S.O.S. Summer of Secrets


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Her eyebrows raised slightly as she briefly slid her fingers over the area. Jon wondered if she was admiring his smooth skin or just the toned muscles. Hopefully both.

"Let's take a look at your pulled groin. Maybe I can work a little more of my magic on it from this angle," she said as she carefully pulled the sheet to the side exposing his leg and just a hint of his penis and scrotum.

Heather pulled the sheet up a little more and gave a questioning look to Jon, and he nodded back. She lightly pulled the sheet over another few inches and there his cock was completely on display. Not only that, she was staring at it intently. Well most likely she was staring at his sore groin but there was no way to not see it.

The weight of her gaze made his heart speed up. He could feel a little extra blood flowing into his flaccid member.

"Looks a little swollen," Heather said softly.

Jon gulped, mentally planning out his apology.

Heather lowered her head to get a better look, "Yes, your groin is a little swollen. No wonder you're in pain."

He nearly laughed, but he was far from relaxing as her hands now hovered above his leg. "May I?"

"Of course. You're the expert," Jon had flashbacks to her same answer during the workout.

He watched as she gently pressed her fingertips into his inner thigh, slowly moving upward toward his groin. There was no denying it, the back of her hand was lightly brushing against his shaft and scrotum while she kneaded the tender tissue of his thigh.

It both hurt and felt amazing at the same time.

"Oww...fuuu!" Jon howled as she pressed an extra tender spot. He clenched all of his muscles and his cock bounced up a few inches and fell back down, rolling from one side to the other.

He was embarrassed and getting more and more turned on with each delightfully painful touch. By now his cock was as full as it had ever been but still was soft enough to lie flat against his leg.

Her hand steadily pressed on his inner thigh, and the movement seemed to bring his cock over from one side of his leg to the other. It bounced on the back of her hand and rested there as she softly rubbed his thigh.

"I'm sorry..." Jon couldn't stand not acknowledging his penis was resting on her hand.

"It's alright. May I?" She asked, slightly lifting her hand.

"Of course. Whatever you need to do." His heart raced with anticipation.

Her hand delicately lifted up his plump penis and held it in her palm, tugging it out of the way to continue her work.

He held his breath and tried unsuccessfully to hold back an audible gasp. His muscles twitched again, and he felt his shaft pulse in her hand. "Really, I'm sorry..." he said and again felt his shaft tighten and jerk in her hand.

"No need to apologize. I'm a professional, I understand it's a perfectly normal reaction to a muscle treatment session like this."

"Is that what this is? A muscle treatment session?" Jon joked.

"Yes, I'm not just grabbing your junk for the fun of it." She said as she now slid her hand up his shaft, gripping the tip so she could massage the area to the right of his scrotum.

Breathing heavily, he nodded.

"If you're uncomfortable, just say the word and we'll go back to covering you and we can stop," she said while she let go of his cock. Heather placed her hands on both inner thighs and let her thumbs slide along to where his butt cheeks met and slid up and over his taint and over his scrotum.

"No, don't stop," he said with a breathy moan, not caring how desperate it must have sounded.

He watched with curious fascination as his balls twisted from side to side as she moved on to the base of his shaft.

"What are you doing?" He somehow managed to ask as his penis was now a raging erection sticking straight up. This felt better than anything in his life, but it was getting harder and harder to pretend this was helping his groin.

"It's all connected, Jon." She ran her hands over the various body parts. "Your thighs, your groin, even the base of your shaft is all connected deep within."

She held his shaft tightly, making an okay symbol with her thumb and forefinger around his base before sliding it up his shaft.

He was out of breath and almost sweating from the experience. They could both see the pre-cum dripping out of his tip. Finally, she held his shaft down against his belly, pressing firmly on the underside while her free hand massaged his groin and regularly bumped into his scrotum.

He thought he felt the slightest bit of movement from her hand holding his shaft like she just started to glide upward when her phone buzzed.

"Shit, need to wrap up. My next appointment will be here any minute," Heather said, releasing his penis and rubbed her hands together like she was cleaning away the pre-cum with friction alone.

His cock pulsed as it danced from side to side, still painfully engorged.

"I'll keep an eye on it to see how you're recovering. I recommend giving it some rest, and maybe a nice self-massage before bed."

He nodded, "I always do."

She shook her head and laughed. "Don't we all," she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead before leaving the room. "See you tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to it," Jon said and got off the table. He had to admit his groin did feel a little better, but his crotch did not. His eager erection still pulsed even when it was now painfully tucked away in his boxers, under his clothes. A delightful tease that kept him wanting more.

I could get used to this.

20. ADAM

Adam spent the next day and a half still hiding out in his room dwelling on all that had happened. Ashley seeing his bathroom fetish porn folder, cumming on her in the woods, and then perhaps the part he found even more embarrassing, being completely naked and hard while she used the bathroom in front of him.

His cycle of upsetting thoughts ranged from thinking he's pathetic, gross and disgusting, to worrying about how little Ashley must think of him after all this. As he thought more and more about Ashley, he started to focus on the words she last said to him about everyone needing relief. She couldn't possibly be saying she found all of this acceptable. Could she?

Adam was never one for confrontation, but this was torture not knowing, leaving it for his mind to dwell on it in hopeless agony. In a rare moment of bravery, he knew he needed to chat with her. Eventually. No, right now!

He took a deep breath, opened his door and headed toward the stairs to Ashley's loft on the floor above. It was late in the evening and he didn't even know if she was there. A part of him hoped she wasn't, and he could just tell himself at least he tried. But he knew that wouldn't solve anything.

Each step creaked as he ascended slowly until he reached the top. There was no door to knock on for the loft, so he walked in and turned the corner. He nearly froze in his tracks. There was Ashley, lying on her belly on the bed with her laptop in front of her. She was facing the opposite direction, so she didn't see Adam walk in. She only had on a T-shirt that left the bottom half of her butt uncovered. Her glorious, curvy m, impossibly sexy butt.

She still didn't seem to know he was there, and he debated leaving thinking this was a terrible idea, but he couldn't stop staring at her bare ass. He took another step forward for a closer look, making the old wooden floorboards creak loudly.

Ashley looked over her shoulder, and it was the first time he had seen her ass and face in the same view. It was so hot. This is a bad idea, I need to leave, he told himself as he stepped even closer without willing it.

"Adam!" She said surprisingly cheerfully. "Just give me one minute to finish this thought." She typed away furiously and once satisfied, shut her laptop and placed it on the nightstand beside her bed.

With each of her movements, Adam never took his eyes off her round cheeks squished together, noting how they adjusted with each subtle twist of her body. Somehow the cheeks seemed to remain completely closed, enough to start to wonder if she had on a thong hidden in between her crack, or if she actually was naked. He honestly couldn't tell while looking at her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked as she sat on the bed sideways with her back resting against the wall, feet hanging over the edge.

Adam froze all over again. His newfound confidence instantly vanished. All he could do was shrug his shoulders and stand there like an idiot.

"I'm glad you're here," she said with a little smile.

"You are?"

Ashley nodded. "We should talk," she patted the bed right next to her, gesturing him to come sit.

This felt like a trap. In his mind, he took a few steps closer to her, but in reality, he had hadn't moved.

"Oh, come on. I don't bite," she said with a gentle smile.

You don't bite, but I have a feeling you're going to tear my head off for all the awful interactions we've had, he thought to himself as he finally found his legs and made his way over to the bed. He climbed up and sat next to her, with his back resting against the wall as well. Now they were both facing the large open window that overlooked the forest in the distance. Oh god, it's the same forest that we hiked in. She's had a constant reminder of it every day since it happened, he thought and figured he better apologize before this gets any more awkward.

"Look, I'm really sorry," Ashley said.

Adam was amazed, after gearing up emotionally and mentally to apologize, Ashley did it first.

"For what?" Adam asked hesitantly, still confused. He found it easier to talk to her like this, even though they were side by side, legs practically touching each other, they were both looking out the window. It seemed to take some of the pressure off by not making eye contact.

"For everything. I took things too far, and I'm sorry," she said, taking the high road.

"No, I'm sorry...I fucking came on you!" Adam blurted that out before he could choose his words more carefully.

"Yes, you did," even without looking at her, he could tell she was now smiling.

"I'm so, so, sooo sorry. You must think the worst of me," he blurted out with desperation.

"It was cute," she said, and he could feel her shoulders lightly bounce as she chuckled.

"Cute? Don't you mean disgusting? Terrible? Sick? Don't you hate me for that?" He seemed to vomit out all of his worries in one breath.

"You think I'm upset that you were so turned on from seeing me naked you had an orgasm?" She said softly, and for the first time looked over at him.

"Yes," he paused. "I did think that. But when you say it that way...I don't...I don't...is that really what you think about it?" Adam was processing these thoughts as he was speaking, still forming ideas as words were coming out of his mouth. Was she really flattered and not disgusted? That seems impossible.

"Adam, I knowingly teased you...all day as a matter of fact. I pushed you over the edge, and I'm sorry."

Adam was dumbstruck. This is not how he expected the conversation to go at all. But he focused on one particular part of her statement. "What do you mean you teased me all day?" He asked, and now finally looked back over at her.

"Oh, come now, Adam. You know what I mean," she gave him a sly smile.

Returning his gaze to the window. The thought was bothering him so much, he knew he should leave it alone, but he had to know. "Did you see?" He paused awkwardly, realizing how many different ways that could be interpreted. "My folder, I mean. That day you were on my laptop when I woke up."

There was a long silence, and finally, he sensed her nodding her head out of the corner of his eye.

"I did," she said softly.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. That's so gross. That's not what I'm into, I just was curious..."

"Adam, stop," she cut him off. "It's okay. You don't need to justify it. Your fetishes are yours and yours alone. You never have to be sorry for that. I'm sorry I invaded your privacy. I never should have done that."

Adam stared out the window as a new chain reaction of thoughts ignited in his brain. "You mean you weren't grossed out by it?"

"Do you think I would have done any of the things I did in front of you if I thought that?"

It was a strange mix of realizing he was right, she did see. But also, that he was wrong, she didn't seem to have the negative reaction he imagined. "Why did you do all those things?" He finally asked. He thought he knew the answer, but wanted to hear her say it.

"I thought you would like it," she smiled and added with a laugh. "And you clearly did."

Adam blushed all over again.

"But I did, too," she put a hand on his leg. "Really, it's okay."

"What do you mean you liked it, too? Is this your fantasy as well?"

"No, it's not. But I liked being able to give you a hint of your fantasy for real. It got carried away on the hike, and again I'm sorry. I was just trying to show you what you wanted to see without it going too far. That's why I peed in front of you."

Adam nodded. This was so weird. He felt a strange sense of defensiveness, needing to justify himself. "I know it's weird and fucked up, but I can't help it. Women are just so fucking hot, it's hard to believe they do those things. Especially you, you're like this perfect goddess."

Now it was Ashley's turn to blush, and Adam immediately felt self-conscious admitting that. "I mean all women are goddesses. I don't mean you alone, but women in general, not that you're not..." his backtracking only dug him in deeper.

She looked him dead in the eyes. "Adam, all women are goddesses." She paused and added, "but that doesn't mean you need to place them on a pedestal." Her face slightly tightened, and she leaned to the side letting out a long, deep fart that was muffled by the bed. "We're human, too."

Adam's face went from shock and disbelief to amusement. They looked at each other and finally broke out in a fit of giggles. "Oh, god!" Adam said as he was laughing almost uncontrollably and waved away the smell. "That's so bad."

"Shut up!" She chuckled and elbowed him in the side. "You're right, though." She waved the smell away as well, and they both laughed again.

Things were going so well; Adam couldn't believe it. But he still had so many questions and didn't want to risk killing the good the time they were having. Perhaps it was some internal, self-sabotaging drive that wouldn't let him leave well enough alone.

"There's one thing I still don't understand." He said nervously, not sure how to broach it.

"What's that?"

"I kind of understand why you teased me while we were hiking, but you said multiple times you'd wouldn't take a shit in front of me." The words practically got stuck in his throat. Why am I asking this? Just leave it alone and things will be good between you two. "So why did you do it the other day? Did you really think it was Lexie in the bathroom?"

Adam regretted asking it but determined he'd rather have it all out in the open than live with a false sense of everything being okay. He just couldn't relax until he knew.

Ashley took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "No, I didn't think it was Lexie. I knew it was you."

That was only a very small portion of the answer he was hoping for. "So, why'd you do it? You said you never would."

She laughed, shaking her head. "I don't know. I felt bad about what happened in the woods, I guess. I just wanted to do something nice for you and equally embarrassing on my end. A strange sort of olive branch that you might enjoy."

Adam nodded subtly, staring out the window still trying to process all of this.

"It was something you wanted to see, right?" Ashley asked trying to get him to open up about it.

"Are you kidding? You saw my porn collection. It's probably my biggest fantasy," Adam said and quickly closed his mouth, feeling his face turn beet red.

"Good," she was trying her best hide a smile. "Did it live up to your expectations? Was it everything you thought it would be?"

Adam paused for a long while. That was something he never actually thought about until just now. He wanted to blurt our yes, but that wasn't really the truth. "Maybe. No. I don't know."

Ashley smiled and nodded her understanding.

"I mean it was hot. Really hot. But just not what I thought it would be."

Ashley's unassuming face encouraged him to continue.

As if contemplating how much to tell her, he finally blurted out, "The smell was not at all what I imagined. It was, it was...bad. Surprisingly bad."

"Gee, thanks!" Ashley said jokingly.

"No, no. I don't mean it was awful." He tried to put his thoughts together. This was difficult to do. "I always knew it would smell bad, but I've only watched it in videos. I guess I thought if I saw it in real life, I would...I don't know, like the smell. But it was still a gross smell."

She laughed, "I think I understand. From the looks of it, seemed like you at least somewhat enjoyed it." Ashley nodded suggestively.

"I definitely did. But for different reasons than I thought. I think I got turned on because it was bad. Not because I liked it if that makes sense."

Ashley finally put it together before he could. "It made you realize I'm a real person. Not a perfect goddess on a pedestal."

He nodded and let out a relaxing sigh. That realization seemed to take a huge weight off his shoulders. Almost instantly he no longer felt like the disgusting pervert he used to think of himself as.

"And that was empowering. Exciting. And real," Ashley added.

Adam's head was nodding eagerly.

"Fantasies rarely turn out the way they are in our heads. Hell, that's why it's a fantasy. It almost exclusively lives in our minds. Experiencing it in real life often changes our perception of it."

He finally laughed, as if returning to his old self again. "It was just so bad! And huge, too!" He giggled almost uncontrollably.

"Alright, alright. I think we can move on from this subject," Ashley said, now genuinely blushing.

Adam still laughed and tried as hard as he could to stop but that only made him laugh harder. It seemed to be contagious.

"It wasn't that bad." Ashley finally gave in. "You're such an asshole," she said playfully.

"Asshole..." Adam cracked up again, now holding his belly It was starting to hurt.

"Whatever, dude." Ashley now was laughing almost just as hard. "You're a little shit, you know that?"

Adam could hardly contain himself at that last remark. "Oh, it wasn't little..."

"Okay, okay! I give!" Tears ran down their faces. Neither one could recall a time they had laughed this hard. "Truce. I'm calling a truce. Are we good?" Ashley asked, wiping away a tear.

"Yeah, we're good," Adam said as he tried to stop his giggles. Ashley leaned over with her arms outstretched to the sides, and he felt her warm embrace. He returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her, feeling her warm body pressed against his. The gentle give of her chest led him to believe she wasn't wearing a bra, not that that surprised him.

"Mmm. You always did give the best hugs," Ashley said with a satisfying sigh, not shying away from the fact her breasts were squeezing into him.

"This takes me back," Adam said, still enjoying the hug with his face practically buried into the side of her neck.

"At the end of every babysitting session, I used to love our hugs goodbye. Must have been your way of showing your gratitude for all the ice cream I let you eat and R-rated movies I let you watch," she joked.

"Yeah," Adam paused and slightly blushed as he broke the hug. "Those were the first boobs I saw."

"What?" She asked a little surprised.

"In the movies we watched. There was almost always a nude scene. Those were the first boobs I saw." He blushed again, not sure why he brought that up.
