S.O.S. Summer of Secrets


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"You did it! Yeah...wooo!"

Emily blinked her eyes a few times and started to come back to reality. The sounds all around her started to return to their normal volume and she finally broke a smile. "Did I pass?"

"With flying fucking colors!" Mark shouted. "Welcome to the team." He gave her a hug, and it was probably the first time since she met him that she wasn't overly obsessing about their interactions. Her mind was clearly somewhere else.

"Can I finally get my lifeguard bathing suit?" She asked playfully.

"Soon enough," Mark said.

"What? I passed the test!" Lexie protested in a playful mix of frustration and curiosity. "What else do I have to do?"

"Relax. You don't have to do anything. But you get it at the party," Mark said with a smile.

"Party? What party?"

"It's a bit of a tradition hehe. We always throw a party for the new guards. Friday night. Right here. You in?"

"Duh, where else would I be?" Lexie tried her best to play it cool but felt like she failed miserably.

"Friday night, then." Mark gave her wink and started to hear the group out of the building until almost everyone was gone.

Lexie had already changed back into her clothes and saw Emily closing up the front desk for the evening.

"That was some fancy swimming you did back there," Emily said in a cold tone that didn't feel at all like a compliment.

"Thanks." A weird chill ran down her spine as they were only a few feet away, neither one breaking eye contact.

"A little tip for the party on Friday. It's a skinny-dipping party. That was the tradition Mark was talking about. A final bit of hazing before you get your official bathing suit," she said plainly.

"Oh." Lexie tried her best but still couldn't get a good read on her. "Why are you telling me this? Isn't that supposed to be a surprise? Some joke everyone knows but me?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, but if I were you...I'd just show up to the party naked. Show them you're more than a scrawny swimmer who can swim semi-fast."

Lexie shook her head. She was so awful, and yet so, so crazy. Crazy in a way that drove her mad because she just couldn't let it go.

"It's your call. Whatever you want to do," Emily said as they both left out the front door.

Mark was there, waiting for her. Lexie's stomach dropped. She couldn't believe it. Just as she was about to approach him and finally chat outside of work, Emily walked over and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"You were great, babe," Mark said to Emily as he held her hand and walked to his car. "See you Friday, Lex," he said over his shoulder.

"Prove me wrong about you," Emily said one last time before getting in Mark's car. "If you want to show us you're not this skinny, prissy little prude...you know to do." She let out a little cackle as she closed the door and the car sped off.

Lexie stood there alone in the parking lot wondering what the hell just happened. That bitch!

19. JON

Jon was still putting together various explanations in his head for how those two women in the locker room knew to come watch him undress. Other than Heather telling them, he couldn't imagine how else they would have known. And if that was the case, what exactly did Heather tell them?

He forgot almost all of those things when he saw Heather at the front desk.

"You're two for two now," Jon complimented her.

"There's something rewarding about getting here before the sun rises," she smirked. "And something rewarding about beating you here, as well."

"I had no idea you were so competitive."

She shrugged her shoulders, "there's probably a lot about each other we don't know yet."

"Probably," Jon said. "Maybe we can work on that while we're working out."

Heather smiled, "I'd like that."

"I'm going to get changed and we'll get started," Jon said and wondered if she'd make another mysterious appearance in the locker room.

Jon made his way to his locker and his new routine already felt like it was set in stone. He chose his locker, undressed and fumbled around completely naked for a few minutes before getting dressed. There was no sound of the toilet flushing this time. No sign of Heather. Jon was a little disappointed but appreciated how it kept him on his toes.

Jon finished changing and met up with Heather in the weight room. "What part of my body needs improving today?" she asked with a sly grin.

Jon shook his head. "I'm not falling for that trap. Today is chest day...not that your chest needs improving. Nor am I saying your chest is amazing."

His attempt to remain neutral backfired.

"I'm sorry my chest doesn't impress you. By all means, let's try to change that," Heather said.

"Shut up. You know that's not what I meant. I think your chest looks great," he found himself falling for the trap all the same.

"Relax. I'm just giving you shit," she chuckled. "But that is nice to hear."

They both blushed. Conversations with her were getting harder and harder to avoid flirting. And Jon loved it. They both did.

Jon started the workout by showing her some of the basic chest exercises like the bench press, incline bench press, and a variety of fly exercises.

"We've only got one left. I won't lie; these are a bit trickier than the others," Jon said.

"Why do you always save the trickiest one for the end?"

"If we got it out of the way at the beginning, what's there to look forward to?"

Heather shook her head. "Agree to disagree. What is this tricky exercise anyway?"

"One arm dumbbell chest presses." Jon grabbed a dumbbell and showed her the movements. "It's just a regular dumbbell bench press, but you're only holding the weight in one hand at a time. Requires a lot more balance, stabilization, and core strength."

He quickly did his set and Heather watched, noting his form. "Now you try."

Heather nodded and grabbed a much lighter dumbbell as she sat down on the bench. The position was awkward, and she struggled to find her footing.

Jon stepped in and held the weight while she adjusted her body.

"Got it?" He asked.

"Got it," Heather replied and pushed the dumbbell up with one hand and nearly fell off the bench.

Jon stepped in again and grabbed the weight just before it fell.

"Don't got it," she said, laughing at herself."

"There are a few tricks to make this a little more manageable. First, you want to focus on tightening your abs." Jon lightly placed a hand on her stomach over her shirt. "Feel my hand?"

She nodded.

"Good, now tighten those muscles and imagine them stabilizing you, holding you in place on the bench."

"Like this?" Heather asked and Jon could feel her stomach tightening.

"Yes, perfect! Second, you want to concentrate on your chest."

They both blushed at that weird statement. "Let me ask you something, what part of your body is the sorest from this chest workout?"

"I don't know, the front of my shoulders," Heather replied.

"I figured. That's pretty common when you first get started. You'll want to concentrate on your chest doing the actual pushing of the weight, not your shoulder."

He handed her the weight back. "It's tricky at first to get the movement right, but it's amazing once you do."

"Like this?" She asked as she pushed the weight up, her arm shaking from the unfamiliar movement.

"Better, yes. Sometimes it helps me to place a hand on the muscle that's supposed to be contracting."

"I'm not sure I follow."

Jon's hand hovered over her shoulder. "May I?"

"Of course. You're the expert," she said as if implying he didn't need to ask for permission to touch her.

"Your shoulder, right here," he placed his arm on the front of her shoulder where it connected to the front of her arm. "This is where it's common to feel soreness before you get used to the motion, but this isn't the muscle group you should be working."

He questioned whether or not this was a good idea, but decided to go for it. "This is actually the part of your body that should be doing the work." His hand moved to the top of her chest, not quite on the curve of her breast, but close. "When you move the dumbbell, you should feel this muscle group here contracting."

He squeezed the flesh that connected from her chest to the corner of her armpit. "Now try doing the exercise and see if you notice a difference."

Heather held the dumbbell in place, tightened her abs and pushed the weight. Jon felt her chest muscles tighten underneath his hand.

"Feel that?"

"I do!" Heather's eyes lit up and she did the exercise a few more times.

It both seemed like he made up an excuse to touch her, while at the same time helped her improve her form.

"For your next set, you can place your hand there to check for yourself," Jon said to remove any doubt he was just trying to grope her.

"You want me to grab my boobs by myself? Where's the fun in that?" Heather joked and Jon blushed.

"I wasn't just grabbing your boobs!" He said with a mix of defensiveness and a hint of joking. "Okay, maybe a little."

"It's okay, I really did notice a difference. I appreciate you showing me that trick. I wonder what other tricks you can show me about my body."

Jon blushed. "My pleasure. I'll be happy to share what I know." This was starting to be fun. Too fun.

Heather did the next few sets, placing a hand on her upper chest as Jon had shown her. He was a little mad at himself for telling her to do that herself since it meant he could no longer touch her. But this was a fine line of having fun without taking anything too far.

"Great job!" Jon said when she finished her last set.

"What now?" Heather asked.

"That's it. We can shower and we're done," Jon said and immediately wondered if that came off as suggestive as it sounded in his head.

She looked at the clock on the wall, "Wish I could. But my massage appointment will be here any minute now."

Note to self, don't let these workouts run too long, Jon thought as he was kicking himself for ruining a good chance to shower together.

"Fair enough. Same time tomorrow?" Jon asked.

"I'll be here....before you," she grinned playfully.

"Challenge accepted."

They exchanged smiles and Jon went into the locker room and Heather went in the opposite direction for her massage appointment.

Now that the workout was over, the slight tingle of pain in his groin was starting to return. The adrenaline from the workout must have blocked it out. He went about his new normal post-workout routine, undressed in the locker room and enjoyed a relaxing shower.

He didn't bother covering up with the towel at all this time. It was still a rush, but a feeling he was getting used to. Getting addicted to.

There were the same two women at the lockers when he walked back. "Morning." He said cheerfully, still holding the towel to the side.

"Good morning," the two of them said in unison.

"How's your new workout routine going?" He asked.

They looked at each other and giggled. "I would have guessed it takes longer to see results, but already I'm loving what I see," one of the ladies said.

The other lady slapped her on the arm. "Stop! You're going to scare him off," she said playfully.

"It's fine," Jon joked and decided to get a little braver. He walked over, still naked, his penis flopping about, and stuck out his hand. "I'm Jon."

They both giggled and lightly shook his hand. "I'm Karen and this is Marcy." Their eyes glanced him up and down looking at his whole body on display right in front of them. Clearly not hiding their ogling.

"Pleasure to meet you both," Jon said, enjoying the attention.

"The pleasure is all ours," Karen said. Marcy slapped her once again.

"Forgive her, she acts like she's never seen a...a..." Marcy loosely pointed in the direction of his waist.

"No problem at all," he chuckled and smiled at her before returning to his locker. He heard a toilet flush in the distance and expected to see Heather walking out like the other day. To his surprise, it was a woman he had never seen before. She was chatting with some other girl he didn't recognize at the sink as they looked over their shoulders pretending like they weren't trying to sneak a peek at his body.

He eventually put on his clothes and by the time he turned around, Heather was now standing there.

"Hey," Jon looked confused. "Aren't you supposed to be massaging some lucky person right about now?"

"Supposed to, yes. But they canceled," she said plainly.

"Their loss," Jon said and was getting ready to go.

"Yes, but their loss could be your gain." Heather had a sly smile creep across her face.

"What are you talking about?" Jon asked, slinging his gym bag over his shoulder getting ready to go.

"I suddenly have a free appointment open, and I thought you might want to take it." Heather added, "Free of charge, of course."

"I couldn't ask you to do that," Jon replied.

"You didn't. I'm offering. I have the time and you've been so great helping me with my workouts."

Jon looked hesitant, "I'm not sure I could..."

"Also, your injury! I saw you favoring your leg due to your injury, and if you keep that up it will only get worse and more imbalanced," Heather smiled.

"Well we can't have me being imbalanced now, can we?" Jon smiled. "Fine, I guess I'll accept your free massage offer."

"Good! Follow me," Heather said and walked him to the massage room on the opposite side.

A pleasant smell of lavender greeted him in the dark, candlelit room. There was a massage table in the center, gentle music playing, a chair in the corner and not much else.

"You can get undressed and lie facedown on the table when you're ready," Heather said and left the room.

Jon was a little disappointed she didn't stay in the room while he changed but knew that was pretty unrealistic. Quickly he stripped down and felt his cock wobble as he climbed on the table. There were neatly folded sheets tucked under the padding of the table. He assumed it was expected he would be under the sheets, as that was how every other massage was that he had over the years.

He didn't want to overstep his bounds and just lie there naked for fear of offending Heather. She might stop the massage, or worse, kick him out of the gym altogether.

He found a happy middle and got under the sheets, but only pulled them up to the lower part of his butt. More than half of his cheeks were sticking out, and somehow this felt more scandalous than walking around completely naked in front of strangers a few minutes ago.

He rested his head into the cushiony pillow whole and his heart was beating a little faster than normal.

There was a gentle knock on the door and Heather walked in without waiting for a response. Jon leaned up on his elbows to see her come in, trying to catch her expression as she saw the level of undress he chose.

She didn't react much one way or the other and proceeded to pull the sheet up to his shoulders. Again, he was a little disappointed but glad she didn't react negatively.

Heather pressed her hands on his back, over the sheet applying firm pressure, working her way down his back quickly, skipping over his butt and pressing on his hamstrings, calves, and feet.

It felt strange for a massage but realized it was just a warmup portion. Heather lowered the sheet back down to his waist, leaving all but just an inch of his crack showing.

That was probably for the best, he thought as he started to enjoy her soothing strokes over his back. Her hands were magical, getting out knots he didn't even know he had. When she worked his lower back, somehow it felt both very thorough and a bit of a tease as she would never fully reach his butt.

"How's the pressure?" she asked, digging her thumbs into the two dimples of his lower back just above the towel.

"Mmmm..." Jon moaned.

"I'll take that as good," she laughed and continued working away.

Soon she was pulling the sheets up and Jon knew this meant she would be moving to his legs. Heather adjusted the sheet so one leg was exposed, but still, most of his body was covered. Jon slid his leg out to the side hoping it would expose things just a little more.

He couldn't really tell how much of him was visible, it all felt like he was covered in a professional way. Her hands glided up his hamstring and up and over the outer edge of his cheek.

Next, he felt her hands on both sides of his leg, with her thumbs pressing in the center and her fingers trailing down his inner thigh as she moved upward.

Jon let out a breathy moan as those fingers slid along his inner thigh getting closer and closer to his...

"Ow!" Jon yelped, snapping out of his blissful trance.

"I thought so. It looks like you for sure pulled your groin," Heather said as her two fingers pressed right on the sensitive area getting teasingly close to other parts.

He lifted his hips off the table to adjust and felt his cock jostle into a more comfortable position between his legs. The subtle adjustment seemed to shift the towel a bit and he could feel the cool air on some of the most sensitive parts of his body.

"Is it serious?" he asked, grimacing a bit.

Her fingers gently pressed the entire area, and he could have sworn he felt a fingertip graze the side of his scrotum. "Not too serious."

"What's the best way to treat it?"

"There's not too much you can do besides rest, and of course, massaging it helps."

"Ahhh..mmm...OW!" He twisted and squirmed, hips rising off the table yet again.

She chuckled. "Yes, this will feel both good and bad, but it's necessary for your recovery."

He wasn't sure if his action that did it, or if it was Heather's, but he felt the whole towel pushed to the side. His entire ass was exposed, and she could see his squished member tucked between his legs.

"Thank you for doing this," he said before letting out a yelp as she dug into his flesh right in the corner of his groin. The pain outweighed any good sensation that came from incidental contact with other intimate parts.

"My pleasure," she said softly, and he felt both of her hands move up his cheeks. Her thumbs pressed firmly in the center of each cheek and lightly pulled the flesh up and to the sides. Jon felt a cool tingle as the air met his newly exposed areas.

He let out another moan. This time it only felt good, no pain as she kneaded his ass further.

"I've always enjoyed glute massages the best. One of my favorite things," she said.

He let out another soft sigh. "Giving or receiving?"

"Yes," she giggled. "But not a lot of therapists are willing to do it to the full extent that I think is needed."

Her thumbs slid slightly inward along the center of his crack and her fingers gripped the sides of his cheeks. "I always try to give a little extra attention to the area."

"It feels divine," he half mumbled and half moaned.

"Alright, time for you to turn over," she gave his butt a gentle slap and let out a giggle.

Jon rolled over and saw she was holding up the sheet, maintaining a professional level of draping. The sheet went up to his belly button and she began massaging his upper chest.

"That was a pretty great trick when you pressed right here," her hands were lower on his chest than his were on her earlier.

"Pretty crazy, right? Just touching a part of your body can make you feel something entirely different," he said while she continued to massage his chests.

"When do we get to the workout that gives me abs like these?" She asked, sliding her hands down his stomach felling the grooves of his defined body.

They chuckled, both knowing there was more to it than a simple workout.

"Soon enough," he said.

"My body is yours to shape and sculpt as you see fit," Heather said.

That was an exciting thought, but it quickly was replaced by the feeling of her hands now rubbing the area of flesh just below his belly button. Her fingers went a little lower, just under the top of the sheet barely grazing what little trimmed pubic hair he had.
