime I cannot but feel obligated to document it, besides my other duties, many of which I cannot decide if they are worth doing when this whole place might go aflame at any hour."

"Well, that's more or less our fears as well, professor. This somehow hasn't erupted into war and bloodshed... yet. Though, even if Darganya somehow calmed down the princess, for now, we don't know how this is going to get settled. When we all enter that meeting hall again..." Yendell struggled for words.

Korboq spoke up, "We had faith in Lightbrew. In Roderick. And, in Gorlana. We still do. We four at least, and many of our brothers and sisters as well, we are sure. I believe it was no accident of fate that they are bonded as life-mates now. Even though we orcs knew of his mixed blood and kept it secret, we did not know of their attraction. Yet now it seems so obvious. Each of them seemed as a symbol, to embody the possibility of realms coming together as one, and now, almost perfectly so."

Dabirra grasped his hand with an endearing smile, and Faringoll did the same to Yendell, while the professor cocked his head in new interest.

"But, they will not be present at this meeting, and we do not have faith that those remaining can come to an agreement in peace," Korboq continued.

"I'm inclined to agree," the professor said, "but, I'm not quite sure what you want of me. If it's to try to talk to Valessa and ensure she doesn't go raging-tyrant on us, I would assure you I've tutored her from a young age and though she is still human she is very much a rational woman, sometimes terrifyingly so. She was always going to have the good of the realm and its people as her first passion. Roderick, nor any man for that matter, was never going to be more important than that. I don't think she will persist with any acts of wide reaching 'revenge' be it on the Rutting couple or on Orthalia, if it puts Andralia at any undue risk, and war at this point certainly would. As long as she can be reminded of that..."

"It's not just the princess," Faringoll said, "The Orthalian high-chieftains are not in agreement on where we stand, let alone with the Southern Orthalians. And, I understand those representing Fringeland may now be even more at odds with the other nobles of Andralia."

The Sage frowned and slumped his shoulders, "It had seemed so close to success, a peacefully negotiated treaty. Finally."

Dabirra scoffed, "I didn't think the treaty they were about to sign was ever going to be a success. Not a lasting one that I could see."

"Well if you're simply here to wallow in sorrow over it, I have more important things to do. Like, wallow in detail over it on paper, and wax philosophical on the tragedies of politics..."

"No, professor, that's the thing," Yendell said. "We're here because we need your guidance, er, opinion, on a few things. If everything goes belly-up at this meeting and they can't figure anything out. A backup plan, even if it's a long shot, would be better than nothing. We... have some ideas. One big one at least," he said, turning to Dabirra.

The plump young woman bit her lip and stepped forward, "The reason we need your expertise is that we don't have the time or knowledge to delve through all the details of why this would or wouldn't work. But, I think, maybe it could."

The professor, set down his pen and listened. After a time, he eagerly picked it up again.


Once again, the grand meeting hall of the Andrapolan palace began to gradually fill. It was silent, but for the shuffling of feet and creaking of chairs as the attendants filed in. If there were whispers shared they were few and brief enough that they were not detectable in the din. The humans stared between themselves, some fairly stoic, but many subtly giving away the same feelings that the orcs smelled strongly enough among their own ranks. Nervousness and doubt.

Navarin, despite looking like he had aged several years in the span of a few days, stepped forward with a tall proud stance, loudly declaring, "I, once again, call the meeting of the grand council to order, and... welcome our esteemed Orthalian guests among us," he said, looking eagerly to Valessa to take the attention from him, "Your highness, Princess Valessa, Queen-Regent of Andralia, will now address the hall."

Valessa stood up and gracefully stepped forward. She wore a stunning turquoise dress, that revealed little but fit well enough for all to know the flawlessness of her womanly frame. Her face matched its perfection, both in appearance and in its professional confident set. No longer rigid in stifled remorse and anger, but with a smooth and self-assured beauty. Doubtless most of the men in the room at that moment would have thought Roderick a madman to have given her up, and even more mad to earn the scorn of one with the power and authority that seemed to emanate from her.

The whole room was held in a dead-quiet suspense, as if worried that even breathing might teeter the realm off the knife-point on which it seemed to be balanced. Valessa's imposing stare swept across the room, with vivid eyes that seemed to weigh each person with intense thought on what decisions she should make, and each seemed to resist shrinking in response to her brief attention. She held her eyes for a longer moment upon Darganya however, and though her face didn't show it, her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.

"I am glad you have all attended today," she said, levelly, but with none of the courteous thanks she had previously opened the meeting with. "Even though, in times of crisis and upheaval such as this, most monarchs would choose, wisely, to uphold their right to make unilateral decisions, for the good of their realm, I have decided, graciously, to have you all sit in audience, to listen, and to share your opinions and suggestions on how we proceed."

No one dared to shift while she paused, then continued. "Even though, many seated here, chose to keep silent, and withhold vital information from myself and others that might have prevented the... events that resulted here, I have chosen to put these transgressions aside, for now, so that we may focus on laying a path forward. One that respects the... honour, of all," she said, pronouncing the word as if thieving it brazenly from under the orcs' noses.

They simply nodded and waited cautiously.

She nodded back. "So, to address the obvious. Of the two that are not present, that partook of the betrayal that we all witnessed here... Roderick of Highquarry is hereby stripped of all royal titles, military rank, and privileges, and I have declared our engagement terminated." She glanced around as if daring any to look doubtful as to whose decision it was. "Whether he remains free, and a citizen of Andralia besides, will depend on much," she said, then took a breath and continued, "As for Queen Gorlana..."

Now the orcs' attention became palpably more intense, and Carthala even pinned her ears back and planted her feet under her.

Valessa continued, "... her fate may remain in the hands of her fellow Orthalian sisters and brothers, particularly her high-chieftains," she said, watching them relax with a satisfaction on her face at their responsiveness to her words, "However, let it be known that if Orthalia decides to continue to follow her as their Queen, after what she has done, it will make it difficult, perhaps impossible, for any reasonable chance at peace or good will to result."

Many of them grumbled in whispers and shifted, but it was Torvrul that spoke first, "To be clear. You are saying that for Orthalia to hold to our honour. Gorlana cannot remain Queen?"

"Yes," Valessa said, standing tall and firm as if bracing herself for their backlash.

Zurgana stood and threw her arms up, shouting, "THANK you!"

Valessa stepped back in perplexed surprise, seeing not only Zurgana's approval but Torvrul and several others agreeing nods.

"Do you SEE sword-sisters?" Zurgana said, gesturing across the room, "Even the HUMAN princess understands how obvious it is!"

Suddenly the orcs erupted in argument in all directions, some stomping their feet in agreement with Zurgana and others raising their fists in dispute.

"Whether or not a HUMAN agrees does not determine how ORTHALIA makes its honour!"

"Neither of them are fit to remain in EITHER realm, let alone rule!"

"Let her fight a duel for him then if she is so dishonoured. SHE did not spark his Rutt!"

"We cannot have the heirs for Orthanhall be more human than Orc!"

"ENOUGH!" Valessa shrieked and stamped her foot, with as much fear as anger, she darted her eyes in a perturbed disbelief at the nature of the chaos she had sparked. "I do not know how your moot in Orthanhall functions but in THIS hall we designate speakers, one at a time," she chastised them with a hidden nervousness, receiving just as many embarrassed stares as indignant ones, "With Gorlana not in attendance, if not in power, who among your high-chieftains should I address?"

They shared uncertain glances for too long before Valessa sighed and spoke up again, "Very well. Faringoll. You and I have been on mostly amicable terms from the start, though I don't know why you have seated yourself apart from your fellow high-chieftains today, may I begin by addressing you?"

Carthala stood up in concern and opened her mouth but Faringoll spoke first, "You may, your highness, however, my title and allegiances are in shift, so to speak. I had not been sure when to make the announcement, but it must be made, and now is as good a time as any."

Valessa furrowed her brow, "What do you mean, high-chieftain?"

Faringoll stepped forward, ignoring the concerned looks from the other orcs, "Some did not wish me to over-complicate this meeting by bringing this up today, but true to your words on not having knowledge kept from you... I have an announcement to make. I, Faringoll of Orthanhall, have chosen to relinquish my title of high-chieftain, and pass my clans on to the capable hands of my cousin back in Orthalia. Instead, I will partake of a... wedding, and earn the noble rank of... Duchess!" she stomped her foot and held her chin high as if announcing the title of a proud warrior.

Valessa and the rest stared in silent confusion. Yendell, in what felt like braver steps than walking onto a battlefield, walked forward to take Faringoll's hand with as proud a face as he could muster, and explained, "What she is trying to say, your highness, is that I have just recently asked for her hand in marriage, and that she has accepted."

Valessa's face, which had been scrunched in confusion, now fell into an incredulous frown. As she only studied them silently, at a loss for words, it was now the Andralian nobles' turn to erupt into chaos.

"You can't be serious!"

"He's not even Duke yet!"

"It's Fringeland after all, Why NOT?"

"What's next?!"

"If we were signing into a peace with any other country, you'd applaud it. It's damn near tradition."

"But... But, she's Orcish! An Orcish Duchess, just saying it-..."

"And one of the Barons in Daranole is a half-elf, get over yourself."

"Exactly, even that gained notoriety, when does it end?"

"Oh it's not like humans are going to get pushed out of the realm with one pairing. Let the man. YOU don't have to marry her."

"Bloody Fringeland, it's one thing after another with your damn province!"

"An ambassador is one thing but-..."

"ENOUGH!" Valessa stomped her foot again and bristled with irritation, "By the Gods it's one thing for the orcs to devolve into..." she huffed a long breath. "We will discuss the significance... and possible approval of this, at a later time," she declared, eyeing the mixed couple with an annoyed uncertainty, though glancing at Darganya's cross-armed glare, she gulped and looked briefly guilty, before resuming her regal composure.

"So, then," she said as the hall quieted down again. "Before we continue, I suppose I should ask, are there any other announcements of significance that need to be made?"

Dabirra stood up and stepped forward, "I too have an announcement of marriage."

Valessa let out an exhausted sigh, "Dabirra please we're trying t-... Wait, really?" she exclaimed in surprised realization. "Hm. Your parents will finally be relieved." Then she cleared her throat, regaining her poise, "My apologies to the hall. We'll get back to relevant business in a moment, but Dabirra, may I ask who the, ahem, lucky man might be?"

Dabirra smiled wide and looked over her shoulder.


The mountain of furs and covers erupted like a volcano, leather and fabric flew in all directions as the hot core of the two lovers inside roared into the air of the room. Roderick stood up, holding Gorlana in his arms. Her tireless legs wrapped around his waist, and his hands on her ass, as he lifted her. Though her strong voluptuous body weighed as much or more as his own, he held her with a proud strength as they fucked each other standing like a tower of lust in the chaotic topography of the guest room floor.

He wasn't sure what precisely made them break free from their sweltering cocoon, but they had both seemed to sense a change and an ecstatic jubilation that spurred them into a new type of energy in their incessant mating. They sucked in the colder, fresher air and laughed in huffing effort as their bodies continued to whip and thrust at each other.
