Roxy Who?


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He just stared at the blur, eyes not focusing. "Roxy? What? Is that...?"

"No, it's me, Jen."

He couldn't focus. His head was pounding. It didn't sound like Roxy. "Who?"

"Jen, Roxy's friend. You know..."

Kevin just stared at the fuzzy face in front of him trying to blink enough to focus. It wasn't working. He just closed his eyes and his head fell back against the couch.

"If you say so. I'll call you whatever you like, Roxy." He felt the cushion on the couch shift a little and felt something leave his hand. He vaguely remembered hearing water before he fell asleep.

Kevin awoke again, this time to a pounding headache and he didn't like it. He opened his eyes and saw light, a lot of it! "OWWWW!" he slurred out and closed them again. He slowly opened one and saw that his blinds were open. "How did..." he started to say pointing in the general direction of the windows.

"I opened them," a voice said.

"Hell of a cruel joke to play on a guy enjoying a little buzz."

"A little buzz? If that's what you call little..."

"It's my buzz and I'll call it whatever I like." Kevin reached for his vodka on the shin bruiser table, swiping his hand several times in the air. He opened his eyes a little and saw an empty table. "Where the hell is my booze?"

"Making the fishes and sewer gators happier," the voice said.

Damn the pain. Kevin opened his eyes to look at the voice. There was a woman sitting in his arm chair staring at him. "Who the hell are you and why would you do that?"

"Jen, Roxy's friend. I did it because you and I need to talk. We have a common problem."

Kevin just sat there holding his head with both hands for what seemed like an eternity. Did he hear "common problem"? The blurry thing was being cruel, taking his booze and saying weird things.

"Kevin, we need to talk," the voice said.

"You need to give me back my booze, whoever you are."

"That's not going to happen. When you sober up a bit I think you'll start to agree with me."

"Who says I want..."

"You're being robbed blind!"

Kevin's head shot up and he tried as hard as he could to focus on the mystery woman. "Funny, you don't look like you're holding me at gunpoint."

"Not by me, by Roxy."

"Roxy... Roxy's a saint! Why would you..."

"I have proof."

"What do you mean, proof?"

"I have the bills for the wedding and found out..." Jen paused wondering how she should tell Kevin about rifling through Roxy's apartment. She decided to condense the truth, "from Roxy how much you've been paying out. The numbers don't match. What I know shows you've paid out at least $50,000 more than the wedding costs so far."

Jen put some papers in front of Kevin. He tried to reach out toward them but it was no use. His head was pounding too much.

"How do you expect..."

"I'll stay with you and help you sober up, then you'll take a look. First you need to get cleaned up a bit," Jen said and sat back down on the couch next to Kevin. She helped him sit back again and ran a cool cloth across his face and forehead. It felt good. She cleaned his face, wringing the cloth out in a small bucket. She continued to his neck and then to his chest.

"Let's take this off," she said as she tried to remove Kevin's robe.

"Hey, Jen is it?" she nodded. "I'm marrying your friend. Don't..."

"I'm an RN. I'm just doing my job."

"What job?"

"Roxy..." she hesitated again wondering how to continue, "asked me to get you in shape for the wedding," she partially lied. "It's in almost three weeks, remember?"

"The wedding is two months away!"

"I'm sorry, no. You've been holed up here for quite a while apparently," Jen said looking around Kevin's home, indicating the mess.

"Gimme my vodka back!"

Over the next couple of days Jen tended to Kevin and his problems, the shakes, the irritability, and anything else that came up without vodka. She bathed him against his protests. Roxy got to see Kevin naked, but that didn't mean he wanted to let other people see his horrible body. Jen just said it was her job. That didn't mean she didn't memorize every inch of his skin, not knowing if she'd ever see it again.

Jen also cleaned up Kevin's soda cans, vodka bottles, clothes, video games, and... let's just say the rest of his filth in his home. When Kevin's head cleared he didn't recognize his home.

Three days after Kevin first saw the blur he was feeling somewhat better. He was still craving his vodka, but Jen was more persistent. He finally took a moment to look at this girl and mostly stopped complaining about her meddling.

Kevin walked into the kitchen, seeing Jen making breakfast. "Why don't I remember you?"

"Good morning to you, too, Kevin. Feeling better today?"

"A bit, but don't change the subject."

She picked up her phone and flicked and jabbed at the screen for a minute. "Here, does this look familiar?" she asked holding her phone near Kevin's face.

The picture showed a very skinny girl. This girl had long blonde hair, a drawn in face, baggy clothes, and arms and legs as thin as sticks. Recognition flared and he recalled Jen in the bars and all their pleasant conversations. "I remember her. She used to hang out with Roxy and me."

"That's me about eight months ago."

He looked up at Jen. She looked a little like the picture, but not. This Jen had short brunette hair, normal face, clothes that mostly fit her form, and some weight. The girl in the picture had a lot of unflattering makeup on, this Jen wore none.

"That's a big difference! Why did you look so emaciated in that picture?"

"There's a lot you're going to learn over the next couple of weeks. First, eat something," she said putting eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of him. It wasn't the nutritious food she wanted to serve him. It was more of a recovery breakfast.

Kevin ate what he could, but his stomach was still not able to take that much in. When they finished Jen showed the paperwork to him again. Even in his painful state there was no denying that he had overpaid.

"How did you get these?" he asked.

"Roxy is... she asked me to look after her apartment while she's gone."

"Her what? She moved in with me... quite a while ago," Kevin said unable to put the threads of time back together at the moment.

Jen never knew that Roxy supposedly moved in, and went along with it. "She never gave up her apartment, I'm afraid."

It confused Kevin more, but then he realized that he hadn't seen her in a while. "Where is she?"

"She's in the Bahamas with Brennan. You paid for it," she said with some anger behind her voice.

Something was coming back to him. "Business trip. She said she was going on a business trip."

"Kevin, she does nails in the mall. She's giving you the business!" Her anger was building more.

"No, no... that can't be right. I should call her; she'll explain it to me..."

"She'll lie to you. She'll manipulate you. She's been doing that to us both for a long time!" There was definite anger in her voice this time.

"What did she do to you?"

Jen told her tale of the lifelong abuse she took from Roxy, her anorexia, and the hospitalization.

"That's crazy. That's not like Roxy at all!" He told Jen not believing much of what she said.

Jen knew she had to say something that he would understand. She didn't know what that was, until she remembered... "The night you met Roxy, the night of my birthday... You woke up and threw up in the closet, right?"

Kevin looked at her, astonished she would know such a thing. "How did you..."

"Roxy told me everything. She said she told you then that she, how did she put it... popped your cherry... and you just covered yourself up because you were naked."

"Why would she tell you?"

Jen steeled up her courage and closed her eyes. She set herself on this path, but that didn't mean she was completely comfortable telling the story. "You didn't lose your virginity before you woke up in the closet. You were so drunk that she put you passed out in bed. She stripped you and waited for you to wake up." Kevin thought hard about what she said for a moment.

Jen looked away from him and said something that even made her ashamed. "She said your little noodle wouldn't get hard at all while you were out." Jen thought about bathing Kevin and his flaccid penis, but even that way it was no little noodle.

He was beyond embarrassed and couldn't say a word or look at Jen.

Eventually she continued, tenderly. "Roxy is good at making you feel small. Telling me about you was her way of showing her superiority to me." Jen knew it was also Roxy's way of making Kevin seem inferior to her so that she wouldn't be interested in him. "Didn't she ever make you feel like you weren't good enough?"

Kevin thought long and hard. He remembered Roxy's male friends who couldn't believe a geek like him was with such a fox. He remembered the countless times she told him no one else would want him... the countless times that she said no one else could love his body but her...

He had to admit it. He was starting to realize that he was duped... His shoulders were slowly rising. But was he really? His shoulders fell, defeated. "No one paid any attention to me before Roxy, maybe she's right," he said shrugging sadly.

"She's not," Jen said. Kevin looked up at her. "She's definitely not!" she said a little too excitedly. She started to open her mouth again but looked away from his gaze, blushing.

"Are you saying...?"

She cleared her throat of the things she couldn't say. "I'm saying that you need to come to terms with what she did to you, just like I did. It took me six months in that center. I'm hoping that you won't take as long."

Kevin missed the point, just a little. "Look at me, I don't have anorexia. I'm the opposite of that!"

"No, no... I'm hoping you come to terms with what Roxy did to you. That's mainly what the psychologists at the center tried to treat, my mind. Other people worked on my diet and weight. It was a group effort. But it was the psychologists that made the biggest difference in me."

"So how is that going to help me?"

"First you have to start admitting where the problem lies."

"I suppose that's Roxy, right?"

"No. It's how you lose control and let Roxy take it from you. That's the problem!"

"I don't know... I'm not sure about that..."

Jen needed a clincher. "Well, before I came over here the other day Roxy gave me a call. She told me that she and Brennan were over here and you were passed out on the couch. She pulled down your sweatpants and tried to get you hard in front of him." Jen showed some embarrassment and looked away. "They just laughed at your little noodle and how it didn't get hard at all. Then they left for the airport."

Kevin thought back to a couple of days ago... "I remember watching some porn the other day, but I don't have one of those channels." He thought about it and did remember something touching him. "That was real?"


The Experiments

They spent the next three days talking more and rehashing Roxy's manipulations. Jen was starting to convince Kevin. She was also tending to his needs, getting him to eat real and nutritious food instead of junk and making sure he had plenty of non-alcohol liquids in his system. It was easier for her to stick to her nutritionists' plans when she could eat the right foods with someone else.

Jen was enjoying being useful again, and they were enjoying each other's company. They talked about a variety of subjects, not just about Roxy. In fact the first day it was all about Roxy. By the second they were only talking about her half the time and by the third day only a quarter. That night, however, the talk got a lot more personal.

"Was Roxy always talking about me and my body?" Kevin asked.

Jen nodded. "Yeah. She wasn't very nice when she talked about you, either."

"What was she saying about me?" Jen shook her head. "Please?"

Jen looked away. "She repeatedly talked about how small you are," Jen said embarrassed.

Kevin looked away and buried his head. "I can't believe she'd go around saying that!"

"I'm sorry, it's true..." Kevin huffed and started moving away from her. "I mean what she said..." she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

He stopped moving away but was no less embarrassed. "She... she told me she couldn't feel it, that I needed to exercise by masturbating."

"Maybe that's her problem..."

"No! She proved it by showing me some porn videos with average sized guys."

Jen pursed her lips in a determined look and sighed. "Do you have any of these videos lying around?"

"I, um... yes, but..."


"No! You..."

"I'm going to show you how much she manipulated you."

Kevin argued a little more with Jen but she was persistent. He brought out his laptop and hooked it up to the TV at Jen's request. He found one of Roxy's favorite videos and put the mouse pointer over it.

"I'll go into my bedroom. Let me know when you're done..." He started to stand up.

Jen put her hand on his arm, holding him in place. "You stay right here. How can I explain it to you otherwise?" Kevin started to open his mouth. "Your nurse says stay, so please stay."

Kevin nodded and sat back down, defeated, on the couch next to her. Jen took a deep breath and moved the mouse along the time slider to the beginning of the action. They watched and soon enough the woman on the screen was pulling down the guy's pants, his "average" dick springing up and hitting her in the throat with a loud slap.

Jen hit the space bar. "This is what she called average?" Kevin nodded and looked away. "Kevin, sweetie... That's what's called a monster cock! Over a foot long, thicker than her wrist. That's enough to split a woman in half!" Jen shuddered in pain at just the thought of it.

He looked back at the screen. "That's not average?"

She shook her head and closed the video. She opened a browser and went to a porn site, typing something in the search bar. "This is one of my favorites. Watch this."

"You watch this stuff?" Kevin asked in awe staring at her.

Jen nodded and couldn't look at Kevin. Kevin kept staring. She wanted to tell him that it's the closest she gets to an actual guy... but she couldn't. "Just watch..."

She skipped ahead to start the action. The guy on screen didn't have a monster cock as she put it. He had a much smaller penis. Kevin was glued to the screen. The woman was actually enjoying his small rod in her mouth and pussy. Kevin shifted on the couch trying to adjust his crotch so that his appreciation wouldn't vividly show in his sweat pants.

Jen watched the action and it was stirring up feelings in her. She stared at the screen and tunnel vision set in, making her forget where she was and instead making her want to be part of the action. Maybe if she just... just a little...

The guy on screen eventually came on the woman's face and the video ended. Kevin turned to Jen, about to say something. Right there next to him, Jen was openly rubbing herself through her panties! All she was wearing was a long shirt since it was close to bed time. Her eyes were half closed and she was enjoying it. Kevin cleared his throat and turned away.

She jumped and pulled down her shirt, saying, "Um, ah, did you enjoy that?"

"It was interesting, yes." He paused. "So that's a small penis?" Kevin asked looking back at her, relieved that her hand was no longer down there. He looked in Jen's eyes.

"No, that's pretty average. How do you compare to that?"

Kevin looked away again, feeling the redness. "I, um... I don't think I should say..."

Jen took a deep breath and almost seemed to nod. She clicked another video and let it play from the beginning. "If you like what you see, you could always just show me," she said sitting back still looking into Kevin's eyes. She knew Kevin saw her petting herself and decided to be a little more open about it. Another deep breath and she slowly lifted her shirt and exposed her panties again. Just as slowly her hand was back there. "Sit back, enjoy it." Kevin's eyes remained on hers and he sat rigid. "Please?"

He slowly did as asked, finding it hard not to watch Jen. It was another video of a guy she called average actually pleasing a woman. When he pushed into her, Jen let out a moan louder than the woman on the screen. He couldn't help but look, seeing her hand inside her panties.

Kevin pulled his tight t-shirt that used to be oversized down to compensate for his ridiculously hard dick tenting his sweatpants.

The movement caught Jen's attention. She slapped the space bar with her other hand. "Don't cover it up. Show me what Roxy didn't appreciate."

"No, I c-can't. I'm engaged and, and..."

"I'm a nurse and a woman who'll tell you the truth." Kevin opened his mouth and looked away. Jen knew she had to do something to hook him. She quietly used the old adage, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Kevin's head snapped back toward her. He looked down a little before looking away again and just nodded a little. The couch shifted and he felt a hand on his leg. "Don't. I'll do it," Kevin said, feeling her hand move away.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and didn't move. He took another, and another. "No pressure," he heard somewhere. Try telling his head that!

Kevin had softened and was really worried about "showing his" now. Jen sensed this and, head pounding, decided to incentivize him further. It wasn't easy, but after a few moments she did what it took...

Kevin felt some movement on the couch and heard a few deep breaths. "Open your eyes," Jen said. He slowly did, still looking away. "Look over at me." He didn't move. "Please?" He slowly turned his head toward Jen, looking her in the eye. "Look down."

He slowly complied, seeing her shirt bunched up around her belly, her belly button, and her naked pussy. She had a triangle of hair above the slit, but it was a lovely slit! Kevin stared at the second one he'd ever seen in person.

The way he was staring, Jen knew the answer but asked aloud, "Do you like it?" He eventually nodded, dumbly. "Would you like to touch it?" she practically begged.

He stared at it, letting those words bounce around his brain. "Yes..." He shook his head. "No! I ca-can't. I'm engaged."

"Ok. It's your turn then." The drool starting to pool in the corners of Kevin's lips shot warmth through Jen.

Kevin couldn't tear his eyes away from Jen's lovely pussy. He knew he should, but it was like he was hypnotized. "Wa-What?" he said in its direction.

"A deal's a deal. You show me yours." He didn't move. "Remember, I've already seen it soft. Now I want to see it hard; for science, to compare to real guys."

That was something Kevin could relate to. "Science? Yes," he said and slowly lifted his butt off the couch still staring at Jen. It took him a moment to find his waistband on his sweatpants, but he did. He started pushing them and his tidy whities down, and exposed himself to Jen.

Almost instantly, before his butt hit the couch again, he heard Jen excitedly start talking. "Oh wow! Are you all the way hard? Why is it jumping like that? Oh, it's standing up more!"

With all the talk Kevin became suddenly self conscious and pulled his shirt down to cover up again.

It was like someone yelling "psych!" after they told you that you won a million tax-free dollars! "No, don't do that! You have a big, gorgeous penis!"

"No, it's small," he said no longer looking at her.

She had to prove her point. "Where's your tape measure?" He pointed toward a drawer and she retrieved it. When she came back she opened another tab on the browser and searched for something. "Look what it says. Average length is 5.6 inches and 4.8 inches around." Jen paused and waited for Kevin to look at the screen. "Show me again, for science."

He reluctantly complied, showing that his embarrassment had half way softened him. Jen knelt in front of him. She put the tape measure on the couch beside him and reached for his penis. "No, you can't..." Kevin begged.