Sandy Tobias


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"She had me on her account?"

"Yes she did. I even have your signature."

"Oh hell, that's right, we did that right after we were married." A few more clicks of the keys and he handed Jay print outs of Tanya's accounts.

"There you are Mr. Sheffield. Would you like these funds transferred to your account?"

"That would be very helpful and thank you."

"My pleasure." He handed Jay another two sheets and Jay signed them,and a minute later Mr. Anderson said, "You're all set then. The fund transfer will show on your account on tomorrow's business and I'll close your wife's account."

"Thank you again for your help."

"Anytime, and again my heartfelt sympathy for your loss." He walked them to the lobby and then Jay and Casey walked out.

"That was weird Casey, I barely remember putting my signature on her account."

"So you could have checked it whenever you wanted to."

"I guess, but I never had a reason to poke into her business. I'll even bet that she forgot I was on her account."

"I have to wonder."

He tossed her the keys and said, "You drive and I'll take a quick look at what he gave me." They made it onto Cleveland Road before Jay said, "Holy shit."

"What's wrong?"

"Casey, I must be reading this wrong. She has ten thousand just in her checking account, plus savings, a money market account and certificates of deposit. I'm looking at something like a hundred and ninety thousand dollars."

"Oh my god. Jay the strip club must be paying off. Well that and her dancing."

"You're right. I better go through this tonight and dig through her files at home."

"I think you should because there could well be more surprises waiting for you. That's all very good news, but remember, even good surprises can be stressful so please be careful."

"I will."

Once back at Jay's, they got out of the car and they went inside, but Casey stopped and put her arms around him. "Jay honey, I'm going home. You have to have some time to yourself to work things out, and you have things that you need to do and I need time alone as well."

He held her close to him and told her, "I'm going to miss you."

"You will not because you'll be so busy. Besides, like I said before, I'm almost in your neighborhood twice a day, so all you have to do is call me."

"And you know I will."

"Among other things, you need to go see Shelly and Matt, but don't you dare tell them our secrets until we're all together."

He looked at her and smiling said, "I agree, you have to be part of our stunt." Then they kissed. A sweet, long and tender kiss until Casey broke it and whispered, "That wasn't a kiss that could have happened in front of Tanya."

"I know. Casey please be careful going home."

"I will." He walked her to the door, and with one more embrace exchanged he watched her until she was on the street and pulling away. Then he closed his door, shivered and went to his office, and went to work on Tanya's personal files that were in a fairly large fireproof safe. He found her keys that the police had given him and worked until he found the right one and unlocked it. He piled everything on the corner of his desk, retrieved a beer from the kitchen and went to work on the bank records.

After an hour he knew the basics, and for the time being that was good enough. It would take him much longer to dig through the details, but he felt much better. He looked at his warm half finished beer and picked up the phone. A minute later he said, "Hi Shelly."

"Damn you Jay, we're going crazy with worry."

"If you wouldn't mind company I'll come over and tell you what I know."

"Of course we'll be here, but we can come there if you'd rather."

"Have you had dinner?"


"Then come over and I'll order a pizza for us."

As soon as they arrived, Shelly and Jay embraced as she told him, "I don't know what to say other than I'm so very sorry."

He kissed her forehead and said, "Thank you and I'm sorry I didn't get in touch with you two sooner."

"We didn't know what to think."

"I've been out of town almost the whole time since she was murdered and I I needed to tell you in person what's been going on." They released their hold on each other and they sat down in the living room ignoring dinner for the time being. "Where do I start? Okay, if it seems that I'm not falling apart with grief you're right, and I'm going to tell you how that can be possible." Then he proceeded to tell them about the Gina's Hideaway and Crystal's Palace, and without revealing amounts, Tanya's very large bank accounts. Then looking at Shelly he told her, "I'm going to be very blunt here. I'm quite sure that she was doing her share of fucking for money too." The harsh fuck word about her one time best friend was a slap in the face for Shelly and she started to cry.

Jay went over to her, and kneeling in front of her he said, "I'm sorry Shelly, but you know I'm right. I've gone back and forth between loving Tanya and hating her, but it's much more hate than love now."

Jay didn't abandon his position in front of Shelly as Matt said, "So you now own half of a strip club?"

"That's right, and a damn nice one at that. Once I've seen the financial statements on the club, I'm going to divest myself of that whole thing though."

"You said a damn nice one, so does that mean you've been there?"

"Yes. I met Crystal, my partner, and I stayed long enough for a weak drink, and to see Brandi as she showed me her charms and then I left. My lawyer in Milwaukee will take care of things there and have the books gone over. That means all I can do for now is wait to hear from him. Other than that, it's get on with my life, or more accurately, start a new one."

Jay stood up and sat next to Shelly as Matt said, "So from Friday to today you've spent time in Lansing, flown to Milwaukee, been to two strip clubs, hired an attorney and met your new partner."

"That's right, or least those are the high points. Let's eat and talk." They went to the kitchen and continued to talk as Shelly and Matt tried to sort things out in their minds. When there was a lull in the conversation, Jay said, "All of this kind of leaves you not knowing what to think or say doesn't it."

Matt shook his head and said, "I'm dumbfounded. I'm sorry as hell for you, but I can't decide what to even think about Tanya. She really went off the deep end."

"You have to remember that she could have been doing things even longer than we know now. That's something we'll probably never know. Oh, and that's another thing. Remember when that guy talked to me at the bar about seeing Tanya in Milwaukee? Looks like he was spot on doesn't it."

"Damn, that's right I'd forgotten about that."

When Matt and Shelly got ready to go she asked Jay, "What about Casey? You have told her haven't you?"

Jay didn't flinch as he smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, she knows."

"I feel sorry for her. The three of us have each other, but she and Tanya were close and now she's left to twist in the wind."

"They were very close and she and I have had a long talk or two."

"No fighting?"

"That's right, no fighting. I guess all of this has shocked us into growing up a little."

"I'm glad. You be sure that you two stay in touch."

"Oh I plan to do that."

Chapter Twelve

Jay spent Wednesday and part of Thursday going through all of Tanya's papers and her computer, but didn't find anything shocking or revealing other than her stock portfolio. It was easy to see that all of her incoming and sent email had been deleted up until the day she left for Lansing for the last time. He answered calls of sympathy, and he was sure that some of them were more interested in juicy details than anything else, but he did his best to be cordial but brief with them. He took a minute to call Detective Streiter in Lansing, but they had no news about Tanya's killer. Jay's boss called and told him to take the rest of the week off, and then Tanya's boss called and they talked for a minute before he said that Tanya's last check was in the mai,l and that her insurance would be sent to him in the next week or so.

He waited until after dinner and then called Casey. "Hi, how are you getting along?"

"Hi Jay, I'm doing okay, how about you?"

"I'm okay too. If I could talk you into dinner at Granite City Friday night I'll bring you up to date."

"I'd love it. I'll be there about five thirty."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

"If you have any sad news, save it until we get back to your place after dinner okay?"

"No bad news to share love, just news and not a lot of that. Oh, and I saw Shelly and Matt."

"You didn't tell them our secrets did you?"

"I didn't even tell them you were with me in Lansing or Milwaukee."


"If you'd like we could invite them."

"Jay, is now a good time for that?"

"I say yes, but I'll leave it up to you."

"Oh no, this isn't my call to make."

"They know I'm not grieving, and a little fun and a few laughs would feel good."

"Then by all means call them, but I want some alone time with you afterwards so just the two of us can talk."

"I agree. In fact I think you should stay Friday night and go home...maybe Sunday."

"We'll talk about that okay?"

"Okay, see you tomorrow night."


After talking to Casey, Jay lay on the couch and mindlessly stared at another white ceiling and for brief moment that took him back to the motel and lying next to Casey. That made him smile until he realized it was almost exactly one week ago that he learned of Tanya's death. Only one week and that knocked him back a little. He had learned so much in that week, and he'd done so much in that short time. In fact he didn't even feel like the same person that he was a week ago. He didn't know who he was or how he was different, but he felt sure he had changed.

Among other things, just the fact that he and Casey hadn't argued one time since Tanya's death convinced him that he had changed for the better.

As soon as Casey stepped inside of Jay's house Friday evening, they were in each other's arms. They shared a light and brief kiss, but their embrace went on much longer until she asked him, "How did Matt and Shelly react when you invited them to have dinner and learn I would be with you?"

"I talked to Shelly and she didn't even hesitate before she said they were looking forward to having dinner with us. But then the other night she did ask me how you were doing, and I told her okay and so forth."

"So they at least know that we're staying in touch with each other."

"That's right. Ready to go to dinner and drive them nuts?"

She smiled and said, "I can't wait. But Jay, we have to be careful and make sure that they know we were just teasing them and that you and I aren't..."

"Making love?"

"Well that isn't what I was going to say, but even that we're romantically involved."

"True. We can smooth the waters after we've teased them with half truths."

When they got to Granite City, Shelly and Matt were waiting for them near the hostess stand. Shelly and Casey shared an embrace and they talked back and forth as Matt and Jay shook hands. The hostess led them to the left, and Jay requested the last booth. With any luck he and Casey would be stirring things up enough that they might get a little loud before it was over.

They ordered drinks and Jay told the waiter, "We'll wait just a little bit before we order dinner. In ten minutes or so just bring us another round would you?"

"Of course. I'll bring the menus but take your time and enjoy," and he retreated.

"So how are you getting along," Matt asked Casey.

"Much better, but for several days I spent a lot of time trying to sort things out. I miss what Tanya and I shared, or I thought we shared, but I'm so totally disappointed and hurt by what she was doing."

"Jay I really do understand," Shelly said.

Casey had a plan in her mind that she hadn't shared with Jay, but she waited and tried to pick the right moment in their conversation. Shelly had her glass to her lips before Casey said, "I'm sure Jay told you about taking me to that strip club called Gina's Hideaway."

Shelly's eyes got large and she lurched forward as she took her glass away from her mouth and put it down. Casey quickly put her napkin to her lips because she couldn't stop smiling as Shelly stared at her. "Did I say something wrong?" Casey asked through her napkin.

Matt was smiling at Jay and then at Casey only to go back to Jay. "Okay buddy, explain that one to us."

Jay wasn't doing much better with his smile as he told them, "Oh yeah, I forgot that part. Casey went along because she wanted to learn what had happened to Tanya, and she did everything she could to help me, because she was afraid I was going to fall apart."

"You went to that strip club?" Shelly asked Casey.

"Yes I did. I wasn't all that impressed, but it was interesting. I told Jay that it wasn't a good idea for him to be there, but he insisted that he learn just what it was that Tanya was doing." Matt had stopped smiling, but he was watching his friend closely.

This time Casey had her glass close to her lips as she added, "I was happy to learn that Jay doesn't snore."

Jay quickly looked down until Shelly said, "Now wait a damn minute."

"Jay, didn't you tell them about this?"

"Well no," he said with nothing resembling a straight face.

"Well we shared a room to help with the cost. We had separate beds of course."

Shelly took a breath and managed to say, "Oh...well of course you did."

"Then he couldn't have told you how he shocked me after we got to our room."

Shelly put her glass down and leaned back and looking at Jay said in a resigned tone, "No, he didn't and I'm afraid to even guess what he did."

"Well, I came out of the bathroom in my pajamas...well Tanya's pajamas because I borrowed them...I came out and there he stood in nothing more than his briefs."

"Oh my god. Jay I'm afraid to ask, but what were you thinking?"

"I was getting ready for bed. I couldn't very well sleep in my clothes."

"I can't believe you. Casey what did you do?"

"I stared." That time all but Casey laughed, and she had to cover her mouth with her hand. Well I know, I was shocked and speechless for a minute. Then I yelled at him, but he just stood there like I was overreacting or being silly."

"And then?"

"And then he got into bed and pulled the sheet up to his waist. I was so flustered that I got into bed and pulled the covers up and lay on my back."

"Jay, you should be ashamed of yourself."

"Why? She didn't see anything that...well you know what I mean." Shelly couldn't stop smiling as she tried to give him her version of a stern look.

Then looking back at Casey she said, "Okay, I have a feeling there's more that Jay didn't tell us, so go ahead."

"Well let's see. We ended up sleeping together in his bed and then..."

"Jay, I'm ashamed of you."

"Now wait. Casey tell them the whole story."

"Well I was going to say that he had an awful dream during the night and I went over to comfort him and settle him down."

Matt broke his silence and said, "Okay buddy, did she comfort you and settle you down?"

"She saved me from a long and stressful night."

It was back to Shelly again, and as she smiled at Casey she said, "So you slept next to almost naked Jay and comforted him."

"I did, and we both slept great after that."

Jay could hardly stand it because Casey was doing such a good job of misdirection. "Okay," Shelly said, "So now it's morning so what happened next?"

"Well we wanted to get home because we had to catch a flight to Milwaukee in the afternoon."

After a hard look at Jay she went back to Casey and said, "Oh, so now it's both of you going to Milwaukee."

"Jay, did you tell them any of this?"

He couldn't help but smile as he said, "I didn't want them to get the wrong impression of us."

"Bull shit," was Matt's offering as he smiled first at Jay and then at Casey.

"You know," Casey continued, "It's so strange, but right from the moment we left for Lansing, Jay and I didn't fight once. Well we did have a couple of times where we got a little testy with each other, but only for a moment each time. So anyway, we shared another motel room and Jay was in his briefs again."

"And you stared again."

"Well a little, but this time I didn't yell at him," and Shelly laughed. Then...I don't remember what set it off, but I suddenly burst into tears and Jay put his arms around me and I held onto him and we held each other close until I settled down. That was Sunday night, so Monday..."

"Wait, is that all that happened Sunday night?"

"Of course. Well we had dinner and talked a lot and so forth. Oh, and then we went to Crystal's Palace where we met Jay's partner and had a drink while Brandi danced and stripped."

"This is unreal. You went to your second strip club?"

"This one is really nice, with deep carpet in places, nice really is very nice."

"And so forth, okay. So now it's Monday?"

"We went to see the lawyer and then went to talk to Crystal about Jay owning half of the gentlemen's club."

"How did that go Jay?"

"Okay I guess. She seemed flustered that we even knew Sandy Tobias, a.k.a. Tanya. Then she had to figure out what to think about me being her partner. I'm sure she's still trying to figure out what to do next in fact."

Matt smiled and leaned forward and asked Jay, "So are you going to go back to Milwaukee. I mean to check on your investments?"

"No, strippers leave a bad taste in my mouth." That's when Shelly and Matt fell apart laughing and Casey quickly joined them. Then Jay, realizing what he'd just said, joined in on the laughter. "Well you know what I mean," and then he smiled, and relished the fact that all of them could, at least for the moment, break free of their mess and laugh again. Then Casey told them the rest of the details before she said, "Jay and I realized that what was happening with us, if told in a certain way could be misleading and a lot of fun."

"But," Shelly said, "You did see him in his underwear."

"Several times as a matter of fact."

"And you two did sleep together."

"Yes. Everything I told you was true, but with certain details left out. Jay and I are so much closer now. It's one of the few good things to come out of the tragedy. That and learning the truth about...well about everything. As painful as that was, the truth needed to come out."

"I agree Casey. I just hope both of you can put all of this behind you so you can move on and be happy."

"You know Shelly, I am happy. Like I said earlier, I'm sad about losing a very close friend, but with that behind me I am or soon will be happy again.

"Okay," Jay said, "I just want to tell all of you this much. I learned today that Tanya was cremated and the crematorium will see to her ashes, because I don't want them. That closes the book on that part of my life. Now for one more thing. Don't look for me to grieve and mope around, because that isn't going to happen. Like Casey, I miss what I thought was Tanya very much, but that will go away and be replaced with new and much nicer things. I'm with my friends and we're laughing and life goes on. Okay, that's all I have to say."

"Great," Matt said, "Now tell me about the strippers." Shelly smacked his arm and he said, "I'm just kidding...I think."

"I'll tell you all about them later Matt," Jay said, "But I really have lost my taste for them," and they got another laugh out of that.

Chapter Thirteen

Back at Jay's, Casey made coffee and they settled down to talk. "Casey, you were great tonight. You kept them off balance right up to the end."
