Safe Room Ch. 01


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"Okay, that's good work." I said. "Anyone, any questions? Deep philosophical thoughts?"

"Sir," said Rudistan, who was remarkably quiet and somber after his experience earlier in the day, "how did you know how to work that keycode system?"

"Ah, yes. That." I said. "By sheer coincidence, or perhaps not, those are the exact systems the CIA wanted me to sell them when I was running my security devices business. I refused to sell them anything, of course. And I'll add that it is very frightening to me that they wanted systems that were so easily defeated."

"Wow." said Cindy.

"Okay." I said. "Anyone have any other comments or questions before I start making assignments?"

"Assignments?" said Sheriff Allgood. "This was just an unfortunate accident, wasn't it?"

"No, Sheriff." I replied. "This was first degree murder." There were several gasps in the room.

"O-kay." said the Sheriff. "But how do you draw that conclusion?"

"Tanks marked 'air' but filled with carbon dioxide are a start." I said. "Sabotaged filtration system, also." I replied.

"But that could've just been an accident, putting the wrong gas in the tanks, couldn't it?" asked the Sheriff.

"Detective Warner will be telling us that's two coincidences, and therefore none, Sheriff." I replied. "But let me go further, and make this small suggestion: I believe that we now know the reason Ferrell sabotaged the Electric Company substation." More gasps.

Chief Moynahan cut in: "Mr. Crowbar, are you saying they sabotaged the power station just to get that guy to go into his little prepper room, whereupon he was extinguished like a candle because he had no oxygen?"

"Admirably good way of putting it, Chief. And Sergeant Rudistan almost met the same fate." I replied. "Look, you Detectives were saying you did not accept the explanation of the FBI that the power station sabotage was a 'dry run'. We've spent a month wondering why that was done, and why then.

"Now," I went on, "a month later, we find a dead guy in his safe room, with tanks marked air but filled with C-O-2. That alone could be manslaughter. But then the filtration system was screwed with. And on top of that, the house itself was trashed by criminals looking for something. So that suggests more."

"But... but..." said Sheriff Allgood, at a loss for words, and thoughts, at the moment.

"I bee-lieeeeve," said Chief Moynahan, "you were about to make some assignments, Mr. Crowbar?"

"Captain Ross, who do you want leading this one?" I asked my Captain of Detectives.

"Parker." Cindy said. "And Jerome Davis helping with it."

"But ma'am, I'm Parker's partner." said Joanne.

"I know." Cindy said. "And I'll talk to y'all later about that. Anyway... guys, feel free to make use of the Iron Crowbar's brain with lots of questions for it. With his bad back, he will not be exerting himself too much. I can personally guarantee that." I looked over at her, and got a very strong stare right back at me.

"Good!" I said. "I can get some extra practice in for the Police Boxing Matches."

"You'd better not!" exclaimed the Chief. He'd been getting out of his chair; now he was pointing at me with a look of pure horror on his face. "Do not even joke with me that you would even be thinking of that."

"I will be in the ring at some point in time, sir." I said with a grin. Just as I was about to get ripped a new one, Cindy stepped into save me.

"He'll be in the ring asking the final two people if they want a shot at the title." Cindy said to the Chief. "Which means he'll be asking me that."

"Vee shall seeee." said Joanne. The ol' two fingers salute was exchanged between them. Sheriff Allgood chuckled.

And in all this fun, none of us had really noticed that Deputy Chief Harlow had left the room without a word spoken.

Part 5 - Bees and Wannabees

"What's this about?" asked Melissa Burris as Lt. Molly Evans and Detective German of the Nextdoor County Police stood before her at the Lakeside Inn & Suites. "You trying to get me fired?"

"No." said Molly. "We told your supervisor that we needed to talk to you, and he said it was fine." They were in the back part of the lobby of the hotel, where it was not easy to be heard. "We need to ask you some questions about your former husband, Tim Burris."

"Oh. Him." said Melissa disdainfully. Melissa was an average looking woman with a decent body, not fit but not out of shape, dirty blonde hair that seemed stringy and unkempt. "I'm not surprised he's in some kind of trouble."

"So I guess I'll ask now why you divorced him." Molly said.

"He was... worthless." said Melissa. "And a little bit crazy. He wouldn't go find any kind of regular job. I know he had some money, but it was me keeping the bills paid every month. He was always going around selling survival stuff at gun shows, which may or may not have paid the rent for the tables at the event. And he was always going around talking about Government takeovers and a coming civil war, and telling people they needed to be preppers. He might've had better luck quoting Revelations and Jesus and the End Times."

"So he was a prepper?" Detective German asked.

"Oh yes." said Melissa. "I'm sure he had some kind of cave up on the mountain behind the house. He always had muddy jeans, which I had to wash, of course."

"He didn't track that in the house, did he?" asked Molly.

"Oh, no, not really." said Melissa. "And I never actually found him digging his cave, but I had night manager jobs or shifts, and he always slept a lot the day after, so I figured he was doing his prepper shit at night while I wasn't there."

"But you don't know for sure that he had a man-cave like that, or where it would be?" asked Molly.

"No, I never knew for sure." Melissa admitted.

"And Jeffrey Burnham?" asked Detective German. "He's Tim's friend, isn't he? He's a prepper, too?"

"I don't know." said Melissa. "Jeffrey is a cool guy. I'm not sure why he was friends with Tim, but they were. Maybe it was through the prepping meetings Tim had with his crowd."

"So," Molly said, "I know you two were divorced, but beyond that, how are you? Friends? Indifferent? Hate each other?"

"Uhh..." Melissa said. "For me, it's 'indifferent'. I don't hate the guy, I just lost respect for him and didn't want to be married to him any longer. I think he was shocked when I told him I was divorcing him. He didn't want me to leave him, but he never was violent towards me over it."

"And Jeff and Tim?" asked Detective German. "They didn't have any falling out or arguments?"

"Not that I know of." said Melissa. "I think Jeffrey didn't think much of Tim, and like I said, I don't know why they're friends. So... what's this about?"

"One more question before I answer." said Molly. "When did you last see Tim, and for that matter when did you last see Jeff?"

"I saw Jeff on Monday." said Melissa. "He just got back from a trip to Europe. I haven't seen Tim since... February, maybe?"

"Okay." said Molly. "Melissa, I'm going to have to ask you to stay in the county, and if you leave the county to notify the NCPD. I'm sorry to tell you that Tim was found dead this morning."

Melissa's eyes widened. "Oh my God! How?"

"We're still trying to find that out." said Molly. Melissa was already starting to cry, tears flowing down her cheeks...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


As the Detectives were starting up their whiteboards of the case, Cindy and I came into MCD. Cindy said "Guys, let's break for a minute and have a talk. Pull up chairs."

They all brought out their chairs to the middle of the room. I also pulled one up, and we sat in a circle.

"Okay," Cindy said, "I've got some news, and it affected my assignments for earlier today. I'm shuffling the partners around. Joanne, you and Theo are now partners. Teddy, you and Jerome are now partners."

"You are obviously committed to racial diversity, Captain." said Theo with a grin.

"All kidding aside," I said, my voice cutting through the air, "that is one reason Captain Ross is doing this, and I agreed with her reasoning. We did not have you and Jerome as partners because you're both black, but people looking to start trouble might say that we did. By doing this now, we're trying to pre-empt any... 'political' problems that might arise." Everyone seemed to get my hint, and understood what was going on.

"They'll probably bitch about having no blacks in Vice, then." said Jerome Davis.

"We have a plan for that." said Cindy. "You are right that it's too lily-white in Vice, and the Council has been screaming at us to have more Uniformed Officers in Detective roles. They may begin getting their wish with regard to the Vice Squad. The next round of promotions will likely see some Detective-1s in Vice coming out of Precinct 2." Jerome nodded, having come from Precinct 2 himself.

"Just between the six of us sitting here," I said, "you guy are probably it for MCD in the near future. We're going to start building up Vice big-time. It's been a while, and we've been fortunate, but perps are starting to realize that with Raymond Westboro gone, there's a huge gap to fill in drugs, prostitution, and petty crimes."

"Good!" Joanne said. "That means we get to have all the fun solving murders and stuff!"

"And not as many people shooting at us." said Teddy Parker.

"Well, if any of you think it's too boring here in MCD," I said with a grin, "I'll be sure to get you some cross-training in Vice during the shootouts."

"Don't give 'em ideas, sir." said Cindy. "I've got enough problems keeping Captain Croyle out of further trouble."

"Actually, that's my job; and yes, it's a handful." I replied. "Okay, you guys are doing great, and I'm very happy with this MCD team." I said as I worked my way into a standing position. "Y'all keep it up. Carry on." With that, I left the MCD room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was about 7:00pm when there was a knock on my door. Chief Moynahan poked his head in. "Got a minute, Mr. Crowbar?"

"For you, always, Chief." I said. "Come on in. I'd stand up, but my back------"

"Oh please, stay seated." said the Chief. "I appreciate the gestures of respect, but you need to relax and let your back heal. Now what you can do is get into your medicinal drawer and pour us a shot each."

I did so. Bourbon. The slugs packed a wallop.

"Ah, good stuff." said the Chief. "But I came in to give you some news..." After giving me the news, the Chief told me to go home. "Do not pass 'Go'. Do not collect $200." was how he put it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Okay, the kids are in bed." Laura said as she came down from upstairs. I was sitting in the rocking chair, working on my laptop. "What's got you so interested, Darling?" my wife asked as she sat down on the sofa next to me in the chair.

"Oh, this murder case." I said. "The dead man, Tim Burris, inherited his parents' estate, but it's locked into a trust. I get the feeling they thought he was pretty much a bum, so they protected the money this way."

"Probably a good idea." said Laura. "You know, I looked into something like that for us, should something happen to us while our kids are still small. But I liked your plan of guardianship under Cindy better."

"Hopefully that will never come to pass," I said, "and we'll be here to watch our adult children have children. Anyway, Myron could not get information on the parents, including the manner of their deaths, so I'm seeing what I can find through the FBI's resources."

"Find anything?" Laura said. "I can probably get into even deeper resources, if need be."

"Thanks, but I think I've found what I was looking for." I said. "Seems Dr. Burris was the traveling physician for 'Victory Christian Ministries'. That name ring a bell?"

"How could it not?" asked Laura. "Westboro and Oldeeds were the principals behind that setup."

"Very true." I said. "Now Mrs. Burris is also interesting. She was doing work in the Democrat Party... first with the Texas Democrats, then with our State and with the DNC. What does that tell you?"

Laura thought about it. "Oh... Oldeeds again. He was in Texas, then was going to move up this way."

"That's Iron Crowbar thinking there." I said with a grin. "All those looks, and brains too."

"And my reward is going to be your other crowbar, when you finish this up." Laura said. And yes, that was a 'hint'.

"Just a couple more minutes." I said. "I have the clearance to look into these files. Says they officially died in a car accident. Their bodies were pulled out of the burned-out wreckage of their car on Interstate 29 north of Kansas City. Official cause of death was the impact o their car hitting a bridge support, as there was no smoke in their lungs."

"However..." I went on, "there's a classified note here that says the bodies did not burn sufficiently to hide that they were both badly beaten, and she was repeatedly raped both vaginally and anally. So they think they were both dead before even being placed in the car. Good forensic pathologists and coroners, if you ask me."

"So they were moles," Laura said, "and were 'made'. And we know what the Oldeeds people do to moles and spies in their midst. I'm still wanting revenge for young Mike." (Author's Note: A Case of Revenge, Ch. 01.)

"Yes." I said. "This definitely looks like either an Oldeeds or Westboro killing. And it explains why they set up the trust for their son: they knew they could possibly be found out and murdered, so they took that step."

"Could be." said Laura. She got up. "I'll go make us a couple of drinks, then we can go to bed."

"I'm going to look up one more thing before we do." I said. "I promised Joanne I'd look up something for her cold case. Jimmy and Jennifer Amberton were dismissed from BigAerospaceCorp." As Laura left the room for the kitchen, I began typing.

The screen came up red. Uh oh, I thought, this is going to be big.

And it was. The message said "Access Denied: Classified Information. Top Secret:" and the codename.

"LAURA!" I cried out. "COME HERE!"

"Honey are you okay?" she said as she ran in, thinking I'd hurt myself or something.

"Oh... physically, I'm okay... but look at this!" I said, showing her the screen.

"Oh my God." Laura said, her eyes practically bulging out of her head as she looked at the screen. "That cannot be. It can not be." The code name on the screen was...


To be continued.

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chytownchytown10 months ago

Oh boi!!!!!!!! this is get very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Well you're getting far more commrnts which should be good, unfortunately most concern your publishing issues.

Another great start, love the way you weave the threads and make it so interesting. So looks like we have Oldeeds rearing it's head again and who is Beekeeper; have we come across him / her before? Anything to do with Honeybee?

BigDog167BigDog167almost 7 years ago
I think it is the new stuff they are doing.

What ever changes Lit is making seem to be screwing things up more than normal. Not sure if they have two different ways to submit of if they just can not deal with doing the changes and keeping up with stories submitted. Either way it is getting bad enough that I do a lot of my reading over at Wattpad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Honestly believe you should move to a blog and we all loyal fans will follow you there. It will also bring visibility big time

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Welcome to the PC world

I love ur stories!

They may might be censoring you because your stories are comments on today's real political world OR Beekeeper and this plot line tripped the NSA's computer as revealing a dark, black secret!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
what changed?

They publish the cuck crap rapidly. But this one is taking way too long. Seems they are all into the mobile platform rather stories. When they dump a big load of stories I tend to not be able to keep up. So I do not finish stories which takes away from authors.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanalmost 7 years agoAuthor

Should be published tomorrow...

Jsam197Jsam197almost 7 years ago

This is getting to be a real pain. I fully understand waiting for publication of a chapter before submitting the next one but us loyal followers are turning blue waiting with bated breath for the next installment. Is it not now at least a week since you submitted the next part??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
While I wait.

At least I have time to reread the chapter over a time or 2 while I wait. Still have not guessed the bag guy yet in all of your stories. Been close a few times. Keep up the great writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Waiting with bated breath

I too am hanging on - I've decided to keep breathing - by my fingernails awaiting the next chapter of you latest great story!

Dunno what's the holdup with Literotica, Maybe they're on holidays!

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