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Brad threw his head back, "Aaahhh, feels so good, Stacey," he moaned.

Barbara watched, hidden from their view. Her hand snaked down her pants. She should stop this, but she wanted to watch. Barbara had a pretty good idea why her three mild-mannered assistants were now fucking each other's brains out. Her fingers found her moist slit. Jolts of pleasure coursed through Barbara's body as she watched Stacey take on the two men. Barbara never realized how pretty Stacey was until now.

Derrick grunted on each thrust, his cock sinking deep inside Stacey with each thrust.

"Mmmmpphh, Aaahhmmph," Stacey moaned, Brad's cock lodged down her throat.

Brad didn't last very long. He only had a few sexual encounters in college, and they didn't last very long, either. He didn't give Stacey any advance warning. Brad ejaculated down her throat, followed by a few more in her mouth. His head went back, unable to form any words.

Stacey did her best on drinking up all of Brad's cum. A little bit escaped out of the corner of her mouth, dribbling down her face. She gripped harder onto Brad's thighs. Derrick was pounding her pussy. Thrusting in and out, wet sloshing sounds could be heard by everyone as Stacey's pussy flooded with juices.

"Aaaahh, don't stop. I'm about to come," Stacey wailed. She screamed when the orgasm hit. It had been so long. Her orgasm was like nothing she had ever felt before.

Derrick kept banging her through her orgasm, getting close himself. "I'm almost there. Here it comes," he yelled.

Stacey pulled off his cock, spinning around, dropping to her knees. She rammed Derrick's penis in her mouth, stroking his long shaft with her hands.

"Aaaaahh," Derrick moaned. Load after load of cum spurted from his penis. It was way more than Brad's. Stacey had to stop sucking, fearing she may choke from all the cum. His cock kept spurting, cum hitting Stacey on her face and boobs.

Barbara muffled her orgasm, placing her hand on her mouth. When she was done, she straightened her attire and walked into the lab.

"What the hell is going on in here," she yelled at them.

All three froze, looking at their boss. They fumbled for words while they grabbed the pieces of their clothing lying on the floor. Stacey grabbed her yoga pants, whisking them up her legs.

"Um, Dr. Carbinaro, I, um," Stacey was the only one with the courage to try and explain. After all, she was the one who sprayed the potion on, seeing what it would do to the men. It was a little more than she hoped for but well worth it in her mind.

"Let me guess, you accidentally got some of the liquid on you?" Barbara asked Stacey.

"Well, not exactly. I guess I really didn't believe when you said what would happen. So, I tested it on myself, and well, you saw what happened. This stuff is insane," Stacey explained.

"I know. I tried to tell you. You three need to listen to me. We've to figure out a way to lessen the effects," Barbara told them. She also gave them an update about her meeting with Bob Evans.

"Fired? They can't fire you, Dr. Carbinaro," Derrick finally had all of his clothes back on.

Barbara checked him out. She never sexually thought about Derrick. However, after witnessing the group fuck session, all she could think about was his penis size.

"Well, I'm afraid that they can, Derrick. I told Bob if we had more time, we could get it right. He isn't having any of it," Barbara told them.

Derrick and Brad moved closer to Stacey, her scent drawing them in.

"If we could only show them what would happen if we don't perfect it," Stacey offered. The two male lab assistants flanked her. She could feel their hands on her ass, rubbing it. Stacey wiggled her butt, pressing into their hands.

Barbara wasn't paying attention to her assistants, just to what Stacey said. "How many board members are there?" she inquired to her team, not looking at them.

Derrick was nuzzling Stacey's neck, while Brad had his hand down her pants.

"I think it's five?" Brad stated, his breathing labored. His fingers ran up and down, Stacey's quickly moistening vagina.

Barbara paced back and forth, "Hhmm, how many are men?"

"Um, ooohh, I think three?" Stacey offered. Her eyes closing as she enjoyed the pleasure the two men gave her. Derrick had her shirt lifted up, sucking on her perky tits, and Brad nibbled on her ear while his fingers entered her.

"Aaaahh," Stacey moaned.

Barbara looked at them after hearing Stacey moan. "You three, stop it!" she yelled.

The two men continued pleasuring their colleague. Barbara walked over, pulling Stacey away from them. "Stacey, go wash up. You still have enough of the potion on you. It's making these two mental."

Stacey reluctantly walked out of the lab, but not before flashing the two men her tits on the way out. Both Derrick and Brad tried to follow her but were stopped by Barbara.

"Oh no, you don't. You two, grab some coffee and relax," Barbara ordered.

After Stacey cleaned up and the men finally calmed down, they huddled, waiting for Barbara's instructions.

"From what I can tell, the effects of the spray last until the individual orgasms. After that, the effects are muted for a time, until the scent starts the process all over," Barbara hypothesized. "Bob is surely going to fire me tomorrow night unless I can prove to him that we need more time to get it right."

"So, what do we do?" Brad asked.

For a few seconds, Barbara thought, "I want you three to prepare five sample kits for the board members." It's time to show Bob a thing or two about science, she thought.


It was time for the board meeting. Barbara and her team spent the entire day preparing for what could be Barbara's last day at the company. If that was going to be true, she wasn't going to take it lying down. She was going to swing for the fences.

The team stood outside the boardroom doors, ready to go in. Barbara dressed more provocatively than usual. She showed a bit of cleavage, and her skirt stopped at mid-thigh. Her hair was swept up in a bun with a hair stick running through it. To complete the sexy scientist look, she wore her lab coat and glasses. Barbara looked terrific. Her team devoured her with their eyes since she entered the lab looking that way.

Stacey also dressed differently. Her hair was down and styled for a change. She replaced her over-sized glasses with ones that fit perfectly. She also wore a mid-thigh skirt that enhanced her long legs. It was hard for Derrick and Brad to keep their hands off her, potion, or not.

The men looked good as well. Brad groomed himself finally, and Derrick, as always, was well dressed. They entered the boardroom.

The board members were seated around an oval table. Bob sat the furthest from the door at the head. The two female members sat on either side of him, while the two male members sat nearest the door.

"Ah, Dr. Carbinaro, finally," Bob already seemed annoyed. "Let's get on with it, shall we."

Barbara took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Her assistants passed out packets filled with reports and details about the discovery. While she gave her presentation, Bob interrupted her several times with inane comments that he could have answered if he read the packet.

The women board members were more sympathetic, asking follow-up questions relative to the conversation. The two male board members sat there more interested in checking out Barbara and Stacey than what Barbara said.

Barbara wrapped up her presentation by emphasizing the need for more development and stating that the product was too powerful.

"Yes, yes, Barbara, you keep telling me that it's too powerful. Is that even a concern? Do we have a finished product or not?" Bob glared at Barbara.

"Well, I'm sorry, Bob, board members, it is a concern. One that you should not take lightly," Barbara replied.

Bob whipped off his glasses, throwing them on the table. "Doctor, do you have a finished product, yes or no?"

Barbara could tell he was going to fire her if she said no. So, she initiated her last resort. She turned to her team and nodded. They spread out through the room, placing a red box with a bow in front of every board member.

Bob picked up his box, "What's this?"

The female members already had their boxes open. Inside, lying on a bed of red, crumpled tissue paper, was a small vial with a spray top.

"This is the product as it stands to this point. It works, as my project proposal states. However, it works too well. The potency needs to be diminished before we can sell this to the public," Barbara told them.

"How can it work too well and not be ready for distribution?" Bob continued his annoying behavior.

Barbara smiled. She had enough, "Please, sample it yourselves. You will see what I mean shortly. Trust me, no harm will come to you. It is safe to use."

Barbara and her team watched as each board member spritzed themselves with the potion. The female members spraying themselves in several places, like they would with any perfume.

"We'll be back in a second. I want to give you a chance to talk about the product amongst yourselves," Barbara told Bob. She turned around, and her team followed behind, closing the doors.

"Now what?" Brad asked.

Barbara chuckled, "We wait for the fireworks. Derrick, make sure you have your camera ready when we go back in."


They waited outside the boardroom. Moans, grunts, and a few "Oh my gods," could be heard through the door. Barbara gave them about five minutes before she and her team headed back in. She figured Bob was probably a "three pump Charlie," and she didn't want to miss anything.

The scene was basically an orgy. One female board member lay on her back on the table, her head dangling off the edge. Bob had his penis in her mouth, deep throating her. One of the male board members was between her legs fucking her wildly. The other female board member was bent over the table, getting fucked in the ass by the remaining man.

"Oh my goodness," Barbara yelled out, faking surprise.

The board members all looked at her, except for the one with Bob's cock down her throat. None of them even slowed down what they were doing.

Barbara glanced at Derrick, giving him a nod. He slowly brought the scene into the frame, filming the whole thing.

Barbara continued the charade, "Bob, what's the meaning of this? This is highly inappropriate."

Bob glanced at her. His eyes filled with animal lust. He continued thrusting his cock in and out of the board member's mouth, smiling at Barbara while he did it.

The sounds of skin slapping together and moaning filled the room. The woman, who was getting anal, was the first to come, followed by her male partner. The threesome achieved their orgasms not long after. Bob grunted as he filled the woman's mouth with his semen while she and the man between her legs came together.

When they were finished, the board members slumped in their chairs. None of them could look at each other as they tried to figure out what the hell just happened.

Barbara gestured to Stacey. Who handed out moistened cleansing wipes to all the board members.

"I would suggest that you all clean yourselves, especially the areas you used the spray," Barbara instructed. "Unless, of course, you all want to start round two?"

Bob cleaned himself, looking around for his clothes. "What the hell did you do to us, Barbara?"

Barbara smirked, "I tried to warn you multiple times. The product works too good. If I can develop it more, we'll have a billion-dollar product that every man and woman on the planet will want."

The other board members, not named Bob, nodded in agreement. Bob, on the other hand, was as stubborn as a mule,

"Develop it? You're not going to develop anything. You're fired!" Bob shouted at her.

"Now hold on a minute, Bob," one of the women said. "Dr. Carbinaro has a point. This stuff is fantastic, but it's too strong. I think we let her fix the issues, even if it means missing the holiday season."

"I agree," said the other woman. "Even if it worked a quarter of what it does now, people will line up around the corner to get it."

The two men nodded in agreement.

The first woman to speak stood up, still completely nude. "If anything, it's you that is fired, Bob. Do the rest of you agree?" turning to the other board members.

They all nodded in agreement.

"But, but, you can't do that," Bob nervously responded.

"We can, and we just did. Now, you and your tiny dick can get out. We'll have your things shipped to you," the female board member had her arms folded under her naked boobs.

Bob slowly walked out, carrying his socks and shoes in his hands. He glared at Barbara on his way out. She smiled, waving her fingers at him as he left.

The woman continued after Bob left. "Excellent work, Doctor. You know Bob was going to fire you one way or another, so he could take credit for your work. Now that he's out of the way. I want you to continue with your discovery and get the product done."

Barbara was still shocked by what just happened. "Yes, mam."

The woman sat down, not remotely interested in putting her clothes back on. As a matter of fact, none of the board members were putting their clothes back on.

"So how long do you think it will take Doctor to complete this wonderful scent?"

Barbara decided to sandbag a little, "Maybe one to two months?"

The woman sized Barbara up, "I see. Well, here's the deal. Get it done in three weeks, and we'll give all of you twenty percent raises and triple bonuses. It will still give us time for the holiday season. This product will probably outsell the Cabbage Patch Doll when it was launched."

Barbara looked at her team. Everyone's eyes were wide at the thought of the financial windfall. "Yes, mam. We'll get it done for you."

"Excellent! Now, we have some more things to discuss. So I'll ask all of you to please leave the room," the woman told them.

Barbara started to grab the vials that were on the table. "You can leave those, Doctor. We would like to study your discovery, further," the new woman boss smiled at her.

Barbara smiled back, "Yes, mam. Please enjoy it."

The two men grabbed the vials and began spraying themselves before Barbara and her team left the room.

Once, they were in the hallway. The group hugged, excited at their possible financial gains, and by what they just witnessed.

"Come on, let's go celebrate," Barbara told them. "I'm buying."

As they walked away, Barbara could hear new sounds of moaning coming from the boardroom.


The team worked hard for the next three weeks, practically sleeping in the lab. Barbara informed her family, they wouldn't see her for a while. Her kids went back to school, and Luka kept himself busy with work.

They tested the finished formula on Stacey, she insisted. Barbara brought in a couple of random guys who worked in the building to test the product. She couldn't trust Derrick or Brad's reaction since they were probably attracted to her, with or without the scent. She also did the same experiment using Brad since his looks were average at best. In both cases, the results were an overwhelming success.

The men immediately started hitting on Stacey, asking for her phone number and wanting to take her to dinner. The same happened with Brad, and Barbara picked the hottest women she could find working for the company. Brad had dates lined up for the rest of the year.

The product went into production, arriving at retailers three weeks before the holidays. The marketing blitz hit the airwaves, and Barbara's discovery became the must-have present.

Barbara walked through the door to her home. She finally got back to a regular schedule once the project was completed. The kids were home for their holiday recess, and Barbara planned a magnificent vacation for all of them, starting tomorrow. They were going on a luxurious two-week vacation to a private island. Walking into the living room, her family was watching TV.

Luka gave her a hug and handed her a bunch of magazines, "You're famous, Senior Vice President!"

On the covers of Cosmetology Insider, Science in the World, and People, was a picture of Barbara holding a beautifully crafted bottle of her completed project. The headlines and articles referred to her as a genius and pioneer.

Barbara chuckled, thinking if they only knew how it all happened. However, that's how science sometimes goes, accidental discoveries that lead to groundbreaking results.

She hugged her children, pulling Antonia off to the side. "Did you pack the vials I gave you?"

"Yes, Mommy. They're in my luggage," Toni replied.

Barbara kissed her Toni's forehead, "Good girl. Your father and brother won't know what hit them when we reach the private island."

Antonia giggled with anticipation.

"Mom, Mom, hurry up. The commercial is on," Marcus anxiously called to her.

Barbara sat down next to Luka, who put his arm around her. The commercial just began.

Images of a lonely woman and man appeared on the screen, followed by a picture of the finished product in its beautiful glass packaging. The voice-over starts:

Feeling lonely for the holidays?

Our newest creation, Climax! Will make the opposite sex desire you more than ever.

Just a few drops, and you'll have more dates than you can handle.

Perfume and cologne available at all fine retailers.

Try Climax! You'll be glad you did.

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Ravus_SapiensRavus_Sapiensabout 1 month ago

I think I've read this before, but it had a very different ending. Is this a re-upload?



ToughSailorToughSailor9 months ago

Great story line even though it is very slightly trite. Beautifully written. Was the good doctor's name of 'Carbinaro' intentionally chosen as a possible slight reference to the Carbinaro effect? Still a keeper . . . .

SraulersSraulers12 months ago

Cheating slut… 1*

olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 year ago

lololol,, like the premise,,if only!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have read this before. Not sure if it was on here, but it is not new.

Still, HOT!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why the hell, when talking about tits, is mall followed by but, instead of and????????

I much prefer small, to tin y tits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story

Good work. Not a unique theme, but an original story.

You were given some bad advice, though. The word ''mam" should have been written "ma'am." It is a contraction of the word "madam" which is formal polite and respectful address. Curiously and in contradiction it is also the head of house of prostitution. Words are funny.

JaceyTreyJaceyTreyover 3 years ago

Very hot, and quite humorous! At least the incest was within the realm of keeping it in the family. No weird pervert dude screwing the daughter while everyone cheered. Thanks for that. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the premise of this story. It has been done before, but you put a new spin on it which worked very well. Literotica has a page of helps for new writers, with multiple articles that speak on common mistakes inexperienced writers make, and how to avoid them. You may want to peruse them, and become enlightened. You posted that you used a literary program and an editor, but neither one caught your use of 'incite', which means to stimulate or goad into action as in 'incite a rebelion', when the word you really wanted was 'insight', which means a deeper understanding. This is just one example that I picked. Use of a dictionary might help you avoid that kind of mistake. Those who comment on your efforts are not always trying to just tell you your writing is bad, and that the story sucks, but may actually have constructive comments to make. Learn the difference. You will be a better writer for it, and maybe even a better person. Good luck on future efforts, I believe you have potential. I did give you 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 Stars

I loved the story, no complaints. However, unfortunately, I did read the top comments. Maybe this was mentioned in one of the comments I didn't read, but "mam" is an informal shortened form of Mother. Ma'am is the shortened form of madam.

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