Sapphic Serenity Ch. 08


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We both slowly pulled out of the strippers, and then heard some light applause behind us. We turned and saw Tracy and Vera standing in the doorway, smiling and clapping. Diamond stood behind them, looking rather sullen. Mom grinned and took a bow, as if she had just delivered a Shakespearean monologue worthy of Olivier. I shook my head and just smacked Kryssy and Rica on the ass, making them both shiver and moan lightly. Strippers, man...

We took off the strap-ons and put them in the bag before heading back to the stage, ready to practice and royally turned on. At one point, we were both slowly turning around the pole, standing on one foot and looking into each other's eyes. Holding on to the chromed surface, we lowered ourselves until our legs slid past one another and we'd scissored. In time with our music, we squirmed our pussies together, wishing we could just fuck. Some applause and catcalls came from the curtains and we laughed and stood, wiping the sweat from our brows.

"Think we'll get away with grinding our cunts like that during a routine?" mom asked Tracy as we walked up to her.

Tracy considered and nodded. "It was only a small part of the routine, it's not like you were making each other cum or jamming your fingers inside one another. We've had girls manage to masturbate on-stage without too much trouble. I just doubt you'd get away with the strap-ons or finger-banging each other."

"We'll do what we can to avoid that trap," I replied, making mom giggle and pinch my ass cheek. "We're gonna go get some water, back after a bit."

Hand in hand, we walked back to the amateur room, passing the regular dressing room, where we saw Diamond sitting by herself. Her gaze flicked up at us and then away.

"Okay," mom said, pausing and leaning in the doorway. "Enough's enough. What's got your titties in such a twist, lady?"

Diamond said nothing, just looking off into nothing.

"Well?" mom pressed, clearly not interested in playing the guessing game.

"You fucked Kryssy and Rica." Diamond mumbled somewhat petulantly, still not looking at us.

"Annnnd?" mom continued, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not like I didn't express an interest in letting you two fuck me, is it?" the bleach-blonde groused.

"You mean after we almost raped you for being such a goddamn bitch?" mom queried. "I wasn't aware that people got rewarded for acting like total cunts."

"After that, after I apologized." Diamond almost snapped. "I was willing."

"What if we weren't?" mom said, her voice carrying a note of coldness. "Pretty sure we can choose who we fuck and are fucked by. Nobody else gets a say."

"Weird thing to hear someone say after they almost rape you." Diamond grunted.

"I don't care if you're horny or jealous, Diamond," mom explained while walking into the room and I followed. "No reasonable person expects to be treated right when they shit all over everyone else. And just because you said you're sorry a few hours ago and were made to kiss the cunts of the girls you've pissed off, it doesn't mean everything is hunky-dory and everyone likes you. Pretty sure you've got a long road ahead of you, making it up to the others."

Diamond said nothing.

"Now I don't know what made you such a bitch somewhere in your past, and I don't much care. Maybe you were a spoiled brat who needed spankings from daddy, maybe you were molested by your uncles, but it doesn't give you the right to be hateful to everyone else. If being nice to these girls is too much work, move the fuck away from this Podunk town and start again, sunshine. And you might try being nicer to the next girls you work with."

Diamond snorted. "Please, I'm the only one of us who's actually from this Podunk town. All the rest of them are from somewhere else. This is supposed to be my turf."

"Don't know, don't care," mom said, shrugging. "But a strip club can't survive with just one girl, so you are going to have company whether you like it or not. And if you need your name in neon marquee at the entrance, try being nice for a change and dance your ass off. Who knows, maybe the manager'll take notice."

"I would hope so," Diamond sighed. "He's my uncle, after all."

That did it for mom. Her head drooped and she began giggling uncontrollably. I was snickering behind her and Diamond scowled, but before long, she began laughing too. It was pretty absurd. Mom plunked herself into a chair, trying to control herself. Eventually, she let out a long sigh, having mastered her laughter.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that," she admitted. "No wonder you're so competitive and hateful. Still, bad idea and you need to change."

She pulled me into her lap and I settled onto her, sighing contentedly. She caressed my torso and breasts while Diamond tried not to watch, but we could see her squirming in her seat. Mom looked over at her and rolled her eyes.

"Is it really that important to you that we rape the shit out of you now?" she sighed.

Diamond made a wry face. "Well, not rape. I mean, I like it rough, but some lube would be nice."

I turned my head to look down at mom and she shrugged. "Up to you, baby..." she whispered. I sighed and decided to follow mom's lead. I stood up and opened the backpack, retrieving our goodies.

"Okay, but get this straight," I said as I wrapped the strap-on around my hips while mom did the same. "I have no intention of putting up with any shit from you this week. You act like a goddamn bitch, we won't use lube next time, and you'll get a good beating for it."

It may have mostly been a lie, but Diamond didn't need to know that. She nodded in what seemed like an earnest manner. I opened the small bottle of lube and approached mom. We stood close to one another, our cocks pressing as I drizzled the viscous substance over them. Giggling ensued as we smiled slyly and stroked the cocks, making sure they were good and slippery. We pushed closer to one another, our breathing becoming intense as we slid the shafts along each other's pussies, eyes locked. Her nipples kissed mine.

I really, really wanted to fuck my mom.

"Let's do this," mom said huskily, reading my mind. She turned to Diamond and beckoned her over. The stripper stood and approached us, looking strangely shy. Not something you'd expect from someone who makes a living showing her gooch to people. "You sure this is what you want?"

"I've got her ass," I announced, moving behind her. "Spread your legs, bend over and pull your ass cheeks apart."

Diamond widened her stance, still quiet. I moved in behind and pushed on her upper back, making her bend over. Diamond reached back and took hold of her cheeks, spreading them and exposing herself to me. Mom stood directly in front of her, taking her by the chin and pushing the head of her red cock into the stripper's mouth. Diamond closed her eyes and moaned. Meanwhile, I drizzled lube down onto her ass, watching it saturate her notch.

"How's that taste for you?" mom asked in a low, husky voice as she slowly pumped her hips back and forth. "This has been in Rica's and Kryssy's cunts. Does it taste like them, slut?"

Diamond groaned in response, her eyes still closed. I pressed my finger against her ass, getting the lube all over. Then I took hold of my blue cock and teased it up and down, over her slit, her taint and then her ass. I pressed it against the little knot, making her shiver and moan again. Her body tensed up as I pushed the head inside. I moved back and forth slowly, gently opening her tunnel before wiggling the shaft in a little further. The stripper squirmed and whimpered in response.

I was finally buried deep inside her and looked at mom, nodding. "She's pinned. She's not going anywhere."

Mom smiled slyly and pulled her cock out of Diamond's mouth. The stripper was trembling as mom slowly stood her up. She gasped and shook as the angle of my penetration inside her changed. Her ass pressed against me and her knees almost buckled. One of her hands gripped my hip for support. She was sweating now, her eyes glassy. Now mom pressed to her, their breasts squashed together. She slid her cock up and down the gooey pussylips and pushed inside. Once the head was worked in, she took Diamond by the hips and pressed slowly but steadily. Diamond's hiss became a cry as mom filled her.

She was now pinned between us, with mom in her cunt and me in her ass. My hands slid up to her breasts and gripped them while mom kept a firm hold on her hips. Diamond's hands were moving back and forth almost randomly, trying to settle somewhere on our bodies, but never deciding. She trembled and gasped as she tried to adjust. Mom and I looked at one another, smiling.

We both began to move our hips, slowly pushing in and out of the stripper. She whimpered and trembled, her eyes closed as the sensations washed over her. Her body grew warmer with each passing moment. It felt strange to me now, doing this to Diamond, since we had threatened to pretty much skewer her not much earlier in the day. Now it was a pleasure for her, not a terror.

And my arousal with this entire action came from doing it with my mother. Diamond being the recipient was almost not relevant. She was a body mom and I were exercising ourselves on, while we looked past her and into one another's eyes. Mommy was what mattered to me. My bisexuality was predicated on her. With her, I was into just about anything, as long as we were together.

I was now using a circular, grinding motion against Diamond, keeping my dildo deep inside her and churning it around. My tits squirmed against her back. Mom kept hold of her hips and using a back-and-forth sawing motion to fuck her pussy. Diamond was already shaking and panting, her eyes bleary with an agonizing pleasure. I pinched and tugged on her nipples while I fucked her ass.

And then she moaned loudly and strained between us, cumming hard. Mom and I pressed into her, almost crushing her and jammed our lips together beside her, kissing one another heatedly. We fucked her relentlessly while she kept cumming, not even thinking of stopping. This wasn't exactly about doing her a favour, after all. It may have been her desire and request, but it had more to do with mom and I indulging ourselves than anything else.

Diamond went limp between us, almost in a faint, seemingly. We slowly stopped fucking her and held still, seeing if she was in danger of falling over and taking her with us. Her legs were trembling, as if threatening to give out, so mom carefully slid the cock from her pussy and held onto her while I wrapped my arms around her midriff.

We handled her over to a chair and she slumped into it, still trembling and letting out thin gasps. Her pussy was distended from mom's abuse and dribbling obscenely. Her head was lolling to one side and I put my hands on her shoulders to brace her. Diamond's fingers twitched slightly, and her eyes finally fluttered open. She looked at us, eyes bleary from some mixture of pleasure and pain she craved. Her cheeks were flushed almost red.

"Thank you..." she said in little more than a whisper.

"Better us than Rica, I imagine," mom grunted. "Stay put while we go wash up."

With that, we wiggled out of the room together, and I took her hand. We went into a bathroom and were running the strap-ons under scorching hot water for several minutes. We didn't consider infection a real risk, but we weren't taking chances. Not with Diamond or any of the others. Mom turned and leaned back against the sink, smiling. I snuggled into her, our hips meeting and breasts squashing as I kissed her lovingly.

"Enjoy yourself, baby?" she asked through the kiss.

"Yeah, because it was with you," I replied, nibbling her lips. "I think... anything lez I do is gonna be because you're with me and that turns me on. It doesn't mean anything to me without you."

"Mmmmm," she purred, her arms around my shoulders and caressing my back. "I feel the same way, Bron. But the same rule applies to girls as we have with guys- I won't be jealous if you find one you like."

"Unlikely, but thanks," I murmured, getting more and more aroused with each moment of our kiss. "Same for you, mom."

She giggled. "I'm hoping that all of our lovers, guy or girl, are shared between us from now on. I want you to be the focus of my love life."

Her words sent a chilling thrill through my body and I kissed her even harder. I knew mom loved me more than anything or anyone, but her words made it sound like I was meant to be the entire focus of her love life as well. Like we were in love somehow.

And that was endlessly thrilling and terrifying all at once. So much so that I trembled and breathed in through my nose suddenly while we kissed, pulled away from her and sat down hastily on the toilet to pee. Mom looked down at me in a flicker of confusion, and then amusement.

"Goodness, that was sudden," she mused. "What happened?"

I blushed and looked down at my lap, unable to answer, still shivering as I peed.

Mom knelt in front of me, took my gently by the chin and lifted my face up, gazing into my eyes. I averted mine almost instantly, still red in the face. I guess her mother's or women's intuition kicked in, because I could feel the realization dawning on her.

"Bron," she queried in a soft voice. "Baby, are you in love with me?"

I must have been blushing scarlet, my neck twisting around until I was almost looking backward, like some embarrassed owl.

"I don't know..." I replied in the tiniest whisper ever.

She sighed and rested her hands on mine, smiling warmly. "Thought about it myself, you know. It's hard to imagine anyone, anywhere, not falling for my little girl. You're just so wonderful in every way, baby."

"Thanks, mom," I said, finally looking back at her. "It's hard to imagine anyone not being in love with you. Sometimes, I worry I'll get really jealous if you find someone. And not in a cute or good way."

Mom leaned in and hugged me close. Yes, our breasts were all squashed together and so on, but the hug was a comforting mom hug, not the hug of passionate lovers. She then looked at me again and kissed me. Unconditional love was all I felt in it.

"Bron, I will always love you more than anyone else. Ever. We may be joyous lovers, but I'm your mother before anything else. And that means you can always tell me things, no matter how you're feeling."

She had my cheeks in her palms now and was looking into my eyes. "One day, you're going to give me beautiful grandchildren. But you'll need a husband for that. With any luck, he won't object to us still being lovers. But I know that one day, I'll need to give you to someone else, and I'm actually looking forward to it in a sense. I want you to know what your father and I had, and it's just not something you can have with me."

She leaned in, and her lips were so close to mine, I could feel their warmth.

"I'm going to be the most amazing lover you've ever had, baby, but there's better still to come, and I'll make sure you're ready for it..."


Our little heart-to-heart certainly had no effect on our libidos upon returning to the chalet we'd rented. We were lying in a naked, sweaty tangle on the bed, kissing feverishly as we pushed vibrators in and out of each other. My whole body was shaking and I moaned into her mouth. Mom was panting heavily, bucking her hips against my hand as I fucked her with the vibe. We'd already cum three times in this heated fuck session, and we were showing no signs of slowing down.

"I love you so much, Bron..." she gasped through our kiss, her tongue massaging my tonsils. I could feel the vibe she was using deep inside my pussy, driving me wild. We'd already swapped off three times, and knowing that this toy had been in her tight, hungry cunt moments ago sent thrills through me. I redoubled my efforts in her pussy, fucking her rapidly until she was almost yelping.

"Mommy!" I whimpered, gyrating my hips wantonly, my sticky essence all over her hand. We could both hear the squelching noises our pussies made as we fucked, driving us to new heights of lust and bliss. I was shaking uncontrollably and finally crushed my body to hers and kissed her savagely, letting out a shriek of rapture.

We came so hard that we both seemed to black out for a moment, lying together in a swoon on our bed. I couldn't even begin to guess how long we'd been lying there when I finally came to. My heart was pounding and pink, sparkling, unadulterated pleasure was blooming through me in waves coming from my pussy.

My mouth was still latched onto mom's, and we were drooling on one another. My body felt... wet, even saturated with forbidden bliss. God, my head was spinning. I didn't know I'd survive our sex if it got more intense than this.

Mom stirred and moaned finally, though her mouth never left mine. We squished in even closer to one another and just continued kissing, completely unconcerned about drooling all over one another's faces now. We were far, far beyond caring about anything like that. We held one another and caressed with both hands, leaving the vibes lodged deep inside each other, where they buzzed away happily. Our delicate sighs were hymns of ecstasy in our ears.

"Maybe... maybe we can pretend to be in love..." she murmured as we kissed. "Until that special someone comes along, hm?"

Kissing her was all the answer she needed.


Author's Notes: First up- no tantrums about the girls deciding to be casually bisexual. I'm going somewhere special with this. They've agreed their lesbian trysts are totally predicated on striving to please one another, got it? Just watch. The fucking of the strippers serves a narrative purpose, not merely the whimsical indulgence of an author.

Bronwen may be struggling with her feelings, but her mother has things well in hand (so to speak) and will not let the daughter she loves so much remain conflicted. Pretend they're in love so that they enjoy their debauchery more? Sure, but it'll get worked out.

So yes, our intrepid pair will continue to fuck and share guys, along with the occasional woman. But they really only have eyes for each other at this point. The young man who serves them breakfast will doubtless be the creamy filling in their sandwich soon. And what about Bron's twink back in the city? So many unanswered questions and unfucked associates. Dedicated libertines, the girls will no doubt attend to these issues before long.

I'm taking my time with this story. There's plenty of sex, yes, and their relationship is developing at a laconic pace, but that's how I want it. Resolutions will happen when they happen, don't worry. Just enjoy the ride.

On to The Great Khan next, and then Twin Cities Tryst, and possibly a one-shot I've been looking at doing. I also have some non-erotic writing to finish for some other sites, so I'm glad I have these next few days off from the show and I can try to get things done. There's also the matter of the Winter Olympics to finish watching.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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ItblikeMeItblikeMeabout 5 years ago
Best Lesbian Incest Series of All Time

Sapphic Serenity is without a doubt the best lesbian incest series of all times. It had all the right elements, the slow buildup, the tribbing, the body curiosity, public indecency, just the right amount of hesitation, the tribbing, the mother daughter bond the tribbing, did I mention the tribbing? Biscuithammer is to lesbian incest for me, what alwayswantedto was for motherson incest,the best of the best. cheers!!

FoggyKernelFoggyKernelover 5 years ago
Wow, just wow!

It's these gems that keep me checking in here almost on a daily basis. I have throughly enjoyed the journey these two have been on and look forward to their future adventures. You write a pretty erotic story!

coldfire30coldfire30almost 6 years ago

Could not stop reading the complete series from first to final chapter. Simply amazing. Thank you for so much entertainment.

goducks1goducks1almost 6 years ago
5 stars

i liked it - although i think the stripper section has gotten a little long for me - i think its time to move on down the road!! But the chemistry between mom and "sis" is great. as is most of the sex. and i see its been a while since you've written here- so i hope you write another chapter - or 2 - soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This is an awesome series of stories. But you have to start writing more chapters soon. It's driving me crazy thinking about what might be happening with those two. LOL

andrepkandrepkover 6 years ago
Keep 'em cumming..!

Looking forward to the next adventures in debauchery by our two beautiful ladies!

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