Rx: Love


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"Yes, baby, we do."

Both ladies left the club, leaving a hefty tip and enough cash to pay the bill, even though they both thought Ruben may have already done so. They didn't care. They were too lost in each other. They walked out into the parking lot and Amber pulled Beth back to her when the reached the car.

Again they kissed and petted each other through soft material and silky fabric. Beth's hands moved to timidly pinch one of Amber's nipples and when Amber gasped, Beth smiled wide, pinched harder and chuckled deep. "You like?"

"Fuck yes "

The parted and each one got into the car, only to collide with each other again, before buckling up.

"Look Beth, you can't touch me while I drive. I'm so wet and horny right now we may not make it home in one piece if you do."

Beth giggled, but agreed. She too was hot and bothered and as her sex ached with desire, her mind tried to comprehend all the things she was feeling. She'd never been with a woman; Adam had been her second lover; her first had been when she was twenty. He'd been a college professor that she had fallen hard for. After she graduated and he told her he was finished with her, the thrill of fucking a student gone, she was dismissed from his life. She was twenty-four at the time, with a degree in Elementary Education that she never used.

Immediately she had been on the rebound and met up with an old high school alumnus, Adam. They had dated and when she hit twenty-five they wed and she never found a job. Her place was at home according to Adam. Now she was thirty and single, loved the freedom, hated the silence.

"Finally," Amber's voice mirrored, Beth's thoughts. Beth had just thought that finally she would have a friend and from the way things looked for the first time a true friend was going to be a lover.

"Yes, finally," Beth said and watched her house come into view.

Amber pulled into the drive and killed the engine. "Can I kiss you here? Or do you want me to wait till we get inside?" she asked.

Beth thought a moment. Why had she asked that? Then she realized Amber was protecting her reputation in case Adam was watching. The thought of him watching her crept her out, but she told herself to suck it up. He had issues, not her. "Kiss me on the front porch under the light," Beth insisted.

Amber smiled wide and got out of the car, as did Beth. It was too hard to tell which one made it to the porch first, but with hands clenched and bodies pressed together, under Beth's porch light, it really didn't matter to each woman. Both clung to the other, mouths open and tongues searching. The roar of a car engine filled the air and for a moment Beth stilled. "Shhh... he's leaving, just let him go. Let him know you're not his anymore," Amber's words washed over Beth.

Beth took a deep breath and released it slowly as Amber's lips trailed down her neck. "That's right, relax. Listen to my voice, fill my lips on your skin. Beth you're so beautiful, so perfect. He's such an ass for treating you the way he did." Amber nipped at Beth's milky skin. "You taste so good, like vanilla ice cream. Sweet and smooth. I want to taste all of you, Bethany," Amber whispered.

The scent of aroused females filled the air. Beth moaned and shivered in Amber's hands. "Amber, I've only been with two men."

Amber pulled back and smiled. "I figured only one. I guess I was wrong. I hope the first was better than Adam." She took Beth's hand and lifted it to her lips. "Men and women are beautiful creatures and blend well together, let me show you how well." She drew one of Beth's fingers into her mouth and rolled her tongue around it.

Beth shuddered. "Oh god, yes." She pulled her hand back and then reached for her keys. She quickly unlocked the door and passion was momentarily forgotten when Buster leapt on her. Both women giggled and Amber reached down to rub the dog's ears.

"Where do you want your ball of fluff?" she asked Beth.

"Outside. The back door opens to a fenced in yard. I'll grab his water."

"Deal," Amber said and got the dog to follow her toward the back of the house, by clapping her thighs and calling his name. She had him inside the gate by the time Beth appeared, setting his food and water on the ground. She turned and latched the gate, then faced Amber.

They took the steps back up the porch and into the house, each one glancing at the other as they made their way inside. Beth took Amber's hand and squeezed it. "I never looked at you like this in all the time I saw you at the pharmacy. I don't know why. It is obvious now. You're beautiful. I find you attractive. I am attracted to you."

Amber touched her friend's cheek. "I've noticed you for a long time. I watched you stare at make-up, lotions, hair coloring. There were so many times I wanted to run out from behind the counter and force all the things you were not buying into your hands and push you out the door. You were beautiful then. You are beautiful now. I've wanted you for a long time, but I didn't know you weren't married. When I found out, there was a greater spark, a greater desire to make you my lover, but Beth there was something else, even more powerful, a need to make you my friend. I am your friend Beth. I'd be honored to be your lover, but your friendship is what I want first."

"You have it," Beth answered and kissed Amber's lips. "Come, be my lover."

Amber blinked back unshed tears as she saw trust in Beth's eyes. She knew where Beth's bedroom was, it wasn't hard to figure out in a small two bedroom home. She reached it and opened the door, then stepped inside, gently tugging Beth along with her.

Beth followed.

A lamp had been left on and its light danced around the room, barely lighting up shadows that hid in the corners. Amber closed the door and leaned against as she held Beth's hand. "Beth, can I undress you?" she asked. "I want to see all of you, taste you, see if your skin is really as smooth as vanilla and as sweet."

Beth stepped back as Amber stepped forward. She moved to slip her shoes off and Amber stopped her. "Let me," she whispered. Amber walked Beth over to the bed and urged her to sit on the edge. She then slid down to her knees, kicking her feet free of her heels. "You shouldn't cover your skin with pantyhose. Thigh highs are so erotic, so sexy."

Amber slipped her hands along Beth's ankles, easing first her right heel off and then her left. Her hands massaged both arches and then stroked her toes, incased in nude silk. "You can show off your legs not only in satiny material, but give a hint of what lies beneath when you sit down and that hem of the stocking appears."

Her hands moved higher, slowly caressing Beth's calves and then her knees. She purposely ran her fingers along first one leg, kneading the flesh under the soft nylon until she reached her hip and then skimmed her finger around the waist band. "You'll find it more enjoyable for when you want to be touched... here," Amber whispered as her hand slid over the covered mound, hidden behind the smooth pantyhose and the panties that Amber wanted to see.

Beth whimpered and shifted nervously as her arousal grew. Her skin tingled and her chest rose and fell in a quick, but steady rhythm. "Amber this feels so different. Adam never..."

"Shhh. . .we can discuss him later, but not right now okay," Amber said and pressed a kiss against the inside of Beth's right knee. "Lay down and lift your hips, hold the top of your panties so they don't slide off."

"Okay," Beth whispered and lay back, lifting her hips and doing as Amber wanted, keeping her panties on as Amber maneuvered the pantyhose down and over her ass cheeks, away from her thighs and then off her calves, eventually baring her ankles and her toes to Amber's gaze. Beth took several deep breaths and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and tried not to think of her imperfections that Amber could now see.

"Beautiful Beth," Amber whispered and kissed the tops of her feet. Her tongue made a trail up her leg and she nipped at the top of her knee, bringing a giggle from Beth's lips. "Ticklish?" Amber asked with a chuckle and nipped her again.

"Yes!" Beth laughed and sat up on her elbows to watch her friend. She took in the pink tongue that was an erotic contrasting color against her skin and Amber's dark flesh. She watched in anticipation as her friend kissed her way higher. Beth shivered gently when Amber lifted her head up and put her hands on the hem of Beth's dress.

Scooting it upwards, Amber's eyes grew thick with desire as she stared at the wet, moist stain that had formed on Beth's black panties. Her gaze traveled up to Beth's and she smiled gently. "You're so wet aren't you. Just dripping."

Beth nodded her head yes.

Amber moved her head under the dress's skirt and Beth felt her friend's breath against the wet material that covered the source of her passion. She fell back on the bed and her hands fluttered to her chest. Her eyes closed and she turned her head to the right, gasping when she felt Amber's tongue sweep along the side of her panties. "Oh god," her voice came out in a hushed moan and her lips shook.

A smile appeared on Amber's lips, and though she knew her friend was smiling she wanted to hear her give way to the passion that Amber was feeling. She slid her finger along the crevice of Beth's hip and pulled the underwear to one side, exposing Beth's slick pussy. "Oh Beth, baby, you're shaved," Amber said quietly.

"Uh huh," Beth answered. "Is that okay?" she asked.

Amber chuckled. "Yes. I hope you'll let me help shave you sometime."

Beth shook as the picture formed in her head and she felt a sliver of juice escape her sex.

Amber saw it and she felt her pussy tighten. Her finger came up as her head dropped down and both finger and tongue welcomed the bead of honey as it appeared on the succulent surface of Beth's smooth velvet mound. A hiss came from Beth's lips and she lifted her ass up, instinct controlling her.

"Delicious," Amber whispered and dipped her tongue in again, sweeping up and over the engorged clit that had grown more pink as Beth's desire grew. She pushed the tip of her tongue against Beth's clit and then used her finger to slide into the hole. Both muscles, worked to drive Beth to utter inaudible words that drove Amber to seek out ways to make her beg and plead.

Beth felt Amber's mouth move over her sex, the heat blanketing her pussy, the liquid silk flowing out and collecting slowly on her lips, only to be drank up by Amber's hot tongue and wet lips. She whimpered as slurping and moaning sounds filled the room. Beth took her breasts in her hands and kneaded them through the fabric of her dress. She felt Amber's finger leave her and groaned in disappointment.

Amber giggled and shook her head. "Oh don't worry. I'm far from done with you. Take off your dress," she told her and as Beth struggled to do just that, Amber stepped back and removed her clothes, giving Beth the opportunity to see her nipples and the contrasting colors of her body compared to Beth's white, ivory skin.

"You're shaved too," Beth said, her face blushing as she gazed at Amber's sex. She worried her lower lip as she imagined touching the dark pink flesh of Amber's pussy. Her fingers slipped down her own breasts, now free from any confining fabrics and she pinched each one. Each woman was now naked and only jewelry of gold or pearl covered their skin.

"Yes, and we'll take turns shaving each other sometime. Right now, I want to taste you again," Amber told her and stepped forward.

"Can I..." Beth paused and ran her tongue over her lips.

"Ohhh, yes, in time you sure can," Amber winked. She knew what Beth wanted and she couldn't wait to watch the porcelain creature rub her face up and down her sex. "Beth, have you ever tasted yourself?" Amber asked.

"No," she whispered.

Amber grinned. "Would you?"

"I guess so," she said quietly and watched her friend move back toward her. She lay down, expecting a kiss, to follow, but instead Amber went back to her knees and pushed both her breasts together. Beth watched and felt her pussy throb as the dark areola's and nipples were covered in juice that flowed from Beth's sex.

Amber stroked her lover's pink sex, up and down with her tits, until they were covered in juice. She then crawled up Beth's body, straddled her hips and kept herself up high enough, so her pussy wasn't yet touching Beth's. "Come up here and taste yourself," she moaned, offering both her breasts to Beth.

Whimpering Beth sat up and cupped each mound, Amber wrapped her legs around Beth's waist at the same time. Beth flicked Amber's nipple and then began to suckle from the right one, drinking the juice as she lapped it up, freeing it from the crevices of her dark areola. The flavor was new, salty and a bit bitter, but in the end, she was lost in not the taste, but the pleasure of hearing her lover moan and beg. Amber's hands moved into Beth's hair and she pushed her deeper onto her nipple.

"Ohh, oh Beth, bite me, please, Beth. You can bite me."

Beth opened her mouth, bared her teeth and bit gentle on Amber, then harder when she begged her too. In time she moved from one breast to the other and then felt Amber slowly lower herself the few inches that had been separating their sexes. "Amber," Beth whispered, when the first contact of wet sex on wet sex collided.

Amber smiled and looked down on Beth. She dipped her head to other woman's and licked her way across her mouth, then dipped her tongue in and suckled the wet muscle. Beth answered back in a hungry gasp. Her hands moved to Amber's hips and she pulled them closer. Their clits touched. Amber groaned into Beth's lips, released her mouth and then unwrapped her legs.

She pushed her back on the bed and then turned her body around, offering her sex to Beth's while she positioned her mouth against Beth's swollen and aroused lips.

The fragrant pussy enveloped Beth's senses and she timidly lifted her head. She placed a kiss on Amber's dark mound and then softly nuzzled it. Amber gasped and repeated the motions against the white sex that she had developed a hunger for. Soon every move Amber made on Beth, Beth repeated. Eventually, both women were licking hard and long, thrusting in fingers, or pushing in their tongues into the dark holes that beckon for more assault.

When Amber felt her sex threaten to release its juices, she warned Beth. She expected the young woman to release her or to at least slow her attack, but Beth didn't. She immediately increased her fucking of finger and tongue, urging Amber to let go and give up the hold she had on her sexual climax. Beth nibbled and pulled on Amber's pussy lips, massaging them with her tongue and then suddenly she was showered in hot fluids.

"Beth!" Amber screamed and shuddered as her orgasm ripped through her.

Amber's back arched and she ground her pussy against Beth's face. "Ohh...ohhh fuck yes, Beth!" she cried and came again.

Beth moved her head up and down, back and forth, sucking and pulling, biting and thrusting. Her fingers, tongue, teeth and lips covered as much succulent pussy flesh that Beth could grasp and when she felt Amber dive back into her sex, she came. Her fluids rushed out, coating her lover and showering her with the perfume of her arousal. "Amber! Amber! Oh god! Yes!" she screamed and bucked her hips, riding out the thunderous explosion of her climax.

Rolling off Beth, Amber collapsed to the side of her the white, sweaty soaked woman. "Wow," she muttered and then chuckled. She turned and grabbed the blankets, using them to anchor herself into an upright position. She looked down on Beth and then moved to rest her head on her right breast.

"Wow is like an understatement," Beth told her.

"Yeah, it is."

Amber looked up at Beth and smiled. "Do you regret anything?" she asked.

"Only one thing," Beth answered after trying to think over everything that had occurred.

"Oh?" Amber asked, growing suddenly concerned.

"We weren't friends years ago."

Both ladies grinned and Amber scooted up, covering Beth's neck in kisses. "So, was it just like you imagined?"

"It was different. I loved every thing. You're so smooth and your taste... Amber it was like a sweet flavored jam. Mine wasn't."

Amber grinned, "Every woman is different. Just like men are."

"Well... I've only had two men in my life, and you are the only woman."

"I'll have to introduce you to some friends of mine," Amber winked.

Beth smiled. "That would be great. Maybe we'll even make new friends."

"Ruben gave us his number."

"Yes, he did. But right now," Beth said and then rolled Amber to her back, "I think I'm going to be greedy for a change and demand that only I fuck you."

Amber felt a thrill watching the hungry and demanding look cross Beth's features. "Oh? Demand, huh?" She breathed deep and felt her pulse race as she caught the scent of Beth's sex.

"Yes, demand. I think its my turn to be in control."

Amber knew the look in Beth's eyes, she had it in her own sometimes. Amber smiled and reached up to cup her lover's chin. "This week you get to fuck me any way you want. Next week its my turn, deal?" she asked.

"Deal," Beth replied.

Amber watched Beth slide down her body and as she felt her lover's mouth begin to renew the passion deep inside her sex, she saw only excitement at finding the right partner to switch roles with. Beth was more than a lover to play out domination and submission fantasies, she was a friend and for that Amber was more than willing to let herself go and be the one who was collared and claimed.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Indeed huebie23. They both clearly agreed on the friends with benefits role at the end. This was clearly written for a male audience. The subplots about the d/s and Amber’s ex were unnecessary to the story. Lesbian sex, not lesbian love.

huebie23huebie23almost 2 years ago

great story til the end... can't call it real love when other people are added

LynnluvsLynnluvsalmost 16 years ago

Womanly luv between the races is my mania! Please continue this hot relationship.

BrettJBrettJalmost 18 years ago

Darlin', from start to finish, a wonderful read. Good character development, nice pacing, the scenes can be easily pictured and it flowed so nicely. The story demands a sequel - perhaps Amber and Bethany can go on one of those vacations that Amber mentions? That'd be hot, hot, HOT! My congrats on a wonderful piece of work.

TE999TE999almost 18 years ago
Great story, as always

The character development was superb. Extremely well written erotica. I hope you have a sequel planned for these lovely ladies.

TserancTserancalmost 18 years ago
Red does it again

Seems no topic is safe from you. You master them all.

Great work, as always, and i hope there is more ahead for these two.

warmhoney1warmhoney1almost 18 years ago
You done it again!!!

WOW DC, you've done it again!!! Its a supurb story and its HOT. I sincerely hope there will be more chapters to it. Keep writing girl. You're the best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago


You ain't lost nothing in the telling of this hot erotic tale. There will be a ch. 2, right? Thank You. Ronnie W.

Evil AlpacaEvil Alpacaalmost 18 years ago
More to come?

I hope there is more to come on this series, because it has a lot of potential!

rgraham666rgraham666almost 18 years ago
Very nice

I liked the way the characters were built up, how we learned who they were and what had happened to bring them to this point.

The eroticism was built slowly, just the way it should.

A lovely piece of work.

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