S.O.S. Summer of Secrets


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Jen tried her best to get excited but mostly hung back helping pass out supplies. She wasn't used to compartmentalizing things like Erik was from a lifetime of practice.

The day did not go by quickly. It was awkward and hard to avoid interactions with Erik. By the end of class, she felt physically drained from the stress.

When it was just the two of them, Erik was silent and started to pack his bag for the evening.

"Well, are we going to talk about this?" Jen blurted out, hating the way things were left between them.

"No, we are not," he replied coldly.

"Look, I'm sorry I went through your stuff, I'm sorry I imagined the worst-case scenario, and I'm just...sorry." Why am I apologizing to this creep?

Erik nodded, not giving much in return.

"Can we just go back to the way things were?" She yelled.

"What does that even mean?" He snapped. "Just how were things? What is this magical state you'd like us to return to? Where you thought I was someone I'm not and you felt something I can't give you."

A tear started to form in her eye, "I just want us to be friendly. Talk about art again."

"It's kind of hard when every time you look at me, you're judging me for something you know nothing about."

"So, show me! Just fucking show me!" Her heart was pounding so loud it echoed in her ear.

"It doesn't work like that." He walked over to her and she seemed to shrink with each step he took. "You really, really don't want that."

She looked up into his icy eyes, "I do. I do want you to show me." a tear rolled down her cheek, and she added. "You told me to never lie to you. And I'm not."

He furrowed his brow, shook his head as if already regretting it. After a long stretch of silence, he simply said, "Friday." He started to walk out and over his shoulder called out, "You don't have to do this. But if you do, there's no turning back."

The sound of the door shutting echoed in the classroom, and Jen suddenly felt very small and alone. What on earth have you gotten yourself into?

27. JON

On his way to the gym, Jon couldn't stop thinking about all the teasing events with Heather. He couldn't believe he was pushing his luck as far as he was...taking as much risk as he was.

It was not like him to take such an imbalanced risk. If this was a trade, he would ditch the idea and move on. And yet, he was driving to the gym trying not to think about that. He knew he needed to stop. He had to stop. But could he bring himself to tell that to Heather?

"Look who finally showed up!" Heather joked as Jon walked in the door.

"Finally? It's not even light out yet." And just like that, he was pulled into their silly flirting. Something about her snarkiness just made him eager for more.

"Relax, tough guy. Just messing with you."

Jon nodded and headed into the locker room, "See you in a sec." He laughed to himself, wondering if that was a subconscious slip. Seeing her in a sec would mean she came into the locker room while he changed.

Heather did not come in, but Jon did enjoy the relaxing time alone. Carefully undressing and changing in no particular hurry before meeting Heather in the weight room.

"I have a request," Heather said to Jon as he walked over.

"What kind of request?"

"A workout request."

"Go on," Jon was intrigued.

"Is there any way today could be a lighter day? I'm sore everywhere and can barely lift my arms."

"You get used to that feeling. You eventually grow to enjoy it," Jon replied showing little sympathy.

"That may be true, but in the meantime, I'm going to need to cancel my massage appointments if I can barely move my arms."

"Fair enough. You're in luck, anyway," Jon watched her eyes lighting up with hope. "Today is cardio day. Pretty easy. We'll just ride a bike for the workout. Maybe an elliptical. Probably should do a little stair master, and abs while we're at it."

"Jon!" Heather laughed.

"Okay, okay. We'll start with the bike and see how you feel."

She nodded, "Phew!"

The bike riding was rather awkward as neither of them had headphones to listen to music, and it was just fast enough where chatting was difficult to do. Jon did his best to keep her engaged, but soon her speed started to slow.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just need to..." she slowly stopped pedaling and got off the stationary bike. "I think I just need a good steam. I'm sorry, this hurts too much right now."

"No need to be sorry. It's my fault for working you so hard," Jon said with a little more sympathy than before.

"No pain, no gain," Heather laughed. "Or at least that's what I've heard."

"Go relax in the steam room. You've earned it," Jon said and gave her a little wink.

"Will you be joining me?" she asked.

Jon couldn't hide his grin. "I suppose I could use a little relaxation time as well."

"Great. I have a few things I need to take care of first, but I'll meet you in there in five minutes," Heather said.

"Sounds good," Jon said and watched her hobble off to her office. He made his way back to his locker, undressed and grabbed a towel. At this point, the towel was merely for show, as he flung it over his shoulder covering nothing important.

Jon opened door to the steam room and was not greeted by a wall of heat. It was pretty mild, almost room temperature. He wrapped his towel around his waist and tried to find if there was an on switch.

"What are you doing?" Heather asked.

Jon turned and saw she had her towel wrapped tightly around her torso, covering her from her armpits to her upper thighs. He was suddenly glad he just put his towel back on. "Just trying to find the on switch."

"Oh shit. Did I forget to turn it on?" She walked over and checked all the control switches. "It takes about 40 minutes for this to heat up. Damn it. I was really in need of it today," she said with a genuine look of disappointment.

"Are you that sore?"

Heather nodded, "It even hurts to sit."

"How about I give you a massage?" Jon said.

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You didn't. I offered, just like you offered for me," Jon said with a sly grin.

"That was different. You were injured."

"I don't think I was in half as much pain as you. It'll be a short one until the steam room is ready."

Heather looked like she was pretending to contemplate it, but already started to smile.

"If we're not doing the massage, we might as well continue our workout," Jon teased.

"No! No that won't be necessary. You can give me a massage," Heather blushed. "Follow me."

They walked over to the massage room, and Heather climbed on the table facedown. She loosened her towel but kept it covering her backside. Jon noted how her breasts lightly spilled out of the sides of her chest, flattening against the table.

"Now what parts hurt?" Jon asked, placing his hands on her upper back.

She mumbled something he couldn't understand.

"Got it," he joked and proceeded to slide his hands up and down her back trying to remember all the techniques she used on him.

He moved to just above where the towel stopped on her lower back, and his fingers lightly pressed the top curves of her cheeks. She let out a soft moan, showing no signs of telling him to stop.

Jon remembered what she said, most massage therapists don't devote enough attention to the glutes. "Those squats and lunges are really the cause of this. I can work on those areas."

She nodded, and he took that as permission to slide the towel down further. Her entire right cheek was exposed, almost revealing her crack. His hands explored her round, firm cheeks, feeling her flesh move under his touch.

He moved to her upper hamstring and surrounded her leg with both hands, moving upward toward her cheek. She let out a soft sigh, gently raising her hips off the table and back down again. Jon barely noticed that her hip adjustment moved the towel just enough to expose her crack. With a hand on each hamstring, he worked the muscles closer and closer to her butt until he was running his thumbs along the crease of where the bottoms of her cheeks met her legs.

Her warmth radiated from her as he lightly pulled her cheeks apart and caught a glimpse of her hidden treasures within. His hands slid all the way up both ass cheeks and the towel fell to the floor.

Jon's instinct was to apologize, but her relaxing sigh of enjoyment kept him silent. If she's fine with it, I am.

He got lost in her glorious cheeks and spent several minutes squeezing, kneading, lightly pulling them apart and watching them jiggle shut. Her slit was nestled between her tender thighs and her tiny asshole was almost permanently on display. He wondered if she knew how much he could see. He also wondered if that was how much of him she could see the other day.

He devoted both hands to one cheek and found his pinky sliding into the groove of her warm crack while the other fingers continued pressing the meaty flesh of her cheek. There was no denying it, the side of his hand was lightly touching a portion of both her slit and her anus at the same time.

Her sighs grew louder, practically begging him to continue. In all this excitement, he hadn't realized he had grown quite hard. The towel barely stayed around his waist as his engorged shaft that was trying hard to escape its constraints.

His hands traveled back to her inner thighs moving upward, feeling a growing dampness the closer he got. Gently, Jon massaged her groin the same way she did to him. He wanted to make some comment or joke about if her groin was sore, but she moaned softly and didn't want to interrupt her blissful state.

His thumb lightly pressed the side of her labia, pressing it to the side so he could massage the smooth flesh next to it that connected her leg to her groin. As he continued working her inner thigh, he ran his fingers over her wet slit, teasingly upward and over her taint and over her asshole.

She let out an audible gasp and sat up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Don't be silly," she said, turning over onto her back. Her breasts were now on full display, as was her belly, her small patch of dark hair and her slit that trailed off in between her legs. "It's just time for my front now."

She glanced at his towel around his waist that was barely staying on him as his erection was nearly poking out. Her hand rested at her side. He wasn't sure if she reached over if he stepped closer, or some combination of the two, but her hand seemed to brush the towel making it fall to the floor. His freed cock bounced upright wobbling slightly, no longer constrained.

She smiled and closed her eyes waiting for his touch to continue. Jon moved behind her head and almost laughed at how his erect cock was, now hovering over her head. Lightly he pressed the tops of her chest, running his thumbs along the muscles that connected her armpits to her chest. Heather let out a gentle sigh. "That feels so good. My chest has been on fire since the other day."

Jon's hands explored the area, taking his time moving down the sides of her breasts. A part of him kept waiting for her to tell him to stop, but it never came.

Soon the soft flesh of her breasts squished between his fingers as gently kneaded the warm tissue. Softly his hands moved over the centers and he felt her nipples harden under his palms.

She bit her lip, letting out a soft moan. Jon stepped to her side and used both hands on one breast, squeezing the flesh and pinching the nipple before doing the same to the other one.

Not wanting to let go, he kept one hand on her breast and moved his other down her belly. She was visibly starting to squirm as his hand moved lower. Finally, she let out a little gasp as he trailed over her belly button and reached her patch of hair.

Lightly his hand traced the outline of her slit, sliding down one side and up the other before lightly teasing the now wet center. Heather bit her lip, letting out a soft moan as his fingers found her clit.

Jon was so focused on his actions; it was a shock to his system as he felt Heather's hand gently touch his shaft. With a featherlike touch, she ran her fingers over his balls along the entire underside of his shaft before gripping his head. Gently she stroked him when his middle finger slid inside her and his thumb pressed on her clit.

They gasped in unison, teasing one another over and over. Heather adjusted her body rolled to her side, now facing Jon. His heart nearly skipped a beat as he watched her head move toward him.

She kissed the tip so softly he could barely feel it. Slowly her lips pulled in just his head, swirling her tongue around his ridge, licking the underside right where his shaft met his head.

His fingers sped up, sliding in deeper and faster, rubbing her tight insides, stopping only to focus on her clit before sliding back in. Her inner walls tightened around his fingers as he stroked her G-spot.

Heather's mouth opened just enough to slide in another inch of his shaft, sucking on his sensitive skin, making soft slurping noises as she swallowed a mix of his pre-cum and her own saliva.

Jon continued pressing harder on her clit while teasing her insides. He felt her clamp down as he found just the right spot. She started to tremble and monetarily stopped sucking him to focus on her breathing as she tightened and released nearly every muscle in a rhythmic pattern.

She was far from calming down from her orgasm but gathered herself enough to slide his cock back in her mouth. Sucking in his length, inch by inch. Jon couldn't believe as he watched his penis disappear into her mouth, deeper and deeper until he felt a tightness around his head he couldn't describe. Her tongue managed to lick his balls while his head was fully down her throat.

His hand rested on the back of her head gently, more to steady himself than pull her in. Heather slid back and his cock came into view coated with her saliva. She stroked him while she kissed his balls for just a moment before taking him back in her mouth. The pressure was building, and he grabbed her shoulder, making sure his tip was in her mouth. A powerful force ripped through him as his whole body seemed to stiffen. His cock pulsed a few more times as he erupted several ropes of cum in the sweet surrounding warmth of her mouth.

He was completely out of breath and weak in the knees. Her tongue went from feeling amazing to almost painful from how sensitive his shaft now was. He pulled out and watched as she made a show of swallowing what was left in her mouth.

Jon dwelled on that thought. Her mouth. This mouth that was not his wife's. Oh fuck, what have I done?

"I have to go," he said as he quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on as he was running out. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Ashley head into the locker room but wasn't sure. In record time, he was already in his car, heart pounding, wondering what the hell he just did.

Fuuuuuuuck! You. Stupid. Fucking. IDIOT!


Lexie spent the next morning sitting in bed. She had a shift later in the day and wasn't sure if she was going to make it. How could she face Emily after what happened? The bigger question was how could she face herself? She still didn't know what to make of it. She liked Mark. She hated Emily. Didn't she? She was a bitch to her all summer long. Set her up to walk in naked to a party. That's fucked up!

Still, she couldn't quite leave it at that. But it was easier to focus on the anger than the real underlying issue. How did she feel about the kiss? Every time she thought she was making progress on the subject, her anger and confusion took over. Tears ran down her cheek in and off all morning in vicious cycles of awareness and denial.

Once again, she tried to talk with Ashley, but she had gone to who knows where. Where the fuck is Ashley? She screamed to herself as if this was all her fault for not being here. Oh Ashley, what have I done? She thought back to one of the first days with Ashley when she helped her pick out a bathing suit and showed her how to shave her pubic hair.

She had practically forgotten all about that. The exciting and confusing feeling she experienced then was not unlike this feeling with Emily. Was this really a hidden side to her she had kept tucked away? No, that's impossible. I like Mark! Why am I trying to convince myself of that?

The whole morning was torture and she finally got up at the ripe time of noon, grabbed her bag and headed out to work. She was slowly getting used to calling going to the pool work, but it gave her a small sense of pride in an otherwise shaky time.

The work shift was uneventful. Families came in, swam, splashed, no one ran, no one needed any assistance whatsoever. Mark was sitting in the head office, so it was easy to avoid him. And Emily was not at the front desk. That concerned Lexie since she checked the schedule and today was Emily's day to be stationed there.

By the time evening rolled around, most of the pool was empty. She felt sick to her stomach agonizing over every small interaction over the past few days and weeks. She was no closer to an answer. No closer to anything. Only more confused.

The final whistle blew, and the pool was officially closed. Lexie walked in and saw another girl sitting at the front desk. "Who are you?" Lexie asked, sounding ruder than she intended.

"I'm Julie," she said cheerfully. "Who are you?"

"Where's Emily?" Lexie did not care for polite introductions at the moment.

"I'm not sure who that is?" She said plainly.

"Mark!" Lexie barged into his office and saw mark creating the schedule for the following week.

"Lexie!" He said with a genuine smile, long time no see.

"Where the hell is Emily? She was supposed to work today," Lexie practically was screaming.

Mark set his pen down, looked up and calmly said, "Emily quit this morning. As you can see, I need to make a few schedule changes."

"What? Why?"

He shook his head, "Said she couldn't do it anymore. Guess she just needed a change."

"On no, this is all my fault," Emily said, not realizing she stated that thought aloud.

"What do you mean, all your fault?" Mark asked.

"What? Nothing. It's complicated. Do you know where she is?"

"As I mentioned, I'm no longer in charge of her schedule. So no, I don't know where she is," he said plainly trying his best not to show he was upset.

Lexie looked like she was ready to cry. Summer was nearly ending and as confused as she was, now she feared more than anything she wouldn't get the chance to see Emily before she left. Which meant she'd never see her again, ever. That m was terrifying thought and she wiped away a tear as she left.

"Lex," Mark called out before the door closed. "I don't know for sure, but she used to go to the beach at nights when she was stressed. Don't know if she's there now, we're not quite as close as we used to be."

Lexie noticed a twinge of pain in Mark's voice, something she was beginning to understand.

"If you're looking for her, that's where I'd start."

She nodded and left the room. Quickly Lexie was on her bike racing to the beach on the other side of town. The small roads and paths seemed strangely familiar, a route engrained in her from only a short time.

As she rode up to the beach, she saw Emily standing in the distance near the water's edge. Her grey baggie hoodie stood out from miles away. Lexie hopped off her bike, not bothering to lock it up and ran through the pale sand as fast as she could.

Emily didn't turn around as Lexie approached. Soon they were standing side by side with the tide lapping at their feet. The sun was setting, and an intricate pattern of fiery red rays danced across the rippling water. Neither one made eye contact and just took in the beautiful horizon.
