Saving the Doctor Pt. 11


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She was driving him into insanity with her pussy. He fought a battle in his mind as he winced in pleasure and closed his eyes. He didn't want to. He repeated to himself that he didn't want to, convincing himself. But... even if he didn't, he had to. Who knows how long she would keep him tied up if he didn't. All night? All week? His loins started to make the decision for him as he lost track of his thoughts. He grunted and huffed into her hair as she kept whispering encouragement in his ear, and teasing his cock at the edge of denial.

He pulled on the restraints again and his cock throbbed. He was so fucking hard. So fucking horny. Maybe... she was even right, he thought hopelessly. Maybe he wasn't just about to do this to play along. Maybe it really turned him on. Maybe he liked it. Loved it. Maybe that was why he had been with her from the start. Why he stayed with her so long. Why he was back. Deep down maybe he wanted this. To be dominated by a sexy control freak. He just needed to let go and accept it. He wasn't sure if he believed it, but in the end it made no difference. He told himself he had no choice.

He fucked her.

"AH! YES! Jon!" she squeezed his shoulders and moaned in his ear, squeezing her pussy around his cock as he lifted his hips.

He grunted as the wet fleshy walls of her pussy felt as good as he knew they would. Then he moaned as he let his hips fall back to the bed, frustrated that she hadn't fucked him back.

"Again!" she commanded.

"UGH!" he humped up into the air and drove himself into her again, defeat and lust pulsing through him, and being rewarded with her thrusting her hips down to meet him, but only to come apart again.

"Doesn't it feel good? Doesn't it feel good to fuck your fiance Jon?" she whispered intensely with her lips kissing his ear.

"Yeah" he panted desperately. "RGH!" he grunted fucking up into her again.

"AH! Yeah it does. Oh it feels so good! AH! So right!" she agreed ecstatically as he fucked again, but still kept her ass lifted away from him so he couldn't get more than halfway inside.

It drove him berserk, and he couldn't think of anything other than wanting to bury himself fully inside her.

"UGH! Elaina!" he groaned, lifting his hips off the bed, not caring about the pain from stretching his ribs and pulling on his wound.

"AH!" She moaned happily and giggled, "OH! Jon just tell me if you want me. If you want to fuck your fiance. Tell me if you want to give me your child!"

"RGH! YEAH! AH!" he bellowed out shoving his hips up at her in mindless frustration.

"AHHH!!! YES! I KNEW IT!" she squealed, and finally shoved her hips down on to him, bottoming him out as she arched her back with a victorious smile.

"AH! Oh my God! Isn't! This! Amazing! Jon?!" she moaned as they started fucking violently. Their hips smacking together in loud slaps.

"RGH! Yeah! UGH!" he moaned back telling himself not to think, and to just do what he needed to.

"Oh my GOD! We should have done this ages ago. AH! Who knows, it might have saved our engagement! OH! JON! Maybe it still has!" she wailed as she arched herself up, bouncing proudly on his cock. "Don't you love it!?"

"AH! Yeah! UGH! Elaina!" he sputtered back obediently.

"Oh honey! You just needed a final push! AH! Don't you understand you just needed me to make you see! AH! To make you feel! How right we are together!" she gloated.

He panted wordlessly, feeling like a slave.

"I love you Jonathon! I'll never give up! You know you still love me too! Tell me! Tell me you love me! That you want to give me your child!" she demanded.

Her words tore at his brain, pulling his concentration away from the driving need in his loins, to what she was saying. He never responded and simply grunted in a more angry lust, but fucking her harder.

"Say it! You love me! You want to marry me! Have a baby together! Live happily ever after! Say it! Make this moment beautiful! Ask me to marry you again!" she wailed rolling her hips and squeezing his shaft and making him flex his body in response.

"RGH! Elaina!" he groaned, starting to panic in frustration and knowing more clearly what he wanted... and didn't want.

"Come on Jon! Don't chicken out like you did before! Believe in yourself! Don't run from it! You're good enough for me! We can be together! You can do it! Man up and do it! Don't give up just because you're afraid to take the leap! Don't give up and fall back on whatever nothing life that fat bitch is offering. You're better than that! I love you too much to let you do that! Tell me! Ask me! Jon-"

"NO!!!" He opened his eyes bellowed out at her with wild rage suddenly shining from his face. "Don't FUCKING call her that! You fucking crazy bitch!"

He twisted his body and thrust hard to the side to throw her hips off of him and his cock fell free. He flailed at the restraints but wasn't able to do any more to get her off of him.

Elaina gasped in shock and anger.

"Untie me you evil fucking bitch! I don't love you anymore, I HATE you! CARLY'S the one I love! You'll never be HALF the woman she is! You can't fuck me back into your life! We're done! We're through! We have been for months! Now let me GO!" he shouted.

She stared down at him, red-faced in betrayed anger. She was silent and panting and almost looked ready to let go, almost looked ready to cry. Instead she suddenly frowned and squinted in resentful determination.

"No! You don't FUCKING mean that!" she said grabbing his cock and his hips roughly and shoving herself back on to him.

They both groaned loudly at the feeling, and his hips rocked instinctively with her for a second before he tried to flail and throw her off again. She was ready this time and kept her legs locked on to him and her hands dug in, riding him like a bronco for a few seconds before he collapsed his hips back on to the mattress in exhaustion, with her pussy still clamped on his cock..

"Why do you INSIST on being so STUPID! On making this so HARD for me! I keep trying and trying and you keep refusing to make it work!" she chastised through her exertion.

"Because I DON'T FUCKING LOVE YOU! Elaina, it's not meant to be!" he groaned as her hips drove him down into the mattress and she squeezed around his bottomed-out cock.

"YES IT IS!" She shouted back, starting to shed angry frustrated tears. "You DO fucking love me! I'll MAKE it work! I HAVE to! I've never failed at anything before and I'm sure as fuck not going to fail at this! You were the most important thing in the world to me and I'm not going to let us fail!"

Jon looked up at her with a shred of understanding slipping through his rage and lust, as his body jolted underneath her.

"Ugh! Elaina it's hopeless! Stop tormenting us both with this stubborn denial! We're past the point of salvaging. UGH! Please just stop!" he begged, feeling his cock's excitement rising dangerously high.

"No! I'll never stop! I can't! I can't give up on us! I can save us! You just need to stop resisting!" she wailed in tear-stricken frustration as she sunk onto him harder.

"Elaina it's... RGH! It's like... we're D.O.A. Elaina! At a certain point you have to stop trying to revive what's already dead! At a certain point it's futile! You're just doing harm, attempting to resuscitate a corpse, and you need to let it die... in peace," he said, doubting his clumsy analogy, but as he looked at her glimmering beautiful eyes he thought maybe he had finally gotten through to her.

He groaned as she gyrated more slowly but more deeply on top of him, her face seeming to wither in desperation.

"No..." she panted in despair, "No no nonono, I don't want it be," she whimpered more softly, starting to collapse and lean closer to him.

Her hips were going more slowly now, but it felt even better, as a more gentle passion. She closed her eyes and started breathing more quickly. He was doing the same. The pleasure of her moist, warm, tight pussy engulfing him completely and squeezing more tenderly was driving him to the edge. He fought it, not wanting to cum in her again.

"Elaina..." he could barely speak he was so close, forcing himself to hold off.

"Jon..." she whispered frantically and dug her nails into his shoulders. He wasn't sure if it was panic or pleasure but a second later he got his answer.

She suddenly shook in an orgasm, breathing heavily and quickly and moaning erotically on top of him. Her pussy flexed and spasmed on his twitching iron cock. She was like a weight tied to him, pulling him over the edge of his cliff, getting heavier and heavier. He scrambled in his mind to hold on, teetering on that edge with nothing to hold on to. He shook as he resisted, focusing his mind. Her smooth warm body, lost in ecstasy on top of him felt so good, her pussy felt so good, it would feel so good to lose himself and cum inside her, to unload all of his rage and frustration inside her. He knew he already had once and maybe it made no difference, but he didn't want to double the odds. He didn't want to give in. It would feel like too much defeat. He could taste the orgasm that his cock so desperately wanted to give him, but he held back, feeling like he was lifting a boulder away from that cliff as he tried desperately not to come.

Somehow, he didn't. Somehow he held out. Her orgasm subsided and she collapsed on to him. His straining cock was still inside her but the stimulation eased off as her body went limp.

Elaina sobbed.

Her body rocked in heavy sniffling cries. The movement transferred to his cock, still twitching in confused denial, and he winced to resist the sensation.

She kept crying, as he controlled his breathing and focused his mind. His adrenaline waned enough that his anger and fear were replaced by pity and sympathy as Elaina continued to soak his neck in tears and spittle.

"I'm sorry Jonathon, I just don't know what to do..." she sobbed.

"Elaina... it's gonna be okay," he rasped, "There's a life beyond me. You had almost had one. You were almost there."

"No. No it was scary and wrong, and it meant I had failed-..."

"No. It's not a failure. It's a step up. Beyond a life that's not right for you."

"Oh Jonathon, I... I'm sorry... I just can't... I don't want to let go. I..." Her body was wracked in sobs.

Her whole body. Spasming and flexing as she cried harder, and his cock which had been held at the precipice after her orgasm, started feeling the stimulation again. His looming climax pulled at him with a new urgent suspense.

He tried to hold back, the only thing saving him was that his cock almost felt numb from the torturous drawn out pleasure, but he could feel his orgasm coming, like an unstoppable juggernaut. Nothing could save him.

A knock sounded on the door.

They both looked towards it in surprise and her body froze.

Another louder knock sounded.

"They'll go away," she whispered.

Jon closed his eyes tightly as his cock started twitching wildly and he started to lose all control, and all hope, as he felt himself about to cum inside her.

The unmistakable sound of the door latch turning made both of their heads spin towards it in shock.

A split second before he was about to cum she vaulted off of him.

She scrambled to the closet as they heard the front door open. She grabbed a sundress and threw it over herself, then ran to the bedroom door.

"Elaina?" A man's voice called from the entrance-way.

"Just a moment!" she called as she took one last look at Jon and closed the door.

Jon was barely aware, as this all happened. He couldn't think to call out for help. He couldn't think at all during her mad scramble, as the not-quite-an-orgasm jolted through his body from his cock. He had kept flexing and bucking his hips, his body still wanting to cum, but the last-second departure of Elaina's pussy left him teetering on a razor thin edge of insanely intense desire and need. He huffed and winced and finally settled his hips back on to the mattress, shaking uncontrollably. He closed his eyes, pulling in frustration at the restraints, wanting so badly to reach his cock with his hands so he could cum. Eventually he collapsed back on to the mattress in panting disappointment, still feeling like he had held back a thousand sneezes, but concentrated in his loins. He had almost gathered his mind enough to remember to call to whoever it was for help, when he heard their voices on the other side of the door.

"Elaina?" the man's voice called again.

"Matt?" Elaina's voice responded.

"Oh you ARE home. I'm sorry I hadn't given you back the key, and I thought maybe I could wait around for you. But um, I needed to... I needed to see you again. ...Are you okay? Have you been crying?"

"I'm... Yeah, but I'm fine Matt it's... just been a challenging, stress-filled day."

"Oh my God, me too. Elaina every day since you left me I've felt like that. I can't stand it. I had almost given up, but then you left that message. I tried to call earlier but then I just... I needed to see you at least one more time and tell you how I feel."

"Matt I... I'm sorry I was avoiding you. I just don't know what to say,"

"Just... tell me why? What did I do? I thought it was going so well. You seemed happy, and I was over the moon! I've felt like I've been in physical pain every minute since you left. It felt so sudden, so out of the blue, it hurt so much, and I just want to know if there's any way... any possibility I can make it right? To fix whatever it was I did?"

"I... didn't know you felt that strongly about me Matt. It wasn't anything you did, you were amazing to me, it was... my own issues. There were things I needed to do. Things I needed to figure out. It wasn't your fault."

"Well then... I'm sorry I didn't express how I felt. I was maybe a little embarrassed cause we hadn't been together that long but I should've found a way to say it and show you... that I... Elaina I know it might sound childish to say this so suddenly, but I need to. I need you to know that... I LOVE you."

Elaina gasped, and then there was a moment of silence.

Jon had been on the verge of calling out for help, but now stopped himself.

"I've only said those words once before and I had been dating that woman for 3 years, but Elaina I mean it now more than I ever have. I love you. I know I do. I know it more than anything else. You don't have to say it back, and if you still kick me out on my ass then so be it, but I needed to tell you that."

"No I'm not going to... Oh my God... Matt..." Elaina replied, sounding breathless.

Jon still debated calling out, but pictured Matt seeing him tied to the bed, freaking out and leaving, and then being stuck with Elaina just like before. He didn't know what to do other than listen.

"You're incredible," Matt continued. "You're the most incredible woman I've ever known. I always thought you were beautiful and smart and that Jon was the luckiest guy in the world back when you were dating. Then I couldn't believe you guys broke up and you moved back and you agreed to go on that first date with me. It felt like a miracle. Every day felt like a miracle with you. I already thought you were amazing and yet you keep blowing my expectations out of the water. I thought you were the one. I WANT you to be the one. I feel like I'd do anything. Please just tell me if there's a chance. A chance that we could still be together, that I could... earn your love. I'd do anything you want. Whatever you want."

"I... I don't know, this is all so sudden. Matt I... I do have feelings for you and... that means a lot to hear, but I still have... things I need to work through. Things I need to figure out."

"Let me help you through them then," he begged. "Let me be the one to put in the work with you. I know I have stuff I need to work on too. I'd be a workhorse for you in whatever way you want. I don't know what you think you need to change, you seem so perfect. I know you probably think you're not, but... you're perfect to me. You're flawless to me. I'd never try to change you. I love you," he said, sounding like he was choking up.

There was a long silence again. Jon wished he could see their faces.

"Oh Matt... I'm just... I'm just not sure," Elaina said sounding genuinely affected by his words.

"Tell me what I can do to help you be sure. Just tell me and I'll do it. Show me how you want me to be, I won't think twice, I won't argue. Your wish will be my command. I'm sorry if that sounds pathetic and desperate, but I just need you to know how dedicated I want to be for you."

"No don't worry it doesn't sound... um. It sounds... good."


"Yeah it's just... oh Matt you don't know how much you're tearing me up inside."

"Neither do you..."

There was a silence and Jon wasn't sure but suddenly Matt took a sloppy breath obviously coming off of a kiss.

"Oh Elaina! I love you so much!" he exclaimed.

"Oh Matt... Mmm!" Elaina whimpered.

He heard barely-audible wet sounds and a soft thud against the wall. Breathing getting gradually heavier between kisses. Eventually he heard sliding bodies against the wall.

"Oh Matt!" she moaned.

"Elaina, I've missed you so much. You're the sexiest woman on the planet," Matt panted.

"Oh my GOD! Ah! Matt!"

"Holy F-... Your not even wearing panties... Let's go to the bedroom, please I-..."

"NO! No I mean, let's... go on the couch instead."

"Wh... why? You said before you didn't want to stain th-... Okay. Never mind. Yeah whatever you want. Oh my God I love you so much."

Their kisses were slightly less audible. Jon listened, still helplessly tied down in the bedroom

"GOD Your hands are amazing. Your lips are amazing," Matt blurted out. "You're so amazing!"

"Ah! Matt!" Elaina giggled, "You're trying to outdo me then?"

"Ohhh, that's impossible. Can I go down on you though? Please?" he asked.

"I... okay. Yeah that's... fine," she said.

"I just want to make you feel amazing," he said tenderly.

"Yeah I know, Yeah it's um... can you do that thing you did when we were in the car?"

"Yeah! Oh my God yeah,"

Jon raised his eyebrows and gulped. His throat was parched and everything ached but he stayed silent, thinking it was for the best.

"MATT!!! AH!!!" Elaina moaned loudly.

Jon listened to Matt's heavy gasp and Elaina's gradually more ecstatic moans. Eventually she frantically stopped him.

"Matt okay! Okay that's enough, I want to make love! Please get up here!"

"Oh Elaina!" he groaned.

"Here I want to be on top," she said.

"Oh GOD yeah of course, whatever you want. Uggghh, holy FUCK I love it when you look at me like that. AGH! Yeah, pin me down, fucking own me. I'm yours," Matt said desperately.

"Oh Matt! AH! YES!" Elaina wailed.

"UGH! Elaina! Ohhh you feel amazing. Ah you're amazing! Uhhh! I love you!"

Jon's cock had only barely started to soften before they went at it. Now it was hard and throbbing with life as he was forced to listen to their passionate love-making. Matt groaned and worshipped her. Elaina moaned and spurred him on, quickly building their passion.

Minutes went by and Jon's frustration grew, listening to them having the time of their lives while he was tied up, still horny in denial, but he kept telling himself it was good. Maybe the best outcome he could hope for. ...Depending on how honest Elaina was being with Matt. If she was faking it she was doing an extremely convincing job.

He was relieved when he finally heard them orgasm, Elaina wailing intensely and Matt moaning and groaning in a frenzy and declaring his love again, before they finally grew silent.

He heard pleasant giggling and detected a few more wet kisses. He frowned when he heard the next suggestion.

"Do you wanna order in supper?" Matt asked casually

"No let's... Let's go out for dinner,"

"Yeah, it's still early so if we leave now we should be able to get a table!"