Sarah Gets Trained Ch. 11


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The feeding bell rang just as they finished showing a particularly hard step they were being trained to do. So they broke off their demonstration and filed in to the feeding station for lunch.

Vicki took in the troughs with a frown. But after watching her sister eagerly get down on all fours to eat, she shrugged and dug in too. The food was not what she expected considering it was in a trough. But it wasn't a normal human meal either. Her trough was filled with cut up fruit, grains, and some dried meat. She could tell it was laced with vitamins and minerals just from the taste. It was strange drinking from the nipple on side of the trough, but she got used to that pretty quickly.

Later, in Sarah's stall, the two cows spoke quietly about their lives and how they had gotten to where they were today. One thing that Sarah learned is that Stone had moved his office to a high rise before Vicki started. She guessed he'd done that to make it easier for Vicki to hide the truth from her since Vicki often described the office setting and events in the area. Sarah would have immediately caught on if Stone had kept the same office as he had when "training" her.

He'd motivated Vicki by telling her that her sister had done whatever he was demanding at the time and if she wanted to join her sister, then she had to do it. Vicki told Sarah about the first time she'd submitted to the butt plug. She'd had a hard time imagining Sarah allowing someone to control her like that but knew Sarah had past her "training" year, so she'd submitted. Sarah felt terrible hearing this. She hadn't realized her decisions while a "trainee" would be used to "train" her sister.

Vicki's sleep that night was plagued by erotic dreams. It was the first time she'd been hooked up to the milking machine all night and the stimulation was working her up. So she was groggy the next morning, even after her morning milking and fucking.

Stone came by with the doctor who'd treated her over her year as a "trainee." Sarah was with her at the time and said "Oh. I guess it's time for your branding. Don't worry, it won't affect your milk production much. The doctor will numb the area so you won't feel any pain when the brand is applied."

Vicki had seen Stone's brand on the others and assumed it would happen to her too. But she'd never considered its impact on her milk production. That thought hadn't even crossed her mind and was still not a concern for her. Her mind was wrapped up in the implications of being branded. It really sealed her fate and would be the last step in her conversion into livestock.

But her sister took her by the hand and led her over to be branded. Vicki was so scared that she was shaking. Sarah stood by her the whole time, stroking her hair and telling her what a good cow she was. Vicki almost threw up when she smelled her flesh burning. But it ended quickly and the next thing was having her nose punched for her nose ring. She went through that in rather a daze.

Then the ordeal was over. Sarah led Vicki back to her stall and had her lay down. She turned off the light and left her there; figuring Vicki would fall asleep as she had done after her branding. Instead, Vicki lay in her bed and quietly cried. It wasn't the pain that made her cry, it was the loss of her humanity. But eventually she fell asleep and awoke to her sister rubbing ointment onto her brand.

She sat up and hugged her sister, content to just hold her for now. Sarah understood what was going through her mind and just stroked her hair, murmuring soothing words into her ear. Finally, Vicki was ready to get up. Sarah helped her up and led her over to the milking station where a stable hand prepared her to be milked.

Vicki settled into life in the barn fairly quickly. Having another cow around helped her. She got used to seeing the other livestock having sex with each other. But as horny as she was all the time, she wasn't ready to give in to that temptation.

A couple of weeks later Stone took the two cows and Vicki into the office with him. He used to take Sarah also but the tattoo on her face was too hard to cover up so he left her in the barn. He was glad to have Vicki now since he'd missed having fresh milk in his coffee at the office. It was such a pleasure having a cow bend over his cup so he could have the milk straight from the udder. He deliberately dressed his cows in dresses with what looked like zippered pockets on the front of their tops. Of course, they weren't pockets; they were designed to give him quick access to their udders.

Vicki enjoyed being at the office, she felt almost human. But that feeling was shattered when Stone called her over and had her bend over his morning coffee. The feeling of him unzipping and milking her brought tears to her eyes.

Stone noticed her tears and smiled to himself. He so loved the first month or so after a woman agreed to be his livestock. He kept them off balance a lot during that time since it was so much fun to watch them struggle with their new status. Of course, eventually they settled into their new roles and he drew his enjoyment then from just owning them. He felt a sense of accomplishment every time he looked at them, a feeling that was compounded whenever he used them as he'd designed them to be used.

Vicki went straight to her sister when she got back from the office that evening and sat with her on Sarah's bed. She started to sob and explained how she felt. She spoke and sobbed for quite a while, the whole time Sarah just held her and stroked her hair. Eventually she stopped sobbing but did not leave the comfort of her sister's arms. Sarah's strokes gradually started going further down her back and soon reached Vicki's ass. Vicki was vaguely aware of where her hand was but was enjoying the closeness, so didn't move away. Sarah's other hand then bumped into Vicki's left nipple. That sent a jolt to Vicki's cunt and got the juices flowing. Sarah started stroking her nipple, the feeling was akin to being milked and that heightened Vicki's horniness even more.

It wasn't long before Vicki started moaning quietly and Sarah's hand on her nipple moved to encompass her whole udder, stroking from the base of the udder to the tip of her nipple. Vicki moved her head up from Sarah's shoulder and started kissing her neck. Her kisses migrated up her neck to her chin and finally to her lips. Sarah's hand migrated from her ass to her cunt and she was soon plunging her fingers in and out of Vicki's cunt. Then, for the first time, Vicki came from the hands of another female.

The ponies looked up from their chess game and smiled at each other when they heard her loud moans. They both knew that meant it wouldn't be long before they too had another sexual partner.

Vicki slumped against her sister as she came down from her orgasm. She felt Sarah take her fingers out of her pussy and then became aware that Sarah was licking her cum off her fingers. Vicki wasn't sure how she felt about what just occurred but for the moment, she was sated. What made this orgasm even more of a wonder is that it had happened without permission. She'd thought she'd lost that ability.

The two cows fell into a light sleep that lasted until the dinner bell. They arose and walked hand in hand to their feeding troughs, and realizing they were ravenous, dug in. After dinner the cows returned to Sarah's stall where they had a whispered conversation that lasted until time for their evening milking.

Both cows were very horny after being milked and Sarah asked the stable hand if he would unlock Stone's pussy. Smiling at what he knew was going to happen, he unlocked her and the patted her ass.

"You two heifers have a good time. Think I'll watch. Always good to watch a newbie. Oh, and you two can cum as much as you want for now."

Vicki was uncomfortable with being watched but Sarah just grabbed her hand and pulled her hurriedly toward her stall. Sarah pushed Vicki back on to the bed and dove for her cunt. This was another first for Vicki but she soon got caught up in the wonderful feeling of a female tongue in and on her cunt. She came after only a few minutes and when Sarah's wet face came up, Vicki grabbed her and gave her a deep, sensual kiss.

Vicki didn't hesitate to return the favor, pulling Sarah up on to the bed and diving between her sister's legs. She wasn't as skilled as her sister at eating pussy but her enthusiasm made up for any lacking in the skill department.

Suddenly she felt a cock slide into her pussy as the stable hand sought relief from his own horniness. Vicki didn't slow down; instead she raised her ass to give him better access and continued to eat her first pussy.

The two cows spent a lot of time exploring each other's bodies over the next few days. Then one day, Wanda approached Vicki when they were outside in the field and started stroking one of her long nipples. Vicki just smiled at her and took her other hand. She led Wanda back to the barn, stopping once to ask a stable hand for permission for them both to cum, which he granted.

That started a round of sexual exploration for Vicki, first one on one sex with the ponies and then group sex with two and three partners. After a few weeks of that, the livestock settled into a routine of sharing that kept them all sexually sated.

Stone had come down to speak with the stable hands one day when he spotted his livestock chatting together. He wandered over to them and announced "Looks like I'm going to add two more ponies to the herd in a few months. I found some twins just getting out of community college. They were on the track team in high school and continued to run after they went to college."

Ellen and Wanda looked shocked. They knew that one day he might sell them but thought they had years before that happened. They were only in their late 20s, so had plenty service to provide.

Stone saw their looks and was pleased. He had deliberately tried to unsettle them.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not selling you or retiring you. I want four ponies. I'm having a larger buggy built and need a four pony team to pull it. I plan on being the hit of the parade in next fall's fair."

The ponies were very relieved by that. They had not wanted to be converted into ponies but had adjusted to life as Stone's livestock and didn't know what another owner would do to them.

"It's been fun domesticating two at once. It was getting too easy domesticating one at a time. Vicki wasn't much of a challenge since I've perfected my methods over time. This brings a new level of excitement to my life. Next time, I'm going to domesticate more cows. There's some real money be made selling human milk."

With that statement, Stone turned and walked away. What his livestock didn't see was the smile on his face. He'd just dropped a couple of bombs on their happy lives and he knew they'd be even more anxious to please him now. He was not a cruel man, but he knew he had to be harsh at times to keep them under control. Besides, this would encourage them to think like the herd that they were.

The livestock turned and looked at each other anxiously. They could tell that Vicki was crushed by his callous statement about her being easy to domesticate. She'd taken some pride in thinking she had fought domestication. To hear it had been easy really hurt.

Wanda, being closest to her, wrapped her arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug. Vicki clung to her and cried for a few minutes as the other livestock gently stroked her back. After a few minutes, she calmed down and looked at her fellow livestock and said "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you three."

A little later that afternoon, the livestock gathered to discuss something that arose out of what Stone had said earlier; their eventual fate. That discussion lasted for days with no resolution. There wasn't anything that they could do. They had signed their lives away when they made their last decision and their fate was not theirs to decide.

A few days later though, they heard something that swept all these troubling thoughts away. There was going to be another fair in a month! To make it even more exciting, it was to be held at Stone's farm. That set them to gossiping excitedly.

It also left them with the realization that, life as livestock should be lived in the moment for that is all they had.

Over the coming years, the herd grew as expected. Stone decided to breed all his livestock since he only chose the most intelligent women to domesticate and he didn't want their genes to be lost. But the babies were adopted out to good families immediately upon birth. It would not do for the mothers to become too attached to them and it would not do for children to be raised around human livestock.

Life went on and, all in all, the herd was content with their lot in life.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

greaqt stories of human animal livestock, luv b his pony philly

bi3inchpigbi3inchpigover 2 years ago

The stories are incredibly erotic. I am an obese male and I actually relate to the females in these stories who are turned into livestock. I purchased a small farm in central Florida for the purpose of exploring this idea for myself but I have yet to find a dom "farmer" go forward.

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
Earning his living selling human milk?!!!!;));));))So super pathetic!!;));));))

What a weird and pathetic specimen of manhood ,this Stone!!;)) earning his living selling human milk?!!!;))What a laugh!!;))

Rapier875Rapier875almost 7 years ago
That was one weird story.

But for some reason that I just can't explain, I liked it..............

devillarochedevillarocheover 7 years ago
Wonderful Story!

This story fit quite nicely in the sub-genre of 'hucows' for me. The story had some of the perfect pieces to it that didn't make it hard to buy into. Sarah, the main character is young, fresh out of college, She is impressionable and willing to be molded. Sarah is also trapped by her circumstances, also a great way to make her accept Stone's requests. So I was slowly able to believe such a story and how a smart young woman could let herself be manipulated in this way. We all know someone like Stone, and we are taken in by their charisma no doubt.

As for once Sarah is on the farm, well that is where you must suspend your disbelief and accept this odd world where humans are like animals. I felt the author did an excellent job in this area, and like a Twilight Zone episode, it was rooted in a certain reality, one that my mind could wrap itself around quite nicely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I did not like this much neither. He is not just cruel, he is very cruel. Your stating that he is not cruel does not make it so, when everything you write about him enforces that he is extremely cruel. Using sisters, though it might be amusing, would be a bad idea. Each time they looked at each other or talked, their old memories of growing up together would be there. Good memories as well as bad ones., TYhis woulkd strengthen their individuality. Remind them of their differences. Bring up old sisterly clashes and how different they are. Did Daddy treat one of them more as a princess than the other? They are now both somewhat disappointed that the other is a sexual slave and a piece of livestock, rather than executives for Fortune 500 companies and never will be. They will be bred and milked until they are old before their time and sold off as house servants. No family, no husband, no children. Now he is going to acquire more ponies and cows? He can't give such personal attention, exert control gboth mentslly and physically, and run a multi-national corporation all at once. Some will get much attention, some will be ignored. Eventually a man has to come to a point of realization that in business he can only have 'so much' time for hobbies and games. I don't hate this, because you don't (at least) have them eating feces or performing 'water sporta', but I can only give it a two star rating. I also judge the writer while reading the story and you treat your characters really badly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
messed up

I have found absolutely nothing erotic in all of this series. I find that your statement that Stone is not a cruel owner is a lie. His character laced up Sarah's pussy and made her ask to be allowed to wee-wee. This was also dumb storytelling as there is no way Stone as a business man and then later the stable hands could be around all of the time day and night so that they could unlock her to Pee. Having him tattoo her face, arms, and legs was foolish also. Her intellect and education could not be used in office, and at her first Fair Beauty Contest it was stated that all of the Holestein cow print paint had to be removed. And how could her physical beauty be shown to best advantage tattooed into a homogenous and distracting to the eye pattern. Also when she is likely the only fully tattooed cow there. Stone is fully capable of inflicting mental anguish on his cows and ponies even after being fully trained, does not fully relieve their minds about their roles in the future when they could no longer run fast or produce milk. This only involves BDSM in the first chapter for Sarah and a line or two in the last chapter. The business aspect of Stone selling their milk production is never discussed and it doesn't look like Vicky is ever exercised. With Sarah and Vicky being sisters, would it not be worth writing them as being physically altered to look even more alike, like the ponies? This would surely impress the Judges at the fairs and the other owners and cows might be a little bit intimidated and give Stone a small psychological edge. He seems so damn fond of playing head games I would have thought you would have dreamed it up already. I read it all, because I don't feel it right to vote and comment either favorably or unfavorably on stories that I don't finish. But I won't read it again and I'll not be looking at your site to see about reading any more. Also you need a better proofreader. There are spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation errors that should have been dealt with before submitting.

spankfunforspankfunforabout 9 years ago

Slow and Steady Goes the Training of a Woman to a Willing slave! More Adventures would be Appreciated!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This was such a great, well written, arousing story!!! I want more as well!!!

Cowman82Cowman82over 9 years ago
well done

thank you for this. I want more

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