Ruptured Reality


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Meanwhile, Lindsay was having trouble with her body too. It appeared her belly was getting bigger by the second. Her shirt rose up to reveal one extremely white tummy. It was a lighter tone than the rest of her skin. A sharp ripping sound got Lindsay's attention. "What the fuck is happening? My pants just ripped!" Lindsay whined. It appeared her ass and thighs had gotten too big for her jeans. Small tears formed throughout her clothes. She didn't stop growing. Eventually she couldn't take the pressure anymore and unzipped her jeans, allowing her plump gut to hang loose. Her hands flew to her breasts, they had also grown quite a bit. Lindsay's clothes were stretched tight all over. She now looked voluptuous, and curvy but a little too much making her pretty chubby. I thought she looked perfect but of course she and her friends hated it. "Nooo! What's happening? How is this happening? Why?" Lindsay shouted.

Cindy turned to Lindsay. "Make it stop!" She commanded. Her belly was as big as a basketball and still growing.

"I don't know what's going on!" Lindsay groaned. "Why is your shirt wet?"

Cindy peered down at what was left of her shirt. It only partially covered her tits now and was ripped in the back. The spots covering her nipples were soaking wet. She felt her tits and winced.

"Is that milk? Oh my God, are you pregnant?" Arya gasped.

"No- no, I can't be," Cindy whispered. Suddenly, her belly button popped from an innie to an outie. Everyone stood and gawked in silence at Cindy's heavily pregnant body.

Lindsay felt up her flabby tummy. It hung over her waistline like a bloated beer belly. She was just chubby, not pregnant. The group turned to Arya. Nothing changed except her tits. Each of her breasts were easily the size of a beach ball. Arya wasn't pregnant either. Cindy rubbed her gargantuan, globe of a belly. Her jaw dropped. "I think I felt a kick," she whispered in disbelief.

"That's it, we're going to the hospital!" Arya announced. The girls had stopped growing but were still in shock.

"I'm not going anywhere looking like this!" Cindy yelled. She held her belly in her hands.

"Our bodies changed out of nowhere and you don't think we should go to the hospital! Are you insane? Something is wrong with us!" Lindsay argued.

Cindy rubbed her exposed belly. "Can you drive? I think my stomach would get in the way," she sighed.

"I'll come with you, these would get in the way too," Arya said as she held up her massive tits. A small rip formed in the front of her shirt. Although only her tits were altered, Arya was showing the most skin by far with what was left of her shirt covering a thin band across her back and breasts. It appeared as though her shirt would tear completely off with the slightest movement.

The girls headed into Cindy's car with Lindsay driving. "Wait, can I come? My body changed suddenly too!" Queen called. She rubbed her bloated tummy for emphasis.

Cindy stuck her head out of the window. "No, this was all your fault fat ass!" The car sped off into the distance. Queen stood alone in the parking lot.

"Do you need a ride?" I asked.

A small smile formed on Queen's face. "Yes please," she sighed. It appeared she was relieved to have a ride home but too shocked by what happened to her "friends" to say much. She buckled herself into the passenger's seat. It was kind of awkward since we never talked much before. The first few minutes of the drive were dead silent.

"Did you catch any of that back there?" Queen piped up. "Like what happened to those girls?"

My cheeks grew hot. "I saw some of it, yeah," I lied.

"Wasn't that insane? One minute they were all normal then they just, like, mutated," Queen explained. "It was scary as hell, I hope I'm ok." She looked pretty freaked out.

"Well it didn't happen to you, did it? Why are you worried?"

"Because I have no clue what happened to them! What if it happens to me? What if it already did? Look at my stomach, it wasn't like this earlier today!" Queen said as she grabbed her belly. It was magnificent. Her baby bump was so small and cute, yet big enough that she couldn't zip up or button her jeans. She rubbed her sexy pregnant tummy in an attempt to examine it. I found it terribly hard not to be turned on by this goddess feeling herself up right next to me. My mind surged with lust. It was difficult to focus on the road. The next time I got the chance to glance over at her she was cupping her breasts to feel if they had gotten any bigger. They were slightly larger but the biggest change was her pregnant belly. I wished I had made her tits a bit bigger. Suddenly, they swelled forward, becoming slightly larger than they were.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to do that," I gasped.


Queen didn't seem to notice the change in her bust. "I made a wrong turn," I lied.

She frowned. "No, you're good, this is my street."

"Oh." My palms grew sweaty. That was a close one. Luckily, we had arrived at her house and I hadn't given away my secret. She unbuckled her seatbelt which was crushing her perky tits and hopped out of the car. I wished I could fuck her so badly. She looked so hot with her little baby bump overflowing out of her pants. I could even see a bit of her underwear in the front. "Bye Queen!" I called as she shut the car door. My fingers were just curling around the steering wheel when a tapping sound stopped me. It was Queen at my window.

"You can come in and hangout if you'd like," Queen beamed. Her tone had changed. She seemed much more warm and friendly.

"Alright," I agreed. It was odd, we weren't friends and we barely talked on the ride over. She was so hot, there was no way I'd say no. Her house was small with a short front yard. I had just stepped foot through the front door when Queen grabbed me and kissed me hungrily. It was too sudden I didn't even see what her house looked like. She squeezed me tight and forced her tongue into my mouth. When I broke free I noticed her nipples were beyond erect. They stuck out like daggers.

"Come on, my parents aren't home," Queen said with a sly smile. She lead me up the stairs, her tits bounced with every step. Instead of fixing her top, she took it off. I was excited and shocked at the same time. We were basically strangers yet we were about to hook up. I wondered what had changed.

My vision was blurry. Queen had shoved me onto her bed. It happened so fast I didn't recall entering her bedroom. Her hands were busy removing my pants and underwear. She had already whipped off everything except her bra. "I'm so fucking horny," Queen whispered as she tossed her bra aside. She pinned me down to grind on top of me. Her pregnant belly rubbed my cock as she straddled me. It was all so sudden. I didn't know what to do or say. She was starving for sex. I reached down to grab her bare ass. This only made Queen more wild. She inserted my cock inside her pregnant pussy. We moaned in unison. She leaned forward, her belly sliding against me as she kissed me. My fingers squeezed her fantastic ass. It was round and firm, I would have preferred it a bit bigger and softer. As I thought this, Queen's ass grew in my hands. Her flesh enveloped my fingers. It felt unbelievable. A little bit of common sense kicked in and I stopped. Her ass was quite larger than it was before. Now I could really grab a nice handful of it and hold it tight. It bounced and jiggled with every movement.

I couldn't control myself. Queen screamed as she came on my cock. Her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. I pushed her over and mounted her from behind. My hands grabbed onto Queen's wide hips and yanked her back onto me. She yelled at the sudden forcefulness. Her thick, juicy ass was now bouncing right in front of me. I fucked her doggy style. Queen gasped and moaned when I slapped her ass. My hands slid down to hold her baby bump while I pounded her. It felt smaller than I thought. I wanted to be able to hold it, to really feel it while we fucked. Before I realized what I had done, Queen's belly swelled in my hands. It didn't stop until she looked four months along. I didn't mean to make it bigger. If those mean girls saw her tummy now there would be no denying she was pregnant. It was still a small baby bump but it was far enough along that anyone could see it was a baby bump, not bloating or chubbyness. Meanwhile, I was plowing her pussy so hard she didn't notice the change in her weight. I rubbed her sexy, black belly. It was so round and smooth. Her skin was tight and flawless. Pregnancy really made her glow. I couldn't wait to see her body grow and change. Having sex with my crush while she was pregnant felt like something out of my wildest fantasies. It was amazing. I hoped it wouldn't be a one time thing.

Queen moaned as she came for a second time. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I came deep in her pregnant pussy. My hands remained on her belly the entire time. There was a hypnotic quality to it that made me rub it endlessly. Her skin felt so good in my hands. We cuddled for a minute or two before I had to go. I didn't want to be home when her parents arrived. They would surely freak out when they saw their daughter suddenly a couple months pregnant.

Queen got dressed and kissed me goodbye. The sweater and sweatpants combo she wore hid her pregnancy well. Her parents may not find out right away after all. It helped that she didn't know she was pregnant. Despite starting to waddle, Queen thought she was just bloated. It was odd. Anyone with common sense who saw her bare body would know she was pregnant. I wondered if it had anything to do with my powers. They seemed to change reality however I wanted. Sometimes the changes were unintentional. Suddenly, it hit me. That's why Queen wanted to have sex with me so badly out of the blue. I wished for it so it happened. It was unintentional. I felt like a scumbag.

Unfortunately, the more I used my abilities, the more comfortable I got using them. School became a funhouse. I didn't have to do any work. If a teacher questioned me I'd nod and say I already did the assignment. It worked. The A's would appear in my grade book without lifting a finger. The only reason I still went to school was to hang out with my friends. Of course, I also went for the girls too. Arya and Cindy didn't go back to school. I was disappointed. I looked forward to seeing people's reactions when they saw them. Queen and Lindsay returned the next day. They wore bulky clothes to hide the changes in their bodies. That was a shame, though people would find out eventually.

In the meantime there was nothing stopping me from altering more people. Ms. Amara's breasts were enormous. She could barely contain them in her top. Each day I made them slightly bigger. There was little remorse in my horny teenage self. If she covered up well I'd make her bust bigger until it was impossible to do so. She gave up trying within a week. Her dress showed off a massive amount of jiggling cleavage. All the boys drooled in that class. The whole school seemed to be gossiping about her. "How did they get so big all of a sudden?" one guy whispered. "Maybe she's pregnant," a girl guessed. A lightbulb went off in my head. Ms. Amara's belly gently curved outwards. It was too small to be noticeable. "Not unless she's having a baby in each of her tits," the same guy joked. The girl rolled her eyes. I glanced back at Ms. Amara. Nobody noticed her tiny midsection was a bit bigger. Instead of making her further along with her pregnancy like I had done to others in the past, I wondered if I could make her pregnant with more than one baby. Ms. Amara's stomach bulged forward. It was a lot rounder and way more obvious. Her thighs had gotten thicker along with her ass, tits, and arms. The blue dress she wore struggled to keep her nipples hidden. Ms. Amara stopped her lecture. Her hands flew to her stomach. Everyone was speechless. Like lightning, Ms. Amara dashed to the trashcan and threw up.

"See, I knew she was pregnant," the girl from earlier commented. The class watched Ms. Amara spill her guts into the garbage. There was no doubt she had morning sickness.

"Go to study hall, I have to figure something out," Ms. Amara commanded. She clutched the trashcan for dear life. Everyone did as she said except for me. The door locked because I wanted it to. I gently rubbed her back. Ms. Amara released the trashcan from her hold. I removed her morning sickness. Another long-awaited fantasy was about to come true. She looked relieved.

"Wow, I feel better instantly. How did you do that?" Ms. Amara questioned.

My hands were busy massaging her silky back. "Massages have been known to remedy many ailments," I lied. A soft moan escaped her throat.

"Anything you can do to fix my bloated gut?" Ms. Amara joked. She peered down at her belly, unaware of the babies growing within it. "I don't know what happened. It wasn't this big earlier." Her stomach stretched the fabric of her dress. The material was so tight it was almost transparent.

"I might be able to help with that too," I lied again. "May I?" I asked as my hands caressed her baby bump.

Ms. Amara's eyes lit up. "If you think it'll work, go ahead!" she exclaimed. A massive erection grew in my pants. I rubbed Ms. Amara's clothed pregnant belly. It was already bigger than Queen's. I moved my hands in big circles around her tummy. Obviously, it stayed the same size.

"Hmm, maybe I have to massage it directly," I proposed. Ms. Amara lifted the bottom of her dress up, over her stomach. She pinned it in place against her bountiful chest. I couldn't believe I was about to feel up my teacher's bare belly. Her thighs looked creamy white and extra thick due to her pregnancy. The pink underwear she had on struggled to hide her suddenly larger body. It dug into her legs and hid under her baby bump. My erection was too large to hide. Ms. Amara could easily have spotted the tent in my jeans. It didn't stop her from letting me rub her down. I took her gorgeous tummy in my hands and felt it all over. Her skin felt softer than cotton. I couldn't keep my hands off it.

Ms. Amara moaned by accident. She blushed. I snuggled up close behind Ms. Amara as I massaged her belly. My erection pressed against her back. She either didn't notice or didn't care. The circular motions I used grew larger and wider. Eventually, my hands brushed up against her bra and panties with every circle. Another moan escaped her throat as I gently grazed her bra-covered tits. It didn't take long for her nipples to become erect. Her body felt unbelievable. My fingers worked hard, massaging her silky skin deeply. The rougher I was, the more she leaned back into me. She melted at my touch.

There were a few times where I sneaked my fingers underneath her bra or panties just an inch as they made their trip around her belly. "You know, you might want to massage my breasts too. They've swelled up so much lately," Ms. Amara cooed. She was lost in bliss. There was no concept of right and wrong. Lust was the only thing guiding us.

I gladly accepted Ms. Amara's invitation to feel up her tits. She took off her dress to make it easier for me. I cupped her massive tits in my hands. They felt enormous. Her flesh poured over my fingers and overflowed out of the top of her bra. Ms. Amara's perky nipples poked at me through the fabric. I unclasped her bra. It fell away with ease. Her amazing bust was all mine. I played with her tits, admiring their weight and size. They were nowhere near the watermelon-sized tits I had given Arya, though they were still extremely impressive. They had to have at least been an E cup, possibly F.

Ms. Amara mindlessly stroked my cock. It was second nature to her. She felt so good she didn't know what she was doing. Endless moans escaped her as I massaged her voluptuous body. I leaned in and kissed her neck. She gasped. I planted kisses up her neck toward her lips. We couldn't wait anymore. Ms. Amara turned around and kissed me passionately. Her tongue tangled with mine. She forced me down into her comfy office chair. I stripped off my clothes as she flung her underwear aside.

In seconds, Ms. Amara's tits bounced in my face. I grabbed her ass while she rode my cock. It grew ever so slightly as I willed it to be bigger. She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming in pleasure. Suddenly, Ms. Amara pulled my face into her chest. Her belly and tits were pressed against me as she came. I pumped her full of cum a few times before we both called it quits.

We had just gotten dressed when all of a sudden the classroom door blasted open. Two police officers in unusual uniforms came bursting in. The symbols on their uniforms were unrecognizable. A glowing red and blue crystal illuminated the center of each officer's chest. Their bulletproof vests seemed to be powered by the odd substance. I wasn't sure what about the vest needed energy.

"Excuse us miss," the female officer began. "We're investigating a distortion in reality. The epicenter seems to be coming from this school. In fact, our scanners detected a spike in distortion emanating from this classroom just moments ago. Have you noticed anything strange lately?"

I couldn't believe my ears. That wasn't possible. A cold feeling crawled down my spine. My powers shouldn't have been possible either. I tried my best not to look guilty. If I played things right, I wouldn't get caught.


Author's note:

Should I continue this story? Any thoughts or ideas please let me know!

Also final chapter of Artificial Affection is coming soon!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This is a story I keep coming back to as one of my favorites to get off with. I wish there was more of it.

bubba082683bubba082683over 1 year ago

This is a great start. I would love to see it become a series.

BertWilsonBertWilsonover 1 year ago

Loved it, brilliant! Maybe use the protagonist's ability to "alter reality" regarding overall body size in addition to what he can already do. For example, an over 6' tall bully with a hot girlfriend, maybe the head cheerleader or majorette. Reduce him to about 4'6" tall or shorter and alter the bully's gf's body for extreme sex and only interested in him while humiliating her now little junior high or elementary school size boyfriend. Tie him to a kindergarten chair and force him to watch hours upon hours of sex while his little stiffens and he is berated by his "former' girlfriend. Just an idea...

killerzapkillerzapalmost 2 years ago

Please continue! Love your work and would be interested in seeing where you take this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved the story. You should definitely continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story sounds like an SCP story and I love that! He also still has a morality which I like, some of your stories the men just abandon all moral's as soon as they gain power, which I feel is very weak and small of them. People, whether they are good or evil by Nature, will still adhere to a code of morals if they are strong-willed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Truly fantastic story, if imagine that is just about every man's dream come true. Please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please , just continue with this story. Please.

LupusDeiLupusDeiover 3 years ago

Go ahead, it seems fun.

Let him escape, somehow barely (maybe the teacher still in post orgasmic bliss cover for him but then comprehend herself he must be somehow involved?), then maybe try to undo most the extremes hoping to cover up, as the reality police are sniffing around, then try to think how to use his power less obviously, be a bit more sneaky, a bit more results oriented, so to say (maybe now under guidance of her math teacher? Who happens to be bisexual, or if not, become so on his whim?). It seems he can control chemistry but not minds directly.

That said, I personally adore breasts small and perky, and women slim and muscular. He could do that too, couldn't he, help a girl with sports results, probably next year in college.

Babies, I'm wondering are they indeed his, or just clones of their mothers?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It's good u should continue

And maybe focus on the story on a wider and grander approach

So as to include more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

yes, continue, maybe since he is about to get caught, do a time/reality rewind, and have him use his powers more slowly so they wont be found out, and impregnate the women the old fashioned way while slowing growing theirs and others bodies to his desire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please continue!

I absolutely love this! It’s something I’ve been searching for, but haven’t been able to find: sudden, real pregnancy. This is such a fun concept. Please continue!

SlofredSlofredover 3 years ago

please continue. You are just getting to the part about what happened and why. Reality police? A bit odd but it might happen. 5 stars for a good opening. What is he going to do when children start appearing? Will he Man up and take responsibility or will he be a dead beat dad?

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