Saving the Doctor Pt. 11


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"Ughhh Fuck," he exhaled and relaxed, more out of defeat than reassurance.

"Ohhh, yes, that's it. Just love the feeling for now, just love my body for now. We'll keep working on the rest. Ah! Together, Jon. We just needed to be apart for a while. And last night... AH! We just needed to be brought to the brink t- Oh! To know what we really wanted, but now, Ah! I'll prove myself to you. I'll make it work, make us succeed again."

He closed his eyes and fought against her words, but her tender voice was intoxicating and her gentle, pulsing fucks coaxed his loins up an inevitable slope, feeling like his balls still had lots to give her, making up for lost time. He told himself again it made no difference, just enjoy her like she said, and figure out how to bail after. He slid his hands along her slender legs as they gripped him possessively.

"Uh! Jonathon yes! Feel me. Need me. Oh! I need you too. I always will. It's so obvious we can't handle being apart. We NEED this to work out, we both do. We'll figure out how. I already know I want to change for you. I'll do so much for you. I'll even... have a baby for you."

He opened his eyes at that, panting open-mouthed in both exertion and shock.

"That's right, I will," she nodded, panting with him as their sweating bodies rocked more intensely. "I know I was scared before, but I know I want to now. Ah! I think I've known for a while. Ohh! I want to have your baby Jon! I want to do that for you! Ohhh honey do you want that too?"

He only groaned but his cock betrayed him by somehow swelling even harder inside her as she moaned along with him.

"AHH! YES! Oh my GOD that turns you on doesn't it?"

"Fffuck!" he whispered as his fingers dug into her ass, unable to stop his body from admitting it.

"Oh Jonathon! You want to don't you? You always did! AH! I can feel how much you want to! AH! Knock me up! Put your seed in me!" she rasped intensely into his ear.

"AGH! God! Elaina!" he grabbed her ass and fucked upwards in depraved desperation, hating that such a stupid idea drove his cock so wild.

"Oh! AH! AH! OH my GOD! You DO!" she laughed as she rode his vigorous reaction. "AH! OH! Jon! You still love me then! Don't you?"

"FUCK!" he sputtered into her sweet smelling hair as he tried to ignore her words and focused on his driving wanton pleasure.

"AH! I love you too honey! AH! I love you so much!" she peppered passionate sucking kisses all over him "Let's do it! Let's make a baby together! AH! Let's start now! Please! AH! PLEASE HONEY!! YESS!!!" she wailed, seeming to be close to cumming.

Her words had their effect on him too, spurring on a looming powerful climax, but he was still sane enough to consider their meaning.

"Wh- UGH! What do you mean... FUCK! What do you mean start now?" he finally huffed into her ear as their bodies pressed tightly together.

"I'm... AH! I'm off the pill honey. AH!! I've been off since I broke up with Matt. AH! Since I found out you were hurt! AH! I think deep down I knew! AH! How much I AHHH! I WANT YOUR BABY! JONATHON! AAHH! YESSS!!!" she wailed as she started to cum.

His mind panicked and went to war with his body as she came in shuddering cries of pleasure and moaning breaths, her legs and pussy squeezing aggressively on him and pulling him over the edge.

"FUCK!! NO!!" he bellowed out, grasping her hips as hard as he could.

He threw her off of him, fighting through an intense pain in his side as he managed the strength to do it. She cried out in shock as she slid off of him and caught herself to land on her knees on the floor beside the bed as she shook with surprise and the remnants of her orgasm.

He started cumming a second later. He found his hand going instinctively to his cock and he wasn't sure how deliberate it was, but he watched in a detached satisfaction as his cum shot from his cock to land all over her face and tits. The sticky white ropes covered her, as her expression slowly turned from pleasure to shock.

His orgasm finally subsided and he let go of his cock. They stared at each other for a long moment, both seeming as surprised as the other at what had happened. He was even more surprised when, instead of losing her temper, she simply gave him a sour patronizing smirk.

"Really?" she said with a mocking tone. Taking a finger and smoothly taking a drip of cum off the tip of his cock.

"Is that a new fetish you discovered now?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I..." his voice caught as his mind came back down to earth and he was still catching his breath.

"Because I can get into it if you really want..." she said with an alluring smile, then used the same finger to slide some more of his cum from her cheek into her mouth and sucked it clean.

"I just didn't want t-... to cum inside you if you really are-..." he gulped as he caught his breath. "I'm not ready to... you know."

She scoffed, "You DO remember last night right?"

"Yeah... yeah I do," he admitted in despair.

She smiled seductively at him and stood up, immediately kneeling to straddle him and gently push him back down on the bed.

"Then you remember that... epic," she kissed him "Manly..." kiss "Massive gift that marvelous cock of yours gave to me," she moaned as she pressed him into the bed and her pussy ground on to him, pressing the sticky tip of his collapsing cock between her pussy and his abs.

"I want a baby Jon," she whispered and kissed him again. "And now that I know you still want me. I want it to be yours."

She arched back up looking down at him confidently. "Isn't that what YOU always wanted?" she reminded him.

He lay there frozen in exhausted disbelief.

She smirked and finally crawled off of him. "But... if you insist on denial we can always try again next month. That should be plenty of time to bring you around. The next few days is a good time though." She glanced at him with a victorious smile as she grabbed the tissue box and bent down to wipe up the carpet.

"Hmmm, I'll clean that up properly later. Warn me next time if you insist on doing that honey. We do still need to work on our communication. Anyway I'm going to have a bath. You're... welcome to join me if you want."

Jon stared at her not knowing what to possibly even begin to say other than... "No."

"Suit yourself," she said and contentedly strolled away.

He had to get the fuck out of there.

If only it was as easy as walking out the door. With nothing but the clothes on his back.

He considered it. He could borrow someone's phone, except he didn't know anyone's number by heart. The clinic maybe... Or he could walk into a police station and explain his situation. THAT would be awkward at the very least, and the odds they'd take him seriously?...

He sighed and decided he would be better off to stay here with her and try to backpedal tactfully, maybe even play the part she wanted until he got his affairs sorted out and then he'd be gone.

That wouldn't solve the problem of having possibly knocked her up though. He reminded himself the odds were still in his favour. Even if what she said was true, one round usually wasn't enough... It was possible though. The question now was could he hold out on her while still keeping her agreeable enough to help him the way he needed her to? He lay there not knowing the answer and staring at the ceiling was getting him nowhere. He closed his eyes and tried to escape from his situation.

He wasn't sure if he had completely fallen asleep but Elaina's gasp made him open his eyes suddenly.

"Jon! Are you okay?" She was suddenly at his side, draped in a towel, with her hand on his chest.

"What? Um, yeah Elaina I'm fine why?"

"Oh thank God," she sighed in relief. "Can you breathe okay?"

"Yeah of course. What's wrong?"

"You're bleeding, from your wound. It's seeping through the dressing. You were laying there looking almost dead and I panicked," she kissed him and hugged him tightly, letting the towel drop, "God that scared me. ...I love you," she said tenderly.

He gently pushed were away, then looked down and realized she was right. "Yeah, shit, must have twisted too much and pulled on the skin."

"Well I was trying to be gentle but... you kept getting too worked up," she grinned sliding her hand over his chest. "Though it was probably from when you threw me off of you. Hopefully you've learned your lesson now," she said pinching his arm. "I already started running you a fresh bath, so it would be a good time to change the dressing anyway, come on," she said.

He rolled to sit up wincing at the effort and pausing from a head rush, then reluctantly followed her to the bathroom. She helped him into the bath despite his protestations, and at least she begrudgingly agreed not to help wash him after he insisted, but gave him a sultry smile and drank in his naked body before leaving him to it.

After he was dried off she re-applied the wound dressing carefully, with playful loving glances as her hands moved delicately over his skin. It was already lunchtime by then and they decided on ordering in, and she settled down beside him on the couch as they waited.

"So... can we take the afternoon to drive back to the house, to get my stuff?" Jon finally asked, trying not to sound too desperate.

"I told you Jon I'm still not sure I'm up for it," Elaina said looking away.

"Come on Elaina you um, seem like you've had plenty of energy since last night," Jon said with a chuckle.

Elaina looked at him with a hint of a blush and a smile as she squeezed his arm. "Touche, I suppose," she said, still seeming unsure.

Jon decided he was going to have to up the ante, "It might be nice for the two of us to, you know, enjoy the house, one last time... for old time's sake."

She looked up at him with sparkling eyes, and dug her nails into him biting her lip. She still seemed to squint mistrustfully a bit, but finally relented. "Okay... If you want to. I want to get us to move on from that life as much as I can but... maybe one last time would be nice. It IS a bigger, softer bed," she said, giving him a naughty look to confirm his implication.

He chuckled, "Well we might have to see how much energy I have left. I don't want to overdo it, like you've been saying."

She giggled and tickled his abs, "Well you WERE saying you wanted more exercise."

She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips. He wanted to pull away, but he felt like he was walking on a tightrope with her. The honest, vulnerable woman from last night was long gone, though given how insidiously he had fallen for her, maybe that was for the best at this point. He kissed her back, telling himself he just had to play along for now. She pulled away enough to look into his eyes as she ran her fingers through his hair. She seemed to search his face, trying to read his thoughts while he worked to keep a simple pleasant expression and quell his nervousness.

The doorbuzzer rang and broke them out of their stare. She gave him another cautious smile and squeezed his shoulder as she got up to get their food delivery at the door. She insisted on plating their lunch again and Jon sat down, trying to organize his thoughts and calm his nerves.

She spoke to him from the kitchen, "This might be good timing actually. The movers are going to go to the house the day after tomorrow and bring everything into the storage locker here, so we can take our time and make sure we have everything we need that we don't want in storage."

Jon replied automatically, "In storage here? Elaina you'd said th-..." he stopped himself, realizing the implication.

"It's closer to us then and... well it doesn't really matter either way, we can discuss it more later when we have things figured out," she said, seeming to read into the reason for his discomfort.

Before he could decide how, and whether to reply, her phone rang on the table in front of him.

"My hands are full just let it go to voicemail," she called out from the kitchen.

Jon saw the contact on the screen though. It was his parents.

He picked it up and swiped.

"Hey! ... Yeah it's me, how are you guys? ... Yeah I'm, um, feeling better, physically at least, hopefully on my own soon..."

Elaina had dropped a dish in the kitchen and swore, he heard her washing her hands.

"Yeah that would be great, I was actually hoping you guys could help me, maybe make a couple calls or... Who? ... Carly?! ... She has my phone!? How? ... You know what, it doesn't matter, yeah that's awesome! Tell her to-..."

He saw Elaina standing in front of him looking like she wanted to attack him.

"Oh, of course, I thought you guys already knew. ... let me get the street address for you," he said, walking to the pile of mail on the counter.

Suddenly Elaina yanked the phone from his hand violently, mashed the screen frantically with her thumb to hang up and slapped him in the face.

"JESUS!" Jon yelled out, staggering back. "What the fuck?!"

"NEVER answer my phone again!" she yelled back, "Don't you know how INTRUSIVE that is?"

"It was my PARENTS Elaina, I could see the contact on the screen."

"I don't CARE! Why were you giving them my address?"

"Wh... Why can't I tell my parents where we are? Why hadn't you given it to them already?"

"It sounded like they were going to give it out. What else were they saying?"

Jon sighed and forced himself to settle his anger. "They found my phone, er, they said that Carly has it."

Elaina scoffed, "So what? Convenient that she never gave it to us when we left the hospital,"

"Maybe she... well whatever, it's perfect, I can keep my number, all my contacts are on there, plus a lot of my logins that I can't remember."

She rolled her eyes dismissively, "We can figure that out without it. Jon I've already ordered you a new phone. Let her keep it. It'll be too complicated to cancel it now."

"That doesn't make any sense, Elaina. Let me call my parents back, and let me get my phone!"

"NO!" she said stomping her foot on the floor angrily.

"This is ridiculous. You're being insane," he said dismissively turning away from her.

"Don't you DARE call me that! It's just a phone, you're the one acting ridiculous!" she called out at him, but turned back to the kitchen to clean up the broken dish.

He walked into the bedroom and started to change out of his sweatpants and into some better clothes.

By the time he was mostly dressed she looked into the room, "Okay look Jon I'm sorr-... Wait, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm leaving," he said.

"What? No Jonathon don't be ridiculous!" She took a breath, "Look I'm SORRY honey, I can still drive you back to the house, we can... we can even get your phone from that b-... from Carly, okay? Just don't go wandering off. Where would you even go?"

He sighed, knowing he had no good answer.

"You promise? We'll go back home, and then we'll get my phone?" he asked suspiciously.

"...Yes," she said reluctantly.

"Okay, let's go then," he said impatiently.

"Let's... just eat lunch first okay? I think we're both a little over-tired and over-hungry. We'll both feel better," she suggested cautiously, looking like she was ready to pounce on him if he moved towards the door.

Jon paused, "Fine," and put down his jacket, he walked to the dining room and looked back finally seeing her walk out of the bedroom again a minute later, wondering what she had been doing. She went straight to the kitchen and started plating the food. He admitted he was painfully hungry having skipped breakfast.

They ate in silence for a few minutes.

Jon had no desire to talk, for fear of putting his foot in his mouth and having her suddenly refuse to drive him home. He was debating with himself whether to try and bolt the moment he stepped on to his property. Maybe the neighbours could help him out and stop her from literally dragging him back to the car.

The more he thought of it the more he wanted to avoid too nasty of a confrontation though. He still felt like even slow walking was a painful effort, and he didn't know what she might be capable of. He kept eating and running in circles in his mind. He frowned at an odd, dry taste in his mouth.

"What restaurant did you say this was from?" Jon asked.

"The Kiln and Kettle," she replied politely.

He frowned. "I'd go with a different place next time," he said, but kept finishing off his plate anyway.

She gave him an odd look across the table, but continued to eat in silence as well.

Finally Elaina spoke again, "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did, but bringing up Carly has me... concerned, Jon."

"...Why?" he asked carefully.

"Well, is there any particular reason I should be?"

Jon hesitated, tempted to admit everything to her, to throw it in her face, but he didn't want to make her blow up again.

"No," he said. "She's a good friend and a good person."

Elaina rolled her eyes. "She had me fooled too Jon, but I've discovered more underneath that harmless-looking frumpy exterior of hers."

Jon's final bite stuck in his mouth as he forced down his anger.

"Did you REALLY sleep with her?" she asked, with a disgusted look on her face.

Jon stared for a moment then simply grabbed a napkin to wipe his face instead of responding.

She took his silence for admission. "Look, it's okay. I'll still forgive you, we've all had our low moments."

He sat rigid, not wanting to respond for fear of losing his temper at her insults.

"You have to understand though Jonathon, when a man like you gives a woman like her that kind of hope, it's almost cruel. And now, no surprise, it seems like she's obsessed with you. She was acting like she should be the one looking after you and calling the shots in the hospital, can you imagine?" she laughed. "I mean, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she started stalking you. Maybe she already has!"

He tried to keep his voice calm, "She's not... stalking me. It's not like that. You have no idea what you're talking ab-"

"I wouldn't be so sure. She still seems to think she can somehow be the one to be with you. Even though... did you know she's pregnant? I thought she seemed even bigger than usual when I saw her a little while ago, but then it was finally obvious when I saw her in the hospital. I don't know how she's going to peg any man down into THAT... situation, but good luck to her. I think you need to tell her blatantly that she needs to back off. You might need to be harsh, for her to get it at this point. In the end it's the right thing to do though. It's for her own good. I can even be there to help you say it when we see her today, I think that might help. I don't know how a woman like her gets so deluded. You know I think it has a lot to do with the culture these days of-"

"SHUT UP!" Jon shouted, finally reaching his breaking point. "Just shut the FUCK up about her!"

Elaina looked at him like he'd gone mad.

"You have NO IDEA, the kind of woman she is! You'll NEVER know! You won't ever get it through your self-centered, arrogant fucking brain that there's ALL kinds of people out there that are good, and beautiful and amazing, but you won't see it because they don't fit your own personal version of perfect! I'M one of them, and so is she! She's incredible! She's kind! She's beautiful! She's the best person I've ever met! Better than you!"

He stood up knocking his chair over.

"She... saved me!" he said, shaking and almost tearing up. "When I didn't know what to do, and you did jack shit! She was there for me. And I-..."

He was feeling dizzy all of a sudden, grasping the table thinking he simply stood up too quick.

"...and I lo... I... Lov..." he stumbled back and caught himself against the wall as the dizziness grew even worse.

Elaina raised an eyebrow at him from her stony face, but didn't seem concerned. "What's the matter Jon?"
