Save Me!


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He was focused on the screen both times! She could not believe how her father had managed to tune her out so completely. Again, she tried not to get angry about it. She realized that he was so focused on the screen that she could move in his lap and savor the feel of him without drawing his attention. Sabrina had to battle not to gasp out loud the first time the ridge of that throbbing daddy-dick strummed across her clit.

Oh, good lord! It felt amazing! At the same time, the thick shaft was pressed between her lips. Only her father's thin workout shorts and her skimpy, moist panties kept her from feeling the touch of his hot flesh. While her father's attention was focused on the television screen, hers was completely focused on what was going on between her thighs.

She did gasp out loud when her father abruptly pushed her to her feet. He stood up and smiled at her. She was completely confused. When he hugged her, she thought he was finally making his move. Then he released her.

"Well, that was a lot of fun," he said. "But we really ought to go to bed."

"Okay!" she agreed eagerly.

He smiled again and kissed the tip of her nose. "Goodnight, Pumpkin," he murmured. Then he left her standing in the living room as he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

It took two full minutes for Sabrina to figure it out. The episode had ended. As aroused as she was, she could not believe her father hadn't experienced any of what she had. Her hand slid down to find her panties completely drenched with her juices. How the hell had he not noticed that?

She shook her head in bafflement. It made no sense at all!

Her hand trembled as she reached for the doorknob of her father's bedroom. She was completely on fire, ready to throw caution to the wind and throw herself into her father's strong arms. She just couldn't do it. As impossibly horny as she was, it was a risk she couldn't take. Her father had never given any indication that he even noticed her as a woman. He would freak out for sure if she tried to get him to do anything sexual and she knew it.

"Dammit!" she whispered in frustration. Her eyes narrowed and she turned to her own bedroom. I'll have to make him notice, she thought.

She lay awake in her bed and thought about seducing her father. Even though she had thrashed her horny little pussy through a half-dozen fierce orgasms, she was still stroking her drenched and sensitive lips as she contemplated what she would do, what she would wear. "I need to do some shopping," she murmured with a sly grin. She shivered through one last orgasm before rolling onto her side and falling asleep.

Phil had likewise masturbated furiously in his bed that night. Unlike Sabrina, he had not had pictures of incestuous coupling in mind. Instead, he had pictured the busty babes of Baywatch while he stroked his rampant erection. There was a part of his mind that found the whole thing ludicrous. After all, those women were all much older than he was. They certainly didn't look like they had when he just watched them on television.

Still, he was completely hard and even imagined he could smell a woman's aroused pussy. When he erupted, he was picturing a busty lifeguard bent over in front of him, eagerly taking every stroke of his hard dick. He fell asleep soon afterward, with his semen still plastered all over his chest and belly.

* * *

Since it was the last day of Sabrina's Christmas vacation, she slept in the next morning. Phil had to go to work for six hours. He shook his head and grinned as he scrubbed his dried semen from his torso in the shower. Those Baywatch babes could still do it for him, and that was both amusing and arousing. Once he was clean and dressed, he quietly left for work.

Sabrina awoke an hour later. She was still horny and could almost feel her father's thick shaft pressing insistently between the moist petals of her sex. Her shower was quick; she wanted to get out and shop for clothes before her father got home from work. She was determined to make him see her as a woman, and there were some items of apparel that she thought might just do the trick. She spent two hours shopping and returned home, excited to try on her new purchases.

It felt very strange the first time she tried on a thong. Lots of her friends wore them, but Sabrina had always preferred slightly less revealing panties. She knew that she would need to act nonchalant when she wore them around her father. If he made any sort of comment she would have to act as if they were no big deal. She grinned into her bedroom mirror when that thought ran through her head.

No big deal indeed! This thong barely covers my pussy lips!

She turned around and suppressed a gasp. The thin strand of the backside of the thong completely disappeared between the cheeks of her shapely bottom. It looked for all the world like she wasn't even wearing underwear. She could certainly feel it, though, pressed as it was against her sensitive little rosebud. She turned back around and watched as her hand reached down to slide the thong aside. The fuzzy lips of her horny pussy were completely exposed and slightly spread. Sabrina could practically picture her father's thick cock sliding up into her. Her fingers lightly touched and spread her lips open.

"Daddy's eager little fuck-hole," she murmured as she stared at it. She shivered and shook her head, looking at her face in the mirror. Am I really doing this?

Then she recalled her father's prominent bulge and how intense it had felt between those same sensitive lips. She looked at her aroused expression and recalled Vickie's similar look after she had made out with him at the pool. Sabrina's fingers slid inside her and she imagined how good her father's dick was going to feel, how it was going to fill her up completely. She had enjoyed the last three boys who had enthusiastically fucked her, but now she was ready for a man.

Sabrina slid the thong down her shapely thighs and she grinned. The skimpy little white bikini was next. She struggled to get her big boobs into the tiny triangles of cloth, and even then her nipples were clearly visible through the thin material. The bikini bottoms were essentially the same as the thong, only they had little spaghetti straps on the sides which tied into bows. It took a couple of tries to get them tied securely and the tiny piece of material kept trying to slide down while she was doing it.

Once she managed to get the bikini onto her body, she took one look at her reflection and sucked in a shocked breath. Even to her, the tiny translucent swimsuit looked obscene. It left nothing to the imagination and looked as if it wanted to expose her hard nipples and puffy pussy lips as soon as she moved.

Oh, this is too much, she thought. She chewed on her bottom lip as she turned slowly and inspected her reflection. I'll have to wait to spring this on him. It's just a little too revealing.

When she reached her hands up to adjust the strings at her shoulders, both of her breasts sprang free of the skimpy garment. Her nipples were rock-hard, begging for her father's mouth. Sabrina stared at her reflection. She could not believe how wanton she looked in the mirror. How could her father not have noticed?

By the time Phil returned in the afternoon, Sabrina had stashed the obscene bikini in the back of her underwear drawer. She was not sure she would ever have the nerve to actually wear the thing.

She wore a long t-shirt that night, concealing the skimpy thong that she wore beneath it. Phil didn't notice how she trembled as she slid into his lap. Once again, he was completely focused on the television screen. His thick dick was hard before the opening credits even finished rolling. Unlike the previous evening, he was wearing jeans instead of the soft cotton shorts.

Sabrina groaned in consternation. She could tell that he was hard, but the denim kept his shaft firmly out of her reach along the inside of his left thigh. Phil finally took note about the fifth time she sighed in annoyance.

"What's the matter, Pumpkin?" he asked.

"Daddy, I hate to complain, but your jeans are awfully scratchy," she said demurely. She reached for the remote and paused the show. "Would you mind taking them off?"

"Sorry, I didn't realize..." he started.

She slid from his lap and patted his cheek. "It's okay, Daddy," she reassured him.

Phil stood, but before he could retreat to his room to change, Sabrina spoke quickly. "You can just take those off," she said, trying not to sound too eager. "You have boxers on, right?"

Phil nodded, not quite thinking clearly. He had never taken his pants off in front of his daughter before, but he couldn't really think of a good excuse not to at that moment. It bothered him, but he did not really know why. After a moment of indecision, he shrugged and opened his fly, sliding the jeans down his legs. His hard dick threatened to spring right up out of the opening in the front of the thin boxers. It was all Sabrina could do to keep her eyes on her father's face rather than drooling at the sight of his hard shaft.

She managed a warm smile. "Thanks, Daddy. I'm sure those soft boxers will feel much better against my legs."

Phil smiled back at his little girl, kicking the jeans aside before sitting down on the couch. Sabrina pressed play on the remote and picked up her father's discarded jeans, folding them neatly before sliding back into his lap.

Phil was scarcely aware of it when his erection sprang out of the front of his boxers. Sabrina managed to contain her gasp, but barely. She slowly turned to observe her father's face, making sure he was still focused on the screen before she spread her thighs and looked down.

There it was! She could actually see that thick, hard daddy-dick throbbing between her thighs, scant inches from the moist pussy where it belonged. she had no idea what to do.

She wanted to touch it, wanted to pull her skimpy thong aside and take that pulsing pussy-pleaser inside her. At the same time, she was frozen with indecision. She was certain she had only gotten this far because her father was unaware of what was happening. She was worried he would notice, and then it would be the end of everything they had shared up to this point.

Sabrina stifled another involuntary gasp when her father's hard cock lurched up to smack against her wet lips. Her thighs closed involuntarily around the throbbing shaft, and she shivered as he let out a sexy groan. She slowly turned her head, afraid to see his expression. Once again, he was completely focused on the screen. However, his hips were slowly pressing upward as he stared at the busty lifeguard on the television.

Sabrina couldn't believe her father was humping against her, and she was filled with trepidation that this sinful stimulation would end at any moment. She shivered and came against her father's insistent thrusts. He groaned when she did, and she was just sure the game was up. But he kept right on flexing his buttocks without seeming aware he was doing it.

Phil was prone to vivid waking dreams. Even though his eyes were open and locked on the screen in front of him, his mind was picturing scenes from his own youth, when he had been a lifeguard on the beach in southern California. He had enjoyed some amazing sex with two different gorgeous female lifeguards back then, as well as a handful of the "beach bunnies" who had eagerly thrown themselves at him. That montage blended in with the images on the screen. The sensations coming from his lap just seemed a part of that dream. When he blinked and realized the end credits were rolling, he believed he had fallen asleep.

By the time the second episode was over, Sabrina had come twice more. She just knew he would notice all of the pussy juice she had spread over his cock, but she was delirious and couldn't think of anything to say. Her legs were quaking as she stood up and her father embraced her. "Love you, Pumpkin," he muttered into her ear.

Sabrina watched her father pick up his jeans and stumble into his room. She wondered if he was drunk—after all, how could he not have noticed? What she didn't understand was just how tired he was. He had only gone into the office for a six-hour workday, but he had been pulling so many twelve-to-sixteen hour days over the past month that he was almost delirious from exhaustion.

He was hard as a brick, but so wiped out that he immediately fell asleep without even masturbating. He did, however, have intensely erotic dreams in which he was pounding his hard dick deep into the willing pussy of a busty young lifeguard. His subconscious mind registered that it was his daughter's shapely bottom that he was picturing eagerly pressing back to take every thrust in that dream. She was bent over in front of him, moaning encouragement as he took her.

In the morning, he could not recall the dream at all, but he somehow felt guilty. He just didn't know why. By the time he got his shower, he had managed to shake it from his mind. It was Monday, and he once again had a long day at the office to look forward to. Sabrina looked lovely as they shared breakfast. Her eyes constantly searched his, expecting him to say something about the previous evening. When he just smiled at her, she made herself relax. She gave her father a peck on the cheek before leaving for school.

Phil wasn't aware he was doing it when his daughter headed toward the front door, but he was staring at her shapely ass until her heavy winter coat hid it from view. He grinned and shook his head when he drove to work, surprised to find he was slightly aroused despite the cold. He managed to clear his mind and focus on work for the rest of the day, but it was another very long workday. After work, he dragged his exhausted carcass to the gym for his regular workout. His motions were mechanical, almost robotic as he went from station to station. He was halfway home when he realized he had neglected to get groceries.

Sabrina was concerned when she saw her father. He looked haggard, and she finally realized how hard he had been pushing himself the past month. Before she could voice her concern, though, he spoke up.

"Sabrina, I'm so sorry," he managed with a wry smile and a shake of his head. "I totally forgot to go shopping for groceries after work. I know we're out of milk and bread. What else do we need?"

"Dad, you need to sit down and rest," she insisted firmly. "You look like you would fall asleep behind the wheel if you tried to drive anywhere. Don't worry about the groceries; I'll make us something for dinner."

Phil opened his mouth to protest, but that turned into a huge yawn. She was right, he realized; he needed to rest. When he caught his reflection in his bathroom mirror, it only confirmed what she had said. He looked like he was on the verge of collapse. Phil stripped off his shirt and slacks, but he was adding up all the hours he had worked over the past five weeks. His eyes shot open in shock when the enormity of that number hit him. It was well over four hundred hours! And that was just his billable hours—it represented close to a hundred hours a week spent in the office.

While that would certainly provide an impressive paycheck, it was not a healthy number and he knew it. He stumbled into his bed and immediately fell asleep. Meanwhile, Sabrina found a can of beef stew and quickly heated it up. It was essentially a complete meal in a can. She would have preferred to make some toast to go with it, but they were out of bread. She poured a glass of wine for her father and apple juice for herself. It would be a filling meal, and then she would insist on her father going straight to bed.

She dished up the stew and then made her way into her father's bedroom. She sucked in an involuntary breath when she saw him lying there. He was wearing only boxers, and his rampant erection was standing straight up out of the opening in the front of the thin underwear. He was clearly sound asleep.

Sabrina was only peripherally aware that she was walking closer to the bed. Her focus on that throbbing pillar of flesh was complete and her mouth was watering. It felt impossibly hot as her little hand closed on the pulsing shaft. Her father groaned as his hips thrust forward. His cock pushed up into her hand three times before she managed to clear her head and release him.

He needs to eat dinner, she thought. But he'll be embarrassed if I wake him up and he's exposed like this. I just need to tuck him back into his boxers.

She reached forward again, her hand shaking as she gripped that impressive slab of dick-meat. She stared at it, marveling at the way it filled her hand so completely. Then she couldn't help but imagine how incredible it would feel inside her needy little pussy. That thought made her knees weak, and they actually buckled. That was how she found herself collapsing onto her father's bed, and how his thick cock found its way into her mouth.

Her eyes shot open as the thick, spongy head spread her lips wide open. She hadn't meant to do it, and would have pulled her head off of him immediately, but then his hand tangled in her hair and his hips thrust upward insistently, feeding her more of his dick. She froze and stared up at her father's face as he fucked her mouth. He didn't force the whole thing down her throat, so she was able to take the fat head and first few inches between her wet lips. She just couldn't believe it was happening.

All too quickly, he was erupting into her mouth. Sabrina closed her lips around the ridge of his cock-head and swallowed her father's copious semen. She just couldn't think of anything else to do, and she was certain that he would wake up at any second. She could not imagine how she would explain this. He moaned gratefully in his sleep, but his eyes were still closed when she drained the last drops from him.

His hand released her head after he had finished, and he mumbled something unintelligible. Sabrina stared at his cock as she swallowed the mouthful of hot cum. I can't believe that just happened! she thought. She licked her lips and shook her head. He had softened considerably, and she tucked his cock into his boxers and smoothed them over his dwindling erection.

She stood up and retreated to the doorway, clearing her throat and knocking loudly on the bedroom door.

"Daddy, I fixed us some dinner," she announced. "You need to eat, and then you can go right back to sleep."

Phil groggily sat up, completely unaware of what had just happened. He was vaguely aware that he was really hungry, once he smelled the beef stew. He nodded and slid his legs out of the bed, stumbling out to the dining room in his boxers.

"Thanks, Pumpkin," he mumbled. He didn't notice the way she blushed.

"You're welcome, Daddy," she replied.

After dinner, Phil went back to his room and promptly fell into a deep sleep. Sabrina cleaned the dishes and then stood in his doorway, watching him sleep and still trying to come to grips with what had happened. She could almost taste him in her mouth, even though his flavor had been washed down with her dinner and juice.

I gave my dad a blowjob! The thought played over and over in her mind. She was tempted to give him another one. Instead, she stumbled to her own bed and tried to go to sleep. It took hours before she finally managed to fall asleep, and only after she had masturbated while thinking about her father's cock in her mouth.

* * *

The next morning, it was Sabrina who was groggy and slow to get up. Her father seemed chipper and well-rested. Sabrina was relieved, both because he looked so much better and because he seemed to have no recollection of filling her mouth with his hard cock and thick cream.