Roderick's Tale


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I climbed aboard the carriage and waved to him. "Thank you, Uncle. I shall inform you of what plans we make and look forward to hearing from you soon."

Maxwell put the car into motion with a snap of the whip, and I began the trip home.


The train was delayed because a cart was overturned on the tracks outside town. Because of the delay, I arrived back home after dark. Giving my horse to the groom on duty, I walked through the door.

Still covered in dust from the road, I strode into the dining room, where my family sat for the meal.

"Roderick! You're back!" several people exclaimed.

I smiled at the reception. "Yes, I am back. If you will pardon--"

"You bought us!" Mother cut me off, standing up, her tone angry.

Immediately I was on the defensive. I remained in the doorway to the room to excuse myself if needed.

"No, Mother, I bought your maintenance. I'm the one responsible for you and Faith, not Father. I bought the right to legally care for you so that Father will not be in our lives."

The room was tense, and people glanced between Mother and I.

"You will make paupers of us if you are to give him such a sum!" Mother argued.

Her words began to anger me, but I remained civil. "We were not paupers before, and we are not paupers now. As long as I have anything to say about it, we shall never be paupers! I did, as I always have and will always do. I have done what was necessary to ensure our protection."

"Hmph. I suppose you have at that. Thank you, Roderick, for buying your sister and I."

Mother resumed her seat, and I let out a breath.

"If you will all excuse me, I need to wash and change. Please continue the meal; I shall be down as soon as I can." I caught Edith's eye. "I just wanted to let you know that I was successful with Uncle Aubrey."

Edith smiled and glanced down at her plate bashfully.

I smiled and turned to get changed.


"Truly, Roderick, Father gave his blessing so we can marry?" Edith asked again as we sat in the parlour.

She and I sat in the loveseat, holding hands, and watched on as Aunt Lola, Mother, Faith, Agnes, Ephram and Grandfather played charades. Grandmother retired to bed already.

Yawning, I nodded. "Yes, truly," I replied.

She lowered her hand to her stomach. "I'm kind of glad this happened. I get to bear your children and marry you."

I smiled and raised her hand to kiss it. "I'm glad of those facts as well."

The round of the game of charades ended, and they broke up. Grandfather and Mother occupied the two chairs close to us, and the others retired for the evening. When we bid the others a good night, we all sat together, simply enjoying each other's company.

"Roderick, can you forgive me for how I reacted at dinner?" Mother asked. "I wasn't really angered by you. I was angered because your father would do such a thing. Treating your sister and I like property, like some peasant farmer in hard times. After hearing your explanation, I'm glad you did it."

I smiled over at her. "Of course, you are forgiven. Father brings out the worst in people. It's amazing he was ever elevated to the House of Lords."

Grandfather chuckled.

"How about you, Grandfather? Did you negotiate the marriage contract with Henry?" I asked.

Grandfather smiled and nodded. "Yes. I think you will be happy with it. He will receive a stipend and a suite here. Otherwise, Faith and Henry's finances and estates are to remain separate."

I nodded my thanks before taking a sip of my port. "Thank you for that, Grandfather."

I took a deep breath. "I don't know about you three, but I am tired. It has been a long and exciting day, and tomorrow will prove to be another one. I think I am off to bed."

The others agreed. Grandfather escorted Mother to her rooms, and I escorted Edith to hers.

Standing at Edith's doors, she leaned in and kissed me, which I returned gladly. Grandfather's cough made us pull apart.

He chuckled. "You may be engaged, but you're not married yet. Wait until your wedding night."

Edith and I blushed, causing Grandfather to laugh as he passed us.

"Good night, Edith. I pray you have sweet dreams."

Edith gave me another chaste kiss on the lips. "Good night to you as well, Roderick."

With those words, Edith was gone.

I returned to my room. Closing the door behind me, I stopped, shocked.

Faith stood in the middle of my room, wearing naught but a sheer gown and a smile with a blush.

Chapter 14

"I'm glad you're here, Roderick," Faith said, stepping forward. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, drawing me down into a kiss. I gladly kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Doing this with Faith, without being coerced into it, was a completely different experience. Before, it was pleasurable, but the overlying fear and danger of the situation consumed a portion of one's concentration, detracting from the whole. Now, giving myself fully to the experience, feeling and emotion exploded in my mind.

I could feel Faith's heart beating against my chest, even through the thick layers of my clothes. Being able to feel her warmth and softness inflamed my desire.

Sometime later, we broke the kiss, breathing hard.

I stared into Faith's eyes, and all I could see was my love returned.

"I love you, Faith," I said before giving her another quick kiss. I chuckled, causing Faith to question me with a bewildered expression. "It's funny. I walked Edith to her room, and we kissed. Grandfather caught us, and he gave us reproach for not waiting until our wedding night."

The simile on Faith's face went wide. Then her face became mischievous. "We aren't getting married," Faith stated, "And I can't get any more pregnant than I already am." She began undoing the buttons on my tailcoat. "Roderick, I can't go another moment without your touch! I want to feel the way you made me feel that night."

Together we stripped off my coat, waistcoat, and shirt. As soon as my skin was exposed, Faith's hands were on me. She ran her hands through the curls of my chest, tracing my musculature. She continued to explore my body.

As she moved her hands over me, I ran mine over hers. I gathered up the gossamer material of her gown and drew it over her head. She broke contact with my skin only long enough to rid herself of the garment.

Once I had the gown off of her, I threw it to the side.

I slid my hands down her sides, brushing my thumbs along the edges of her breasts. She moaned at the slight contact.

My hands travelled down the womanly contours of her body. When my hands reached the curve of her behind, I cupped it, feeling the supple strength of her muscle.

I lifted her off the ground. She laughed at the sudden change, wrapping her arms and legs around me.

From her new raised position, Faith kissed me passionately.

Feeling my way blindly, I carried Faith to the bed. Putting a knee on the bed, I moved Faith to the centre. There we continued to explore our bodies and show our passions for each other with our kiss.

Sometime later, our kiss finally broke, and we were breathing heavily.

"Rodi, I need you. Please!"

I smiled and pulled back slightly, only enough to reach between us, where, with one hand, I worked the buttons on my trousers open. In pulling back, Faith's breasts were in my face, and I couldn't resist. I leaned in and took her perfect nipple into my mouth, sucking hard.

Faith moaned again, her fingers twining in my hair, holding my head to her soft, welcoming breast.

Trying to please Faith and remove the last of my garments proved difficult. Faith and I were both growing impatient, but I was loath to stop my ministrations on her breasts. Multitasking may have slowed me, but I enjoyed every moment of the struggle to remove my trousers.

Finally, I managed to get my trousers to my thighs. Free of the constraints of my clothing, my rampant erection sprang toward my sister, hitting her leg. As I struggled to free my legs, Faith reached down, firmly grasping my member, eliciting a moan from me. The simple pleasure she gave me simply from grabbing me was astounding.

"Faith, give me a moment. I must get these off!"

She laughed as I rolled off of her and helped me. Together we pulled off my coverings, and Faith tossed them aside and lunged at me. She licked the length of my penis, from my balls to the tip, and I threw my head back, groaning from the pleasure.

Faith smiled up at me. "I've been wanting to do that since I watched Edith please you with her mouth."

She licked me again and again.

"Stop, dear Sister, or I shall explode without being able to please you!"

She giggled but did as I asked.

"I want you, Rodi. Please take me!" Faith said, leaning back onto the bed, her head on a pillow, and her legs spread wide for me.

I couldn't help but smile. I desired her more now than ever before. Seeing my sister offering me her body freely and with a desire of her own enraptured me.

I leaned forward. I planned on crawling up between her legs and taking her, as she asked, but when the scent of her sex hit me, my mouth watered. Breathing deeply, I placed a kiss on her sex.

"Oh, God! Rodi!" Faith's breath exploded, and her hands gripped my head.

I smiled and kissed her again and again. I stuck out my tongue and gently touched her sex. The taste is unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The pleasant musky flavour filled my senses, and I licked again, eliciting another moan from my sister.

I continued until Faith pulled on my hair sometime later, bringing me forward. In one fluid motion, I crawled up my sister's body and plunged into her depth. We both moaned at the pleasure of penetration. Once I was in as deep as I could go, I held still for Faith to adjust.

I looked deep into Faith's eyes, hugging her.

"Thank you, Rodi. When I watched Edith please our mother, I wanted to know what it felt like, but I had no desire to feel the touch of a woman."

"I wanted to try it also. I'm glad I was able to share that experience with you," I said before leaning in and kissing her deeply again.

While we kissed passionately, I began to gently rock my hips, causing us to moan into each other's mouths.

We were both keyed up, and it didn't take long for our movements to increase to a rapid pace. I could feel my pleasure building to my release.

"Faith. Love. I'm close."

When I called her 'Love,' Faith moaned. "Brother, do it. Cum in me. I want it!"

Hearing such foul language from my prim and proper sister excited me and was the last thing. I was pushed past the point of no return. I pumped twice more before pushing in as far as I could. I blasted my essence deep into her womb.

Feeling my release, pushed Faith over the top for her own. She tensed, her legs holding me deep within her and her nails digging into my back with her intensity to keep me within her.

Finally, we both relaxed, though I made no move to be away from her.

I raised my head enough to look into her eyes again. I saw tears falling from her eyes, though she wore a smile.

"Thank you, Roderick. I love you, and I can't wait until we can be together regularly."

I kissed her on the nose. "I love you too."

Faith sighed. "I should get back to my room. We don't want to chance the servants finding me in your bed in the morning."

Though it saddened me to think about her leaving me, I knew she was right, considering how tired I felt. I nodded, rolling off of her.

"I wish we didn't have to sneak around. I want to be able to share my bed with you. I wish I could proclaim our love for the world to know."

Faith climbed out of my bed and put on her sheer gown before pulling on a housecoat.

"I wish that too, Brother, but if we did, it would defeat the purpose of my marrying Henry Jones," Faith said, pulling me up.

She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. "Thank you again, Roderick."

I kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, Sister."

With not another glance, Faith left, and I finally retired to bed.


I awoke suddenly. At first, I opened my eyes, wondering what caused me to wake, then I heard the slight breathing. I looked around until my eyes met those of Mr. Jakobe. He was blushing as he stood there, holding the steaming pitcher of water.

Still not entirely awake, I wondered what would cause my butler to react in such a way. I looked around the room and caught sight of myself in the wall mirror. After Faith left, I did not dress in my nightclothes, and I lay completely exposed on my bed, my morning erection prominent.

Mr. Jakobe averted his gaze as I blushed crimson. "I beg your pardon, sir. I did not mean to wake you."

I simply covered my nakedness with the blankets. I waited for him to complete his tasks and leave.

I didn't know what to think, knowing he was a sodomite. He said he didn't want to wake me, but was he then going to stare at my nakedness. The thought made me uncomfortable.

Once I was alone in my room, I roused myself from bed and readied myself for the day. It was earlier than I usually woke, but not exceedingly so. As I looked in the mirror in my dressing room, I noticed the day's growth of whiskers on my face. Right then, I made the decision to grow my beard. Since the Crimean War, a beard was all the rage, and I thought I better stick with the current fashion.

Ready for the day, I headed downstairs. The cook was just bringing out the food to break our fast. I filled a plate with what was available and ate quietly in peace. Though I enjoyed breaking my fast with my family, with how busy the past week had been, the peace was a welcome change before another crazy day started.

No one else had come down by the time I finished eating; not wanting to get to business, I made my way out to the stables. I was not in my riding attire but brushed and saddled my horse anyway. It was relaxing doing the physical labour, and it helped keep me in shape, given the amount of time I spent behind my desk.

I rode out of the stable yard at a trot. I thought about riding and checking up on the tenant farms but decided against it, instead simply enjoying a ride through the estate parkland.

While I rode, I thought about the night before and how Faith made me feel. It was even greater than my first sexual experiences, and I couldn't wait for such a time when we could be freer. Though I admitted to myself, I didn't know how we could easily go about having that freedom.

"It's too bad our rooms are not connected," I said to myself as I turned my horse to ride down by the lake at the edge of the estate. I reined in my mount by the water's edge. Looking out over the water, which had a low fog over it still, an idea came to me. "I should speak with Mother, Edith, and Faith about this." I turned my horse around and spurred it into a canter. I rode hard the entire way back, charging into the stable yard.

The groom was shocked at my arrival. I largely ignored the man, handing him the reins as I dismounted, heading for the house at a brisk pace.

I went to the dining room but found the others had already eaten and left. I went room to room until I found the women.

"Excuse me, ladies. I wonder if I might be able to intrude for a few moments. I wish to discuss an idea I had while I was riding."

Grandmother answered for all without looking up from her sewing. "Come in, Roderick."

I smiled and took a seat beside my fiancé. "Thank you."

As I took my seat, Faith blushed at me, though I could see the hunger in her eyes. Mother and Grandmother noticed and smiled knowingly.

"We missed you at breakfast, dear Roderick," Edith said, setting aside her sewing to give me her undivided attention.

I nodded. "Yes, I woke early this morning, so after I ate, I went for a ride. It is a lovely morning and quite peaceful. I'm not looking forward to the legalities I will face later."

"So, what is this idea you have," Mother asked.

I cleared my throat. "The thought I had was for how we might be able to more easily enjoy our new relationships. There are currently five suites on the same side of the hall as my room. Mine and Mother's are the only ones which are connected. For appearances, Edith shall need to take that suite. Faith, you will need one connecting with Henry's. If we were to connect all of the suites, then we would be able to move between rooms without interference from the staff."

I glanced around at the women. Grandmother seemed to be ignoring me, and Aunt Lola, though she continued to sew, and feigning disinterest, listened with rapt attention.

I continued, "Of course, to facilitate that, we would each need to move out of the suites we currently occupy while the construction takes place. What do you think?"

Faith and Edith glanced at each other for a moment before replying together, "Yes."

The others all smiled at their response.

Mother looked at me, smiling. "I think it is a good idea, Roderick. Perhaps, we space out the renovation, so we are not all displaced from our rooms at once. This would also give us the chance to ensure the nursery is ready before the babies are here."

I nodded my agreement. "I think that would be prudent, Mother. I shall arrange for Mr. Jakobe to speak with the carpenter's guild. Thank you, ladies, for allowing me to intrude. I will let you get back to your tasks."

With that, I bowed to them all and left.

I could no longer put off the work that I needed to do.


Grandfather was already in my study when I walked in. He smiled at me before turning back to the newspaper he was reading.

On my desk was the morning post. Much of it was simply correspondence between family and friends. The bill from the surgeon who tended the farm boy's leg was also included. I decided to deal with it right then. I pulled out my cheque book and wrote one out in the appropriate amount; I also penned a letter, thanking the man for his services, and set it with the post to be sent.

When I looked at the next piece of post, it caught my attention. It was simply addressed with my name, was not sealed and did not have a stamp.

Immediately I felt wary. I opened it slowly, then let out my breath when I recognized the writing; It was Grandfather's hand. I glanced over at him, but he did not look up from the paper.

In the envelope was a cheque for £100,000 addressed to Father and a note. Upon closer inspection, the note was a contract for a no-interest loan between Grandfather and myself.


Without looking up, he stated, "It is to give you the chance to make arrangements to get the money. I will cover the initial cost, and you may pay me back."

"Thank you. I was worried I would have to act quickly."

I read over the contract and, seeing no fault, signed it, and added my seal before giving it back to Grandfather.

Sitting back down, I sighed and began to draft the contract between myself and Father to purchase his obligations to Mother and Faith. I spent the next hour working on the draft.

Just as I finished the contract, Mr. Jakobe knocked and entered. "Sir, your father and his solicitor, Mr. James Manchester, have arrived."

I nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Jakobe. In ten minutes' time, please escort them in."

My butler nodded and left.

"Why the wait?" Grandfather asked.

I glanced over at him before standing and getting myself a glass of brandy to strengthen my fortitude. "Honestly, because, despite how much I want this over, I don't want to have to deal with him."

Grandfather stood and came to me, where I looked out the window. He clapped me on the shoulder. "You are doing the right thing, Roderick."

I glanced over at him and smiled. "Thank you. I pray you are right."

When Father and his solicitor were shown in, Father didn't say anything. He let Mr. Manchester speak for him, for which I was grateful. We went over the contract I drafted, and Mr. Manchester could not find fault in my work. With a nod, Father stepped forward.
