Royal Archivist


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Millie blinked, slowly turning to face the assassin sitting on the edge of the bookcase behind her. "She... Thought it was just pity. That the princess didn't kill the Millie."

"You were in heat. That's exactly why Toofy gave the job." Saia rolled her eyes, "She expected you to fuckin' claim him. So... He any good in bed?"

She burst into tears.

The succubus winced, and yawned, "Huh. He didn't go for you. Not quite what I expected. Not what Toofy predicted either. I would... Love... To hold that over her head, but if she wanted to get me back, she'd way worse. Last time she had the whorehouses ban me. All of them. Even the illegal ones."

Millie sniffed and rubbed at her cheeks, "I hate you. I hate all of you. Am I just a tool? A toy to be played with and broken?"

"Settle, kitty." Saia held out a biscuit to her, "I'm not going to be telling Toofy, to start with. And secondly, she was trying to get you laid, girl. She expected he'd be happy to be your master. He's... Not really human, anymore. She thought you'd be good for him. And him for you. Toofy's not the bitch she can come across as."

The catgirl snatched the food, pulling up her knees despite her sundress and nibbling on it glumly. "He hates her."

"Is that you imprinting? Or is that actually what he thinks?"

Millie shrugged, "He... He doesn't like talking. And she... Lost it, last night. He should hate her."

"I got the report from the temple. You damn near bit your hand off." Saia said tiredly, "You've imprinted. All the way. It'll take a year or two of not seeing him for that to fade. I can organise for him to be somewhere else. Just say the word."

"D-don't hurt him." Her bottom lip trembled.

The succubus smacked her across the face with her tail, "Have you not been paying attention? Toofy wants the guy to be okay. That's it. She doesn't give a shit about him being an experiment or whatever. He's a person. He deserves a life. She hoped that was with you. If not... We'll find him another one. Clear?"

Millie nodded silently. Then she looked up suddenly, "Um... About Minister Gaarn...?"

"That was adorable." Saia burst out laughing, "He's such a prick, sometimes. I've flashstepped him over to the tauran reserve a couple times. Don't worry about a thing, kitten."

"You is princess. Me is silly little miss."

The succubus shrugged, "Eh. Gaarn won't be an issue. Toofy likes you. Even if he asks that you're removed from the archives, it's never going to happen. Our kitty has her claws in you, now."

"Millie knows." She moaned.

Saia laughed and grinned, "Oh, it's always so cute when someone realises Toofy is in charge. She doesn't even have to be here, does she? You're going to try and do what she wants."

"Millie wants what the empress wants. It... Is infuriating. That she knows the Millie better than the Millie knows herself." The catgirl complained and shoved the rest of the biscuit into her mouth.

The succubus nodded, "I know. It's hilarious for me, because it isn't happening to me, for fucking once. Toofy... Always gets what she wants. We met when I was sent to kill her, you know. Now... I'm her fucking wife. That speaks volumes."


The woman stood up, "Well. Said what needed saying. I'll check in again on you, tomorrow. Think about the offer. You can't get over him if he's under your roof."

Millie found them irritating. The succubus knew that she wasn't even close to giving up on L, yet. She wanted him, and she would have him.

He was her Master.


"She's home." Millie announced as she walked in, "Sorry not home for lunch. She had... Interesting time at work. But she brought extra big dinner, to make up for it!"

"Mmm." He said from his shelf.

Millie winced, trying not to cry, "D-don't hate. Please?"

"I don't hate you. Just busy." He replied.

She walked over slowly and spread out her blanket on the floor, before putting out the dinner feast that she'd bought. She'd blown more than her budget on it, but she'd also fallen asleep in the archives instead of bringing him lunch.

Millie looked up from her offering and let out a small whine.

He sighed and put aside the toy that was in his hands. "Sorry. I don't think I get it, yet. I can make it tick, and the gears turn... But I can't fix it."

"Have food with the Millie?" She blinked innocently.

He sat close to the edge of the blanket, looking across the spread and then up at her, "I said we'd talk after you worked."

She nodded and grabbed a tiny piece of fish, slurping it up. "Mmm."

He shrugged, "I want to stay. Here. But I don't want to be your master."

"She knows." She whispered, trembling as she tried not to burst into tears again.

He frowned, "I also think someone knew that you were in heat. They expected you to want to... Name me."

"She knows that, too." She snapped, "Stupid fucking genius empress! Fucking over Millie's life because she's a fucking... Gah!"

He cocked his head, "You don't... You know you've been manipulated. And you're okay with it?"

"Just because bitchkitty is manipulating her, doesn't mean that she isn't right. That's what makes it so mean." Millie pouted, and gestured at the food. "Eat. Or Millie eat it all. She's sad."

He picked up a scrap of roast duck, turning it over slowly before cautiously biting at the edge of it.

Millie picked up her bowl of rice and made the contents disappear. She picked a few grains off her face as she chewed with her cheeks stuffed. Trying not to just cry at having him so close and so far away.

"You know that... You're being manipulated. But you don't think that they're wrong?" He said in confusion.

She shrugged, "You miss Elatham. The bastard who tortured you. But you weren't free with him."

"I... I..."

"You can hate someone and miss them. You can be tricked and see the good in the trick. World not all good, and not all bad. World is made of people, and people are people." Millie said glumly, ears flat.

He gingerly ate what he was holding, "You think a lot, don't you? Think and read."

"And nap." She tried to make a joke, "Nobody can nap quite like a catgirl. Millie love lazing in the sun. Curling up in her basket, in the warm. Under her blanket."

He looked down at it, "This blanket? It's a favourite?"

"It's the first thing she bought." The catgirl whispered and patted the blanket. "Back... Back when empress destroyed the bells. She made no one slave anymore. So the Millie could earn silver. Blanket is terrible. Scratchy and itchy. It cost her five copper pieces. A whole day of food."

His eyes widened, "You were a slave?"

"Born." She shrugged, "Most were. I am neko, not human. Humans got to be free. Cats got bells, if they were lucky. Slaves to bastard humans. Cruel humans. They looked down on us. Hated us. Until empress took their empire because she is neko, and she wanted it. She fucked all the bells, freed the Millie and everyone else."

"I... I'm human."

"Some humans were slaves, too." She sighed and shrugged, "The Millie doesn't hate humans. She just hates what they can be capable of. They used to call us beastkind. The beasts always think they're kind and nice. They don't think they're selfish. They don't think they're racist. They don't think they're bigoted. They're too far up own ass to see that they're buttraping themselves."

He nodded slowly, "What about nekos?"

"People are people. Some of every kind." She shrugged and slurped up another piece of fish, "But... Cats more honest. We are selfish. We want and we take what we want. We also racist. Never put kitsune and kitty in same room. Not unless want fur to fly."


Millie shrugged, "Dunno. Just hate. It mutual. It isn't nice or good. It is probably very wrong. But it is what it is."

He nodded slowly, "People are people. Not all good. Not all bad. We do horrible things for good reasons. And terrible things for no reason."

She sighed and flopped over backwards, "Millie just wants to live in world. She has her books. That's all she needs. She doesn't need royal politics. Not become tool for neko empress. Just wants to live and be happy. She likes toys and fish and books. Not need more."

"Apart from me."

She moaned and drooped an arm over her head, "The Millie is trying! She isn't... She gives him present. Yummy food. She trying to say sorry."

"I want a name."

She sat up, staring at him. "D-don't say things like that... It's hard. It hurts! Just choose name for self."

"I want you to name me."

She soaked her underwear, staring wide-eyed at him, "He... He chooses her? Only her?"

He gave a small nod. "This is what I wanted to talk about. I feel safe with you, and it isn't just because you saved me. You have... A kind soul. You can't see the worst in people. You would forgive me, if I told you why I hide in the shadows."

Millie swallowed, "If... If he keeps talking... She will... Pounce."

"I don't want to be a father, just yet." He said slowly, "Or... Ever. Really. I am a monster. A beast. What they made me do... How they fixed me..."

"You not necromancer. Elatham failed. But your magic stinks like boiling shit." She turned up her nose.

He smiled at her, "It does. Yours is sweet. Sickly sweet. Like powdered sugar."

The catgirl blinked, "If that is trying to flirt with her, Lawrence, he is doing bad job of it."


She blushed and looked down.

"I like it."

Millie moved faster than she understood. She landed on him as her dress was still falling to the ground behind her. Knocking him flat to the ground and feeling his chest beneath her hands.

She purred into him, as one hand grabbed at his ruination of pants and ripped them open. The catgirl kissed at his cheek, and then scooted herself down.

She blepped out her rough tongue and swirled it around his manhood. She might be beyond ready, but he wasn't, yet.

She wasn't about to give him a chance to reconsider.

She might not be some famous companion from the temple, but she wasn't an inexperienced kitten, either. It only took her a moment to have him moaning as she licked him all over.

Little licks combined with quick and short journeys into her mouth. Too short to do anything but tantalise. He rose up for her in no time at all.

Her tongue dragged at his skin with every lick, pulling and tugging at him. She used it to gently stroke him without ever using her hands. Golden eyes looking up at his face through her glasses.

Her Master.

She just about creamed herself as the thought occurred. He truly was hers, and she was his, and she wanted him to do everything that there was to her.

Millie gave one last lick to him, and growled quietly, "Want."

"You want me to do the same for you?" Her Lawrence asked, "I... I can try."

"No." She snarled and sprang up, pinning his shoulders to the ground, before lifting her hips and easing them backwards. Clumsily trying to line herself up against him. "Want this."

The room disappeared into blackness, and she felt him remove her glasses. Then, his timid lips met hers. She continued trying to get her hips at the right angle to take him inside her, rubbing up and down him. At the same time he pulled her tongue into his mouth.

If he was scared and needed the comfort of his shadow, she didn't mind. She was practically blind without her glasses, anyway. And there was no way they would be staying on her head.

"Put it inside her." She growled.

Golden eyes popped in the darkness as she felt him dip into her entrance. His girth sliding into her hungry channel and making her led out a tiny and timid mewling sound until he was fully embedded inside her.

Her hands tightly gripped his shoulders and she panted, "Moment, Master. She needs... A moment. Fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh... He's never getting rid of her, now."

"You're mine?" He asked, sounding curious.

She kissed him aggressively, "Master is mine. All mine. He can fuck her however and whenever he wants, but he belongs to her."

With the overtures made, and him filling her out, the catgirl lifted her hips a little before launching into a frantic and starved pace. She wanted everything he had to offer, and she wanted it now.

"Master, master!" Millie found herself crying, begging for him as she rode astride him.

The quiet and shy neko had vanished into the dark. This was her baser instincts coming out, driving a need that she would never admit to in the light of day.

She drove him in and out of her with reckless abandon, impaling herself over and over. Her hair bounced and flowed behind her, as his hands held her hips. As she moaned for more.

She needed more.

She grabbed his shoulders and rolled, scattering food with a crash of bowls and broken crockery as they landed on her blanket with him on top of her in the dark.

Millie bucked her hips up at him, demanding his attention. Begging him silently with her body to take her, and take her hard.

To be her Master.

His hands landed either side of her head, and he kissed her, somehow finding her lips perfectly in the dark. She could see nothing, and he could see everything.

Her hands pressed into his chest, and her claws came out. She held him tightly, her master. Moaning for him as he grunted in surprise. She screwed up her face, "H-harder. Please! Fuck. Harder!"

"I'm... Trying." He grunted, thrusting into her, "Oh. Oh, hellfire."

"Harder! Break her!" She snarled.

He grabbed her legs, lifting them onto his shoulders as he bent her in half to get a better angle. An angle that she revelled in as he thrust fast enough that she felt the friction.

She mewled, "Master! Please!"

"Millie." He grunted, leaning his head into hers.

She kissed him quickly, her rough tongue binding to his soft one for a moment, "Call her, his. Please. Harder."

"You're... Mine."

She pulled him down to her and bit into his shoulder. It was a soft bite, a playful bite, a passionate bite. She bit him, her tongue feeling the shape of the scar running along his skin, as he drove himself in and out of her sopping depths.

She growled wordlessly through the bite, still begging him for more. Needing more of him. It wasn't deep enough. It wasn't hard enough. It wasn't fast enough.

Nothing was enough, she needed him. Everything that there was or could be.


She growled excitedly, pulling at his chest with her claws. Feeling him swell within her hungry and rolling depths. She licked excitedly at his scar as she bit him, praying that he would cum for her.

She rolled her hips against him like only a catgirl could. Fucking him beat for beat, as she tried to make him believe that there was no difference between solid and liquid.

She could feel him tensing up, his apparently unmuscled body turning to stone as he flexed from head to toe. Plunging into her slower as he reached the point of no return.

"Give it to her!" She growled, "Make her, his! Master!"

His groan became a roar, and she whimpered as the warmth spread out inside her. She collapsed shaking onto her blanket, thighs quivering as she joined him in her orgasm.

Hands sinking further into his chest, as she all but blacked out.

The shadows faded away, and she felt him slip her glasses back on so that she could see the face of the one she so desperately loved. She smiled in sweaty exhaustion and kissed his nose, before she suddenly came to herself.

Her claws retracted with shlicking sound.

She rolled him over, kissing frantically at his chest. "She's sorry! She's sorry! She went too far, she shouldn't have... What in fuck?"

Lawrence raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"She could swear she hurt him. What happened to master's chest?" Millie cocked her head.

He chuckled softly, "They fixed me. You can't hurt me, my little mistress."

She stared at him with bright golden eyes, and then a smile spread over her face excitedly, "She can be rough with him? Always?"

"If that's... What you like..." He said hesitantly.

Millie giggled, "She doesn't know if she likes rough exactly... She... Gets overexcited. It's really okay?"

"I don't really notice pain, if that's what you're worried about."

She kissed him again, "Now... She's only worried she might be about to have kittens. Today was not a good day for that."

"Will you still be mine, if I did make you pregnant?" He asked with worry.

She nodded, "Mmm. He can be fucking house husband. She has career to think about. He can care for kittens."

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shaknashaknaover 2 years agoAuthor

@Creepythinman - You can see more of Millie and Lorry! They pop up in "A Very Toofy Christmas", and they've got a starring role in Tauli, the sequel to Toofy. I couldn't quite let go of their story.

CreepythinmanCreepythinmanover 2 years ago

I love the stories that take place in the Toofyverse. I love this story, too. Too bad it's a one-shot. Would love to see & read more about the character development between Millie and Lawrence. Thank you for opening my eyes into your wonderful universe!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

Just like the anonymous person who made the first comment, I was rolling with laughter every time Millie dropped Lord Gaarn into The Tangles. I've always enjoyed your off beat humor. Thank you!

HargaHargaover 2 years ago

I can't wait for thier return. Well done.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


If you remember there was a scene at the end, rather like a post credit scene, with two neko men discussing Toofy's 'no more bells' declaration. They didn't know who Toofy was but they had a pretty accurate guess at what she was. At least originally. Maybe their eventual arrival and likely confrontation with Toofy will be another book or a flashback story found and read in the archives by Millie or Lawrence? Maybe in addition to the Rattan believed being tortured and experimented on in the magic tunnels, there are neko males enduring it as well? I wonder how many Maly and Inny have been killed experimenting on them? All the Rattan have likely had some things done but taking the top one or two and focusing the most extreme on them still leaves a large pool to draw the next Maly and/or Inny. Female master is an interesting question. It may be a 'no' if Toofy is an example or even Millie. Their Masters gets to be the only one let inside them to breed after the neko makes her decision. Under the previous emperor, enslaved neko may have been made to breed or copulate on command but under Toofy that would have stopped. We are a generation later now and natural instincts may have reestablished themselves in neko females and culture.

shaknashaknaover 2 years agoAuthor


> Can nekan women in the toofyverse take female masters?...Also, will we see any more cat boys?

Ah, the answer to these two questions is sort of the same. Writing lesbian scenes with Toofy was exhausting. I've avoided a female master, and anymore catboys, for the same reason - the noun usage of the neko speaking pattern makes it frustrating to write them. There were a couple of catboys at the end of Toofy who may make a return, later. But there's no actual cultural reason these things haven't happened. Just my literary skills need a bit of polishing first... Maybe in a oneshot, first.

shaknashaknaover 2 years agoAuthor

"Royal Archivist" is a oneshot. However, Millie & Lawrence will return in "A Very Toofy Christmas".

I still need to continue and bring "Drachne" to a conclusion first, but "Royal Archivist" is a bridge between "Toofy" and a new incoming chaptered story, "Tauli", which will strongly feature Toofy's kittens, Artema and Ink.

Have no fear. For me, the Toofyverse is a gift that keeps on giving. Whether with these playful oneshots, or the longer dramatic tales.

redbow_kimeeredbow_kimeeover 2 years ago

Millie is just so adorable. It amuses me how she's so afraid of the royal family, even though most of them like her and appreciate her work as their archivist. Princess Saia is also... not exactly what I expected. Like not surprised at who she's become. Of the (now) royal family, she was always the least interested in politics, and it does still show.

Can nekan women in the toofyverse take female masters? We saw Salmon take Reenhalla as a girlfriend, but not a master. Also, will we see any more cat boys? Daen appeared early on in 'Toofy', but was killed off fairly quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

With the 24th installment of "Toofy" I was saddened that was the end, thank you for giving us something to look forward to and continuing our favorite saga!

mharrisonmharrisonover 2 years ago

Wow, yet another new and fantastic story !!!

Great stuff - is this likely to continue ? certainly seems to have potential to.

Many thanks...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Every time you write additions to the toofyverse I fall in love with this whole world of characters all over again, and Millie is so adorable, I hope she has a long happy life with Lawrence.

trite_readertrite_readerover 2 years ago
What A Brilliant Idea - Royal Archivist

Aaaaannnd you've introduced ANOTHER pouncing kitty...

Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was fun! I was rolling every time Millie sent the orc to the tangles.🤣 I think Toofy has just made an archive power couple. Both will ravenously read, learn and catalog everything. Lawrence will also have her back if a certain orc decided to punish her on his own. As well as any potential future threat from whatever spying and cruelty she was uncovering. She may not notice others approach when she's so focused, but he does. He likely has much more harsh abilities than just putting people into an abyss like darkness. He may be a key to accessing those magical tunnels and realms mentioned here. Saving others from such cruelty may also be a motivation. He may also be able to help Millie strengthen her own magic. So that she could make her portal easily while holding it for much longer. Or opening tunnels rapid fire. Sending one person to one place and then immediately sending another to a third place. A skill that can be defensive as well as offensive. She would just need to be able to picture a place without first having been there. A good written description in her archives might let her do that. If she is able to open multiple portals at once, she could be of great assistance to Toofy if a battle has to occur in that magic realm or tunnels. She could open multiple ways in and let royal troops with their magic in to battle. Lots of interesting possibilities... 🤓

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