Rustle 2


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Russell waited for her to move farther away.

"I'm not peeking," she called out, "though I'd like to. You can jump."

Russell laughed quietly, in spite of himself. He jumped to the ground and tumbled into a roll to avoid taking all of the impact on his feet and legs. When Mara got to where he was at, he told her what the woman had said. He got dressed and they headed towards the house. When they arrived, Mara knocked at the door.

"Come in, both of you. I'm just pouring the tea."

They spent the first few minutes learning each other's names. The woman, Media, lived by herself. Mara introduced herself and Russell and explained that they lived about a half-hour's walk to the north.

Media listened quietly as Mara explained that they'd like to borrow the horse and wagon every other week or so near nightfall. They would return them both here. Mara offered to pay whatever Media decided that it was worth.

"Whatever I want?" she asked.

Mara glanced at Russell and then said, "Yes, within reason."

"What if I told you that I wanted some of your man's seed?" she asked.

"I ... well ... that is," Mara stammered.

Media stood, went to the kitchen, and returned with an empty teacup. She handed it to Mara.

"In ...? You want it in here?"

"Is that big enough?" Media asked.

"I, well, I'm not sure," Mara admitted.

The old woman laughed and said, "Then I guess you'll just have to swallow whatever won't fit."

"I suppose ..." Mara replied.

The redhead had meant that she supposed she could swallow the excess - but Media took her to mean that she was reluctantly agreeing to the terms. She stood and headed into the other room.

"I'll give you some privacy. I'd love to stay - but I expect that would make you both uncomfortable. Just let me know when it's safe to return."

With that, she went to her bedroom, opened the door, slipped inside, and closed the door behind her.

"What do you think?" Mara asked Russell.

"I thought she wanted sex," he admitted.

"Me too," she said, laughing.

He looked at her for a bit and finally shrugged.

"Thoughts?" she asked.

"Honestly, if that's all she's asking for, I think we'd be dumb to turn it down - no matter how weird it is."

"You just want me to milk you," she teased.

"Maybe," he said, smiling.

She turned the cup in her hands and stared at it.

"Let's just try it this once and see what she says and does," he said. "We can decide, later, if we want to renegotiate or end the deal."

When she nodded at him, he stood and started pulling down his pants. She set the cup to the side and dropped to her knees.

"When we get home, I think I should get some payback," she told him, smiling, as she began stroking his dick and taking it into her mouth.

Soon he was aching for release and his hands were gently pulling her hair. She aimed the dangerous end of his cock at the cup and sucked on the side of his stiff prick, running her tongue along the bottom, teasing as much of his length as she could reach.

His fingers tensed in her hair and he groaned as he began spewing into the cup. Mara carefully licked and sucked the sides of his prick until he'd finished ejaculating. When she looked, the cup was about half-full.

She set the cup to the side and licked the last few drops from his cock, swallowing it down. She stood to her feet, bringing his pants back into place, and kissed him as he fastened the rope tie that held them up.

"All done?" Media called.

"Yes," Mara replied.

The bedroom door opened and Mara stole one last kiss before turning to pick up the teacup.

"Demon! Spawn!" the woman called out. "Get back in here!"

Two young ferrets darted into the room, checking to see who the visitors were.

"Tildy, I thought I told you to keep the twins in the bedroom," she moaned.

And older ferret emerged from the room and looked at the old woman apologetically. Media looked back to her guests to find the two ferrets sitting on the young man's chest, preening against his hands and fingers, begging to be stroked and petted. Russell was obliging their insistent requests, scratching their chins, and grinning.

"Well, they seem to like you well enough," she sighed.

Mara handed her the teacup. She took it carefully and said, "That's perfect!"

"What are you going to do with it?" Mara asked.

"Why drink it, of course, my dear," she replied.

She emptied some tea from her original cup into the cum-filled one, stirred the mixture with a spoon, and dropped into her seat to start sipping the concoction.

"Mmm," Media purred. "It's been so long."

Not sure quite what to think, Mara sat back in her seat. One of the ferrets came to get scratches from her.

"That's Demon," Media told her. "The boy's got Spawn."

"Demon spawn?" Mara asked, giggling.

"They're hellions!" Media complained. "They've been driving Tildy and me mad since they were born."

The older ferret hopped up on Russell's lap, walked up his chest, sniffed his neck, and then nuzzled his jaw.

"Tildy says you smell like a ferret," Media reported to them.

Mara's eyes shot open wide and she stared at the old woman - who nodded at her.

"She's my familiar," Media admitted. "The kits are pretty taken with you two. You have any interest in taking them off of my hands?"

Mara looked from Media to Russell and back again.

"Tildy's okay with Russell?" Mara asked the woman.

"Yup," Media replied, still sipping her creamy tea.

The redhead looked at her lover and said, "Transform."


"Yeah, to start."

A half-hour later, there were four ferrets in the house.

"How?" Media asked.

As Russell ran and jumped around the room, playing tag with the young ferrets, Mara explained about the wizard, the potion, them finding each other, and her ritual to bind him as her familiar - and the new change that brought.

"Do you think they would react negatively if he took a scarier and much larger shape?" Mara asked the older woman.

"Tildy smelled him as a human. I would think that's why the pups were behaving so well with him - and with you as well because you've been fuckin' him. I don't see why they would react badly - but we should probably test it if you're really considering taking the heathens with you."

Mara nodded to Russell. He found an empty place on the floor and lay on his side to start the transformation.

A half-hour later, Demon and Spawn were sitting on his chest, waiting for him to open his eyes. When he did, they nuzzled against his massive chin.

"Don't seem to mind," Media said. "He's a fearsome fucker, ain't he?"

"It's become one of our favorite forms," Mara admitted. "Great for carrying firewood and he moves through the forest without any trouble - plus I can ride on his back like he's a pack-mule."

"What do you need the mare and the wagon for?"

"I used to live in the city to the north. I used magic to heal and they chased me out of town. We've been trading with some of the traveling merchants - at the camp outside of the city - and somebody's got their knickers in a bunch. They've decided to hunt me down. I'd rather just avoid trouble. We thought we'd try coming up the road like a trader - under disguise - doing our business - and then heading south again. That would require any pursuers to show themselves on the road - and they'd need a mount to give chase."

"The nag's not going to be any good for a foot race," Media warned.

"I'm hoping it won't be a problem. My plan is to dress this monster up as a burly guard. If anyone tries to jump us, we lead them to a part of the road that's out of sight and Russell will tear them apart."

"I want a teacup of his cum once a month. I was going to ask for a cup each time you borrow the wagon but - since you seem to be interested in the pups - I'll lower my asking price."

"Why do you want to drink his cum?" Mara asked, unable to keep from grinning.

"Other than the fact that it makes my old pussy tingle?" Media asked. "It has restorative properties. You'll get some of it through your cunt, but you'll still want to suck him every month or so. I'm not sure how him being your familiar will change it but he might live longer if he licks and sucks you as well."

<"Sound good to me,"> Russell told Mara.

When she shook her head at him and giggled, Media asked her what they were saying. She giggled even harder as she told the old woman what he had said.

Russell lay on the floor and started changing back to his human form. When he woke up, Demon and Spawn were sitting on his chest. Media was eyeballing his cock and smirking. He grabbed his clothes and started pulling them on.

"I didn't realize - until you'd already started - that it was almost dark," Mara said. "It's full dark now. Media says we can stay here. She's got chickens and says she'll whip up a hearty breakfast before we head home. You interested?"

"Eggs?! Hell, yes! I don't remember the last time I had scrambled eggs! You wouldn't have any cheese, by chance? My mam always made us cheesed eggs on our birthday."

Media laughed and apologized for not having any cheese.

"We should ask the traders," Mara told him as he climbed back into his chair.

The ferrets cuddled some with Mara - but they preferred to sit on Russell's chest. Tildy did as well.

"Traitor!" Media called out to the creature as she finished her special tea. "I've been cast aside for a handsome man!" she said, cackling with laughter.

Mara laughed along with her. Russell just shook his head and gave the older ferret the scratches she was craving. He'd nodded off a couple times before Media opened the guest bedroom and made sure everything was okay for him to go in and go to sleep. The three ferrets went with him.

Mara and Media stayed up late, talking about anything and everything - but mostly about rituals, spells, and other things that witches talk about.

~~~ Morning Kisses ~~~

Russell woke to soft lips brushing against his. When he tried to wrap his arms around Mara's neck, he missed. He opened his eyes to see her sitting in bed laughing at him as the ferret-pups nuzzled his lips. Media stuck her head in the door, saw what was going on, and laughed as well.

"You'll likely have to make a little bed for them and tell them to stay in the nest when you two want to fuck," the old woman warned them. "I'm not sure. I finger myself under the covers to keep them from watching me."

At the old woman's words, Russell snort-laughed - which made Mara do the same.

"Breakfast is ready, if you're hungry," Media told them.

Mara and Russell ate until they couldn't eat anymore. They tried to give Media some money but she refused them. They moved to the front room and chatted until mid-morning.

When they got ready to leave, Media made them promise to come back and visit every other week - even if they didn't need the wagon. In exchange for their company, she'd give them a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning. The two of them gave her hugs. She kissed Demon and Spawn on the forehead and told them to behave for their new parents.

As they walked across the meadow, hand in hand, Russell asked what the two of them had stayed up talking about. Mara gave him the rough details. He asked what she thought of the old woman. She told him that she thought that she would become a good friend.

Mara laughed and hip-checked him when Russell told her that he was feeling a little tired and he thought he needed to drink from the Fountain of Youth when they got home.

Demon rode on Mara's shoulders and Spawn rode on Russell's. When they came upon some wild hares, they tested the pairs' hunting ability by sending them after the rabbits. They each took a pair and brought them back to their respective adopted parents. Mara field-dressed the rabbits and Russell did what he could to dig a shallow hole to bury the refuse.

When they got home, the ferrets took some time to explore the place. They ventured a short way down the cavern into the darkness but returned pretty quickly. They got scolded for playing in the waterfall but they enjoyed sharing part of the roasted rabbit at lunchtime.

Russell built a nest-box near the cook-stove but the twins didn't act like they wanted to spend much time there. He told Mara that they'd just have to wait to see if their love-making caused a problem.

In the afternoon, they went for a walk and collected a few more components that Mara needed for her trading goods. The ferrets played tag in the grass but always came when they were called and didn't wander too far away - even when they were horsing around. Overall, Mara and Russell were very happy with the new additions to the family. Russell was confident that they would be protective of Mara and that their presence would reduce the amount of worry he had when he was transforming or he needed to be somewhere else.

At bedtime, Mara and Russel stripped off their clothes and sent the twins to the nest. They only stayed there for a minute or two and then they climbed into bed with the young lovers. Demon curled up on the left side of Mara's head and Spawn did the same on the right. She had to tell them that they couldn't be pressed against her but, once they scooted back a little, the redhead was content to leave them alone and they seemed to be content to close their eyes and listen to the sounds the lovers were making without interfering.

Russell was worried that some of the grunts and growls would scare or enrage the twins but they seemed to understand what was going on and just wanted to be near to the two humans that they had adopted as their care-givers.

After giving Mara a decent climax, he gave her a good fucking and filled her with a load of his thick cream. He was tired but she was close to another orgasm - so she rolled on top of him and he nursed at her breasts as she rode him until she came again. He kissed her lips and neck as she caught her breath after her last climax. Russell pulled the blanket over them and the ferrets snuggled in against his neck and nuzzled his jaw before quieting so that they could all fall asleep.

~~~ Trading ~~~

After a couple weeks of borrowing Media's mare and wagon to meet with the traders, Mara made arrangements with their favorite buyer to have him stop in the shade across the road from the lane that led to Media's cottage.

Since that location was over a half-hour's ride from the city - and the trader kept the details of the arrangement to himself - the townspeople's attempts to track Mara down fizzled into nothing. It also didn't hurt that word of the condition of the first two corpses had done a fairly effective job of discouraging anybody who knew the situation from deciding to take the hunter's role.

Once a month, when the couple stayed at the cottage, Mara would jerk or suck Russell until he filled Media's special teacup. Then they would sit in the front room and chat while the elder witch sipped her special brew.

Tildy was excited to see the pups each time they returned - and spent the night sleeping in the guest room with her kits and their new parents. Media remarked about how big they were getting. When they came into the house, they would climb into her lap for scratches before returning to their favorite person's lap.

Each time the young couple slept over at the cottage, Mara stayed up and visited with Media - learning a little more about her chosen profession. Media enjoyed hearing about the redhead's experiments and discoveries. One of the benefits of her expanding abilities was that Russell and Mara's cave home now had a bathtub with hot water and an indoor privy for when the weather was really bad.

At the cave, the four of them (two humans and two ferrets) had finally explored the cavern to where it ended at a large subterranean lake. Deciding that there was probably nothing coming from that direction, Russell gave up on the idea of building a barrier wall. He did, however, build some shelves and add some lighting - so that they had more cold storage available.

For the time being, Mara was still wearing her talisman to prevent pregnancy. She and Russell were having too much fun together to be ready to give that up to raise children. Mara and Russell were both still concerned that whoever was after Mara hadn't given up on the idea of hunting her down. Whether the person was jealous or just hated witches, the couple didn't know - but they just still felt restless about the situation.

Media had given Mara instructions about how to create small effigies that she could use to be alerted when people were passing nearby. When one triggered, she could focus her mind and get a glimpse of whom or what had alerted her. This was how Media had known that Russell was in the tree on the hillside. She had a watcher hidden there.

Mara created a series of these watchers and set them in a perimeter around the cave - to the north and south of the falls - as well as down the stream. Once these were in place, they all felt more at ease.

As a further precaution, Russell used the pickaxe to destroy most of the ledge in front of the cave entrance. If you knew where the hand-holds were, you could still grab hold and step from the ledge into the opening. If you didn't, you were going to need a really good reason to want to see inside. When the door was in place, there was almost no way to force your way into the cave.

The ferret kits had no problems jumping from the broken ledge into the cave and Mara could manage without much difficult. Since Russell usually came back to the cave as a human, a gorilla, or the otter, he had no problems getting inside either.

~~~ End of Chapter 2 ~~~

(This story has 3 chapters.)

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nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 1 month ago

A wonderful story of romance and witchcraft, medieval perhaps more than science fiction. Very good human interaction combined with clever tales of animal character development. I anticipate that Mara and Rustle will eventually share their love with a new generation. Will their offspring carry forward their parents' unique genetic skills?

Coochielover71Coochielover71about 2 months ago

Really, really good story. Can hardly wait to read ch 3.

skippersdadskippersdadabout 2 months ago

This is a very good tale. Would not surprise me they get with Media.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Very enjoyable tale. The sex scenes fit well without overwhelming the rest of the story.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 2 months ago

I love this romantic tale - in your made-up universe. Such a good story. I can hardly wait for the next part.

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