Sarah and Ross

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Annie was Third.
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I had my heart set on Sarah. She was beautiful, smart, athletic and had a tough personality that took on the world and succeeded at everything she attempted. We were emancipated seniors and headed to good colleges in the fall.

"Ross, are you making eyes at me again? I told you I do not have time for a boyfriend!"

She was tall for a girl, with an angular face coming out of teenage softness. The rest of her was all muscles and quick moves. My friend Tommy said she had a fast kick in the balls for any guy that hassled her.

"Sarah, my tender feelings for you are going to turn violent. I do not put up with girls that tease."

I got a glare and a sudden move to knock me to the floor of the gym where we were working out. We went down together on the mat and she landed with a knee in my crotch and a triumphant cry.

"Ross," her whisper was low, "you are going home with me after we clean up."

That was all she said. No explanation, no threats, just a thin smile and a flash of dark eyes.

In the school parking lot, I was required to put her bike in my trunk.

"My Mom is at a conference. We are stopping at the grocery for dinner, which you will share with me. Do you need to call home? Let me drive and you make excuses."

Wow. Was I ever behind the power curve with wonder woman. My story about a group study session on the Civil War went over well at home, even the part about dinner being provided.

"You lie like a fish. I will have to remember that for future reference." The cynical smile was edging toward a giggle but didn't. At the store, she tortured me with suggestions about vegan specialties, but relented and settled for chicken lasagne from the deli section with green salad on the side. At her house, I carried everything in and was rewarded with a choice of wine or beer.

"Are we going to break training together?" I asked. She closed with me for a quick kiss, "A little alcohol will soften the impact of our talk."

I decided things were going too far and didn't let go. "Sarah, there are limits..."

She wiggled away, "You must have patience. Sit on the back patio and relax. I will bring things out."

I gave her my own glare. "There had better be some explanations..."

"Yes, I know. You are big and strong and irritated by a pushy girl. Go sit."

I grumpily sipped my forbidden beer and wondered what she was up to. I doubted she knew I had the hots for her. Sarah is one of these everywhere at once females with a mountain of energy who seem to just legislate males out of their world view. Damn.

She came out with a tray heaped with food and an extra beer.

"Before we eat, I have to tell you something."

Climbing into my lap, she spread her thighs across mine and hitched herself forward so her sex and my hard cock pressed together.

"Hmmm. This is nice. Maybe I should just settle for being your bimbo until your lust overflows and you throw me on that lounger and ravish me!" The kiss was long and scorching.

"We have to have sex."

I asked, bewildered, "That is the message? All this fuss just to tell me we need sex?"

"Let's eat while I tell you the rest. Are you excited by the message?"

"Mostly, what I am excited about is tanning your rear for being such a twit."

She kissed my ear and cooed, "Please no. Not that. I don't do rough until later."

I put my fork down and folded her across my knees, the capris disappearing quickly. There were no briefs. My hands caressed two very muscled and tough globes. "This is going to be fun. I've never had the pleasure of disciplining a misbehaving girl with such a luscious ass."

"No, no, no." This time the voice quavered, knowing she had pushed too far. "I promise no more tricks. It was very dumb of me but I have a real problem."

I let her up but said the pants were to stay off.

She stared, "You better be on best behavior."

We ate dinner with hands pressed together. "Ross, my cousin Annie is coming to stay with us so she can take summer courses at the JC. Mom and I had a talk. Annie's mom thinks she is gay and that might be a problem."

"Aren't we supposed to be accepting of gay people these days?"

Her hand squeezed mine. "What if she crawls in bed with me and wants sex?"

"Are you going to turn down a little hot girl sex? Wouldn't it contribute to your education?"

She pushed her small front into my chest. "You are being cruel. I'm offering you my body and you are asking why I don't want girl sex?"

I picked her up and walked back inside, finding her bedroom easily by the posters on the walls. The bare bottom felt terrific in my hands. I did my Grr noise in her ear and pinched below the waist. When my toss landed her in the middle of the bed, she laughed and spread her legs as wide as she could.

I started undressing, giving her my hard stare again. Her eyes narrowed, "You are going to do me?"

"Wouldn't want to waste all the effort to get me here, would we?" My briefs went down with the jeans, and she got a hard cock poking directly at her. The bimbo seemed to be evaporating in front of my eyes. We weren't going to have sex tonight, but she didn't need to know that right now. I changed the Grrr to a growl and advanced on the bed. She seemed frozen in place. The in my face pushy female had disappeared. I lunged and pulled her to my chest, grabbing for the duvet at the same time.

"Are you ready for the sex you asked for?" I spoke slowly and threateningly.

"Um, can we talk?" The strong woman was actually shivering in my arms. I buried my face in her shoulder, teeth taking a generous bite of muscle. "You asked for it, you're getting it!"

Suddenly she was collapsed to my chest, crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ross. This was a really dumb idea. The thing is, I don't know how to be anything except a tease around guys!"

I pushed her down to my side, kissing her forehead. "That's better. We are going to talk and makeout and you are not getting fucked today..."

This sent her back to my chest with a fresh burst of tears. "Oh god, I don't deserve a guy being nice to me."

My fingers worked up and down her spine, producing quiet little happy noises. I was going to say something, but a glance at her face showed eyes closed and breathing slowed. The shedevil had gone to sleep on my chest. Her pelvis seemed to be rocking gently on me. Sarah needed sex but didn't know how to go about it. I smiled to myself and slept.

"Help! There's a strange man in my bed! A naked man!" She was in the doorway with a tray, body outlined by bright sun behind her.

"All the better to subdue bimbos," I growled.

Slipping in next to me, she said, "You are not letting me forget that, are you?"

Taking a sip of juice, I said, "The hospitality at this location is very nice. Do naked wenches do all the serving?"

She pulled my ear and said, "We have to make a deal about teasing."

"I thought I was here to provide advice on your sex life?"

She munched on a piece of toast and let the silence lengthen. "You are. But so far, you are being very good about taking a roundabout route to the end game." She kissed my ear instead of pulling it. I needed to stop fooling around.

"I've been hard for you since I walked in the door. I'm hoping for something more than fuck and run. Is that possible?"

"You mean like boyfriend-girlfriend?" Her eyes were laughing, but changed to alarm as I centered her over my lap with only the thinness of briefs between her sex and my hard cock.

"Right now?"

I pushed my tongue at her and she closed to take it inside her mouth. My hands crept up her sides to cover the handful sized boobs. The temperature was rising fast and I figured nature would take over soon. She was rubbing on me without knowing it.

"I know I said we had to have sex, but..."

"But you've never done it and aren't ready to lose your cherry."

Other than an imminent case of blue balls, I was enjoying this. Sarah's little plan was in tatters. I gathered her tight and suggested, "Maybe I should do your cousin first. We would both find out if she is gay."

Silence. We were back to the staring contest. Her expression was serious. Carefully, she raised up and pulled the cotton crotch to one side. We both looked down as a perfect shaved pink pussy slowly descended. The big helmet on my cock pushed her lips aside and slid within. There was a momentary stop and a quiet noise as she forced herself down past her maiden barrier. In another moment, she was all the way home. A tender kiss was next. After that, "I deserve you more than she does."

Nothing happened for a long minute, until I flexed upward and whispered, "Wanna fuck?"

She leaned in, stiff nipples rubbing on mine. "I am a woman now, I can do this."

I paraded around the house, bouncing her on my shaft and against walls and doors. She screamed and wailed, calling me dirty fucker and other loving names. I leaned her back and used teeth on the tits.

Finally, she hollered, "Finish me please, I am ready to come."

With more shouting, I did that. She lay in my arms, shaking and catching her breath.

"This wasn't the way I planned. I did think it was going to be fuck and run. How come you are so nice?"

"You said you had no time for a boyfriend. What happened?"

"You have qualities I didn't appreciate. Do we get to do that again?"

"What about a nap to rebuild my strength?"

"My folks will find us snuggled together and know what happened. What if I wasn't on birth control?"

"You are too smart for that kind of mistake."

"Does it matter if we are caught?" Her hand was stroking my slimy cock, bringing it back to life.

"You don't have a boyfriend, but are found freshly fucked in bed with me? That's asking for a lot of parent tolerance."

She sat up, smiling and rubbing her messy bottom on my revived cock. "You are lucky. Your new girlfriend is smart enough to be on birth control. She is also smart enough to know her parents won't be home until tomorrow night."

I stood with her on my shoulders and walked outside into the warm sunshine. The pool looked inviting.

"Put me down. Stuff is getting all over."

"You are staying there until we talk through a few problems."

"God, this is awful. I am so exposed up here. Between my tits and your cock, the neighbors are going to call the cops."

"They aren't going to do any such thing. You have a beautiful naked body, and my cock attracts women."

"You are arrogant. Let's at least get in the pool."

I balanced on the edge of the tile and let us fall slowly backward. She screamed.

A few laps felt good. She matched me stroke for stroke. Out of breath, I leaned over the edge, head on hands, and let her fists beat on me. Amazing what a little argument in the gym can lead to.

After her energy ran down, she draped herself on my back and nibbled at my ear. "Nothing in my plan worked. We haven't decided anything about my cousin. I think I am falling for you."

"Actually, we have decided lots of things. We are paired up. You come on my cock. You got fucked first before cousin Annie. We are going to tell your folks we are having sex. We are going to do a joint project for math class. We are dressing up and I am taking you to dinner tonight to celebrate the new woman..."

"Stop. Stop," she whispered. "There can't be this many good things at once."

"You are suffering from low blood sugar. Let's raid the kitchen for brunch materials."

She deposited two plates filled with fruit and fancy cheese, accompanied by two flutes filled with champagne.

"I raided Dad's cooler. This is a pre-celebration." She was naked and glowing. I didn't think my cock could take all the credit, but...

"You are looking very self-satisfied, Ross. That thing between your legs is growing again from eyeballing your new girlfriend."

I looked down. She was right. "He is paying your magnificent charms a compliment!"

She sat on my lap, facing away, pushing the hard shaft into my belly. I reached for a nipple and pinched gently. She leaned back and tipped her face up for a kiss. I obliged. All the rough edges were gone. I held her lightly but firmly under the fancy tits.

"If I didn't know better, I would say this is like the first day of our honeymoon."

I enjoyed the sun and silence with the very fine package in my arms.

"Silly. Can't be real. Isn't this what they call infatuation?" She pulled her legs up and tried to make herself into a ball.

I deepened my voice. "You must abandon all rational thought. For one day, you will be ruled by hormones and his embracing arms."

We rocked together and cried quietly as the brunch sat on the table, temporarily abandoned. I thought to myself that being in love in high school meant that you could still push the cruel world away. I pushed and cuddled with my girl.

I thought she had fallen asleep, but the head came up for another kiss. "We are foolish."

"Yes. Doesn't it feel good? We are eighteen and could get married tomorrow!"

"Stop sounding grown up. You said we are not serious for a day. Kiss me again and don't stop."

She got a tickle with the kiss and started giggling. Then dashed from my arms into the pool and swam furious laps. The phone rang in the kitchen and I went to answer.

"Hello, this is Annie. Is Sarah there?"

She seized the phone from my hand, shaking her head and covering me with raindrops. I turned her back and gripped two slippery boobs.

"Here I am. That is my friend Ross who answered. The folks are away for the weekend and he is providing company."

"You might be here today? That's terrific. We'll lay on a poolside barbeque. When do classes start? Not until Thursday? We will plan a hike or something. Ross and I have lifeguarding jobs for the summer, but they don't start for another week."

There was more girl talk, which I took advantage of by using my lips and fingers here and there. Sarah was hopping up and down when the call finished and swung around to bat me.


I liked carrying her. After initial resistance, she seemed to like being carried. I asked, "What is the game plan for Annie?"

"She is suspicious already about the two of us. She will get me alone and ask if we are having sex."

We were back on the patio. I stretched Sarah on top to get maximum sun. A girlfriend of mine had to have maximum tan.

"You aren't going to try to deny it?"

"Remember you said I was smart? Does a freshly fucked smart girl deny it?" She laughed and smothered my face with kisses.

"Then what?"

Her tongue started a fight with mine. Her wiggling sex was making me hard again.

"She asks to join us, or I ask her to join us."

"Just like that?"

"Well, there might be some persuasion. A margarita or two. I could say that the new pool rules outlawed suits..."

"She has a nice body?"

"Super body. She is a cheer in football season, and a gymnast in the winter."

"If I get hard, can I blame it on you?"

"I will tell her to ignore it, because you are well behaved and only chase girls who tease."

I was hard and growling at her. My fingers loved the tough globes that were getting perfect sunshine on them.

She said, "If you want more of me, you better take it because Annie might be here by dinner time today."

"You've convinced me to relax and just play it by ear. Is that right?"

"Yes. If I get horny enough, I may jump you right here in the open."

"Tell me, if her voice is saying 'no,' but her eyes are saying she needs to try a cock, I can do her?"

This was too much for Sarah. She pointed the hard thing under her to the sky, and slid right down.

I pushed up and said, "You've gone wild. You've had a boyfriend for less than a day and I am already sent to take care of the visiting cousin?"

The sparkling eyes and quirky look were getting to me. I gave her a stronger thrust. She squeezed back and relaxed down on my chest, chuckling to herself.

"You are bad for me. All I can think of is smartass comments about two women and a guy."

The smart, competitive female who suddenly had found time for a boyfriend was finding her body out of control on the big cock she was using.


Inside, in her own bed, she completely lost it. "More!" she hollered. And a lot of other noises as a giant come ran from top to bottom.

Ten minutes later, totally wasted, she said, "I am a bad girl."

I brought a washcloth and towels and cleaned up. Her legs were wide open and eyes half closed. "I think I understand about fucking now." Unconsciously, the pelvis flexed at me. I kissed the fresh mound and she moaned.

I pulled up a sheet and left for more house chores before the guest arrived. I decided naked was not the right touch for Annie's arrival, and found my racing speedo, which is exceedingly brief. If girls could wear suits which hid nothing, but claimed to be decent, so could I.

When I returned from a booze and hors 'oeuvres run, Sarah was in the kitchen, in a brand new crimson bikini whose intent was the same as the speedo which appeared as I dropped my shorts.

I got a full body press against the counter and a head on my shoulder. "Tell your slutty girlfriend everything is going to be ok."

I patted her back and kissed under her ear. "I like slutty Sarah. Your cousin is going to wonder what happened."

We were just about done with dinner prep when we heard Annie's car in the driveway and went out to greet her. A blond bundle of energy bulldozed into Sarah and after hugs and kisses, stood back and looked at me.

"You must be a boyfriend, or you wouldn't be here." She looked at Sarah, "Do I know about him?"

As we walked inside, Sarah was saying, "Recent addition. Name is Ross. Jock and smart as a whip. Even does chores."

Annie looked back to find my eyes fastened on the fine ass barely contained in a pair of daisy dukes. Or whatever girls called them now.

"He is perving me."

"That's why you wear those pants, isn't it? Are you flaunting yourself to my new guy, Annie?"

Annie was blushing as I closed with them and pinched her rear. "Is this the approved male response?"

Annie was struggling for words as I nudged them to the kitchen, dropping her duffel on the way.

"I promise to behave. Go out to the patio and I will bring drinks."

When I arrived with full glasses and munchies, they were chatting up a storm. Handing over a drink to Annie, I noticed her looking at the crotch in my speedo. I smiled and gave Sarah her glass. "She's perving me, Sarah."

Annie ignored my comment and said, "God, the two of you are in terrific shape."

Sarah beamed, "Lots of hours in the training room. Both of us. What about you? Get your suit on and we'll do a few laps."

Annie came back from a visit to her duffel, saying, "I seem to have forgotten the damn thing,"

Skinning out of her nothing suit, Sarah went to Annie and started taking items off the body. "Not really needed. Ross and I usually don't. I'll send him in the house if you insist, or make him take his suit off if you'd rather that option."

Annie was naked and in a clinch with Sarah. "What happened to my proper girlfriend? Bareass in front of a really hung guy? You've been having sex with him, haven't you? That's the only way you would be this relaxed."

Sarah grinned at me and pushed her friend into the pool, jumping in after. She gestured to the house and I went inside.

Fifteen minutes later, they were snapping towels at me in the kitchen. I pressed Annie against the counter and whispered, "Girls who flirt get..."

She hugged me tight and reached into the speedo, "You are hers and don't get to play around."

Moments later, it was a threeway hug and Sarah was hissing, "He is very aggressive. Can't be trusted. I told him you were a dear friend and anything you wanted from him was ok with me."

Annie licked Sarah's lips and played tongue hockey. "Oh god, you are both hitting on me. How did you know I am really needy? My true love dumped me for a fellowship on the other coast."