Saving the Doctor Pt. 08


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The man behind him put his hand to his mouth to say something and Blake half turned to him and then back to the mic.

"I also wanna thank BuzzPunch for their generous support. BuzzPunch, taste the flow."

Jon smirked at the entertainment of seeing the 'un-edited' version of the eventual video.

The announcer moved forward expecting to take the mic but Blake stepped away from him.

"There's someone else in particular I wanna thank too. As some of you may know there was a close call at the resort party here last night. I won't hide from the rumours. It's true I almost lost a good mate to the effects of drugs, and I wanna take this opportunity to remind you kids that if you know one of your mates needs help or if you need help with a drug problem that there are tons of good organizations and people out there to turn to. People like my good friend Jon, a doctor who stepped in and stopped a guy's life from being cut short last night. Jon I hope you're out there, you and your girl Becka, I can't wait to see you tonight! Let's hear it for him and all the other heroes out there stoppin us kids from killin ourselves!"

Jon furrowed his brow and couldn't help cringing, but to his amazement the crowd seemed to give a genuine cheer, and Beth turned around with a huge astonished smile, and jumped up and down hugging him and gave him a huge smooch on the lips, evidently not bothered by his botching of her name.

"Say no to drugs!" Blake called out through the cheers as the concerned announcer reached for the mic. "And stay in school!" he leaned over to say into it as the announcer yanked it away stepped away from him.

"AALLLLRIGHT! You folks ready to see this guy shred?!"

The crowd cheered again.

Jon saw Blake's arms go up in fury on the stage behind him and his yelling voice coming softly through the mic. "What do you MEAN you're not gonna include it! I poured my fucking heart out up there!"

The announcer stepped further away to stop the mic from picking it up, but one final "cunts!" made it's way distantly through the mic.

"Okay get ready, I wanna hear you making some NOOOOIIIIISSE!!!" the announcer yelled.

Everyone started cheering and didn't stop, and finally Blake appeared on his snowboard at the top of the pipe. He gave a hand gesture and started down.

Jon was once again genuinely impressed. Blake was legit acrobatic, his muscular arm holding himself upside down on the first edge, then a smooth but complicated spin on the next.

"Ohmygodohmygod!" Beth said quickly as he approached their side, about to get air directly in front of them.

His board launched off the pipe into the air and Jon couldn't help smile as his face was powdered with snow and Blake twirled in front of him.

"HEY BLAKE!!" Beth screamed and waved as he flew through the air.

Jon smirked, figuring there was no way he would hear or see her.

The trick was incredible but Blake faltered as he landed, having to quickly carve into the snow to stop himself from falling and losing most of his momentum. He didn't make it up to the edge of the other side and he threw his hands up in frustration. A few 'aww's sounded from the crowd among the cheers. Blake was only able to get enough momentum back to do one handplant and a 360 before the bottom.

He couldn't hear anything but was able to make out what looked like Blake being infuriated and gesturing up towards the halfpipe.

The announcer finally came back on. "Happens to the best of them folks, don't worry he'll be doing at least 3 runs for y'all today so we'll have plenty to see. Don't forget to find the Flow-Girls walking around with some nice cold BuzzPunch for purchase. Don't forget to scan the special code and enter your email or twitter handle for your chance to..."

Jon ignored his rambling advertisements and looked to see Blake on an oversized snowmobile headed up the the mountain behind them again.

"Hey!" Rob suddenly appeared beside them with a laugh at startling him and gave him a hug. "You're a legit fuckin celebrity out here now huh?"

"Isn't it amazing?" Beth asked excitedly.

"Sure is BECKA," Rob said with a mocking grin.

She gave him a good-natured shove and scrunched her nose, but smiled anyway.

"I was further down the hill, but I just saw you a minute ago. Too bad about the missed landing there. You guys were right next to it, did you see what happened?" Rob asked.

Jon shrugged, but Beth replied quickly, "He didn't quite twist back around quick enough, like his head was in the wrong direction for part of it and he couldn't get around fast enough."

Rob and Beth had a friendly chat about snowboarding while Jon tried to keep track.

The electronic dance music faded and the announcer finally came back on. "Okay we're ready to go again folks! Blake just wants to remind everyone that he wants to hear you cheering loud, but try not to make any sudden gestures or shouts at him when he's right in your face on the edge of the pipe, okay?! We want to hear you loud and excited but remember he's gotta focus. Okay?! Let's here it again for Blake Bosch again people I want some NOOOIIISSSE!!"

Blake took off again and this run was definitely more impressive. He didn't come up close to them this time on his jumps but they were still close enough to have a great view of the run.

"Do you think I screwed him up when I yelled at him?" Beth asked with a worried look on her face.

Jon shrugged. "Who knows. Don't worry about it Beth."

She frowned in concern anyway and looked forlornly down to the bottom of the run.

As they waited through the booming music for him to make his way back up to the top Jon looked at his phone in concern.

"They're gonna be meeting at the patio for lunch pretty soon. Are we gonna stay for the whole thing?"

"What?! Of course! What do you mean?" Beth said, looking deeply concerned.

"I just... don't want to flake on them that's all," Jon defended.

"Whatever man, we'll be a bit late but it's no big deal, one of us can text them," Rob reassured him.

Jon sighed and took Beth in his arms in front of him again, though she seemed a bit stiff now. He people-watched through the crowd and had a hard time feeling like he had anything in common with any of them.

Blake finally did his last run with no hiccups. The announcer thanked them all for coming, but mostly thanked the sponsor, and they started down the hill as the crowd slowly dissipated. Beth tried to convince him to see if he could go and say hi to Blake, but he said no, and that they should meet the others on the patio.

The others had drinks already and waved a friendly hello as Jon, Beth and Rob found their seats.

"How was it?" Grace asked.

Jon shrugged. "Pretty g-"

"AMAZING!" Beth gushed excitedly.

"Jon's famous now," Rob said with a grin, seeming to expect Jon's eye-roll.

"No seriously when Blake did his intro he did a shout-out to us I couldn't believe it!" Beth said with a huge smile.

"Well look at you. Should I get YOUR autograph?" Jeff asked with a smirk.

"Here, bend forward I'll sign your chest," Jon replied sarcastically.

They all chuckled and the latecomers ordered drinks and perused the menu.

"Hey Girl!" Grace suddenly exclaimed, and Jon looked up to see Carly walk up with a polite smile and wave.

They all raised their drinks and cheered and she gave an embarrassed laugh. Jon thought she looked really good considering how sick she'd apparently been feeling.

She took a seat next to Jenna a few seats away from him and started looking at the menu as they chatted.

"So yeah if it was food poisoning it was short lived at least. I'm surprisingly hungry now actually," she said with a smile.

They broke into separate conversations but Jon's ear drifted to Carly's end of the table.

"You said it was happening more often though?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, for the last few weeks," Carly said.

"You didn't go and get pregnant on us did you?" Grace said sarcastically.

Carly snorted. "Nope, not unless you believe in the immaculate conception."

Grace laughed, "Fair enough."

"No it's... the stress, just, of everything, it was pretty clear all along, I might have just kinda had a relapse yesterday.

"Awww." Jenna rubbed her shoulder supportively.

"I'm good now though." Carly said with a smile.

Jon found himself feeling relieved to hear she hadn't been with anyone yet, and then chastised himself for it. He decided to stop eavesdropping and turned towards Beth who was talking with Rob about the different ski runs they could take.

"So yeah, on the far side the crescent run has a bunch of spaced out trees that you can take some pretty killer moguls through, and even a few narrow runs that dip into the forest a bit, but there's a huge drop-off to a gully on the other side of that so you gotta watch it. Like there's a snow fence, and warning signs, but still."

"Awesome, we should definitely try... some of that," Rob chuckled.

Their food eventually came and it was surprisingly good, everyone seemed to be having a great time in the warm sun and cool breeze. Jon relaxed and forgot about any previous worries.

Jon recognized the manager walking up to the table. "Hey folks, how are we all doing? Enjoying the food?" he asked politely.

They gave a smattering positive comments and thumbs ups.

He looked at Jon and offered a handshake, "I'm sorry I didn't get your name last night"

"Oh, yeah it's Jon."

"Pleased to finally meet you properly Jon, I'm Stan. Are you staying here at the resort?"

"Uh, yeah we're all in one of the bigger cabins there," Jon said.

"Perfect, which one is that?"

Jon hesitated.

"Number 12," Jeff said, helping him out.

"Nice choice, you guy liking it so far?" the manager asked with a smile.

"Yeah it's gorgeous," Grace said, with nods from the rest.

"Well Jon I just wanted to say I'm deeply thankful for your help last night, that all could've been ugly if you hadn't been there."

"No worries, I'm just glad it turned out okay," Jon said politely.

"Even so, as a token of my appreciation, your tab today's on the house. The whole table that is. Plus tonight there'll be a nice big ice bucket with some champagne bottles waiting in your cabin," Stan said with a smile.

The whole table gave ooo's and aah's and hoots of appreciation but Jon shook his head.

"No you don't have to Stan. Please. I was just happy I could help," Jon said, ignoring Rob's wide eyed stare of disapproval.

"No I insist. I'll give strict orders that you'll get no bill for the meal, and frankly you can't stop me from sneaking in the champagne later. I've got keys after all," he said with a smirk.

Jeff laughed, "Guess we got no choice Jon. Total bummer."

Jon couldn't help chuckle. "Alright, well thank you SO much Stan, that's really generous."

"Well you saved my bacon, he was mad enough even WITH his friend leaving safely, I can't imagine..."

"For what it's worth I thought he was being unfair with what he said to you," Jon said, catching a frown from Beth out of the corner of his eye.

"THANK you!" Stan said in frustrated relief, letting his professional demeanor break. "I swear if that guy didn't bring the crowd with him I would boot his ass s-..." he cleared his throat and Jon and a few others laughed. "Don't tell anyone I said that," Stan said, reigning himself in.

"Don't worry" Jon chuckled.

"Speaking of which, you didn't already talk to that reporter that was hanging around this morning did you?" Stan asked.

"Uh, no, I didn't know there was one," Jon said.

"K good. If you don't mind I'd appreciate it if you kept any info about the cause of the incident on the down low. It's bad enough press without that, we don't need to give the impression that this is a place to do that kind of thing, if you know what I mean," he said more seriously.

"Oh... yeah don't worry Stan, I wouldn't anyway, it's basically Kyle's confidential medical info at this point right?" Jon explained, with a reassuring nod. He decided he would let Stan live in ignorance that Blake had just announced that it was drugs to the entire crowd on the slope.

"Right, right. K that's a relief. Well you folks have a great time, stick around as long as you want, eat and drink up, it's all on me," he said with a final smile and a wave as he left.

"Jon, remind me to invite you on more ski trips," Rob said with a smile.

"What an asshole," Beth said angrily watching Stan walk away.

Jon turned to her in confusion. "What do you mean? He just bought our meal."

"He was just trying to buy your silence, and then what he said about Blake..." Beth said, crossing her arms and staring off.

"Well we'll take advantage of his generosity nonetheless," Jon said rubbing her arm with an upbeat grin, but she only spared him a reluctant smirk.

"Well, cheers to the famous doctor-Jon, and letting us tag along and mooch off your star power!" Ben raised his glass with a grin.

"Gotta have an entourage," Jon said sarcastically.

They all laughed and clinked glasses in a cheers.

Jenna looked at Carly's nails on her hand as she lowered her glass again. "Carly did you get a manicure?"

"Oh... um, yeah. Kinda," she said, hesitantly.

"When?" Grace said confused.

"Um... just now. I got up not long after you guys left actually, but I didn't quite think I was ready to ski, so I wandered over to check out the spa and... yeah."

"You should have texted me, I'd have gone with you!" Grace said, almost sounding hurt.

"I know..." Carly said with an appreciative look. "I kinda just wanted to be alone for a bit though I think. Even though that didn't quite work out... but it was good, I feel better now."

"What do you mean 'didn't work out' you're not making new friends without us are you?" Grace said with a mock pout.

"Well I..." Carly seemed to hesitate and then sighed. "I ended up hanging out with this Vienna girl. We'd met briefly last night, she's the fiance of the snowboarder guy there-"

"WHAT!?" Beth almost spilled her drink.

"That supermodel chick?!" Jenna asked with wide-eyes.

Carly sighed, "I KNEW you guys would flip. Yeah, I guess so. She was in this VIP section when I was looking at stuff at the front desk and I just gave a friendly wave and left it at that, but then before I know it her assistant comes over and I'm being led up the stairs and into the chair next to her and, yeah we had a nice chat and got our nails done," Carly shrugged and smiled.

"Get the FUCK OUT! Do you know how many people would KILL to go to the spa with Vienna fucking Gilano!" Beth said with her palms on the table staring incredulously.

Carly shrugged. "We just had a chat, like two normal people. I mean she definitely seems high class, but in like a genuinely intelligent kind of way. She's actually really well educated and interesting to talk to. Definitely more than I expected from a model."

"Look at you schmoozing with the elite." Grace said with a huge smile. "Can you introduce us later?"

"Pffft. I might not ever see her again honestly. I dunno, at first I thought maybe she just found it amusing to have a country bumpkin around for a bit, but she seemed genuinely nice, and interested in what I had to say."

"What did you even talk about?" Jenna asked eagerly.

Carly shrugged and gave a secretive smile, "Stuff..."

"Did you get a selfie with her or something at least?" Beth asked, looking exhausted with disbelief.

"Naw, I wasn't gonna ruin the mood and go all fan-girl on her, and make her feel awkward," Carly said.

Beth's mouth simply hung open.

"Holy shit," Jeff suddenly blurted out as Ben showed him his phone, having brought up some online pictures of Vienna. "THAT woman's here?"

"She's like RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous in person too, it's not just photoshop," Rob commented.

"Did she um... say where she'd be later?" Jeff asked.

Grace gave him a dirty look. "Dream on, chump," she said, but her mouth turned up to a smile as she pinched him and he flinched. Then her grin turned devilish, "...unless that Blake guy's down, then maybe all 4 of us can go at it."

Jenna spit out her drink into her glass and Jeff turned beat read and shook his head while the rest of them laughed.

They finished up their meal and drinks and finally headed back out to hit the slopes.

They stayed as a group and agreed where they'd go to first and got on to the ski lift in twos. Jon and Beth snuggled together on the bench as it swung out and up the mountain. Jon was feeling good but noted Beth still seemed annoyed.

"You good?" he asked.

"I just can't believe she got to hang out with Vienna and like, doesn't even seem to appreciate it," Beth said bitterly.

Jon shrugged. "I think she appreciated who she was. Carly was there last night, she's a smart girl, she knew she was famous, but she knew not to freak her out by... freaking out."

"I guess," Beth said softly and was silent again for a while.

Jon enjoyed the scenery and relaxed.

"...You two all good then?" Beth asked, almost too casually.

"Carly and I?" Jon asked.

Even behind her goggles he could make out her unimpressed look that screamed 'obviously'.

He cleared his throat, "Yeah, yeah she seems like she's doing okay, NOW at least, like obviously she was grieving for a while, but I think she's getting better."

"That's good," Beth said calmly.

There was another far more awkward silence.

"I really wanted you to try and see Blake after the shoot," Beth said after a while.

"We were already late meeting our friends for lunch, and there was no point, we'll see him tonight."

"Well I... I wanted to apologize to him for screwing up his run, I'm worried he hates me now," Beth complained.

"You don't know for sure that you screwed up his run. He's a professional anyway, he should be able to handle a bit of yelling," Jon said crassly.

"YOU go try out the halfpipe then, and see how well YOU do," Beth said defensively.

"Never mind. Just try not to worry about it Beth," Jon said shaking his head.

They got off the lift and met the others at the top of the run. It was an intermediate one, but started with a fairly steep incline. Beth and Rob said they'd veer off into a harder portion halfway down. They all took off one by one, Jon was second last to go but as he pushed off noticed Carly looked unsure behind him.

He stopped a short way down and looked back up to see that she hadn't taken off yet.

"Carly are you okay?" he called back up.

She stood in silence for a while and finally called back, "I'm scared."

Jon couldn't help smile. He could tell she was genuine, but it was cute as hell at the same time. He glanced down at the others skiing far away down the slope now without noticing the two of them left behind.

"You said you'd skied before right?" he asked.

"I was never that good, though," she said.

"Have you done an intermediate before?"

"Well yeah, a couple times, but it was a long time ago. I thought I could still do it but I don't know..."

"Well just take it slow. I'll stay here." Jon encouraged.

"I don't think I've ever been this high up a mountain before, it's freaking me out, it's so far down."

"It doesn't matter how high the mountain is, just focus on what's 30 feet in front of you, and that's all that matters. Bit by bit," he said.

"I hate this!" she cried out, inching forward.

"Just head over on an angle to that side and then turn and do another gradual angle down to where I am, okay?"

"Okay...." she said, sounding unsure and sliding forward.

He watched her nervously as she was able to ski to the other side of the run and turn without losing control, but she gained speed and slid below him. He took off to follow her and saw her veer up the slope. He just barely made it up behind her as she stopped awkwardly with her skis pointing uphill, and then started to fall and slide backwards.
