All Comments on 'School at St. Agobard Island Ch. 01'

by Carible

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


Waiting for next part

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
St Agobard

Fairly lame. We were always nude in the locker room. Seems a poor start and a poor approach.

Yet for all the talk about being open and honest, there are separate rooms for Men and Women? Seems pretty hypocritical.

dclark21dclark21over 4 years ago

I loved it! The sexual tension is building. Please have Chapter 2 soon.

Bi75tedBi75tedover 4 years ago

You’ve wet my appetite. Looking forward to the next chapter

BiggaluteBiggaluteover 4 years ago

First story of yours i've read and i'm already looking forward to ch 2. You have a nice flow to your writing and good characters. thanks for writing and posting

mioelcidmioelcidover 4 years ago
mistery, exciting

We'll see. Waiting.

L O ReinsL O Reinsover 4 years ago

I’m betting a fiver on this developing into a really good series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Naked at school

I'm hoping this continues into a long series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Weird. And too short.

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