Saving Jenn from Perdition... Sorta


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"That feels good, Daddy. Don't stop?" she moaned.

We made out like that for a while. It should have felt wrong. We both knew it, but it felt too good to stop. Her weeks of teasing had lowered our resistance to each other, and bit by bit had replaced it with anticipation. And although it wasn't something I could put words to. I knew that bit by bit, she was giving herself to me.

The make out sessions continued, and at some point. Jenn just stopped going back to her own room afterwards and would just fall asleep next to me. It felt nice having her naked curves pressed up against me. And after a few nights it just became our new normal. I had fallen asleep that Friday with Jenn wrapped around me. I woke suddenly in the middle of the night.

I guess I'd been having a pretty hot dream and Jenn told me later that I'd woken her up, my hard-on poking into her side. So she'd scootch down under the covers and taken me in her mouth, waking me up by sucking on my hard cock. At first I was disoriented, followed quickly by a flash of panic. As I became aware of what was happening, panic gave way to relief, and then blossomed into a warm glow.

"Awwww Sis, that feels amazing." I heard myself moan. I could sense her response to my encouragement as she redoubled her efforts, clearly intent on getting me off. I could feel her hand gently fondling my balls as her mouth worked my shaft. Her tongue piercing bounced and rubbed against my cock, making it even harder not to cum. And she made slurping noises as she'd take almost my full length down her throat again and again.

It didn't take long before her attentions paid off, and I came harder than I ever had before. She kept it in her mouth until I shot my last spurt of cum and heard her swallow it all down. She emerged back up beside me and kissed me.

"There, Daddy." She said quietly. "Now we can get back to sleep."

We talked about it the next day at the breakfast, Jenn telling me that she'd felt bad that she wasn't really reciprocating what I was doing for her, and that she'd really liked sucking my cock and making me happy. So really, she wasn't doing anything to me other than what I was doing to her, so where was the harm in that? It wasn't like we were fucking, after all.

And I decided that she was right. So, from that point on, we did everything but fuck. And we did it a lot.

Jenn enrolled in an online GED program and was working through the remaining classes she needed to graduate. I thought it was cute watching her with her reading glasses and collar on, and nothing else, sitting at the computer or curled up on the couch with a schoolbook.

I had been going down on her in our bed when I got this idea. I rolled her over onto her stomach and put two fingers back inside her to get her going again. Once she was back in the zone I leaned in and softly circled her asshole with the tip of my tongue. She shivered and I could feel her pussy tremble once. I had had her pretty wet and sloppy on her back so mostly I just tasted her pussy juices that had run down the cleft of her ass, but there was an additional overtone. Not bad, just different.

I probed her with my tongue feeling her anus squeeze down on my tongue which I pushed in as far as I could. She shuddered again and came hard gushing on my fingers. Wet as they were I removed them from her pussy and slowly inserted my index finger where my tongue had been. Jenn squirmed and moaned obviously enjoying the experiment. I started finger fucking her while playing her clit with my other hand. Soon she climaxed again, and we brought the session to an end with her sucking a nice load from my hard tool.

It became a new activity in our growing repertoire, which came up from time to time. Jenn always seemed sheepish when she asked for it. So, it really surprised me when she asked out of the blue if maybe once I got her loosened up with my finger, could she try my cock up there?

"No!" I replied. "That would be incest!"

"No it wouldn't, Daddy." She insisted. "You've had your fingers and tongue up there, this is just another part of your body, so it's the same thing. And you've had your cock in my mouth enough times, you'd just be putting it someplace else. And that place wouldn't be my pussy, so it wouldn't be incest."

"Sis, that's a little sketchy." I remarked.

"C'mon Daddy. I wanna see what it feels like." She whined.

"You mean you and Brandon never..." I began.

"No, Daddy... Never did." She replied.

Her logic seemed flawed to me. Putting my cock in her ass would be fucking, and that was incest. Her insistence that I was fucking her mouth so we were already That was different. But it became a thought that I knew we both returned to with increasing frequency.

Dad would check in every couple weeks. I'd have Jenn put some clothes on, and we'd do a video call. I had kept him posted on Jenn's progress and I knew he was appreciative of my efforts and diligence. I also know that he saw her collar and had at least an inkling of what it signified. I had given her the option to take it off several times, but she'd just shrug, bring her fingertips up to touch it and then say no.

We were in bed, and I had a finger up her butt and was sucking on her clit making her buck her hips like she was riding a bronco. Giving her a rest after her climax, she looked at me seductively as we lay next to each other.

"You're hard, Daddy!" She noticed reaching down to stroke my erection. "Do you want me to take care of that?"

"Sure Sis." I replied eagerly.

"Then put it in my ass, Daddy. Please?" She tried.

"We've been all over this, Sis." I returned.

With a big sigh of disappointment, she rolled over on her side facing away from me, sulking. Not realizing the trap, I rolled over on my side to cuddle her from behind. She immediately reached for my erection and started rubbing it between her ass cheeks which were slick from my previous attention. She rocked her hips so that my hard cock slid up and down her cleft and I felt precum beginning to drip from me, making things even slicker.

"Sis, stop!" I said. But I sounded pretty unconvincing, even to myself.

"But it feels good, Daddy." She complained, her voice quavering with what I knew was raw arousal.

Her hand was on top of my cock, pressing against it, making sure that it was firmly lodged in between her ass cheeks and distributing the precum which now flowed copiously from me, making sure my shaft was well coated all the way around. Her other hand was in between her legs and I could hear her fingers squishing in her own pussy. She was moaning constantly.

I was so hard my cock was almost sore. When her hand which had been flat on my rod closed around it, guiding it to her rosebud and pushing back with her hips. I could feel her opening up as my cock head spread her anus and I knew I had to do something, but the feeling was so...different that I just held still as she slowly slid my cock inside her backdoor. I'd never felt anything like it. Her ass was so tight and slick and once I was all the way in, without conscious thought I just started fucking, and she started cumming.

I reached around to grab her tits and buried my face in her hair against her neck. And she rode my hard cock with a perverse desire. Her fingers were flying over her clit and she came quickly a second time. I knew I wasn't going to last very long, but was determined to hold off long enough for her to get off again. When she did, I relented and filled her bowels with a huge load of my spunk.

We lay there in silence. I was trembling hard from head to toe in the aftermath, hanging on to her body as my cock grew soft and slid free from her. A glob of my jizz crowned her anus and rolled down the cheek of her ass to soak into the bedsheet. She let out a deep sigh of satisfaction.

"Thank you, Daddy." She whispered. I grunted something in reply.

In truth I doubt it had taken more than a few minutes from entry until I came, but I was overwhelmed and exhausted. I couldn't believe what had just happened. But as I listened to Jenn's soft breathing, and knew she was asleep, I realized that it must have been emotionally intense for her too. I drifted off myself, listening to the cadence of her breaths and feeling her warm curves against my body.

When I woke up I was alone in bed. A sudden pang of loneliness hit me. And then I heard Jenn, down the hall in the bathroom. A few minutes later she returned to bed, and I relaxed again.

"Are you okay, Daddy?" she said quietly.

"You tricked me, Sis." I answered.

"I tricked you."

"It was incest, Sis." I added.

"It totally was. But can I tell you something?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah, what is it?" I answered.

"When I was young. When I starting to get... out of control. Dad tried to rein me in. He never could, though. Not for long, anyway. And when you handcuffed me I was really angry...but after a while I thought that it was the right thing to do. In order to stand up for me, you really had to start by standing up to me. Dad never figured that out. Not to take anything away from him, he did his best. But he's just not wired that way, I guess." She said.

"I hadn't really thought of it in those terms." I replied.

"The fact is that you've acted more like a Daddy to me than anyone else ever has. But there's more. I teased you on purpose, and instead of raging at me like Brandon would have, you comforted me. Made me feel like I was safe, and warm, and...wanted. You learned about me and what my body is like, and how it works. You learned what I needed, and you learned to touch me in ways that nobody else ever could." She confessed.

"So you're my Daddy, and you're also my Brother, but I started to realize that more than those things, you are my Lover. And it makes me afraid that pushing that too far weird. That I might lose you and all the rest of what I've gained. But in the moment, I had to see. I had to at least try to have the experience that I've really longed for. And for a few minutes today I got to feel you inside me. It made me whole." She lapsed into silence, and we sat that way for a full minute.

"You asked if I wanted to take this collar off, and I said no." She began fresh. "The truth is that I feel like it's part of me now. A reminder of who gave it to me, who saved me, who was there for me, and who I could give myself to without worrying about things going sideways. It reminds me that I belong to you, Daddy. And if I take it off, maybe that won't be true anymore."

"Sis?" I offered.

She continued. "So, I did trick you, and we did do incest. But I've been doing incest on you for a while now in my heart. I know we defined it as certain acts, but there's more to it. It's waking up and feeling you next to me and feeling that I'm so in love that I could justify those acts just to prove to you what you mean to me. Does that make sense?" Jenn looked sheepishly at the floor before going on.

"It means missing you when we're not together and longing for the reassurance of your touch when we are. It's the way you make me cum and it's the longing that I have to have you fill me up; to feel your essence soaking into me. I love you, Daddy. Incest or not."

I thought for a while. It had started because I wanted her to get straight, to get her life back on track. I wanted her to have a chance to be the person I knew she could be. I couldn't put my finger on the exact moment that loving my big Sis, changed to being in love with her, but as I listened to her I knew that's what had happened.

And now I knew how she felt about it all. The only remaining question was, what would I do with it? We were in love with each other, and had been dancing around it for quite some time.

It was a quiet afternoon. We'd barely been able to look at each other since our talk. We went to bed early and lay there in the soft light of the evening. The confusion of earlier had dissipated for me, but I was wondering how she was feeling. I turned to see that she was watching me. Probably had been for a while.

I leaned over and kissed her mouth. It was soft and alive. I touched her breast, full and warm in my hand. And in a moment of impulse and resolution I roll on top of her and felt her guide my hard cock into her waiting pussy. We made love, not as a frenetic dash to orgasm, but with an intimate familiarity that only time together can create. I felt her gift her body to me, and I rode a wave of passionate tranquility, as she came again and again for me until at last, I flooded her womb with my seed.

I held her, my cock still hard inside her. She said that she could feel me soaking into her, and how happy it made her feel. We kissed, and touched, and made love again. A perfect fit.


Dad introduced us to his fiancé during the usual video call. She was a technology implementation specialist, originally from Singapore, but working in Dubai on contract. Dad apologized for not telling us earlier, but asked if we wanted to fly over for the wedding. We agreed, arriving the day before the ceremony which was going to be a civil service in one of the function rooms of the hotel we were all staying at.

Jenn looked extremely hot in a slinky little dress that showed off her curves to the max, and a cute black lace day collar that I'd given her for going out on public occasions. She'd just finished putting the finishing touches on when Dad showed up to take us down to the ceremony.

The hotel room was nice. The usual deal. Two queen sized beds, dry bar, glass doors that opened on a small balcony that I doubt anyone ever used because it was always so damned hot here. I saw Dad's eyes widen when he saw how great Jenn looked. Then I saw them widen even more when he notice that only one of the beds had been slept in. Ooops!

He looked back at Jenn. He looked at me. He looked back at the bed and nodded thoughtfully to himself. The wedding was awesome.

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walksstrongbearwalksstrongbearabout 1 year ago

I've known many many people from Texas in my life.... Never met a cry baby little cunt from Texas before reading these comments!!!!

Stormwalker10027Stormwalker10027over 1 year ago

@ScottishTexan, actually when you click into a story, there are 4 icons on the right had side. First one is for information which is a brief little blurb about the story. The 2nd one is story tags, you click it and all of the tags appear like magic. Unfortunately, you’re right that you can’t sort out tags you don’’t like but its not up to the author to protect anyone’s fragile sensibilities. They did the tags like they were supposed to do. The rest is on the reader.

Robinius1Robinius1over 1 year ago

Nice start but it went downhill fast.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

@SomeDamnedDude re: checking tags

First off, when you are using tags to search for stories, they DO NOT allow you to filter out the stories that you don't want to read. They don't work in reverse.

Secondly, the tags published with the story are located AT THE END of the story and not the beginning. So your point is totally moot.

SomeDamnedDudeSomeDamnedDudeover 1 year ago

@ScottishTexan Check the tags on the story before you start reading.

@Norm_dePlume Loved the story, would have liked a bit more description of the sex scenes, would love more about these two 5/5

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Okay, so I loved the angle of getting his sister clean and sober tremendously. The DOM/sub stuff was okay as well, but I could have EASILY done without the spanking, humiliation, leash, collar, and other BDSM aspects to this story. I arrived here because I was searching strictly for brother/sister incest stories, but the tags don't work backwards for weeding out undesirable genres.

TO THAT END...It is considered polite form for an author to open his/her story with a preface containing TRIGGER WARNINGS ⚠️ so that the readers will not waste their time reading anything that they found objectionable. With 18 published items to your credit, you should have had someone mention this to you by now and you should be following that advice. But since you failed to do so, you get down voted to 1/5 from me.

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