Seafood for Dinner

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Wife forgets that husband cannot eat seafood when she cooks.
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Seafood for Dinner

Wife forgets that husband cannot eat seafood when she cooks dinner for her ex-lover.

Sunday afternoon:

I was watching a football game on the TV and I smelled something unusual coming from the kitchen. I got up from the couch and headed for the kitchen to see what my wife was cooking.

"What is that smell?" I asked.

"I am cooking some halibut for dinner," my wife said. "I told you yesterday that I ran into Ted at the grocery store and I invited him to dinner tonight."

"I remember you saying that you bumped into him at the grocery store but I don't recall anything about him coming to dinner with us. I would definitely remember if it concerned Ted," I replied.

Ted was my wife's long-time lover from before we met. She had dated him the first two years of college and they lived together in an apartment the last two years of college. After they graduated, they continued to live together for a while, but when Ted broke up with Ann, she immediately started dating me. I had just returned from my commitment with the Army. All three of us grew up in the same small town in Colorado so we knew each other. The last I had heard about Ted was that he was in Kansas City and was married to the woman he dumped Ann for.

"Ann, surely you remember that I have a violent reaction to fish and seafood. When we were first married, we discussed this and you agreed to never cook fish or seafood because we could not afford to buy an EpiPen back then. So why would you cook seafood tonight?" I asked.

"I had invited Ted to have dinner with us and he told me Halibut is his favorite dish. Honey, he is getting over a bad divorce so I wanted to cook something special for him. I think in the excitement of seeing him, your allergy slipped my mind," she said.

"Since you know that seafood will make me sick, what are you cooking for me?" I asked.

"I.... I...." Ann stuttered.

"So let me get this straight. You expected me to eat seafood with you and Ted, knowing that it will make me very sick," I said.

"I bought enough halibut for the three of us without thinking," Ann said. "Honey, run to the store and pick up a steak, I will fix you a nice dinner too. I would go to the store, but I need to keep an eye on baking the halibut" my wife said.

"So now I have to go buy my own dinner while you fix a fancy dinner for you ex-lover. Isn't this just fucking great!" I said angrily.

"Honey, it was a simple oversight. Please hurry back with your steak because he will be here in 20 minutes and I don't want to over-cook the halibut," my wife said.

"Ann, this whole thing 'smells' like a date with your ex-lover and I am a third wheel. No one wants a third person around on a date. So, did you cook something that I cannot eat just so that I would have to leave so that you can be alone with your lover? Is he going to spend the night here too? Am I supposed to sleep in the guest room so that you two can fuck in the master bedroom just like old times?" I yelled.

"Honey, it is not a date and he is not staying here and I am certainly not fucking anyone tonight! You are being silly and jealous. Get over it! Please go get a steak so that I can have everything done at once," my wife said.

I stood staring at my wife. Her red hair was in a pony tail which makes her look 10 years younger than her 42. She had put on her "face" with eye makeup and darkened eye brows. She had on a light blue blouse with the top 4 buttons undone to expose a lot of her C cup tits and some cleavage. Her skirt looked new and was several inches above her knees. She never dresses like this. Yep, tonight is a date with her ex-lover!

"Ann, I notice that you are dressed very special for Ted. I don't recall you dressing with your tits hanging out like that for date night with me. Are you trying to get back together with Ted tonight?" I asked.

"Honey, you are being silly! I dress up every time we have guests for dinner. This is nothing special tonight. I always try to look nice for you when we go out on date night," Ann said.

"You are showing a lot of tits and cleavage for a causal dinner. I don't care what you think, you have never dressed like this for me on our date nights," I said.

"Jim, please go get a steak and hurry. Ted will be here soon," Ann said.

"Alright, Ann! I am leaving! I will get my steak at Texas Road House. It is clear that I am not wanted here!" I said and I headed for the garage.

"Honey, please don't be angry. I made a mistake," she said following me.

I grabbed my keys from the hook on the laundry room wall. In 10 seconds I was in my car and backing out of the garage. I laid rubber as I took off down the street.

I realized that I was driving the wrong direction to go to the steak house so I drove into a neighborhood park and parked the car. I need to calm down and think about this. My wife and I have never had an argument where one of us left the house. Why am I so upset? I remember my wife telling me yesterday that she met Ted at the grocery store, but she never said anything about having him for dinner. My wife of 20 years knows that I cannot eat seafood but she made no attempt to have anything for me to eat. Would I be this upset if it were anyone other than Ted? No, Ted is the problem! I think she pissed me off just so I would leave so that they can be alone. I wonder if she is planning to fuck him now that I have left the house. I wonder if she was thinking about Ted when we made love last night.

I have always had the concern in my mind that I was Ann's second choice for a husband. She and Ted were together almost 5 years and were intending to get married. When Ted dumped Ann for another woman, Ann started immediately dating me. She talked me into marrying her right away. I felt like I was a "rebound husband" for Ann. I do admit that she has been an excellent wife for 20 years but now Ted has shown up, and Ann is acting like a school girl getting ready for a date.

I had lost my appetite so I decided to go back home and see what is going on. I parked two houses down the street from mine to watch the front door. Sure enough, Ted showed up right on time. He parked on our driveway and went to the door carrying some flowers and a bottle of wine. They had a quick "Hello" kiss at the door and then she escorted him inside.

I got out of my car and ran around the back of my house. We have a glass sunroom that connects to the kitchen area so I could see into our kitchen including the dining table. Our backyard has lots of trees and bushes so I was able to hide behind a lilac bush where I could see into the kitchen.

Ann took Ted's arm and escorted him into the kitchen. She took the flowers and put them in a vase from the cupboard. Ted started opening the wine. This is going to take some time so I moved around the house to the trash dumpsters. I had thrown away a 5 gallon bucket earlier today when I used up the last of the fertilizer. I took it back to my hiding spot and used the bucket upside down for a seat so that I could watch.


Inside the Kitchen:

"Ann, it was so good to see you yesterday. Thank you for inviting me to dinner," Ted said.

"On Saturday you told me that your favorite meal is halibut so I am cooking some for you with lemon sauce - just like you like it," Ann said.

"Where is Jim?" Ted asked.

"He should be back soon. I was so excited to see you yesterday that I forgot that he cannot eat seafood so I sent him to the store to get a steak," Ann replied.

"I think I remember something like that about him. I have the wine open. Do you have some wine glasses?" Ted asked.

Ann opened a cabinet door and brought out 3 wine glasses. She set them on the table. Ted poured some in his and Ann's glasses and then held up his as a toast.

"To good friends and lovers," he said as Ann picked up her glass.

They talked about old times for several minutes.

"I better call Jim on his cell phone. The halibut is almost ready," Ann said.

She picked up her phone from the kitchen counter and called my phone. It started to ring in my pocket so I quickly switched it to vibrate only. I let the call go to voice mail.

"He didn't answer. I think that we better eat the halibut before it becomes too done. I'll fix his steak when he returns," Ann said.

She served two plates with halibut in lemon sauce. The side dishes were already on the table. Ted did most of the talking while they ate but Ann really didn't seem to pay much attention. Her mind was somewhere else. As they were finishing the meal, Ann started to cry.

"Ann, what is wrong? Your meal was absolutely perfect," Ted said.

"Oh Ted, I have done a bad thing. I was so excited to see you yesterday that I forgot that Jim cannot eat any fish or seafood. He has an instantaneous reaction that can be fatal if not treated promptly. I didn't buy anything for him to eat so I told him to go buy a steak and hurry back. He left here in an angry rage before you arrived. I am afraid that he is not coming back. I really fucked up!" Ann said crying.

"Surely, he saw that it was just a mistake," Ted said.

"Ted, he is very jealous of our previous relationship. He has always believed that he was my second choice for a husband. This dinner looked to him like I didn't want him here so that I could be alone with you," she explained.

"Yes, I can see how he might think that. Ann, I can see that you are upset so let's go into the living room and let me hold you for a few minutes," he said.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. We will start kissing like we did yesterday and if Jim came home and caught us, my marriage would be over. I think you should go," Ann said.

"You are probably right; I should go. Ann, the dinner was wonderful and I loved being with you again. I will call you tomorrow at work to find out how things are," Ted said.

He got up to leave and Ann ran over to him and hugged him while she cried on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her but his hands were on her butt. After a couple of minutes, she walked him to the front door. Before she could open it, Ted grabbed her around the waist and kissed her. It started as a "thank you" kiss but they both really got into kissing with tongues seeking each other. Ted lowered his hands and grabbed Ann's butt cheeks and pulled her tight against him while they were kissing. It looked like he was grinding Ann's body against his hardon. Ann put both her arms around Ted's neck. Then in a swift move, Ted removed his hands from her butt and pulled up her skirt to her waist. He then put one hand on her pussy on the outside of her panties. I saw his fingers push her panties to one side so that his finger could get to her pussy lips.

Ted broke the kiss and said, "Let's go to bed and have sex just like we used to do. Even if Jim comes home and sees us, I know that he won't do anything."

Ann pushed away from Ted with her hands and stood staring at him. Then she opened the door and motioned for Ted to leave. He shrugged his shoulders and left.


Back Outside:

I watched them eat dinner but their passionate kiss with roaming hands at the door really had me steaming angry. I sat on my bucket and watched Ann clean up the table and put the dishes in the dish washer. Then she sat down at the table with her head in her hands. She grabbed her cell phone from the kitchen counter and I saw her dial. My cell phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I looked at it and Ann was calling me. I let it go to voice mail.

Ann stood up and got a box of tissues from the kitchen and sat down again at the table. I could tell that she was crying. She must have used 6 or 7 tissues and then I saw her dial on her cell phone again. I felt my phone vibrate again. When I didn't answer I saw her type a text.

Since Ted was gone and Ann sat there crying, I decided to leave. I don't need to watch her crying.


I went back to my car and drove to Burger King. I ordered a whopper and fries. I sat in the parking lot and ate my dinner. Well, it wasn't a steak but the company was better than at my house.

I drove around for a while and finally drove to my house. All the lights were out except for our bedroom light. I pulled up on the driveway and turned off the car. I decided not to put the car in the garage as the overhead garage door might wake Ann if she were asleep. I walked to our front door and used my key to open it. I had thought about sneaking in but then I thought "Why should I? This is my house." So I slammed the front door to let Ann know that I was home. As I approached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Ann come to the landing at the top. She was totally naked because we both sleep that way.

"Thank God, you are home! I have been so worried about you," Ann said.

I climbed the stairs saying nothing. I walked into our bedroom and started to undress.

"Honey, did you get something to eat? I could fix you a breakfast if you are still hungry," Ann said.

I turned and just stared at her for a couple of minutes. We neither one said anything. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red. Her cheeks were wet with tears.

"I hope I was gone long enough for you and Ted to do whatever," I said.

"Honey, nothing happened. We ate our dinner and just talked. After dinner, he left. That is all that happened," Ann replied.

"So you are telling me that nothing happened? Are you sure that you guys didn't kiss and make out just before he left? Ann, you are such a liar," I said.

"I... ah, we..." Ann stuttered with a puzzled look on her face.

I walked into the master bathroom to the laundry closet. I took out two blankets and a spare pillow. I handed them to Ann and then I put my hands on her shoulders. I gently pushed her out of the bedroom and into the hall.

"I don't sleep with a lying wife," I said.

"Honey, I didn't lie to you! Nothing happened," Ann said.

I slammed the bedroom door and locked it.

"Honey, please let me in. I made a silly mistake about dinner but nothing happened. Let me show you how much I love you," she said crying again.

I unlocked the door an opened it a few inches.

"You just lied to me about nothing happened when in reality, you made out with Ted. I won't sleep with a wife who lies to me or a wife who makes out with another man. You say that you want to show me that you love me by fucking me with a pussy that Ted played with first. I don't do seconds!

"You can sleep on the couch or on the floor. For some stupid reason you never keep sheets on the guest bed. The only reason you are sleeping inside this house is because you didn't bring your lover up here. If you had, you would be on the front lawn naked," I said and closed the door and locked it.

I could not go to sleep because a million thoughts were running through my head. Could tonight have been planned and I fell into their plan? Is Ted that smart and am I that stupid to fall for it? Has he come back home to get Ann back?


The alarm went off and I hit the shower. Then I shaved and got dressed for work. Thanks to the GI Bill, I was able to get my engineering degree after I married Ann. Now I am the Director of Engineering for a pharmaceutical company nearby. I always get up early so that I can be at work by 7 am.

I went into the kitchen and Ann had made a nice breakfast for us. From her appearance I could tell that she did not sleep at all. Since I had locked her out of the master bedroom, she had on an old robe that was hanging in the guest closet. I sat down at the table and looked at the plate of food.

"What? No seafood!" I said sarcastically.

Ann ducked her head down and said, "I keep telling you that it was just a mistake. Jim, you are over reacting about a silly meal. Could we please talk about this?"

I said nothing and just ate my food. When I was finished, I stood up and headed for the front door. I had left my car on the driveway last night so I didn't have to go to the garage.

I got in my car and left for work. The pharma plant is about half a mile from our home so it didn't take me long to get there. I badged in and started my daily tour of the plant to see that everything was working smoothly. When I entered the packaging area, I saw Martha, the supervisor for packaging, talking with one of her lead technicians.

"Martha, when you have a little time this morning, would you please come see me in my office?" I asked.

She nodded "yes" to me and then I moved on with my tour. About half an hour later, Martha came into my office.

"You wanted to see me, Jim?" she asked.

"Yes. Please close the door and sit down," I said.

Martha is a very attractive, bottle-blonde with a great body. She was divorced two years ago and is a single Mom of two kids. I still do not understand why her husband cheated on her.

I explained to her about what happened at dinner last night and how I felt like I was #2 in Ann's life. She understood my feelings and expressed her displeasure of my wife's actions.

"Martha, I would like you to come to my house for dinner tonight," I said.

"You want me to be the guest tonight to show your wife how it feels. Give her a dose of her own medicine. I think I can get a baby sitter. Should I act affectionate to you?" she asked.

"A little flirting but not too much. I don't want my wife to think that we have something going on. I will fix steaks, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Can you be at my house about 5 or 5:15? Ann will be home at 5:30 and I would like to be starting dinner about then. Here is my address," I said and gave her a sheet of paper.

About 4 pm I left work and headed to the super market. I picked up two very nice steaks, a package of ready-made mashed potatoes and two ears of corn.

When I got home, I set the table for two including wine glasses. I put the mashed potatoes in a glass container to heat them up. I cleaned the ears of corn and wrapped them in the self-cling wrap so that they were ready to cook. About 5:15 Martha showed up at my door and she was dressed like she was going out dancing or out on a date. She had on a short, tight black skirt and a white blouse. She had unbuttoned several buttons on her blouse to show off her tits that appeared to be D cup or larger.

"Damn! You clean up good!" I said.

"I thought it might help with your plan," she said laughing. "This could be fun tonight!"

I started cooking the steaks on the grill out on the patio. She helped with the corn and potatoes. I opened a bottle of wine and poured some in our glasses. My timing was perfect. I was just bringing in the steaks from the grille when Ann walked in. Martha was putting the ears of corn on the table.

"I'm home, honey. What the....." Ann said.

"Surely you remember that I told you that I had invited Martha over for dinner? You remember Martha? She supervises the packaging department. She has recently had a bad divorce just like Ted so I thought I would invite her to dinner," I said.

"You only have two steaks," Ann said.

"Yes, I forgot to buy anything for you. You must have slipped my mind. It was just a silly mistake. Why don't you run to the store and bring something back for you to eat.... and don't hurry. Martha and I have a lot of catching up to do. And since it is OK to give passionate kisses and make-out with our divorced guests after dinner, she and I will spend some time on the couch after dinner," I said.

I saw Ann's face reflect several emotions. First there was anger, then it changed to hurt, and finally to surprise. Yep, I know about the kissing. Ann turned around and walked back toward the garage. She slammed the door to the garage and I heard her car drive off.

Martha and I enjoyed our dinner. We talked about her divorce and her life as a single mother. I made certain that we did not talk about my wife and me. No need for sadness. When we were finished with the meal, Martha helped me put the dishes in the dishwasher and then I walked her to the door.