SA E04: Adventures in Production


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Vicky smiled and said: “I know that feeling, he permitted me to sit in the same position in order to stay warm and meditate with him over night, and the stars have always been very nice up here at night.”

With that I smiled at Vicky and said: “what time is it?”

Vicky looked up at the sun and said: “Given the time of year and the position of the sun, I would have to say about 6, why?”

I smiled and continued: “The sun sets at eight or so, right.”

Vicky replied smiling: “I see where you’re going, but it going to be very cold tonight, and I brought only one woollen cover.”

I smiled back: “I also brought one, we can sit here and watch the stars, then sleep here, but will we wait for sunset, how about a few lessons on meditating?”

Vicky was a little stunned at first, then smiled and replied: “That sounds like it might be fun, sure. And who knows if you like it we might be able to do it more often.”

I sat down and said: “Ok let’s start, how should I sit?” Vicky spent the next two hours explaining the theory and showing me how to meditate. Slowly I began to understand and relaxed. I just barely notice the sun setting, and pointed to it, Vicky looked also at it, and we sat side by side watching it set. After it had set Vicky and I became aware of the chill that had taken foot in the area. We pulled out the blankets, and wrapped ourselves up, slowly observing as the starts slowly began to appear.

We had been watching the stars for just over two hours, not saying much, but enjoying the view and thinking back to when Sean was here. But a strong reminder of him not being here hit us both as a strong gust of cold wind hit us, chilling us both to the bone.

Vicky looked at me and said: “I miss Sean, he always kept me warm, and right now I feel so cold and lonely.”

I sighed and replied: “I miss him too, and I do agree it’s just not the same without him, and yes I agree it’s bloody cold up here, yet I never felt it when Sean was here.”

Vicky and I looked at each other and moved closer, hugging each other, and crying in each other shoulder. After a few seconds, we both realized that it was getting a little warmer like this.

Vicky looked me straight in the eye and said: “It’s not as cold up here when you’re in someone’s arms.” I nodded my agreement. Vicky continued: “How about we move closer and combine our blankets, which should help.”

I smiled and helped Vicky get closer as we sat close to each other, placing an arm around each other body, and draping the doubled up blankets over our backs. I immediately started to warm up. I started to feel tired; Vicky was also showing signs of becoming tired. I looked over at her and said: “Since Sean is not here to keep us sitting, maybe we should lay down.”

Vicky replied: “Sounds fair to me.” We had lain down side by side, and slowly I felt the warmth leaving my body and saw that Vicky was also starting to shiver. Vicky looked at me and said: “I am too cold; I won’t be able to sleep like this.”

I replied softly: “I agree; we have to warm up, what do you suggest?”

Vicky hesitated and said: “Well we were warmer in each other arms, so how about we move close together again?”

I smiled and said: “Sounds logical to me, your blanket or mine?”

Vicky giggled quickly and said: “You look warmer; I will get into your bed.” And with that she lifted my blanket and rolled over beside me and draped her blanket over us.

I felt Vicky’s body close to mine, and our combined warmth, started to warm up the bed a little, but I was still cold and Vicky was also quite cold. I hugged her close to me and out faces met; I looked into her eyes and said: “This is better, but it’s still too cold.”

Vicky shivering replied: “I agree, and it’s too dark for us to climb down tonight, at with the lack of wood and high winds, a fire is not possible. What are we going to do?”

I thought for a second and replied: “Vicky, Sean taught me about wilderness survival when you’re alone and when you’re with somebody, did he teach you too?”

Vicky thought for a second and replied: “Yes, a little, why?”

I replied: “Do you remember what he said about body heat and how it dissipates?”

Vicky thought for a few seconds and said: “You mean that part about how heat leaves your body proportionally to the contact to a colder surface and exposure to moving air?”

I replied: “Yes and the advance part, how two bodies are warmer together then individually, and the more direct the contact the better the ratio, and that anything colder than the two bodies reduces the efficiency.”

Vicky took in the info and then looked at me wide eyed as the reality of my suggestion sunk in, she then spoke: “You mean we should remove our robes and use them as shielding, will sleeping naked our as close as possible?” I nodded my agreement. Vicky blushed and said: “I agree, but I must warn you, I am not wearing a bra today.”

I smiled and said: “I almost never wear a bra either, and today is no exception.”

Vicky’s eyes relaxed a little and said: “Maybe we should sleep back to back?”

I replied: “It does not work as well, Sean told me.”

Vicky smiled and said: “Oh well, I’m game if you are.”

I smiled and said: “let’s do it.” We slowly removed our robes, they opened at the front, and soon we were both lying on our backs with our bare breast exposed, I rolled back to my side, Vicky followed suit, and we wrapped the robe over each other as our naked breasts made contact for the first time ever. I could feel Vicky hard nipples rubbing my own. A spark went through my body. I looked into Vicky’s eyes and saw she was also quite surprised by the feeling.

Vicky smiled and said: “Your nipples are rock hard.”

I smiled back and replied: “As are yours.” Vicky blushed again, and I could feel the temperature rising quickly. Soon I felt my own and Vicky’s nipples softening as they warmed up. Vicky smiled as I said: “Oh this is much better.”

Vicky retorted: “I agree, it’s really a lot more comfortable like this.” With that we hugged closer and feel asleep.

I was awoken by the bright sunlight creeping over the horizon the next day, Vicky started waking moments after I opened my eyes, I was quite comfortable and warm, I could still feel the cold morning air, and could even see my breath, as the sun rose and a thick fog could be seen rising from the valley bellow.

Vicky was now awake and looked into my eyes and softly spoke: “Good morning Sarah, I slept so soundly, thanks for sharing your bed with me.”

I smiled and replied: “It was my pleasure, haven’t slept this well, without Sean holding me that is, in a very long time.” I moved closer to Vicky and hugged her, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

Vicky smiled and said: “That was nice, how did I earn it?” Never turning her eyes from mine.

I smiled and said: “You made me happy to be here and actually forgetting about my sorrows, and more to the point; you are why I am all warm and joyful this morning.”

Vicky smiled and kissed me softly on the lips, I blushed instantly and said: “What was that for, I can’t possibly have earned it.”

Vicky smiled and replied: “You get that for being the only woman to have ever made me feel loved.” She paused for a few seconds then said: “I never did meet my mother, she left shortly after my birth, and never returned, I learned many years later that she had passed away shortly after leaving, and my grandfather raised me, in a monastery with no women, or girls my age.”

My face filed with sorrow, and Vicky quickly said: “Don’t be sad for me, I have had a good life, and should it have been different, I would never have met you or Sean.”

I smiled and replied: “Well I am glad you are happy, and I am pleased to have met you, and I am very happy Sean helped us get to know each other.” With that I moved closer to her and also placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Vicky smiled and said: “That was nice, how did I earn it?”

I smiled and replied: “I just felt like it, you make me happy to be alive.”

With that we hugged once more then broke our embrace and rolled onto our backs. Then in synch we sat up, letting the blankets fall from our chest, and the cold air hit us, instantly our nipples hardened and we covered ourselves to warm up. I quickly reached under the blanket and found my gown, and put it over my shoulders, bumping my head into Vicky’s in the process; I reached for my head and rubbed it, looking at Vicky, and seeing her naked breast for the first time. Our eyes met as we looked and appraised each others bodies. I was amazed at how beautiful Vicky truly was.

I looked deep into her eyes and she was also a little flush, I said softly: “You really have a beautiful body Vicky.”

She blushed and replied: “Nonsense your body is much better looking, I bet all the guys run after you.”

I smiled and replied: “Yes all the boys run after me, but I am actually sure your body has at least the same beauty as mine if not more.”

Vicky smiled and said: “That’s very nice of you.”

I was starting to feel comfortable, just then a cold gust of wind hit us, and the chill returned to our bodies, as we yelped and covered our breasts with our hands. I then said: “I think we better cover up before we freeze something.”

Vicky giggled and nodded her agreement then said: “You go first so we don’t repeat the little accident we had earlier.” With that I quickly leaned forward and put my robe on and then watched Vicky put hers on.

I smiled and said: “That’s a little better, we better get going it’s a little too cold to remain here, we should get back and have breakfast and warm up.” I did not really want to leave but knew it was too cold for either of us to be comfortable, I wished at this time that I had followed Sean’s training for extreme condition survival, I once saw him sit in a glacial waterfall for 6 hours and walk out not even shivering, anyhow, I did take lesson from Sean later, as did Vicky.

We got up and started our way down the mountain side talking about our night together and the events of the morning, I was starting to feel a physical attraction to Vicky and did not know what to do, I was not scared and did not feel weird about it, and to this day I don’t know why.

Oh yeah Vicky has the following interjection: “I too at this time was starting to feel a physical attraction for Sarah, it did not scare me, but I could not understand the type of feeling I was having at the time, yet I felt funny around Sarah” Told you she’d participate a little, anyhow, back to me.

We got up, packed our stuff and made our way down the mountain, by the time we reached ground level it was quite warm, Vicky and I enjoyed the walk, and we spoke together throughout the journey, as we started across the valley floor to return to the monastery I stopped and asked: “Vicky, I realize this may be inappropriate, but I have been thinking about it since we started our day, please be honest.” Vicky’s face filled with a little fear and incertitude, “I have been feeling something deep in my soul ever since I saw you this morning, and it has been slowly forming ever since we started to become friends, at first I did not know what it was, but now I am pretty sure I know.”

Vicky looked at me with great anxiety and said: “I have also been feeling a little strange about you, but I do not know what it is yet, can you enlighten me, if possible.”

I realized Vicky may not be ready for my confession and said: “Well if you don’t know yet, I will hold of on telling what I know it is, but I think I can help you piece it together yourself, do you want me to try and help you?”

Vicky paused for a few seconds and said: “I feel I can trust you, please try.”

I realized the great responsibility I was taking on and decided I may as well: “Vicky, tell me the feeling you have, have you ever felt them for another women?”

She thought for a few seconds and said: “No, don’t think so.”

I was a little relieved, and yet a little more aware of how much this was going to shock her if I was right: “Now, think about how you feel about Sean, does this remind you a little about the feelings you have for me?”

Vicky had a look of shock and revelation and said: “It’s almost the same Sarah.”

I knew I was right, now I knew I had to go for broke: “Ok now here is the hard part,” Vicky knew what was coming and her face showed just how uncertain she was, “Think about it for a second, you and I both feel many things for Sean.” I paused for a few seconds, Vicky looked anxious as she rang her feeling through her mind, I continued: “We both love him a friend, but you know that’s not what is bothering you, we both know that we are friends, but we are used to that.” Vicky’s face started to fill with a little smile as she realized that we had indeed become friends.

I continued: “We both also consider Sean like a member of our family, heck I am pretty sure you consider him like a brother, and you know he is my brother, but we know how family feels, and even though I am pretty sure you think of me like a sister, like I feel for you, that is not the unknown emotion.” Vicky’s eyes filled with softness, and her eyes filled with love and tenderness, as she realized that I had indeed become like a sister to her, she was still trying to figure out what the emotions were, then a look of complete understanding hit her as she placed her finger of the emotion, and all at once I knew she understood, and was ready.

I smiled and said: “Now you know what I am feeling, and what you’re feeling, the reason we fought over Sean, the reason we miss him so and the reason why we have both been unable to remove from our minds the sight of the others body.” I let Vicky finish.

Vicky looked in complete shock and amazement and said: “The feeling that one can only have with a select few people, the most powerful force in existence, and not only the source of many other, but the catalyst for the physical response I am having to your body.”

I knew she knew and yet I had to hear her say it.

Vicky continued: “Not just physical attraction, or even emotional attraction, but love and not just plain love but complete and total physical emotional infatuation and love. I love you, and you love me, and as if that was not enough, I want to make love to you, and I know you want to make love to me.” I smiled, she understood.

Vicky had a puzzled look on her face, she then asked: “I know it’s not uncommon for women to fall in love, but I am not sure what to do or how to approach this, knowing you love another woman does not exactly prepare you for the fact or the act for that matter.”

I laughed and said: “You are thinking too far ahead, just relax and embrace the reality, I am sure we will find it very natural when we actually get to that bridge.”

Vicky smiled and replied: “I always did get carried away, you’re right, let’s see where this goes, now come her and give me your hand so we can at least hold hands as we walk.”

I smiled and said: “Now you’re thinking clearly, I would be happy to.” With that I moved to Vicky’s side and held her hand and felt her affection and warmth move to me.

We walked to the monastery where we were greeted by the monks; they noticed our enhanced friendship and smiled at us. Vicky and I went to the great hall and had lunch, as we were eating, I realized that most of the monks were smiling at us; I dismissed it as a reaction to having us get along.

Vicky and I spent the rest of the day talking and enjoying each other company, eventually the sun set and we had supper, we then decided to retire to my room.

Vicky looked at me and said: “I have had a great day Sarah, but you must realize that tomorrow you will be able to leave, and that I got word today that I would also be able to head out, I will be going to Tibet to petition for the position of Great Elder, I have really enjoyed our time together, but it looks like it may be ending before we actually get to take advantage of the love we feel for each other, I need to know what you want to do.”

The realizations hit me and I thought for a few seconds then said: “I love you and I would love for you to spend the night with me, and if you can arrange it, I want to got with you to Tibet, I will handle getting back, and if I need to I am sure I can get Sean to find me a way back, so do you think you can take me with you?”

Vicky smiled and said: “I am sure we can arrange something. I am more than happy that you want me to spend the night, but you will have to help me, I am willing to try anything with you, and believe this might be enjoyable, please be gentle.”

I smiled at Vicky and said: “I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything, but if you see something I am doing and think you may want to try, go right ahead.”

Vicky smiled and relaxed opening her arms to me. I moved forward and kissed her firmly on her soft lips, she shivered mildly at my touch. She started to hug me as I permitted my tongue to explore her soft lips. Vicky relaxed as I slowly moved my tongue past her lips into her mouth, her tongue began to mingle with mine. I began softly stroking her hair and back to help her relax, and to help her enjoy herself.

I was getting quite turned on as Vicky became more and more receptive and willing, I could feel her melt in my arms. I slowly removed her robe, she, like me, was still without a bra; I removed my own robe and laid it on the floor beside Vicky’s. The room was surprisingly warm. I slowly laid Vicky on her back and moved myself closer to her side and laid there softly on my side. Vicky sensually turned to face me; her eyes were filled with love and joy. I knew for the first time that this was definitely right.

I slowly moved my hands down to Vicky soft breast and started kneading her soft flesh, Vicky’s nipples hardened between my nibble fingers, and I could feel a shiver move through my body as the excitement of the situation grew. I could feel my own nipples hardening as Vicky’s hands slowly moved along my belly, softly edging towards my breasts.

Vicky’s hands finally reached my exposed bosoms, I felt my juices starting to flow, as my mind feel into an ever deepening state of sexual excitement. I slowly moved my mouth to one of Vicky’s soft breast and sucked it into my willing mouth, I used my tongue and teased her stiff nipple; I felt a shiver pass through Vicky’s excited body. I had to see Vicky in all her splendid glory and decided it was time to see what lay hidden between her long and sensuous legs. I got up and removed my panties, noticing they were quite soaked.

Vicky looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes and said: “Sarah, you’re very beautiful.”

I smiled and replied: “You are too nice. I am quite taken in by what I have already seen of your beautiful body, now I want to see you in all your natural glory.”

With that said Vicky smiled as I slowly moved forward and put my hands around her soft hips and took hold of her soft white panties and started to lower them gently. I was a little surprised to find a bright red covering of hair on Vicky’s pussy. I said softly: “That is the most amazing bush you have there Vicky, I am amazed at how beautiful it looks.”

Vicky smiled and said: “You’re not bad looking down there either.” She said softly looking at my blond hair; which barely covered my inflamed lips. I noticed that she just like me had beads of moisture floating in her fine hairs. Vicky smiled and said: “You know you’re the first blond I have ever seen, down there at least, mind you to think of it, I have not seen many other pussies in my life, actually other than my own, yours is the first I have ever seen in close up.”

I smiled and said: “Well I don’t want to brag but I have seen a few more, in the locker room at the gym, never seen a redhead, only one other blond.”

Vicky smiled and said: “Never thought I would be lying naked at the feet of another women talking about pubic hair, mind you, feels really natural with you.”
