SA E04: Adventures in Production


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With that a few hands went up, and after 5 minutes of me answering question we were ready to go. I took my place and acted my part, after three run through with Alicia giving correction and interrupting the cast had gotten all their lines down pat, and with 2 hours gone Alicia called a final take, no interruptions and then we would call it a night.

We quickly ran through the last rehearsal, the sun had now set and it was night, all the cast was tired, the crew was also feeling the weight of the day, I myself was used to 12 hour work days, but I knew that I was probably the only one other than Vicky, she had trained with me for a while. I looked at the girls, like I suspected Vicky was still in full spirits, and so was Sarah, mind you she had also trained with me and Vicky, but Alicia and Annie were barely able to stand, and Michelle, Susan and Amanda were only mildly better.

I wished a good night to the cast and crew, as I finished Vince came out of the control centre, and look himself quite awake, I waved at him as asked: “Vince you look quite lively for a man who has been through a long day.”

Vince looked at me and said: “What are you talking about mate, I have only been working 12 hours, I am used to 16 hour working days, I mean this was a piece of cake, I have been running on an average of 5 hours sleep a night for over three years, you have to if you DJ, I am still quite ready to go, you still look very much awake yourself Sean.”

I replied: “I went through training and can go with only 4 hours sleep a night, but that was of my own choice; I did not realize I was working you so hard my friend.”

Vince smiled and said: “I enjoy it mate, never really liked sleeping, plenty of time for that when I will be old, I would not work under any other conditions.”

I smiled and hugged him close to me and said: “A man after my own heart, Vince I have always like you and consider you like a brother, never change man.”

Vince hugged me back firmly and said: “Was not planning on changing mate.”

I looked back towards the girls and turned Vince to face then and said: “You want to help me carry them to the car, and then into the house, Guido will help and Vicky and Sarah look like they will also be there, so what do you say?”

Vince smiled: “Yes why not, I will get my Van later, and this might be fun.”

With that we moved to the five girls who were just laying there completely wiped. I picked up Alicia and took her into arms and carried her cradled in my arms, Vicky helped Michelle to her feet and walked with her leaning on her, Sarah helped Amanda up and did the same, Susan was more tired and Vince picked her up and cradled her in his arms, Guido with no effort picked up Annie and cradled her in his arms. We all started to walk towards the stage door and exited where a limousine was waiting, I looked at Guido and said: “This your idea?”

Guido smiled and replied: “Well it seemed fitting, were else was I going to fit 9 people and myself?”

I laughed and replied: “I suppose you’ve got a point, so how is going to happen Guido?”

Guido uncertainly said: “Well I had not worked that out completely, but seeing the line up, I think the girls in the back with you, me and Vince sitting up front.”

I looked at him and said: “Well I think that would normally be a good idea, but tonight I think you maybe are a little too tired to drive safely, so I was thinking you and Vince in the back with Alicia, Annie, Michelle, Susan and Amanda. Sarah and Vicky will sit up front with me, so we can talk a little. Sound fair to you boys?”

Guido and Vince nodded, not because they agreed, but because they knew that if I proposed something bizarre, they had no chance of changing my mind. I set Alicia in the back seat, and then Michelle and Amanda crept in, followed by Annie and Guido, then Vince and Susan. Vicky sat on the left side and Sarah sat in the middle, I got into the drivers seat. I looked at the two girls and said: “Ok we have a little privacy, will one of you please tell me how you became lovers?”

They looked at each and said: “What do we get in return?”

I smiled and responded: “Well you already promised but, just for the info tonight I will included for you both any wish you may have, including but not limited to any sexual activity you may want to participate in once we return to the mansion, or a promise of it at a later point in time.”

Vicky smiled and said: “Ok, I will be happy with a completion of a promise you made earlier, so how about it, will you do me the honour of taking my ass?”

I nodded my approval and said: “Done deal, now how about you sis?”

Sarah smiled and said: “We will see, but for now I will take a promissory on the actual event, but it will be sexual.”

Good to hear, now who’s telling the story, with that I started on the 30 minute journey home.

Sarah smiled and said: “I will tell you, Vicky can fill in details as needed.” So you may have guessed, from this point till further notice Sarah is telling the story, written by my gifted sister, with me reediting it after.

This started shortly after the passing of Vicky’s grandfather, you remember, you two met a month before her ascension to her current rank of grand elder, her grandfather had died only a few weeks earlier, she had never met you, but you and her grandfather had met a few time, she had become a member of the elder’s counsel shortly after you had met him. I believe mostly because of your conversations with him. Sean nodded.

Vicky spoke up: “Sean do you mean I only became a member of the elder counsel because of you and your actions?”

Sean smiled and said: “No not exactly, for you see, I only convinced your grandfather that age was not a requirement of wisdom, and during our talks he agreed, that being said your admission into the counsel was reconsidered and approved, he had wanted to make me into a sage, but this occurred as a result, and of course I urged you to become the replacement for your wise grandfather, he wanted me for the role, but I knew you would be better suited, so I helped you realize it.”

Vicky smiled and said: “Guess I owe you much more than I ever knew.”

Sean replied: “You own me nothing my love; I did it because it was right, not for gain, so my reward was seeing the right person get the job.”

I interrupted them and said: “Ok, that all nice and everything, but I want to tell the story, you can continue this after.” Sean and Vicky looked at me with a stern look, I replied: “Ok I am sorry, but I mean, how am I to get to tell you the story if you won’t let me talk?”

Sean replied: “We were done; you could be a little more patient sis.”

I replied: “Sorry bro, I am just a little excited, and really want to tell you how Vicky and I became lovers.” Sean just smiled. “I take it you two will forgive me.” I asked Sean and Vicky coyly. “I am not as patient as you two unfortunately.”

Vicky smiled and said: “All is forgiven, and I am certain Sean wants to hear about us.”

I smiled, then continued: “You two met at Vicky’s grandfather’s passage celebration, a ritual were all the friends of the dearly departed meet to remember the life and joy the person brought to the world. Everybody had mourned for three weeks his passage and were finally beginning to get on with their lives, a common ritual for your order I am told.”

Vicky replied: “Yes indeed, but the ritual also carries a mighty burden for the students of the man to pass on as well as his children, for you see were are to mourn an extra week before we celebrate, as a test of our metal, we are to feel happy he lived and that everyone remembers the person fondly, but we must help them heal without crying or laughing. It was really difficult, since only two of us would be doing it. Usually a Great Elder had hundreds of students, making them have a common trait; in this case, my grandfather had only one living student, Sean, a man so wise he had actually changed him.”

Sean spoke up: “I was the only person to be able to convince the Great Elder, to let him be a student, Vicky was not made aware of it this after his passing, she had never been aware of it, and since her father was told by the Great Elder not to mourn his passage, for Vicky and Sean would be the only two needing to, Vicky and I met on that fateful day. She had not been told about me until the day before, when her father told her of his father’s wishes. Vicky did not understand, but did as she was told and met with me.”

Vicky spoke up: “That’s when we first started to talk, we became quick friends, unfortunately, for a week Sean was completely indifferent to my attentions, he had complete emotional control even back then, and I was uncertain of how he felt about me, yet in that short while I had already begun to fall in love with him, his tenderness and compassion was soothing even though he showed no emotions, his touch was still soothing, and made me feel better. We spent the week after talking and getting to know each other, that’s when he convinced me to become the new Great Elder, and introduced me to you Sarah.”

Sarah smiled and said: “Finally we get to the good stuff, when Vicky and I met I felt instantly threatened by her, she was too close to you, I did not like that about her, we spent an afternoon with you before you told us both that we needed to calm down, or we would both lose you, that’s when our mutual antagonism went down to a low boil, we spent a week with you, before you told us you had to leave for a while.

To add insult to injury, Vicky and I were still going to be stuck at the monastery for a few days more. Sean was going by foot, and could not easily be followed, and it would be a few days before Vicky could leave for the monastery in Tibet. I was not able to get a ride for a few days either.”

Vicky spoke up: “I thought to myself, great I am alone with that obnoxious brat, we are going to be here together for another three days, and Sean is not even here to make it worth while, just great. That when my father came and spoke to me and said: “My child you may not value my opinion much, can’t blame you, but Sean made me promise to at least give you one final piece of advice, so you will be truly ready for the role of Great Elder, Sarah is not your enemy, your fear of losing Sean to her is, face that and you will know why it is unfounded.” I realized how right he was and hugged him and decided to make peace with Sarah, she was after all going to be here for as long as Sean, they were too close for that to change.”

Sarah piped up and said: “This is where things get fun, for you see, I was still a little unhappy with Vicky being competition, but you had already asked me to try and get along with her, she’s to be the new Great Elder and that you knew that you two would be seeing each other often, and that that was unavoidable, so I tried to calm down, and open my mind to the prospect.”

Vicky spoke up: “That when this little escapade really begins.”

Vicky and I were both down at Sean leaving, Vicky and I both decided that going to his favourite place of meditation would most likely been a good place to relax, there are only two was up to it, it resided on the peak of a jagged mountain near by, I knew only one way up at that time, and Vicky it turned out only knew the other way up, I later learned that Sean had showed us each a separate way up, since both ways were quite difficult to climb, I had not tried to plot my own course, and luckily neither had Vicky.

As it turned out, Sean knew we would both visit the site when we missed him. It was an hour long climb; I set out not knowing Vicky had also decided to go there. I reached the top and sat down, I had not been sitting for 30 seconds when I heard the noise of a person climbing up the side of the mountain, I got up and walked over to the noise, and saw Vicky there, our eyes met and we both said: “What are you doing up here?”

I waited a second for Vicky’s answers, as she was waiting for mine, it hit us simultaneously that we had both asked at the same time, then we began to laugh, at the irony, finally I reached down and helped her up, and we sat together, I asked her: “Did Sean also show you a route to get up here?”

Vicky softly replied: “Yes he did, we came up here and meditated together a few times.”

I sighed and replied: “Sean also brought me here a few time to meditate this week.”

Vicky looked at me sadly and said: “God I miss him.”

I looked at her back also longing: “I miss him deeply too.”

With that we hugged and cried on each other’s shoulder. After a little we broke our embrace and looked at each other carefully. I spoke first: “You love my brother don’t you Vicky?”

She looked down and replied: “Yes with all my heart.” She looked me in the eyes and said: “You also love him deeply don’t you?”

I looked down and shyly said: “Yes, I love with all my heart too.”

Vicky and I looked each other, our eyes looked and we both said: “I am sorry.” We laughed again.

Vicky spoke first: “I have been unfair trying to come between you and your brother, can you forgive me?”

I looked at her and said: “I am the one who should be apologizing; I was the one trying to come between Sean and you.”

Vicky replied: “You know he loves you deeply, he told me.”

I replied: “He loves you just a deeply, he also told me.”

Vicky replied: “He wants me to try and get along with you; I think you may not be such a bad person.”

I replied: “Thanks, I think. He also really wants me to try and get along with you, and I think I might be able to stomach you, if I try.”

Vicky smiled and said: “Well thanks, that’s really big of you.” We both started giggling, and in no time we were both rolling on the floor laughing.

We spent the next five hours talking about Sean, and our experiences with him, eventually the conversation moved to our lives before we met, and before we had fallen in love with Sean, I found that Vicky was a good person, and we were soon like old friends. Vicky and I both agreed that Sean was wise to have made this happen.

Vicky and I were now quite relaxed, that’s when Vicky said: “Sarah, I must ask, why are you so close to Sean, he’s your brother, but from what I can see you have amorous feeling for him, not just love as a brother.”

My face flushed as the truth of her words hit, I knew she was right, I did love my brother as a man, not just my brother, I was reflecting on her words, when a realization hit me. “Vicky, I can’t hide that from you, but at the same time, I realize that your feelings for Sean are also more that just friendship, or even sexual attraction, you love him as brother too, that’s why I feared you when we first met.”

Vicky blushed this time and said: “Yes, I admit, I consider him my brother too. He was too nice to me for me not start thinking of him like a brother.” Vicky was now a little confused herself. She waited a few seconds and then said: “This might be a little too forward, but I assume that like me you have not yet made love to Sean?”

I was floored by her question, Vicky started to look worried, I spoke softly: “Vicky, I was not expecting that, but yes indeed, you are right. But just so you know, that part that really hit me was that Sean still has not made love to you.”

Vicky smiled and said: “I knew that you had thought about making love to your brother.”

I replied: “Damn right, I even tried to seduce him once or twice, but he’s always been in complete control of himself, nothing I do can rouse him.”

Vicky smiled and said: “I have tried too; I must say he is strong willed. I have no clue how to get him to even notice me, he loves me, but he will not consider me a sexual object, mind you I have never seen him so much as stare at any woman, he is always so steady.”

I smiled and asked Vicky: “Has he seen you naked?”

She giggled and said: “I wished he had, but no. How about you?”

I smiled and said: “Not since I was 8. I have tried to expose myself a few times, but I have had no luck, he seems to know what I am thinking, it frustrates me to no end.”

With that Vicky got up and said: “Do you want to follow me down the route Sean has shown me, or do you want to show me the one he taught you?”

I smiled and said: “I will show you my route, and we can walk back up tomorrow using your route.” With that I got up and we started down the mountain, when we reached the monastery, it was already dark.

Vicky smiled and said: “See you in the morning.” I hugged her and we parted and left for our rooms. I laid in bed for more than two hours, unable to sleep, the feelings of sadness had returned, and I was really missing Sean.

I had just gotten up, only wearing a night shirt, bra and panties, when I heard the softest knock at my door. I moved over and slowly opened the door. I found Vicky also in a night shirt, bra and panties, both visible through the sheer material; she looked at me and said: “I can’t sleep, I miss him too much.”

We hugged and I said: “I miss him too.” I looked into her eyes and said: “Vicky do you want to spend the night with me?”

She smiled and replied: “I think that might be fun.” We moved back into my room, and lay side by side on the bed, talking about Sean, slowly getting sleepy as our sadness evaporated; in no time at all we hugged and fell asleep in each others arms. I really felt like Vicky was my sister, and we had always been close, I was completely relaxed around her, just like when Sean was around. I had never felt that close to a woman before.

I woke at the same time as Vicky, we both stared groggily into the others eyes as we slowly woke up, we were still hugging each other, Vicky released me as I released her, we both stretched and got up slowly and then I said: “Good morning Vicky, I slept so peacefully, thank you.”

Vicky smiled and replied: “I have not slept that soundly in a long time, thank you. What do you want to do today?”

I looked softly into her eyes and said: “I think breakfast,” I looked outside noticing a bright midday glow, “or maybe lunch would be in order.”

Vicky looked out the window and replied: “Yeah, I think lunch sounds about right.”

We left holding hands and went to the great hall where all the monks sat, the elders looked at Vicky and me with great relief as we walked together. Vicky and I sat down together at her table, and a monk brought us lunch, we ate quickly and then thanked him for the excellent food. He said he’d relay our compliments to the cook, then left. After a quick lunch Vicky and I decided that a hike to Sean meditation area was in order. We left shortly after.

We took the route Vicky had learned from Sean, we talked about how we had each managed to fall in love with Sean, we found that we really had pretty much fallen for the same reasons, we felt quite close to each other at that point, and made a promise to never fight over Sean’s attentions, and possibly never fight at all again.

When we reached the top Vicky sat down and asked what I wanted to do. I did not know, so I replied: “I am not sure, what did you want to do?”

Vicky meditated on the question for a few minutes and said: “I am not lingering on Sean anymore, and do not quite feel that we have much more to talk about, so a little meditation might be in order.”

I shyly looked down and replied: “I do not know how to meditate, for you see, Sean and I never really ran out of things to talk about, he always had a story to tell.”

Vicky smiled and said: “I never have heard him tell a story, he and I met over a sad point in my life and Sean and I discussed my grandfather’s wish and my feelings. And also when I was very sad, Sean just held me close and let me cry on his shoulder.”

I smiled and said: “Well, Sean and I spent enough time here that he would permit me to sit between his legs with my back to his chest, while he told me stories and held me close, warming me with his body. Since it does get cold here at night, Sean always had a woollen blanket with him, and draped it over us at night, I can’t even remember how many times I woke up in his arms up here.”
