Roomers Ch. 06


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She wanted slow and romantic: something to do with her fuckin' ex, I guess. Shit, I can do that. I slipped off the couch without breaking the kiss, then ran my hands from her breasts down to her flanks and straightened up; I went to my room, remembered what Judy had done our first time, and put the lamp on the floor, odd shadows bouncing off the ceiling to illuminate the bed. I found a coupla condoms in the bedside cupboard and checked the use-by date before sliding them between the mattress and the baseboard. You make a wry joke afterwards about this bein' just in time, another few months you'da had to toss them, you usually get a positive reaction. Depends on the woman of course, but mostly they like to think that they're the first after a dry spell. I took my shoes and socks off and went back to the front room.

Lemme tell you something: call me cynical, say what you like, but slow and romantic when you're undressing someone and your cock's doin' the fuckin' Charleston, ain't easy. Hell, she wasn't reluctant, but she was kinda shy, still wonderin' if she was doing the right thing, and by the time we were on the bed I was kinda wound up.

From her delicate neck to her smooth breasts, capped with pale pink nipples, hard and proud with anticipation; from there down the valley to her stomach, delicately over her thighs, kissing the whole time. I eased my hand across and let my fingers trail over her mound, short trimmed hair rubbing against my fingers. I thought I was doin' pretty good, and she musta agreed, because her body began to move against mine. I wanted this to be kinda memorable, so I slowed up and headed south, ran my lips over her breasts, flickin' those perfect nipples as I passed. One hand went to my head and kinda crushed it down, and the other slid down my back and pulled me harder against her. I worried at them some, thinkin' how all nipples are individual. Hers were delicate, areolas pulled tight by the firm little stump in their center, and they seemed to be way sensitive. She started rolling her head and moaning some and I cupped my hand over her neat little bush and let my fingers rest lightly on her top of her slit. Her body was warm and was getting warmer and more responsive and her hips pushed up gently and her thighs began to part, letting my exploration deepen.

Fuckin' Niagara Falls down there. I knew she'd been havin' a dry spell but I hadn't expected the slippery welcome that she gave me. Her breast jerked against my tongue and I heard her breath rasping in her throat as she thrust against me, wanting more already. I began to move my head down, but she grasped my hair.

'Later, Doug. I want the old-fashioned way first, like I've been imagining.' OK, but I hoped she didn't mean cream pies. No way, ever, unless I fuckin' have to. Her hands went down and pushed mine harder and I slipped two fingers into her. Her eyes were closed, her throat working. 'Please, Doug, and just pull out when you come. I trust you.' Hell with that too. I managed to retrieve a condom and open the foil one handed, unrolled it part way and then got stuck. Well, there are other ways. I grasped her wrists gently with one hand and raised them above her head, kissed her again, and rolled onto her. Her legs opened wide and I set myself at the opening of her pussy and slid partway in, lifting myself a little and rolling the condom down the rest of the way. Kinda difficult because she was writhin' and twistin', trying for more, muttering some, so that took longer than I'd thought, but when it was secure I dropped my hips and drove deep.

Light the blue fuckin' touchpaper and stand well back if you ever meet Kelly Holden, that's my advice. Shit, she took off like a Porsche, and didn't stop. I hardly hadta do anything except stay on board, and I gotta admit it was a hell of a ride. After four minutes, maybe five, she squealed real loud and started to shake under me, then her legs whipped up over my back and pushed me deep, way deep into her, and she came hard, lips drawn back, eyes squeezed shut, her beautiful pale breasts flushed and mottled. I weathered the storm, and when she quietened some I kissed her again, gently.

'OK if I start now?' She flung her arms round my neck and rolled her hips, so I took that as a "yes" and went to work.

I love the first time with a woman. Getting to know what she wants, how she moves, the feel of her body gripping you. Course, the condom didn't help any, but I hardly noticed, I was so busy finding out about her. She'd settled some and cooperated real good, findin' the rhythm and letting me take her along with me. Truth to tell, I got kinda lost in the sensations and it wasn't till she started to whimper and snuffle that I realized she was flingin' herself about, right near the edge again. I moved up a gear and went harder, and damned if she didn't come again straight away. I tightened my ass to knock the safety catch off and went right after her, and as everything in me trickled down to my balls and the beautiful warm feeling took over, I came in one helpless rush, spurtin' into her, feeling as if my heart was gonna burst outa my chest.

Later, when we'd got our breath back, she squirmed under me.

'Doug, I have to go and douche. It felt so good I just held you tighter and.... It wasn't your fault.'

'Shit, Kelly, we're safe: relax a while longer. I don't wanna move.' Of course, she jerked under me and I hadta grab the condom fast as she pulled herself off me and looked down.

'I never noticed you putting that on, and I certainly didn't feel it. But I said don't worry, so why?' I offered the use-by line and she looked pleased, and then asked again. 'But why? I mean I've always thought...'

'Friends don't abuse privileges, Kelly. That's rule one. There are a coupla others, but that's the heart of it.' Jeez, that went down real well. She clung to me again and buried her face in my neck and said how wonderful I was and how wonderful she felt. Pillow talk, but kinda gratifying.

She was the sorta woman who likes to go tidy herself up a little afterwards, so when she came back, clean and glowing, I was able to show her my party trick without everything tastin' of rubber. She went a little crazy then, and I thought she was gonna pull my tongue out by the roots. Sure was a damp girl too. After she was done she reached for me and kissed my face, peckin' away at the sticky, and nuzzling my lips.

'Oh my word, Doug, that was... I mean no-one's ever done anything like that to me before.' The ladylike expression took me right back to Patty Dukes, and I pressed my hips against her like I did with Patty, to show her that I had needs too. 'You're hard again already,' she said, and I swear there was a touch of admiration in her voice. I nodded and she cracked a smile for the first time since she said she wanted to talk.

'I suppose I'd better help you with that then.' I nodded happily. After the work I just put in, dam' right.

Shit, one day soon I'm gonna hafta replace the rug in the bay window. I been standing there so much recently it's looking kinda threadbare. I shook myself and went for a beer, something to lift me a little.

Candice's fault, I thought as I opened the bottle. If she didn't have an ass like Kelly's, and a spring in her step too, those memories woulda stayed in the box marked "Do Not Open". Truth is I'm kinda ashamed about that part of my life. It's the only time I used the talent hard, knowing that someone was gonna get hurt. Didn't know who for sure, but right from the time she'd had her breakdown and moved in I'd kinda suspected that Kelly was the one who was gonna take most of the fall-out, and I didn't do a dam' thing to bring her down gently. I swear, if I hadn't wanted what I wanted so bad, I'da thought longer and harder 'bout that part of it. I stood up. Beer wasn't doing anything. This was a job for Mr. Bong.

Mr. Bong did the trick and I lay on the couch listening to Gerry Rafferty, wonderin' if I was gonna turn into Annie's dad. I heard bumping and stuff on the stairs, but I didn't get up. Susan moving out I hoped, and steeled myself for the knock and the security deposit argument. Hell, I'd said I'd give her one month back, but that had been in the heat of the moment. Probably no way round it though. No knock. Well good. I listened to Mr. Rafferty some more. Scots musician, fuckin' soothing stuff.

I kinda drifted away some, and when I noticed the world again there were more noises goin' on. Agitated ones. I was about to get up and see what was happening when there was a knock on the door. Rachel. She came in and sniffed, then looked at me hard.

'Doug, you stoned?'

'Hardly at all, Rachel. One small bong an hour ago. What's the problem?' She looked mad and a little frightened.

'You better come see what that little blonde bitch did.' That caught my attention and I swung off the couch in a hurry. I went up the stairs with her right behind me.

They were all there, milling around; Timmy and Nick, Candice: shit, Ellen was there as well. They were grouped round the open door of Susan's room and Candice was crying. I pushed through them and stopped dead.

'Jesus Christ.' The room looked like a wreckers' yard. I don't think one piece of furniture was intact. The mattress was torn open, and the walls and floor were smeared with paint. On one wall, slashed in crude strokes, were four words. "Perverts burn in Hell". I looked at the mess, then at the kids watching me and closed the door quietly.

'Girl needs treatment, I guess. Maria can clean the walls tomorrow and her brother'll redecorate cheap if I ask him nice, and I'll get furniture when the paint's dry. Fuckin' little bitch. I never heard anything, just stuff coming downstairs.' Nick coughed.

'Uh, I think she was doing it for a while. She was in the room this morning and then her cases and the cello were outside the door and she was still inside. I heard some noise as I was going out.' I shrugged.

'Better than having her stay. Candice, don't you be upset. This is nothin' ta do with you. Ellen, you know me some: tell her that it don't matter.' Ellen looked at me.

'There's more, Doug.' She jerked her head at the stairs and I went up to the third floor. On Candice's door was a slash of paint, and the words "Rot in Hell Filthy Dyke Bitch" I could hear Candice crying on the floor below. I looked in the room. Paint had been tipped under the door and the rug was spotted with footprints. Nothing else, thank God. Well, shit. I went back downstairs. The kids looked at me silently. They'd never seen hatred before. I have; in fact I've been at the wrong end of it, and deserved most of it too. No time for those memories now. I beckoned the two guys.

'Nick, Timmy, I want you to take that fuckin' door off its hinges and haul the fuckin' rug out too. Measure the doorway.' I dug in my pocket and gave them the truck keys and money. Dump the shit somewhere and go buy a door the right size. I'll get it painted later. I'll call Maria's brother, see if he can come sand and stain the floor now, fit the door. Tools are in the basement. You guys good with that?' They nodded and split. I turned to the girls.

'Ellen, take Candice downstairs, fix my spare room for her. You know where stuff is. Rachel, you got a digital camera?' She nodded. 'Go get it, take pictures of this fuckin' mess, Candice's door too, then come find me.' They were staring at me. 'C'mon, girls. Don't get mad, don't get sad, get even. I'm gonna make blondie wish she'd never been fuckin' born, and no, I ain't gonna go to the goddam cops. Ellen, bring Candice down.' I stomped downstairs and picked up the phone, got ready to tell Maria's brother that if he did it right now he'd get double rate and if he didn't I'd tell immigration about his phony fuckin' green card. I was vaguely aware of the girls movin' in and out as I talked, and when I put the phone down and went to look I found Ellen putting Candice into bed.

'You gonna stay here some, Ellen? She nodded. 'OK, I'm gonna go play payback. When Jose arrives, show him what needs doin'. You heard what I said upstairs. We'll talk when I get back.' I went lookin' for Rachel.

I fuckin' love digital cameras. Rachel had a shitload of photos and we sat at her computer and cropped and highlighted, printed the results. Then we went down to the campus, got them photocopied and bound, with a short statement of what had happened and why and who. I spent much more fuckin' money than I'd meant to, but I was so fuckin' mad I could hardly see straight. We left a bundle of copies in every frat house, every sorority, every dorm, every faculty building. Rachel got quieter and quieter as I stomped round, and when we were goin' back she was lookin' at me kinda worried. When I sat at her computer and started creating a page to send to the college website and every teacher on campus, she got up and went downstairs. When I'd posted and e-mailed everything I went down too. She and Ellen were sitting on my couch drinkin' beer and talkin' quietly. My mad had faded while I was on the computer and I sat down opposite them.

'Not beer right now: what I need is some of Mr. Walker's famous tranquilizer over ice.' Rachel hopped up and Ellen looked at me oddly.

'I never seen you so scary mad before, Doug. Are you OK?' I nodded.

'How's Candice?' Ellen shrugged.

'Hurt, unhappy, scared of what she's started. I gave her a big drink and she's asleep. Rachel told me what you've been doing. I'm kinda glad you're not mad with me.' Rachel came back and put a bucket of scotch in my hand.

'Me too. Shit, Doug, when you go ape you go ape. I was too scared to speak.'

'No-one's gonna do anything, Rachel: I sent the e-mails from a spare address I got, web based. Susan's gonna be a fuckin' leper and Candice is gonna be fine. Campus is gonna be behind her. Kinda hope Susan decides to transfer though.' I took a long drink and sighed. 'OK, I'm better. Now what?' Turned out not much. Nick and Timmy had done the stuff and Jose was busy with the repair work. The door was fitted. I called the two guys down and ordered four pizzas and we ate them round my kitchen table while I proved that I was kindly ol' Doug again and not the fuckin' masked avenger. Gave them beer too, asked them not to spread the story, not to mention me, just let the waves roll. They nodded; didn't wanna see me mad again, I guess, and drifted off. I went up to see Jose. The furniture was out in the hall and the room stank of wood stain. He'd done the door as well, without even bein' asked. I gave him his double rate and twenty on top, then went back downstairs. Ellen was still on the couch and I sat down next to her.

'You gonna stay with Candice tonight? Might be better.' She smiled and tugged my hair gently.

'Both of you in adjoining rooms? I wouldn't know where to begin.' Our eyes met and we started laughin'. Always good when tension dissolves. I felt like I'd gone ten rounds with Condoleezza Rice. Ellen looked at her watch.

'I can't stay, Doug, I got an early lab tomorrow and I need to work right now, or I'll be ass-behind all day.. I guess she'll sleep though. If it was anyone but you I'd worry, but you're just about the safest person I know.' She leaned over and kissed me. 'Whaddya doing at the weekend?' I shrugged.

'Nothin' I hope. You want to change that, gimme a call.' Another kiss.

'Might just do that. Activity is always good.' She left and I sat on the couch some more, sipping scotch and wonderin' if I'd gone too far with the payback. To hell, I hadn't gone far enough. I finished the drink and went to bed.

About three in the morning I woke. Flashback. Noises comin' from the next room. I stuck my head round the door and heard Candice sobbing quietly. I went over to the bed and sat down, then reached over and pulled her head into my shoulder, stroked the tight ridges of her cornrows..

'Let it rip, girl. Let the fuckin' hurt out now and you'll be fine. Don't go holdin' it in and testin' it, seeing if it still stings.' I patted her shoulder and it was like I'd broken a dam. She gave a great choking whoop and reached up and clung to my neck, her body shakin', scalding tears soakin' my T-shirt. I patted her back gently and let her cry, and when she stopped and her body relaxed, I stayed holding her while I remembered the other time this had happened. I didn't think I could move without disturbing her, so I sighed and leaned back. I fuckin' hate being uncomfortable.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Needs more swearing.

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Really well written.

Five stars..... Superb.

AkbarDelPiomboAkbarDelPiomboover 13 years ago

A plot driven adult story. Good effort, consistent dialect usage and many memorable moments and characters.

Thanks for the fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I just now noticed that I have read 6 eps

The first eps kind of made me feel, like is this just another mind control story. But this story is getting better and better...

anonymousreaderanonymousreaderover 17 years ago
good stuff

Stories like this are the reason I keep coming to this site. What a gem. Keep it up.

babasluvbabasluvover 17 years ago
Great Read

Your story has me waiting with bated breath for the next installment. You have woven a terrific story.

I believe this is not a Mind Control story. Doug is a very perseptive individual that uses all his assets when he needs to. In looking for a critique, that's the best I can do.

Keep it up.

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